The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, February 28, 1801, Image 1

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l> ■**• ** <ka,v * Vou .me lit.] CLOivG iA, LObISVILLE : Ptibhihed every Saturday, by AMBROSE DAY & JAMES M ELY, at 3 dollars per ann. half yearly Where Inlays, Articles of Intelligence, Advertisements. <Lr. &c. are thankfully received, aiK. i RINTIN G in ail its variety, is executed with ncatnefs and difp-uch. Tka pd From a Late Bourdkaux Paper. The following incident makes confidewahle nolle at Paris, and very much engages the public attention :—Two young men a few days ago went to the houfe of a midwife, and requeued her to follow them, in order to deli ver a lady in whom they took an intciefl, promifing her a hun dred I. ouis for her She got into the carriage with d'jftn and after riding neatly an Lour, and through a number of tUunines, fhe arrived at the place of deflinalion. She there lotmd 3 young lady, whom fhe dcliv qucHafeiy. While (lie held (he il i’d in her arms, a woman with a came in and took it from her, beft owing on it at the Urn* the great* ft car? fiefs. To extraordinary fccne, ere. much more horrible furceeded. Two men in rnalks, ruftied into the mom, and difpaicbcd the Unimtunate mother with their pnftiauls The midwife was then p id her hundred Louis, and carried with as much precaution as had been ufed in taking her eur. On the following day file went to the office of Police, and ckpofifed thcone hundred I ouis declaring at the fame time that fhe could not point out the houfe M 1 had in going out tnatk ■ o door of it with the blood uniortunafe viftim. / BUONAPARTE, i’he following traits of this oaorumary perfonage have N - ' i communicated by a gentlc ?-vu who bad frequently fecn • - in Laly, Tenever be condefeended 1 nr with any family or pub unftionary, he paid not the ■ p.iell attention to etiquette or rtremony. without regard to the dinner hour, he came as it fuit bun, and always attended by * cumber of his officers. By the fide of his plate there *as always placed a poit folio, pen and ink; and at in h ’vals he wiote order*-, which difpatvhed by meffengers Jn Waiting ; lomerimes he wrote and immediately anfwcr e.i any that were brought him. The fe h tiers, orders and an- Ivr s feidom conulled of more t. M .aa three or four lines; and in tuch occupation he feemed fo r ’ ,( lrafted as not to appear in ,r - e leafb difturbed by the con- Vc, Ution of the company, in ''Lea he took but very little part. f lough of a diminutive lla ,r *> he feeds tnoft voracioufly, ' i( l cats without diflinftion of :i y thing that is fc t before him, THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; A N D R E PUBLIC A N TRUM P E T. *FJ FI AY, FEBR U A R v 28, 1801 BER'fl IS OVlt M'J'T'TO —-.-.VD 'J'RI i'II OV.\ GUIDE. - This rarcleffncft, or want of diferimination, is generally at tributed to his attention being otherwife diiefted and buried in meditation. Of wine he was very fparing, and as loon as be thought proper, rofe abiuptly even from the tables of princes. His officers did the fame and very little formality was u f ec at ibeir departure. M His pockets were always Top plied with feveral lumps of chalk, and with (hefe, when on horfebark, or much employed, it was h s Cuftom to make me morandums on lirs jack-boots* It was remarked, that wherever he appeared, tbefie t; bids were always obfcived to have fornc infi ription on them. He feemed pnfeckd aware of the treacherous difpbfition of hi? countrymen, and never em ployed any Italian cook or other leivants. His precautions were not Icfs among tb.e murderous Stiletto —When he went to the Thcatie at Milan, be was con flantly iunounded with a nume rous troop of his confidential officer?. He fee tiled not stall to regard the acclamations with which he was always received by (he audience ; and in coin ing in, or going cut, marched on with his generals, taking no no tice whatever of the crowds which thronged on every fide to have a vierv of him. y WASHINGTC N, Frs. 4. French Treaty. Yefierday (he Senate of (he Fnited Stares ratified the C on vention between the French re public and (he United htales, impending the 2d article, and limitting the convention to eight years. On the quell ion of ratificati on, tbeic were only nine diilen tionS. Mr. Chnftopher Hoxie, a ci tizen of Mudfcn, has invented what he terms a wheat machine, which will, in all probability, be one of (he mofi uleful ?nd va luable machines ever introduced into fociety, it will threfh and dean from twenty fo one hun dred bufhels in a day, according to the fize. It is turned by wind, water, borfe or crank, and by the aflifbncc of two or three fmall children who can lift a (heaf. Large quantitias of any kind of grain may be extrafted from the ftraw or chaff in a day, the cockle and the fmutare alio feparated, and the pure wheat gathered into the garntr. By the common mode of threfhing it is a laborious talk for one man to exit aft more than (even bufh els. N FW-YOR K, January 2*. T lie federal oriflocracy of the country created a huge phantom and then let themfelvcs with tage fo bear it down. It is de clared by thofe who arc oppofed to republican fentiments, (hat t|ie infatia!** fpirit of democracy intends to refo»t (o aims, in calc trie republican candidate is not ultimately placed in die chair of Bate, This is another fpecimen of that love of good order ard atfacbnu nt to government which federanfir have fficwn upon for mer orca linns It is a trick < alculated to throw the odium retailing from retub liran tumults, upon thole who do not deferve it. i be(e tu mulrs, (hough f xiuir.g in te- governments, are the I r* work s of their er < mies, clefigned to call, a gloom over (he general features of liberty, and to tmiifh the glory of democratic experi ments. Atillorrats and nionar chifis, are the real fomcnteisof public dilluibancc in free go vern mrijts. When defrated in their nefarious prcjrfts, they conceive the plari of ma king the people infhunnenta] in their ov;n dtfltuQior they car ry this plan into execution by the propagation of cletcllable fa I (bonds frightful (lories, end difmal apprehcnfior.s <1 what is to happen in ccrfiequence ol what has not y < t happened.— It is thus the eh ftion of Mtlirs, [effeifon and Burr is made the pretf xf of political pscdrftions, awfui y de \\ 1 uftive to Ihe tran quility o! the American people. It is thus that phantoms asc con trived which have no real exd and yihofe dcTrmed oh* jtft is rhe work of diforder and confiifion. It is thus that c thirl*, of domination rs never at re::* and rf nublican Arncrica is Hid banefully fu bit died to the turbu lent fpirit of iiicn, which ftill threatens, for a length of time, fclions evils to the unfortunale people of Europe. It is enough that we have fuffcml and tied in the caufe of fretdorr- —It is enough that our land has been defolated-—it is now time to pre ferve, with republican lirmnefs, that liberty and thole conllitu tions which have been the price of blood. It is almcft in pofiiblc fo foim a corieLl opinion of exiflipgcir cumfiances, on (be F.urepean continent, from Britifti News papers. Thai machivclian go vernment, has found the means to viciafe the very fountains of intelligence, by adopting or cor rupting the Editors of the Daily and other pzpcrs, all over the world. T hey have had gnrettfs in llie ir pay, fl aliened in Italy, Vienna, llambnrg, Pa ths Holland, and Philadelphia, '' Inch regulatlv copy from each othe.i, ai\cl thus form an ingeni us peipituity of falfhood. We hope I'ollon is an exception to this general truth, and that Hti tiOh influence has not extended Ulelf to this town fmcc our in dependence not with Handing; he advantages it lias by the means and aHi fiance of lome of its for mer hierds, who have honoed it 3S the place of their ichdcnce* after having in vain attempted to min it in the courfc of our late revolutionary fl niggle. In England there is not ant irrpa’tialpaper-—even thof’e en gaged in v hat is called the op pofiticn, in that unhappy court* Uy, will not, nor date not tell the whole huth. Thus days ;mi weeks pafs away before a a m pat ent public can be appriz ed of the actual Hate of things— and then it comes “ in fach a cjucftionablc ffiapc," that wc (caicey dare u (peak to it," al though V{S arc fully convinced it is no phantom conjured up by perturbed imagination, but afe rious ar.d auefting reality. Our readers will recoiled, that in a Dtc ( hionicle, vve ven luted to mention the lefiirredd or; of the armed neutrality in tho North of Europe, as a proh hlc event not whhflanding the pate li ed no convention between my lord Whitworth and the Danifh Mmiftet, in which trie difculfion of the light of fearch was adjourned to a future day, bv the p’enipotentiarics of the rclptolive governments. Wo then thought that this manoeuvre on the pan Denmark was mere ly to gain 'imefora more effect ive note of preparation. T hat end Isas been completely an fwer' d; and at tins moment, in the twilight of a new century 9 the hook of Dte is opened for a new Itflon to the defpots of the ocean, to tt?ch them the rights of nations as well as men, and to convince fhc world, that George is not to rule by water, nor Paul by land ; but that each and every country i> to have an. equal Claim to a bee and unmo kfifed commerce, under known ann equitable regulations. This faCt cfh no longer be railed ir quefiion ; for it we have rot aii the particulars rcCpectingit, we have enough to fee Kullu.Pnd fia, Denmark and Sweden, am determined ; their w: 1 ! is deftmy itfeif, to change their maritime laws of Europe, and to place them on a firm babs bi'.a com mon agreement/ To this com* [No. 107.