The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, January 17, 1801, Image 1

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Volume ll.] GEORGIA, LOUISV ILLS -Pabhfhed every Saturday, by AMBROSE DAY & [AMES HELY, at a clollais pe. atm payable half yearly :-Where MTays, Articles of Intelligence. Adrertifentcnt., &c. Ac. are thankfully .eceivcd, and PRINTING m all its variety, is executed with neatnefs and dilpatch. From the National Intelligencer. FRENCH TREATY. OEN ATE 01 the UNITED St ATES. For four days pad the French Treaty has been before the Se nate, who have been engaged in reading the documents that accompanied it, which are cir cumftajitial, and which are part in Englifh and pare in French. The following are its princi pal features. 1. The indrument is denom inated a Convention. 2. It begins by laying afide for the prefent, and fubmitting to future negociation and expla nations, the obligations impos ed by the treaty of ’7B, and by the confidar convention: dc* daring that in the mean time thole a 6ls Hi all be of no avail. j. The period of its continu ance is unlimited. 4. It direds a reciprocal ref titnuon of all national armed dips, captured by each nati on. 5. It indiredly admits the {hips of war of each nation, with their prizes, to obtain ad milli on, and afylum in the ports of the other. 6 It declares that the citi zens of each nation ihali recov er from the citizens of the oth er or its government, all juft demands, excepting property cither con la feared or captured on the ocean, under national au thority. 7- It declares that in cafe of a declaration of war by one na tion, the citizens of the other ihah have twelve months to re move their effects. 0. It cftablifhes between the two nations the principle that tree bottoms make free goods. 9. It declares that vc ftels of one nation failing under convoy ihali r,ot be iubjedto examination by fie armed ihips of the other. 10. It confiderably diminifh the lift of contraband articles. I he treaty with France hav ln o been previoufly printed for the ufe of die members, Mr. Fiords moved on Wednefday the adoption of a rule, enjoin °n the members fecrecy in 71c caie of all future treaties and proceedings thereon, unlefs iL diould be otherwife direded 07 the fenate. The motion 1° did no: in the lead effed !C proceedings of the fenate as the treaty now before them. ; h this motion the fenate were '-f niily divided, and the Vice " Mi dene gave his calling vote j Tinft it. Fhe rcafons for rejedling this M LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; and f EPUBLICAN trum p e t. A T URD A Y, January 17, 1801. r IIBRR'I I 7s OUR iVfo7*7 o —— A V D 7JiL’7H OUR ( fUIDC —— motion we underftand were, that the time of offering it was im proper, as it might tend to im peach the conduct of members in the inftance of the treaty be fore them, refpeding which, there had been nofpecial injunc tion of fecrecy, and bccaule its provifions were improper in themfelves; it was allcdged by thofc wlio voted againft the mo tion that the true principle would be, that in all cafes of treaties in which the Prefident recom mended fecrecy, the injunction ftiould cxift until revoked by the fenate. CONGRE SS Or THE UNITED STATES. House of Representatives, Monday , Dee. 15. The petition of Nicholas Roicvelt, and aftociates, pray ing for an act incorporating a company for the profecution of Schuler’s coppermine, was read and referred to the committee of commerce and manufado nes. r The committee of claims re ported againft the petitions of Samuel Trigg, Nathan Saubern, and Andrew Sheppard, which reports were feverally agreed to. The bill for the relief of Ro bert Harper, was agreed to and ordered to be engrafted. The report of the committee of claims in favor of Mr. Nichols, late marlhall of the diftrid of Pcnnfylvania, was agreed to, and a bill ordered to be brought in accordingly. Mr. Cooper laid a refolution upon the table to the following efted: That a sj? committee be appointed to en quire into the law for the valuati on of lands and houfes, and the enumeration cf Oaves, and to report upon the expediency of repealing the fame. V/edneJday , Dec. 17. Mr. Lee from the commit tee appointed for that purpofe, reported the following Bill Concerning the Difirift of Columbia. Sec. 1. Beitenaded by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefen tatives 01 the United States of America, in Congrefs aftembled, That the law's of the ftate of Virginia, as they exifted on the firft Monday of December in the year 1800, fhall be and continue in force in that part of the diftrid of Columbia which was ceded by the faid ftate to the United States, and by them ac cepted for the permanent feat of government; and that the laws of the ftate of Maryland, as they exifted on the faid firft Monday in December, fhall be, and continue in force in that part of die faid diftrid which was ceded by that ftate to the United Sores, and by them accepted as afore faid. Sn\ 7. And be it further en aued, ] hat all executive A judi cial officers, appointed by the reipcchve fhite s o: Virginia and Maryland, and who hacj juriT didion in and over the laid dif truft, or any part thereof, on the Led hi ft Monday of Decem - ber, according to the renorot the cor.ftitutinn and laws of the laid ft.. Acs, lit a! I continue to hol'd imd cxercife Inch jurifdidion until removed by the Prefident of the United States; and that the appointment of all futh officers hereafter, Ihali be made in the manner designated by the iecond feel inn or the fecund article of the confutation of the United States. Sec, g. An ! be it further en aded, That nothing in this ad com/uncd T .all in any wile alter, impeach or impair the rights granted by, or derived from the a6ls ci incorporation of A- Icxandna and Georgetown, or u * any other body corporate or po litic within the faid diftrid. The motion of Mr. Cooper for the repeal of the law for the valuation of lands and houfes, and the enumeration of Haves, was called up and referred to the committee of ways and means. The commirtee of clai ms made report againft the per tion of Mr. 1 c Enfant j which was a greed to. ihe bill for the relief of Wm. Nichols, late Marfhall of Pcnnfylvania, v/as commuted to a committee of the whole houlc for to-morrow/. Thufday , Dec. i k The committee of claims made report againft the petitions or Benj. I aw and Blackden, which were ft vt rally agreed t o Mr. M‘Millan calieP the fol lowing refolution, whicii v/as a greed to. RcfoLved , That a committee be appointed to enquire into the fituation of certain trad.s of land which Havre been appropriated for the fuppert of public fchools, and feminaries of learning, and for the fnpport of religion, fi tuated within the limits of a certain trad of land, granted to John Cleves Symmes, and his aftbeiares, in the Territory of the United States, N. W. of the Ohio ; and that the faid com mittee take into consideration what meafures are ncccftary to be taken in order to render the lands f> appropriated, produc tive of the benefits contempla ted to rcfult therefrom ■> and that the committee have leave to report thereon by bill or other wife ; referred to Mefirs. Pinck ney, Imlay, \ arnum, Morris and Adjourned. Friday , Dec. 19. Mr. Claibourhc prHentcd z memorial from the Icgilhuurcof Mifilfhppi tej ritory, praying the. aHillancc of congrcfs in rc ipc t > a return made from the coun ty of Washington to the faid legillature, and alfo praying the interference of congrcfs to di rect their time of convening. j his was referred to a feledfc committee of three member;, with power to report by bill or otherv. ife. Mr. Davis then called up a refolution lie laid on the table at r!ie clnfe of the laft feffion, con taining a very lengthy prearn blc, in winch it was fated that the governor of the MifMippi territory, and the judges, had enacted laws very burthenfon e to tlie people, and interfiling to thcurfelves, and be other afts ha 1 rendered cheinfelves odious. The motion was to refer it to the above committee. Mr. Grifwold wjfhed it to lie on the table till Monday ■, he wifhed to have a little time to confider it more maturely than the firfl. reading of it would af ford. It was laid over. Mr. Grifwold from the com mute to whom was referred fa much of the Prcfid em’s fpecch as relates to the judiciary, re* ported “ A bill for the more c mvenient organisation of the courts of the United States.” Mr. M. l ee from the com mittee to whom was referred the fevcral refoiutions on the fubj CCI of a monument, maufo 6cc. in rncmoiy of Geo. Wafhington, reported <f A bill concerning George Walking -1 > ton. The report was, that an ap propriate monument to -dt Ag nate his military and political life would coll 200,000 dollars.— The bill provided the erefbon a maufoleum of 100 feet high and ico feetbafe, to bec rccled ot American materials. Thefe hills were twice read and referred to committees of the whole houfe. Mr. Platt from the commit tee of n vifal and unfinilhcd bu finefs, made report, in part, of fevcral bills on fubjecls of fi nance, wh ch was about to ex pire. A refolution was clfo re ported to p fer the confidcraci on or them to the committee of ways and means, with power to report hv bill or otherwife. Adjourned till Monday. [No. icf.