The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, January 31, 1801, Image 2

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rjRMoN* K*\VB. TI '-M'iUi OH, Nov. 48. ,n rxpicfs has this mftant arrived, with the dihigreablc in telligence that an embargo ha? been laid on all the Bririfh fhip«, fev’eVity in number, in the port of Riga. 11/WAI, The r.orlcc of the tei ruinati on of the rnmiftirc wns tranf- on the oih (roni AT chaflftnlufg, in orders to the Common.- nl of the foftrch; of W r to general Sibfchcn, at 3chwcin(urt, to the debtor of Men ns it Erfurt, and to the archduke (ohn, Baron Alhi rft W*ds in confequence employ ed the whole night in his chan cr*rv. The Briiifh commilTary, Col. Durell, likewise Cent a cou rier to Mr. VVickam, the envoy. - .• is however fill’ believed, even in the head quarters of Angnau, that hoftilitics v.i.l really commence, and a vvimer Camp *n take place. FRANKFORT, Nov. 10, While we were flattering ouifelves with hopes of peace, appcaarnres here become very warlike Yefteiday gene ral Angerau received a courier from Paris, with orders to give aotice immediately of the ter mination ot the auniftice, which he accordingly did the fameday. •—Central Riche* was yefteiday afternoon fent with the follow ing note to the commander of the Auftrian troops aod to ba ll n Mhini, commander of the troops, at Afchaffen bu g : “ General, according to the 01 de* i have received from my goven ment, I hereby notiiy to yon termination of the ar imftl i. Hoftilliiics will there fore rcromn. nee in fourteen days from tV day, that is, on the ift Frimatre, November 22. (Signed) “ ANGF.RAU. 0 November n. Then; h notice is given of the tr. n ..auenof the armiftice, it is (iill believed that the con trols ?t Luneville will be open ed, ard that hoßihiUs will not ndfuallv rcrr.rr C! nc»' # 4 j* f ,'p fldered a • maikable, (hut tne notice (he ending of the ar fniftire be giv r by ge ne?.il Anger nu thv iB?hß<u mairc, the Ay rn which she la c ie >lut on took place, a twelve month be ore, blAf TJF, Ofloh<"r 14* b rs con filmed thai three gr .v< Ruffian armies are to be formed ; and we a*c ifluied that his majtfty the impcior will command one of tl on in pei fon, fhould ciicutr.ftanccs ren der it rereflary lor them to be emploved. Cin’icn Schimmelpennick has left this place on his rctmn to Pa* is. Several officers have return ed hither bom the army of the Rhine, which ocrafions it to be believed that there will be no winter campaign. *On the y.'h inft. a ffiip r.f war was dftcovettd to be on ffie i from the Held?- pouiß She i*. either an A meric n frigate or | an Fngliih (hip of war. HAMBURG, Oft. 22, Admiral Nelion arrived here yefteiday with Si' William II i rniltnn, the Englifh Amb 3 (fa dor a: N ap jes, and his lady. lONDJN, Nov. 12. Thr* alterations in the new j Great Sc ft, now hniffied, and in thecuftody cf the Lord Mi* h Chancellor, are- u that the arms of France are entirely ex punged the arms of Eng land, of Scotland, of Waies, and Ireland, are quartered, end (he a ms of Hanover are pUcj eft upon the centre of the lour quarters. His Majefty, in the new fcal, inttead ot hem ; lifted j *' King ot Gieat Britain France I and Ireland,'’ (tiles himfelt lim- 1 ply “ Britann icorum Rexi “ KING OF THE BHIT- I ISH." The tide has a very l txt-nfivemeaning. 1: includes | not only tlie Btufth Ifles, but < all lubje6is in every quarter of the globe, living under the Bri tifh dominions His Majefty in council, has given orders that his ti le arms, See. (hall be ahered alter the expirations of the prclent year, in all public mftiumcnts. Sec. And orders are likewiie given to have the arm;, ot all the royal carriages ahered as above, November 28, The embargo which has been thought to have been general throughout the port, of Rufiia, is Bated to have taken place on the sth inft. al Peterlburg, and at Riga on the 3d.-— There were about 120 (aft of Britfth veflels at the former place. A- the 70 veflels which have been detained at Rip a, there mu ft have been fever al laden with grain for this country. The number of our (hips in th* Ruffian poits is eftimated at 300. A cabinc* council was yefter d.iy held a( Buckingham houfe, wftiich I (led near three hours. Mini Iters, it is faid, had receiv ed authentic information in the morning, of the reported em b.ugo on Britifb (hipping in the t ous cf Ruflia, fn confe quence ot which, they imme diately aflirmbled to deliberate on one of <he moft unavcoun tablc aO.sin (he page ol hifto r> -“Unaccountablt undoubted ly fier Mr. Rift's lolemn de claration in the Route of com mons, that this count y had ne ver given (hat magnanimous lo vereign any caufc of complaint —The rcfult of the council is faid to have been a determina tion to lay an embargo on all Ruffian fhips in our hathours, and that oideis weie iflutd for thai puipofc. By an order of the kirg in council, all (hips ai riving in any of thchaibours of Great Bri tain from any of the pofts of Maryland or Virginia, in the United States of America, aie to perform quarantine in the lame manner as (hips coming horn the Mediterranean Vaft numbers cf cnuVraiits Sift t?a;lv embaik at ifaecfend t'r France. There aie now in the Thames two or three vcfleU j crowded withthefe people. L O tJ IS VI L L F, SATURDAY, ~,mn*y ’J, jgoi. —— . *4tisp? .s?E*£i3alfc - D t r d . "j On Sunday night lafh, Mrs. Elizabeth St tragis 3 wife of D;Vii : el Sturgis, Efq. Surveyor-G ercral of this State . - * v,»— C O N G R E 3 S Of the UNITED STATES. House or P. zv p. z s z wtat: v r,s, T{/f y 1 V rj i** *V/~ '**!/7V* y r* J V A. JtiUUj y JUtr'iCiiy S y A b:ll making appropriation for the year 1801 was read twice and referred to a commit tee of the whole houfe on Mon day next. Me firs, Davis, Nott, and Claiborne, were excufed from ferving on the committee ap pointed to inveftigate the offi cial conduct of Vv inthrop Sar gent. Mr. Davis moved that the committee of ways and means, be directed to enquire into the expediency ol appointing agents in Kentucky and the N. W. Territory, to pay pen Sons be coming due. The houfe rcfolved into a committee of the whole, Mr. Rutledge in the chair, cn the Judiciary Bill. The chairman proceeded in reading the paragraphs until he came to the 5 th left ion, which Mr. Eggleilon moved fo to amend, as to prefervc the plan at prefent exifting, which efta bliihes one court for Virginia, inftead of dividing the hate into two didrifts, and having two courts, one to fit at Richmond, and the other at Frcderickfburg as propofed by the bill. On this motion a lengthy de bate enfued. Meftrs. Egglefton, Nicholas, Randolph, Jachfbn and Macon fupported, and Mcfifs. Crif wold. Harper, Bayard, I I. Lee, and Otis oppofed it. The qudlion was then taken on Mr. Egglefton’s motion to ftrike out, and loft. Ayes 39 — Noes 44. A motion was then made that the committee rile, Left-—Ayes 36 —Noes 39. Mr. H. Lee moved fo to amend the feftion, as to pro duce adivifton of Virginia later ally inftead of longtudinally, and to make Staunton inftead of 1 rcdcrickfburg, the feat of Juftice. Carried, Ayes 45. Tuejday, 'January 6. The committee of privileges made a report on the letter of the Sergeant at arms; the pre amble of which approves the conduftofthe Sergeant; ftates the individual who mades the difturbance in the gallery to liave been intoxicated, and to have abfeonded; and the ma giftrate who iftucd the warrant on which the Sergeant w r as ar refted, to have made to. the committee fansfaft/ ry explana „ti'on in o:itrrV*uT;i cl’ dud; after the preamble tho report concludes with a re 'bp , that it is net expedient fer th houfc to take any order in adkir.- •• On agreeing to the report,* long and warm debate enfue ! | in which Melifs. Bayard, [ohn C. Smith, pa: •, Harper, ICirtel ra > Otis, Rutledge, Nett, and Edmonds, fupported the i 8„ pure, and Meflrs. Nichpkq Davis, Smilie, Macon, AhW Stanford, Varhum, B.ggle(l(;r > and Kitchcll, oppofed it. The report was finally agreed to by the ayes and nays, Rrcm the Republican Watch- Jov& Porcupine is publiffeiog a nv per in England, m °wbich he f.ys, *' Should the pco pie of America be foolifh’ enough to Men to the fugge!- nuns of their and our enemies [meaning die French] wo hr 17 the wo lit that Can happen.' Ten (hips added to out iqua dten at Halifax, would, m courfe of three months, b;ing the fixteen United States at our feet.”—Well done Peter / Your ten (hips and Hhhfax with your royal mafisrk aimies, have tried already too keep the United States at their feet, and was obliged to abandon the at tempt, with difgrace and difap pointment. if your rraficr'e flaves (hould again attempt to commit murder and robberies in this country, we would make the Idlon taught them in the re* volutit n, become more impref fiv«—You may, if you pi cafe, teadi them to jcar God and honor ilt A irg“ in ycur Jar id .of Haven-—but ihcy may better ft- }’ at home, than come here wiui atiy ether intentio. r v .au ’hat of loving Gild emd honouring ihe People * his is die n otto of republic?, a fen iment tod gaijirg lor royal minions to bca* —m our conduft Peter, is 4 pfoof of this fad. Your co-operators in tne works of roj ahy in the TJnit'fi States, have conftantly cnTa voured, under the mail: cf fede lahfrrr, to induce the people of ■‘nrterica to believe, that lb** i clea of a Britifh cxiflirg in this country, was a calumny attempted to be thrown upon federalism by (he democrats —* You ought, however, to have the credit of boldly ftepping forth to rob the people of hbei* ty and c quality —• while they* like the indignant thief, have p Ifered and deftroyed its belt tiuits, declaring their attach ment to the confSituiion of A* merica, while plunging the dag ger ot delpotifm into its vitals. .By James Pp"Em**» GEORG! /, / ■ C crk of the Court > Ordinary p T ‘jfftifon Courr'y, L County of J S r * • jnv, THERE:AS John XV,llian: y.ath ®r- VV piicJ ta n.. fur 1« I : crs ot aan.i' y Im, ■>" O' ihr ? <1 cflTctfts of Jj* C, Debuts J.ite of ihe j)a*ifh Jp" row (he mnnty of Of.ce* ird : thefe *>e thcre'ore i< S ’J ht.iiiOi :/h ill liog'iJar ifeMnOy y. c r e< itor* of 'he f?id deceased, toll's clyrdlionr, if ary they have, > n • u. cc, cn or le'i rc (he t k v ' b uaty hc.x», rlherv»jfe l<* i«n “ l,ml Qiiliaiion **i»l lie grantee her. O'Vcn under my hand, ‘hi* 1,,* i t J..n »Bco, und in O f , flth'iear IHi Anvt its- k “ j enrie