The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, January 03, 1801, Image 4

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A / > 'P 7/ ' ire <■ orr i ’ tv \ r o F YANKEE WIT. (The following is a very dr ell Seamen cf wit. It has pdf h ally appeared hi a Providence paper ; and if the Groceries cf /his Rhode- Iflandji Her he as high fevered as his humour, he de serves a daily crowd cf cujlomcrs.) TO be fold ly NICHOLAS BRANCH, At his Refr a fiery y Weft End of the bridge, PROVIDENCE, SOLID ARGUMENTS, Ccnlifting of Bread, butter, cheefe, ham, eggs, Jahnon, neat tongues, oyfters, &c, ready cooked. AGITATIONS; Cyder, vinegar, fait, pickles, fweet oil, &c. GRIEVANCES : Pepper-faucc, muftard, black-pep per, Cay erne, &c. PUNISHMENTS: /Vine, brandy, gin, fpirits, hitlers , porter, G>c. SUPERFLUITIES: Snuff, tobacco and fegars. N. H. Any of the above ar ticles to be exchanged for NECESSARIES, viz. French crowns, Spanifh dollars, pijhireens, cents, mills, or hank Ms. Credit given for PAYMENTS, ~0, Co, and 90 feconds, cr as long as a man can held bis breath. Rf ; i )IMENTS, gratis, viz. l beje indebted for A rgu men ts Mu ft not be Agitated, Nor think it a Grievance, If they fhc uld m eet Pll n i fli me nt hr calling forfuch Supcrfl ui ties, ■Andfupprfhtg it net Neee ffary, 7'o make immediate Pay me nt. From a London paper — Aug. 10. There is now in the river an aftoni(Ling hairy wild man, caught four hundred miles from the Cape of Good Hope, bro’t over in the Rambler, South Sea Whaler; he is of aftonifning mufcular ftrength, a fpecimen of which had nearly proved fa tal to one of the cuftom houfe officers, who inadvertantly went too near him ; he feized hold of the man, twirled him about two or three times with the gre ate ft velocity, and then threw over the fide. Luckily the man cf caped with a horrid fright and found ducking. A V\ agoner flopped a few claves pallwith his team, at Slay maker s inn, in the borough of 1 ancafter. to feed his horfes. One of them got loofe, and im mediately farted off for the ilacehouie. the wagon er’s difeovering it, he purfued in’rn ; and, taking hold of the bridle, attempted to lead him back. The horfe refilled. He then had recourfe to the whip; but all to no effed: Upon which he exclaimed, f< You '*“y —d Arillocrar/ you arc al 'nrjl as ftuborn as the 13 Sena tors.” | Eiji cf Defaulters r>i tvaren County, for the year 180 c. CJpt. Carteds Dijlridt, William Davis, Inlow, Edmund Brown and Cary Cox. Capt. Smith's Dlftriil. Aquilla Scott, Tames David fon, Richard Smith, Neel Lag gargon, William Wilkins; Wil liam Darden, James Oliver, Alexander Jarrott, Jacob Lee, John Goodwin, Jethro Darden, John Robertfon, William Stone, James Pool and Lepham. Cap/. AlarJhall's Diftrifi. William Jenkins, James Da vis, Eli Williams, No we I Ma thews, David Rhodes, William Purdue, Merry Sanders, Jarrott Wright, George Johnfon, I ewis John fon, Edward Taylor, Tho mas Pate, Abel Hill, Mathew Mims, Henry Prince and Sarah Golding. Copt. Jones's Di fried. William Wood yard, Thomas Jones, Allen Davis, William Meadows, Eli Butler, James Gibfbn, John Claiborn, jun. William Pool, Benjamin Coop er, Amos Johnfon, james Par- Jiam, John Bates, jun. Labon Armftrong, Robert Burton, Je remiah Willey, Mathew Par ham, fen. Richard Gunn, John Davis, Noble M c Cowen, John Woodyard, Abraham Johnfon, jun. William Kirkland, John Claiborn, Richard Dozzier, John Moore and William Ciai born. Capt. JVilfciis Difir ill. John Wheeler, Edward Mag glamory, Benjamin Eurgins, Richard Story, Wright, Jonathan Dunaway, Jacob Parr, jun. Tames Anfley, james Tap per, John Brown, Samuel Geef ling, Reubin Meadows, John M c Necfe, l ewis Powell and Jacob Johnfton. Capt. Newfom's Diftrifi j •James Batten, William Todd, John Carrell, Caleb Stephens, Burrell Stephens, Robt. Thomp fon, jun. Thomas Ooton, Wil liam Bloodworth, Mar thy Huff, Widow Right, John Ruftin, Lydia Nipper, Nathan Harris, Thomas Hogan, Samuel Story, Win. I farden and fohn Hogg. Capt. Hatcher's Diftrifi. Richard Harden, Ephraim Bifhop, Arthur Peacock, John Griffin, Burrell Stephens, Tho mas Boatwright and James Mar tin. Capt. Abercrombie's Diftrifi. Willie Jones, Renj. Oliver, jun. Daniel Davidfon, brothers. William Kctchcns, John Wilfon, Mark Littleton, Mrs. Buffington, John A. John fon, William Berry, Robert Obarr, George Taylor, Frede rick Glover, Wafliington Glo ver, Williams Brooks, Benja min Jones, fen. Boas Kitchens, Ancle Panfh, Barvil Evans, Samuel Ofborn, Job Todd, William Todd, Thomas Flow ers, Bounds and . . LV iiliams. Capt. Neal's Difirifi. lofhua Scott, Robert Lafe ter, Wm. Harding, William and John M‘Clung. Capt. Ho by on's Diftrifi. Henry A vent, Robert McDa niel, John Bofhears, Elijah Hugh Banks, Chapman Hop fon, | a s. Williams, Henry Mofs, Wi!- )iiamßarden,f n. George Tamp - liii, 1 ewis Rowan and Septimus Weatherhy, Jim. JOHN HOBSON, R. T. R. W. C. December 17. The SUBSCRIBER OFFERS for fair, his two adjoining, well improved and convenient LOTS, fituate oppofite the State Houfe, fur rounded with two main ftfeets leading into the Country, and two Alleys. On one of which Lets fcands his Dwelling Houfe, 1 it D J well calculated for a Boarding Honfc or Store, and known by the fign of the American arms. 1 lie other Lot is improved as a Garden with all kinds of va luable Fruit Trees, Shrubs and beautiful Hedges, which makes it an agreeable dwelling. A purcliafer who would wifh to have a plantation contiguous, may be accommodated with from fifty to two hundred and fifty acres or more of good land, adjoining the commons, fit for the culture oPcorn, cotton, rice, 6cc. well watered, abounding with fprings, and fituate On Oge chce river; out of which a race of about one hundred yards be ing cut, would afford fuificient water at all times to turn a grift or law mill. On the land is an excellent feinc place, where may be taicenin their fcaf#n to a greet amount of fhad anti other fifh. It would take an age to exhaufl j y* * I 1 tne laid land of its firewood, which is an objedt worthy the attention of a purcliafer. The mofl clear and mdi I putable titles for laid premifes, fhali be given, and terms made eafy. A dwel ling in Charlefton, or Savannah, would be taken in exchange, ancf boot given, or taken. For further information apply on the premifes, to JOHN BARRON : JVho has for fale, a final! Afifiort went of firefih well ch fieri Goods, among which arc , Broad Cloths, Drabs, Bath Coating Flufhing, Striped Elaftic S wanfdov/n, Cafli me res Fancy Cord, Thickfec Durant, Platillas Brown Sileua h ilb Linen Tamboured Mufi i n s Handfome Cailicoes Handkerchiefs of various kinds Writing Paper, Duffil Blankets White Plains Ladies and Gentlemens Hole Mens Worked Gloves Colored and Ounce Thread Knives and Forks Pruning Knives Pen ditto, Sailors Ivory Combs Combs and Cafes Ladies and Gentlemens Hats Coffee, Sugar, and many other things, too tedious to men tion. Lou fin Ac, Dec, 17, IGOO. ALL cor corned will take 7: of ice, tuat there xvill he on applica tion made to the honorable the next court 0/ ordinary, for the county ofi ft ojhmgion, jor letters dijmijfiary I n the e/iatc cf jdfic Smith, de - j cc fifed, by Wu nm Smith, executor* | October 15, 3800. ; Executive Depart i \ Lcuifville, Dec, i■? • r , ' ORDERED, That rhc c p f . of the law refpeftinpr t ;.,. " .1 p L - va C tio.n 01 receivers of tay r- tm ?nd colledlors of tax, L iifhcd in the feveral rx.rrr ' , ' I * o /Aiu; > C'i this irate. Thomas Tojjv, t— c ‘ " > oCLTtiC, y. it;. Tfa? from the Ai: c % ti.. a t Ahi to raife a Tex for //. ■_>, pey! cj Government for t* r 1801. “ he it farther crrTu* I hat on the firft Monday January annually, the Julil- cs of the Inferior Courts and |uf. ti.ces of the Peace of the ‘ rc f. pedlive Counties of this Sr. n-a’l be, and they are hereby authorised and required to cleft the Receivers of Tax Returns (as the cafe may be) for th* time being, and Colleger of Taxes in their rclpcftive coUn ties.’ ’ UOUN 0, a few days ago, fcy -»* a negro tci-ow, belongin'.” to John Man'll all, a red moroc co POCKET BOOK, contain ■ ing 1 undry papers and letters of value to the owner. Among them a commifTion, given to John SWilley, jun. as juflicc of the peace of the county of Mont gomery . The owner may have the Pocket Book, and papers, by applying to John MarfhalJ, living about fix miles from Lou iIville, on Dry Creek, and re warding the negro for finding the fame, and paying for this advertifement. _Dcc. 8, 18 co. N O T I C eT ALL Pcrfons indebted to the eitate of Thomas MufTrey, de ceafed, are requefled to make immediate payment; and thofc to whom the eflate is juflly in debted, are defined to come and receive payment. pEX ELOPE Mu FFREY, Adm 1 nifratrix. Dec. 10, i3oo. NOTI C eT ALL thofc indebted to Wil liam Little, late of the county of Burke, dcceafed, are requeu ed to come forward and fettle their refpeftive accounts, or they will be put into the hands of an attorney, on the f.rk day of January next ; and all thofc who have any legal demands againft the Laid William Little, to render in a juft ftatement thereof, fo that the executors may know how to arrange the foid eflate, to make payment. James Trowal, Wm. Patterson, Executors. Dec. j, ißco. N O T I C E. ALL thofc indebted to Wil liam Pollard, Lite of Lcuifviile, merchant, are requefled toccinc forward and fettle their refpec tive accounts ; and all thofe who may have any demands crunk foid deceafed, to render In a ftatement of the fame before the firlt day o 1 January next. David M c Cor m - •'» Ad,min if rat or. Dec * t Ron