The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, January 10, 1801, Image 3

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If th. 11 '• d S £ R c R R E 5 E >? T A - v , AR J * •* y, ARw. 24, 1 3 00. On rar ion— Rcfshed, Tine r,j e iVo i larfis, Dooly, and v oe a committee to carry : following to the Senate. \Ve are commanded by the ot Rep: e Locatives to im - peach at your bar, John Berri en, efq. Trcafurer of this fete, of divers high crimes & rafdcmcanors, and wc do here ' names and in the names c 1 >:■" citizens of the faid b. y rnpeach the faid John ■■ cirmi ciq.: ’i J.ivershighcrimes and mifdemeanors, accordingly. And that they do demand that the laid John Berrien be held to (county until he be duly deliv ered, by judgment of your ho norable body, and that in due time the fenace will be furnifh cd with articles of impeach ment againfb him. Articles of impeachment, ex* blbited by the Home of Rep refentatives of the State of Georgia, who poflefs the folc power to impeach all perfons who have been, or may be in office, in behalf of thcmfelves and ail the citizens of the faid State. To the fenate of the faid Rate whole foie power is to try the U ne, againftjohn Berrien, late Trcafurer of the faid Rate, for divers high crimes and mifde (iieanors, that is to fay, Article tbs ift. That the faid John Berrien, Lite Trcafurer as a orefiid, on, about, or before tic 2iff day of November, 17 99> leffening the confequence of his high appointment, con trary to the laws and conßltutu on of the faid Rate, preferib •ing the rules and regulations of the Treafury, and the conduct of the Trcafurer, did embez zle and fecret a certain proper ty in the Treafury Office, and in his care a, Ttafurer, to the amount of nine thoifand nine hundred and fifty dollars and fifty two cents ; which hid pro perty is called and knewn as well as in the conßitution as in the laws of this Rate, by the name of " Yazoo Dspqfit” m manifeft violation of his dut«s us Treafurer, and of the righs of certain individuals infared t' them by the conßitution and faws of this Rate. . Art ids id. And that the fail John Berrien, late Trcafurer as aforefaid, contrary to his faid oath of office, taken and fub fcrlbed by him the faid John Berrien, on the 20th ol Febru ary 1796, in the words follow ing, that is to far, “ I John Berrien do folemnlv fwear that i will truly and faithfully ac count for all monies, certifi cates, books, papers, and oth er property, which may be de polited in my hands, either upon entering into the duties of office as Trcafurer, or at any time du ring my continuance in the fame ; that I wall not upon any pretence whatever, open, or Laffer to be opened, any fealed bundles, or parcels of money, certificates, papers or other pro perty which may be put into my pofTeffion by virtue of the faid office of Trcafurer (unle fs exprefsly directed fo to do by an order of the Governor, or by a legiftqpvf aft c.r erder) bu: that 1 will fccep and prefervt, the fame umpencJ and unim paired: and 1 do further fwear, *har I will fvhen required either oy the authority of the Exe cutive, or by the aft or order of the Lcgiflature, deliver up all or any part of Inch monies, cer tificates, books, papers or other property whatever, as may be tie pouted in my polLeffion as 1 realurer, in conformity to a ny Rich aft or order.—That I will at all times during my con tinuance in office, make and receive all payments and deli veries of money, certificates or other property whatfoever, which may be neerfiary, in con formity to Executive afts, and to warrants drawn or to be drawn by the Governor, Prefidcnt of the Senate, and Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, for the pay of the general alfem bly.—And I do further fwear, that I will in all refpefts in the faid office of Trcafurer, con dud and demean myfelf with fi delity, prnftuality and inte grity. So help me God, " (Signed) “ John Berrien.” Did open or fuffered to be o pened certain fealed bundles of property, called and known by the appellation of" Yazoo Dc pofit,” and thereout did em bezzle, and take the fum of nine thoufand nine hundred and fifty dollars and fifty two cents j and on or about the faid 21R day of November, didrefufeto deliver up to the aft and order of the legiflaturc thro’ their committee of finance, appoint ed to inlpeft the Treafury, all or any part of Rich property called " Yazoo depoßt,” to the amount of the faid fum of nine thoufand nine hundred and fifty dollars and fifty two cents. By which direft violation of his facred oath of office, the faid John Berrien, late Trcafurer as aforefaid, has committed the the dignity and charafter of the Rate, and has Riakenthc confi dence placed in her officers. And the faid Eloufe of Re prefentatives by proteßation, Riving to thcmfelves the liberty of exhibiting at any time here after any other accufations or impeachments, againß the faid John Berrien, and aKo replying to the anfwcr he ffiail thereto Re, and of effiering proofs to te premifes, feverally nr col- Iftively, or of any other im pediments or accufations that ffiaibe by them exhibited a gamffiim, as the cafe ffiail, ac cording the cußom and ufage of legia tures require : And ( they that the faid John Ber rien may>e put to anfwer to all and everyrf their faid articles and may L committed to fecu rity ; and Rich proceedings, examination trials and judge ments may 1 upon him, uled and had, as Agreeable to law and jußice. 'iruly taken fiy the Journal^ George R. Tavton, for Hines Hol 1 clerk. Alfo entered on hc j oum al of Senate the 26th t y 0 f vember, 180c—anc.^ u jy ta j._ en therefrom. Teße John Bost f, r WlifclAM IvOBERTSO!^’^ t % Will reman* on record to all poderlty ? and your chil drens children Major may have it thrown up to them—you are really to be pitied !—Now for your familiar lieut. col. Wm. Melton of Greene—can he de ny but that he was captain of a company of tories during the revolutionary war ? and that he was with the notorious Britifh tory plunderer col. C unningham, his burnings and robberies on fait catchers, and cl few here in South k arolina ? And is lie not recognized oh oath, as plundering and robbing the houfes 6c plan tations of a Mr. Anderfon, n then Camden didrid, and a Mr. I 4 fridge about 20 miles below 96 ? at the former with the point of his (word at her bread, obliging Mrs. Anderfon to open a died and hold the lid while it was plundered and ran facked, and Mr. Eikrulge loft his life in purfuing the party to recover his negroes—but our legiflature have'taken this cha rade r up, and damped him too Major with eternal infamy, as a man whfe conduct zvas too infa mous to he deferibed on ‘paper ; as follows, to wit: In Senate Thurfday , December 1794. The Senate took up the re port of the committee to whom was referred the communication of his Excellency the Govern or, of the id December ind. which being read and amended, was agreed to, and is “ That on the depodtion of William Butler,* and Ruflel Wilfori, both of the date of South Carolina, fully dating the conduct of William Melton, formerly of die date of South- Carolina, hut now of this date, knowingthe faid Melton previ ous to the war between Great- Britain and America, and that during die war he had plundered theJcttlernents of South Caroli na of negroes and herfes, and WHOSE CONDUCT WAS TOO IN FAMOUS TO BE DESCRIBED ON paper— Your committee are of opinion that no appointment whatever can be valid or confid ent with the laws, and refolves of this date, that Is held by any perfon or pe.rfons, who come within the meaning and intenti on of the ad of the genera] al fembly, “ for afeertaining the right of aliens, and pointing out the mode of admillion of citi zens , paded the 17th of Feb ruary, 178 5.”4- And your com mittee are further of opinion, that on proper charges being exhibited againd the laid Wm. Melton, to theofficercommand ing the divifion or brigade to which he belongs, or to his 1 Excellency the commander in chief of the militia of this State, they, or cither of them can order a court of enquiry, to examine * From the high ft an ding of Major General Butler, and Mr. Wilfon , no doubt can 0:1ft of the fall. f This lazaj excludes end de bars the Colonel from holding a Ccmmiffim —he had better accept the challenge capt. Roy ft on pre fented him—take a half a dozen more fbet~~ani reftgn. . AV*r . the links and take the flcps on thc rc port nf i lieh co u rt. ~ I true hxtrail from the Journal. In the Heufe of Rcprtjmuuivts n 28 th December, 1 • Head, and agreed to. Geo. R. Cl \vton, for Hines Holt, Clerk. And tills i$ the man, who with a certain Major, a member alio of the lad legislature, Iworr, that a well known revolutionary 1 whig, Should never hold an office again in this date, and they only voted for the damn’d rafcal as Senator to Congrefs, to fend him out of the way. 1 bus, Major, from your fal# ling into error, by your embez element of the 9950 dollars 52 cents, and your direfl violation (f your Jacred oath of office, which your country has charged you with—you fee with what company you have united—with whom you have got connected —had you held faithful to your trud, kept pure and uncorrupt, your known pride would have upheld you from fuch a connec tion—but one faJfc dep oft re duces nun to the mod falleu date—what might not your dancling in Society have been had you kept firm and truft-worthy —how happy would it have been for your podcrity, but now you appear with the com munity as it were, “ Cut off even in the bloSTorOf of your fin; “ No reckoning made, but fent to your account, " With all your imperfections on your head!” Once more in, the Louifvillo Ga/ette, I bid you adieu—and you may as well let me red in peace; fur Should you again didurb me, I wall begin to-*- Harrow up your foul, And awake your mind to all the? horror, of dcfpair. A. A LIST of letters remaining in the Peft-Office at Louisville,on the fir ft day of January 1801, which, if not taken out before the fir ft day of April next, will he returned to the General Pcft~ Office as dead letters. SAMUEL HAMMOND* 7, Thomas H. Kenan, 2, Jef fe Eipkin, Col. John Davis, Col. Andrew Burns, 2, Deo cldian Davis, Benj. Whitaker, Benjamin I tow ard, Margaret M‘Neely, Stephen Johnfon, Dr. John Hall, 2, Col. John Cobbs, 2, Benj. Baldwin, Ruflel Brown, Nathan Powell, Richard T. Cofby, 3, Robert Craig, John Twiggs, 2, Lydia Hartfield, Peter J. Carnes, 3. Jamea Mitchell, Jofeph Clay, jun. Charles Harris, John B. Gerar dean, Mathew Knight, H. Q. Caldwell, William Kobinfon, Willie Shepherd, WilliamTho m-L, John Colt, Charles Cadi ty, Robert Iverfon, Maj. Dav id Adam ~ James Young, Maj. Franklin, fofeph Rogers, Ar chibald Woods, Col. Mofea Speers, Redden Blount, Arthur Fort, George Philips, John M'Cormick, Roger Lawfon, Benjamin Moore, Andrew Ken nedy, Richard Brown. ' JAS. BOWMAN,