The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, February 28, 1801, Image 2

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»: •' t c* \y tliene com r ’rriii bat Holland, ] ni;rr, f.pain and probably the Kn': ".';rof Germany, will he re ne a p.vty. This view ol tli’ forms a c.-imdus problem (to be formed ro I c folv c d by ihofe profound imp r*ial American*. as they have nicknamed thcmfelves) — how it happened, that eight years rgo, when the H.imiltoni r.Ti fvfi • m began to fhew itfelf, Arnold be united to Raffia, Piufib, slpain, Holland i) ntnarlc and Sweden agiinfl Jvnghnd? There is a fomething unaccountable in all this. c r p'*- c’ially too when t!ie nrincip'es of the French as to relig’on and politics both, ar couhng to Mr. Pitt, Dundas, Grenviile,ancl many othar cham pions, are more completely ja cHiinic, that is republican, than they ever were i and that Bona parte is faid to be a more dex terous and unprincipled chfor fpnizer th • n any or all of his predcce flows together. Wnat nrcthe fecret articles of this new coalition we know nof.— But it will probably occafion one Hanza to be taken from their favorite fong ; lb that the Britifli may not be Haves, they will rot have the power to <! rule the main," and thus enfl.ivco ther nations. This coalition will force a peace nr ruin (he empero*— who can have no hope from .Suwanow and his invincible K uffians, as they were cal led in England. For alas! Su war row is dead, and the Ruffians will not be deceived a fecond time. Never was there a more critical conjrfture. What docs ft fignify to repeat what Mr. Bhcndan has faid, where it is vFry uncertain what he did fay. But if fucli d.Tperate expedients are to be adopted, and the Bri tish are topriTifl in an unjufi fyHem .it the risk of evciy thing, it is cafy to fee that the fun of their oninipo'encc is fet, “ nev er to rile agbn ** ( Boston Chronicle.) CON G RES S Of the UNITED STATES. House of Representatives. Mo n day, Feb. * 1801. Mr. Gregg obferved that a re po-1 had gone abroad, which he believed to be true, that a num ber of very valuable and impor tant books and papers belong ing to the departments of War and of the Troafury, had lately been dcfUoyed by a fire, which unfortunately had quite ruined one of the houfes, and greatly injured the other, in which thefe oilier* were kept. It appeared to him highly necefEry and pro per, that » ongrefs fhould know .as la r as it could he afeertrined, (he extent of that definition ; and /iow the fettlement of puib* )ic accounts would he a(FeM) thereby. He believed method of obtaining this infor mation. would be to call on the heads of thefe departments, for an official Hatement of the knowledge they have, or may he able to acquire on the fubjeft. For this purpofe he would move 1 a rdolu'ion in the following words IM’olrrd, That the Secreta ries of War and of the Trcafu ,« he direDed to communicate to this houfe, furh information rsrr.av !>e in their power in re lotion to the dcflmSUon of offi cial tlooks and papers in their refpe&ive departments, by fire; defignatmg particularly whit defcriplion ol books and papers were 10fr. and what (he probaUe ef]V6U offurh iofs will be, in the ad jnfiment of u n Cct 11 cd accoun t s of tlie United Statcs- Motion carried. A motion was made to pofi poru the confideration c>» the hill for the government of the d*ftri£l of Columbia to the third day of Mdrch next. , This mo t: on Was fupported by Me firs. Smilie and Maron, and oppol cd by Me firs. Rutledge, Craik, Lee and Bird. The motion was withdrawn without a ques tion being taken, and the houfe refclved itfelf into a committee of the whole ou faid bill. A motion war. rmde by Mr. Smilie to flrike out the firft ft ftion of the bill. This moti on was fupported by Meflrs. Smilie and Macon, and oppol ed by by Mr. Dennis. The committee role without taking a quell ion. reported progrels, and alked leave to fit again* Tuesd ay, Feb. 3. The houfe rcfolved itfelf in to a committee of the whole on the bill for the government of ihcdifirifl of Columbia, when the queftion was taken on the motion made yefierday for fink ing out the frrft ft Cion and ne gatived, ten members only fifing for it, Mr. Gregg,then propofed an amendment to the firfl fedlion, the objedf of which was to make the cledlion of reprefentatives annual inftead of biennial as contemplated by the bill. This motion brought, on a lengthy difcuflion, being, fupported by MeflVs. Smith, Claiborne, Ki. chohis, Gallatin and Macon, and oppofed by Mcffrs, Craik, Harper, Bayard, H. Lee, Tho mas and Dennis—On the quef tion for agreeing to the motion, it was determined in the nega tive, 48 voting for it and 50 a gainft it. A motion was then made by Claiborne, fo to amend the firfi lection, fo as to extend the pri vilege of voting to perfons who arc not freeholders : that privi lege being confined by the bill to freeholders exclulively. This motion brought on a fhort argu ment in which Meffrs. Kitchcll, Nicholfon, Smith,Macon, Taze well and Nicholas, fupported the motion, and Meffrs. Harper, Craik, Dennis and Gallatin op pofed it. On the queftion that the houfe agree to this motion, it was determined in the nega tive, theic being 48 votes for and 50 againfl it. Wednesday, Feb. 4. A mcflage w from the fenate, informing the houfe that the fenate had pa fled a bill lor erc&ing a rnaufo/eum for George Wafhington, with a mendments. The amendments were committed to a committee of /he whole houfe and ordered to be prin/ed. Court' n r Ordinary, Ocl : C> I^oo * 11 r ajl i?gton couuly . ON mot’ion cf John M. Ber rien, Michael Ehclman, petitioning this count to direct -John Mackey, executor oj the ejiale cf James Mackey, dectafed , to make titles to a certain trail of land, for Trtakinp' titles to which, he the faid >} . . j fames Mackey, hid cut'Ted into a loud in the penal fvn of five hun dred four (Is, which vail mote par ticularly andJulky appear I y refer mice to a copy of the loud, ivaci) filed with (he clerk of the court cf O' dinary fer the county oj Wujhing lon IT IS ORDERED, That the a fore fa id John Madev Fpy as a forejdtd, do at the meeting °f the court of Ordinary next, immediate ly after the expiration of three months f rom the dale oj this crie r , make tides to the afore [aid tract of land , unlefs he /hew can/' to the contrary , on or before the loft day oj the. faid next term. The above is a trim copy from the records, jfob. s i, 1801. P WATTS, Clerk C. 0 . Court of Ordinary, Ob. 180 i. Wojh i ngt on Cum ty, A PETIT lON he 'rg bv JJaac Lang don to ihc court of or dinary, praying an order of this court, to dir ell Edward Kelly to moke and execute I gal tides as ad mini/} racer of the eflate and efjcdh of High Kelly , deceafed, agreeable to find Hugh Kellys pend bend, tearing date the loihcf December, j 798, with a condition to moke ti tles in feeJimple to a certain trail of land , containing iivo hundred acres (more or le/sj lying ant bing in the county of Lincoln , on the wa ters cf Soap-creek , adjoining lands oj George Simms andßobt . Bade, iff, and the faid petition with a true copy oj faid bond , being fled in the cl rks office of this court. IT is 0 <DIKED, that the foregoing application be pubhjhcd in one of the Gaieties of the fate, three months , and that at the next term of [aid court, thereafter no fuff dent objection /hewn the faid t divert d Kelly, adminiflralor as afore fad, will he direfiid to execute tides to 1/anc Lang don, according io the condition of faid bond, in terms cf the acl in Juch cafes provided. £x trail from ihc Record, J. WAI TS, Cderk C. 0 . To the Honorable the Court of Or dinal y for the county oj Jejjer fcn. THE petition of Edwzrds Brown, fheweth * That Blaf fin game Harvey , /en late of the county of Jejfer/on dceeajed, in his life time, made and / üb/crihed a certain bond or writing obligatory , bearing date the 1 sth day of Jan. 1787 —whereby the Jaid Elijfn game Harvey hound himjelj to your petitioner in the fam of £. 500 [lerling, conditioned to make titles io a certain trail cf land, containing two hundred eighty /even and a half acres , fituate in the county cf Wajkington ; your petitioner Jlates, that the faid Blaf in game in his I ft lime did not comply with the condi tion oj his [aid bond, nor has his ex ecutors finer his death by making ti tles io the trad cf land aforesaid , your petitioner further JlaUs, that John Paulett, Tandy C. Key, cndDrujiila Harvey, are Exccu ton rrd Fxcrittri* cf f ( i V'- 7 . endieffemant cf ihe [aut iff off, game, are., end time fort pr Cis that cjUr legal notice gi Tfn ihe jffj Excenters and Executrix may D acquired to molt titles in terms cj the [lntuit in fve h caps provided, O UN M. DERR/eh, KNOW »i: men ( v f of tha- 1 Bl ffiogame Havty <t ihe ftd* - rf G orgia and county of p.j k» ?rn I eld and firrr’v h nod *n E 0 ’ w ff. II row aof the <1 J'e or Virp. n . R an j (minty of Lunenburg, in r! r :„(j P{ J full f«m nt fie? I ondrrcl p ( u d* (1 Hr, 7. for which payment well an( j , r to bt* nriide unto she fa id ptlvr.r?' Brown, I hind n yfelf, my !?rs cr f s Henry i y ihefe pn ten t, G a j, j Vsi?h my fra I, and dated the ir n of January 1787. The condition off! n obKga'irn j fl fuch, tbaf if the above h-und B’jffin p&ne Harvey, frn. do and f.iall by of general warrant, on o r before the fir ft day of January r7T 8, convey and crr f irm unto the a-.<*ve nan cj ]V warduß.owr, Hs heirs and ffTi-rg, , n { eftate of inheritance in f c Cmp'c, n two hundred eighty feven and ro ha'f acres cf -and, lituiiird, y,ng aod fer*’ in tic r Dnty of Wcfh.ngt, d, in the fts»e aft rclstd, on be Oc ore R v.r, adjoining land of Ed«grd Goode, be ing the land purehrfed of \\' ro . (j jf t that then the above c»bl : gat'#a t& he r id, elf; to remain ic full Lrcc *ud vrue. fS-yno’) BL A SSIMGAM Z HAR V£ Y. Scried and delivered in the p e'erce of Jtffe Panlstr, Edward Go tie, Wiliam W.ftj, BUflingf me llartey, jin. Order no, Tha' the a hue going b* pnb'iflted for and during the [pate of thiee ron ha, in feme public G-zette, it tcima of ti’e «ft. 11 ue ex trad from the minive*. James Bozeman, C.C/b February II > 1801. Wafhingion County, A PETITION being preferred by Anderjcn Redding, to the court of ordinary, praying an order oj the court to direH Matthew Har ris, to make and execute legal titles as administrator of the estate and effects of Adam Heath, dec. agreeable to /aid Adam Heath's bend, bearing dote the x?th December, 1793 cb~ lining him to make titles to eighty am sO/ land, cn the west end of the land whir eon he then lived — end the /aid petition , with a Inn copy of /aid End, bang filed in ihe Clerk’s Office 0} this Court. IT JS ORDERED , that the foregoing application he puhhfhed in one of the. Gazettes of this slate, three months ; that at the next tern of said court thereafter, no sufficient objection shewn the /aid Matthew Harris , administrator as aforesaid, will be direHed to execute titles to Antler Jon Redding, according to the conditions of jdid bond, in terra of the afl in fuch cafes provided . A true copy from ihe records, February 23, iBot. J. IVA TIS, Clerk C. 0. February 28. By ]AV!S PoZEMtV. CEOF* G I A, * Cirk of the Court ft v Ordinary fc r [j ‘J'Jft'fon County. County of JJ ' t 6 ”' Mi la I nhtlmnn, tfr h 3 ;? \ y applied to me tor Iclteri ol aui'> trit on o r ' ilic rfiatf nnl effect* r * lum Booh, Hte of the county of J <Jcce:i fed : 1 hefe ate tlicre'nrc b' £ 11 C , *, j pilmniiiili all «»■<’ iiuj* *lar tlie kina»« * c editors of the t.nd det 10 J ,‘ e 1 oh/*ftion«, if &'’.v .Itey jn okcp, on or be i >* , e rite tf ; v Ma,ch next, other wile letters of tjiilraiicm will be granted I m Cix r en nrHer m* hand, s b'• * ~4 ‘ - ‘ f of Behru ry in r ‘ e ( fifth vc-,, ot the American !"<,» perdecce*