The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, February 07, 1801, Image 2

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' lik« the of every t mvident rind render father, nc- lum* his value till they feel fiu- of his protection. In the clays of youth and ignorance, t was led to believe, that com i< ‘i i, freedom and virtue, were exciufi/dy the lot of republi c r . A very ihort trial eon vinrcu ire of my error, adrno fiilhod me to repent of my fol ly, and urged me to compcn- Dre for the injufticeof the opi nions I had conceived. Dur ing an eight years a b fence from my country, I was not an un < oncerncd fueftator o i her pe dis, nor did 1 liften, in lilcncc to the flandefc of her enemies. Though divided from England .by the ocean, though her gay fields were hidden, probably forever, from my view, Dill her hanpinefs and her glory were die objects of my conftant foii citude ; I rejoiced at her vifto rics, and mourned at her defeats; her friends were my friends,and her foes were my foes' Once more returned ; once more un de: the fife-guard of that Sov ereign, who watched over me in my infancy, and the want of whole protecting arm I have lb long had ocrafion to lament, I fee an irreTillable defire to com municate to my countrymen the fruit of my experience; to fhew teem the injurious confcquenc es of .difeontent, clifloyalty and innovation ;■ to convince them, that they are the freed, as well happiefb of the human race 3 •and, above all, to warn them a gainft die arts of thole ambi tions and defigning demagogues, who •would willingly reduce them to a level with the cheat & Haves, in the bearing of ’ whole yoke 1 had the mortifi cation tofharc. C O N G R E S S Of the UNITED STATES. iIciTSE OF Representatives, ■ xr ednefuny i January 7. Tir houfe went again into a Com-urice of the whole on the Judiciary Bill. Mr. Rutledge in ri:e chair. Mr. Dennis offered an a mendment to a feflion, the cb i'eft of which was, to try the quefhon of the conflitudonality of inverting’ the Hate courts with judicial powers. On which a debate enfued, in which Meliks. Dennis and 1 lar per advocated, and Mdfts. Bird and Notf, oppofecl the court nationality of the powers, j Nodecdionwas had; it be- j mg luggefted that the amend- j menc propped did not fully ! 'neet the object contemplated 1 u * mover. Bv general con- | J - nt lubicit was palled over lor the rr, lent. 1 he ijcli ieflion was then I T aL ’ up which there was a blank I 1m the Him Much fixes the low- 1 ell amount fn dollars f or ■ w hich ad ions may be brought in the circuit courts. Mr. Nicholas moved to fill I *he blank with five hundred dollars. Mcrtrs. Harper and Bayard op poled the morion, and on I thequelllon there were Ayes 77, ! 77 ■ the (.airman vot ing in the negative, it was loft —The blank was then filled with 400 dollars. ' l'burfday, January 8. In committee of the whokon the judiciary bill. Mr. Nicholas moved an ad j ditional member to the 17th • ! left ion* the objeft of which was j to prevent the federal courts J from taking cognisance of debts created by alignment ; ; which limitation cxirted in the ; law of 1798, atprefent in force. I On this motion a debate en fued } in which the motion was happened byMefTrs. Randolph, Spaighf, and Allbn ; and oppofed by Meftrs. Grif wold, 1 larger ami Bavard. On the quertion being taken, it was agreed to, Ayes 42 —Seen V- Mr. EggleCon erfonepuf- : iy Hated in the hfi paper as hav ing Oppofed in debate the re port of the committee of privi leges. Mr. Egglcfton took no parr in the , debate, though ho voted again ft the report. Monday, January 12. The houfe moved itfelf into a committee of the whole, on the Judiciary Bill. Several amendments were made, when the committee rnfe, and reported the bill with fun dry amendments. A motion was made, to port * pone the confideration of them till they fhould be printed, and loft. The houfe then proceeded to confidcr them, and adjourned at the ulual hour without having gone through with them. Tuefday , January 13. Mr. 1 \.arper moved certain refolutibns for appropriating che furplav receipt of the poll-of fice crtablifhmcnt to the aid of turnpike roads, which were di rected to lie on the table. Mr. Taliaferro role, and in formed the houfe, in terms (im ple, dignified and imprdlive, that his colleague, James Jones, was no more. The houfe immediately came to an unanimous vote, to mark their refpeft for the dcceafed, by each member’s wearing, for one month, a crape on his left arm. They alio appointed a committee of five members to take charge cf his funeral which , they refoived to attend. Mr. Davis moved a call of : the houfe to-morrow at 12 o’- clock. The houfe divided—Ayes 35; The Speaker declared the | motion loft. The houfe then refumed the ; confideration of the amend -1 ments to the Judici«ry Bill re ported by the committee of the i whole. A motion to fix the falaries of | the judges of Kentucky, Ten j neftee, and Ohio, diftrifts, at i 1500 dollars inftead of 1200 dollars, as propofed by the com - mittee, was carried. Mr. Harper offered two new 1 tedious, to be lubftituted in the the room of thole firuckcn out I in relation to admiralty courts, i The houfe then poftponed the * ! further confideration of the bill till Tiiurfday, and ordered it, I togeth cr with Mr. ITarperV re- * I Solutions to be printed. 1 Thurflay, January if Mr. Otic as chairman of the * committee appointed to en quire into the Hate of the trea sury, in conformity with the re - queit of the late Secretary, m j formed the houle that the com - ! mitree expected to be prepared j to report in two or three clays. I In making the invclligation, the ! committee had not confidcsyd ! • it as incumbent on them to en- ] I ter into an examination of ail thole dong details which had al- ! ready been under tire eye of the i houle. They had, however, i carefully cammed tliofc Hate- i j meats not been mi- | nlitely exhibited to the houle ; | and, indeed, had made every cn- | quiry that in their opinion was 1 neccltary to a correct under ; Handing or the Hate of the trea lury. As, however, the com mittee in the enquiry made, had ; been left entirely to their own j dilcrction, and might, perhaps, I have failed to take all thofe views that members might dc ar''; he was inftrudeed by the committee, at tire inilancc of the 1 Secretary and comptroller of the ; trealury, to invite any members, who were de-irons of having any particular Information, to Hate their requefl, which might be attained by p-ropofing fpc- ’ cific inHrudlions to the commit- • tee, wlio would mod: cheerful- j ly co-operate in the furtherance I of their object. The houle then went into a j committee of the whole on the j report of the committee of | ways and means, on a motion made by Mr. Cooper to repeal the adt for the valuation of lands and dwelling houfes, See. o 1 On this Subject fomc debate enfued, which terminated in the reference to the committee of ways and means, an enquiry in to the expediency of repealing the adL A motion was made to go into a committee of the whole | on the report of the committee of rev Hal and unfini’fhcd bufi- I nefs, recommending a continua tion of the fed!cion lava, which rejected. S VA SHI N Cj TO N, J an. 14. Diid,] On Monday , in this city, in his g'ld year, JAMES 1 JONES, of Georgia, a member of the lie life of Feprefntatives of \ the United States. His Ir.Js is grout to his family and friends , but greater to his country. Few ! men pofejfedfo great influence and I r effect in the fate where he lived, j cud be was among the moft rej~ \ portable in iheHsufe cf ileprefer~ tafives. His Uniform andfteady devotion to the principles of cur republican confutation, was re commended lyfuch an affibility of | manners, and dfpcfition to friend- j jhipy that he feemed almoft to ef- 1 tape the a ferity cf political par ty. U hen the melancholy tidings of h:s death were announced in Congr eft , the tear cf grief on all fides of the hoiife formed that poli tical cmmcfity was overcome by feelings more honorable to humani ty-, each one feemed to be fcnfihle j that the heufe had lof: an cm a- | men: and a friend. On Lns death being announced to j tie JJoife A Repre.fer.tatdecs, they I j immediately uffiheJ, tj rv.r.v | mens vole, that each member /hall wear, for one month, a crape hand his left arm. And this meriting his f merc , ; was Attended by kth hoij'u ~f j' Congrejs. LOUISVIL L F, aAt UR DATS, Fehraary j, jBoi. xjiljjJ, J Un ifoe i Kjiij at ft month, at the Fedcra i lity, the honorable ]ame i SBjoncsj; one of cur reprefenta- £ H Ives in Covgrefs, aged 31 I B years. He was born inMa m S yland, and came to this ft at | S when very young , under tt » E care of his uncle, the late a. B I Marbury.—He revived //. I I principal part of his eduu 1 p ion at the academy of Au<yu m ; S a—at the age of 18, wcMt % tflcced in the office of a gen jg I leman eminent in the pnff S| 11 lion of the law, in the town . I , * dvannah—after bis clerk k |J hip, was admitted to the ha B g vbere his talents feen we K I ||jj if covered, but jhortly aft H onnefling himfelfin ntarriag- S aav declined the graft ice, a> I >ecame a planter—bis ch ifi WL/crtment rendered him ami, all ;HV to a numerous acquaintnm k I m - ~The inhabitants of Cka | ; Wham . county , knowing h I worth, elected him at an ear « B v period , one of their repre K Wife,Actives to the fate legijla jl | ure ;in that capacity he a: jp H fitted himfelf with in defer p nr] knee and abilities, and wc Kj ■ || or everal years after war || H facedfir ft in the lift cf thel gS Wfreprffentatipn—he was aij R re ent one of their members ■ S B 'he convention at the late al j| 1 g eralien of the confutation- R ! g , vice elected to congrefs by H . ni ate throughout the fate ■ Q without opposition, and by a jjv S iff of the legif at ure appoint -H j d one of the commij/ioncrs 1 jjaj I fettle the inter eft ing difpute c jS veftern territory with th KB J/iited States—Both in (H wlic and privite view, hi B hath will be regretted in ev> H y quarter cf cur flats —I M nduftry, ft riel honefty, ec, g "■id engaging manners, and B uft knowledge cf the tranft. R ions cf human affairs, plaa £| dm in fit nations, where U jg widow and helplefs have ha S ccafion to mingle their tec. R with his near eft connections- m ewas a fond father, an c S hetionate hufhand, and lovh I EXECUTIVE DEPART MENT, LOUISVILLE, ( February ?, 1801. OFFICIAL dispatches liv ing been received Fom Abraham Baldwin, fenator, and Benjamin Taliaferro, reprefen tatives from this State in Con grds, of the death of JaM£3 Jones, al Co one of die repre sentatives of this State therein, a citizen eminent for his public virtues and patriotic fervices. It is recommended to all OL cers civil and military belong-