The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, January 10, 1801, Image 4

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I,i:\V-LONDOK S Air. :i6. On herding Lawyers to Cergrefs. The repk-fenratives in con grtf from Connecticut are all lawyers. Ic is laid Con rcfticut is a legitimate Hate, and ci comTe breeds an uncommon proportion of lawyers. —This iray be true, but if Panic other laying" are true, we might ex pe<fb certain other c haradlcrs in this vay of promotion, unlefs it be more preferable to day at home, and fend ibme to the flock abroad. The federalifts in MafTachufetts have Tent the Kev. Mr. Cutler, of Hamil ton, to Congrcfs, as being more Eatable to declaim on politics there, than in the pulpit.— V\ hat kind of congrcfs Meffrs. Dwight, Morfc, Linn, Aber crombie, Mafon, and fome o thers we could mention, would make, may readily be conjeft ured. On the propriety of fend ing petty fogging lawyers to that houfc, Dr. Dennie, the I ay Preacher, and (launch fe deralift, has the following ob fer various: “ A congrcfs wholly compo fc.l of lawyers, would be as jangling and jarring, as verbofe and vexatious as die couniels at T»ent and Eafil. Such a con p.rcf, with their bar metaphy- Jies, with their technical jargon and fettled habits of chicane, would be the fource of infinite pen! to the community.—Let him who doubts this pofition look at the lift of thole charadl < rt> who compofed the majority of the third eftate at the begin ning of the troubles in France, That majority confided of coun try pleaders ; in Burke’s em phatical words, the fomenters and conductors of the petty war of village vexation. W ith all iier bad council, France never fu fife red fo much as vdien fine took advice from this great bo dy of legal council. Indeed, a mere attorney fliould never be «FCted. The man docs not know enough. I laving read on ly a few pages, and having writ ten nothing but dunning letters, or an under fheriff’s warrant to apprehend, lie cannot handle po ll leal tools; he cannot call diem by name. The eloquent and c levatcd part of the profef fion undcrfland me and give my v.orcF a liberal confl ruCtion.— It. is not againft eloquence and elevation that I contend. That man, who in any walk ot life, has thought much, and has read the works of hiftorians. Orator;, philofophers and poets, and the conftitution of his coun try, call him what you pleafe, li.’.b the abilities to do you good, I and Is worthy the general fuff- IMTC.". K.J Mr. Robert 1 ifton, minifter plenipotentiary from the Brit ifh Government to the Ameri can republic, arrived in this town on Mondav Jail. Who, and who paid their refpefh to him, we know not; but we arc informed, that he intends to fail forTngland in the Britifn fri gate Andromache. It is wor thy of remark, that no minifter t • • i • t • /I l •p „! I 1 is appointed in his Head. ::p-1 rain will be represented in fu- ! ture, in this country, only by a charge des afTaires. —- Merchants ! look out for your fhips, iu the harbours of Nova- Scotia, Providence and Jamai ca. [ of the Times.] From Bart As's Republicax t Gazette, TO POST-MASTERS. fjfjr* The Editor received a letter from a Coriefpondcnt in Georgetown, (Potomac | dated the 30th October, ult. by the figner ; and by the Poft Mailer the ill of November, ult. but it did not arrive at the Office, Frederick, till the 13th infl.— Curious it is to me, where this letter was delayed : If there had been Bank Notes inclofed there in would it have come to hand at all? Such conduCl in Pofl- Mafters ought to be examined in to : a letter put into a Pod-Of fice only 45 miles from Frede rick, and not arrive here with in fix Weeks! The Querc is, what time it would require to forward a letter to Lexington, Kentucky, or to Portfmouth, Ncw-Hamfhire, at the above expeditious mode of convey ance. It is whifpered that the Pre ftdent will nominate Albert Gal latin, as fccretary of the Trea dily, to fuccecd Oliver Wol cott, even before the yth of March next! where is the citizen that more deferves the place, or can more ably fill it ? Cabinet . IT IS REPORTED THAT Oliver Flfworth has fent by Mr. Davie his rcfi.qrnation as o Chief Juftice of the United States ; with an expectation, no doubt, of fome foreign ap pointment. He did not fore fee the change at home! Per haps his friend Adams would do well to endorfe on his resignati on, an old adage, “ A bird in the band is worth two in the hufhf and return it. ibid. We can now afiert, {t with fome degree of confidence,” that James T hompfon Callender,and John Adams, will go out of office together. Mr. Callender’s term of imprifonment will ex pire on the fame day that the prefidential attributes of Mr. Adams will ceafc to exift. On the fame day too, that detefta blc aft called the Edition law, will be traced from among the ftatutts of the United States. One of thefc events will prove awholcfomc admonition to rul ers : it will ffiew the inefficacy ofthofe barriers by which a rul er attempts to fhield his conduct from the fciutiny of a free peo ple ; it will fhew how eoregiouf ly nuftaken thofc men are, v, ho hope to enftire public confi dence, by prohibiting difeuf ft on. Though Holt, Dun ell, 1 Hafwell, Baldwin, Cooper, Ac. ■ Ac. have all fu flirted the penal -1 ties of die fedidon law, for hav | ing attempted to bring Mr. A Vins into oHrtjpirtfc, by de tailing fads; though col. Lyon has luffered a winter’s imprifon ment in the cold regions of Vermont, tor laying that Mr. Adams was fond of pomp ; yet with all thde penalties before them, the people of the United Stares are determined to bring his Excellency into diifepute, by removing him from an office which they deem him nnqualiti ed to fill. Even before his pre fidcncy fhali have expired, the public voice will be loud, in proclaiming him unworthy of future confidence. What can be done in this cafe ? Shall judge Chafe and.the {'edition law live • —and fhali the prefident be brought into diffepute with im punity ? Alas! this righte ous judge muft now be con vinced, that confidence in rulers can no more be eflablifhed by law, or enforced by penalties, than his various qualifications can excite love and elleern. In defpite of the fedition law, and in defiance even of Chafe’s po tent arm, the Electors of the United States have brought John Adams, the prefident of the United States completely into diffepute. Hence we may learn, that though fpacious ap pearances may, for a time, at tract the confidence of a nation, virtue only can fecurc it. The attempt in congrefs to glofs over the conduct of Mr. Wolcott, we arc pleafed to find has failed ; and in a hireling pa per now eftablilhcd at Wafhing ton, it appears to be deplored moil dolefully. Jt is therein laid that the charges againft the trea fury are groundlefs. We re peat again and again, that if they are groundlefs, the matter is ft ill worfe, for the books of the treafury are the vouchers from which the ftatements publiflied in this paper were extracted. The public are not to be de ceived by Inch barefaced denials —the accounts publiflied in this paper were extracted from the books of the treafury, in the pre fence of Ifrael llrael, cfq. ihenff of tins city, and of two other perfons. Thefe are facts not to be denied; let any man who doubts the editor’s autho rity, apply at the fiieriff's office in Chelhut-ftreet. AND THER VO RAC 10 US / RAT, j Oliver Wolcort has obtained leave to refign ! Better latc/han never! Better much had iyteen four years before. He fiys he has executed his truft according to his bell {kill and Judgment —he was not certainly /Ininfpir -2 r • 4 t • cd financier, nor had experience or acquired knowledge fuppii cd to the extent, rh/ defects of nature. As to confcience, as he has called f/r a public in veftigation, we wall fay nothing about that, hut/ certainly Con grds is bound not to let him pafs with t'lf Emc impunity with which Hamilton cfcaped —with which Duer cfcaped— with which Layton and Picker ing have eleaped—with the im punity which Blount broke thro’ hit Incite r:H fiuors— ,is not • * to? committee chofen by Seek wick, with Harper, chairman that the accounts of the Trea fury of this nation arc to be com mitted—-a commifiior! of ac> counts fhould bcinftituccd— and thole who are implicated in th VAST DEBTS and DEPICT ENCIES which have occurred under Mr. Wolcott, Ihcnddnot have the choice of this com miffion—it fhould be a great na tional enquiry, to which accefs fhould be had by all men of ca pacity and information— and e very man who can give infor mation fhould be compelled to give it, the public expect an account of their money. The comparatively few fuits inftitut cdlince the detection of defaul ters in this paper, could notco ver the negled which preceded the difeoveries. Mr. Wolcott fhould produce John Rofs’s re commendation of the cafe of Scott and Erneft, and fay was it a confcientious regard to his oath or his party, that govern ed him on that tranfa&ion.—k has been laid we publilhed thole accounts to ferve eleftion pur-. pofes, the eledlion cannot now be influenced by thofe accounts —we cealed to publifh more of them on that account, but they fhall appear as foon as the pub lic mind is reftored to that flare of calm nek neceliary to receive them, conlidcr them. . Aurora. NOTICE. NINE months after date, ap plication will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of the county of Wafhington, for an order for the fale of a piece of land of Jacob Hendry, late of the laid county, deceafed,. for the benefit of the orphans and creditors. George Hendry, Admimjlratcr . November 4. N O T I C E. TI 7E Subfcriber intending to leave this hate, early in the fprij/g, for afew months, requests ail thofe who are any wife indebted to him, to come forward immedi ately, and make payment; and ail thole who have any demands againfl him, are denied to ccmc: and receive payment. He has cn baud, A General Alfortmcnt cf SEASONABLE and'FASHI ONABLE GOODS, .and will give very great bargains at this time for the cafh. lie has like-wife for fale , A number of T 3 O R S E S, which he will fell low for cafh, or on a credit of nine or twelve months, as may be agreed up on. If BEN. JENCKtS. Louilville, Dec. 24. ALL concerned will take'notice* that there zoill be an applica tion made to the honorable the next court of ordinary , for the county cf Wajhington, for letters dijr ifjur7' n the cjlate cf felje Smith, de~ ccafcd , by Willhm Smith, executor* 0 dicker 15, 1800. ALMA N A CiT FOR THE TEAR 1801..