The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, April 11, 1801, Image 1

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Volume lII.] GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE:—PubIiIhcd every Saturday, by AMBROSE DAY & ] AMES HELY, at 3 dollars per ann. payable half yearly ; \, hne 1 Hays, Ailiclesol Intelligence, Adveitilemcnts, Ac. Ac. hi e thankfully received, and PRINTING in all its variety, is executed with neatncfs and dtfpatch. Late foreign news. St. PETERSBURG, Dec. 3 0. from the Court Gazette. The Emperor of Raffia s challangt to all the potentates of Europe. <f It is his majefty, the emperor feeing thatthepow ers ot Europe cannot agree, and wilhing to tertrijjate a war which lias raged eleven "years, intends to propoic a place, where he ‘will invitepotentates to fight barriers doled purpofe they are to their moft enlightenmminifters, and moll fkilful generals, as fquires, umpires agd Heralds; fuch as Thuguc., Pitt and Bernflorft ; that he himfelf intends to have count Vander Pahlenand Kutu fow, with him. It is not known whether this rumour is to be depended upon ; mean while it does not feem to be altogether without foundation, as it bears the mark of what has often been imputed to him.” BERLIN, January 14* A Courier difpatched by Count Lufy, the minifter of our court at Peterfburgh, brought here the 24th of December, difpatches announcing the fign ing of the covcntion of the arm ed neutrality by fea. On the 17 th Lord Carysfort fent off a courier to his court. This convention is not known in an authentic banner. It is ailed red, howe- O J ver, to be known that the prin c.pal article imports, that the contracting parties bind them- Elves not to convoy veffcls Vv.hich fhall have on board any contraband article, and that they will endeavor to come to anun derflanding with the the belli gerent powers upon what fhall beconfidercd as fuch. It is ad 'ied that the minifters of Den mark and Sweden have acceded 10 this treaty only with certain eflndlions. Among others it laid, that the Pruffian minifter nas not acceded to an article V; hich imports, that theconvoy '*! veffels which fhould prelent tnenifelves before a blockaded port, without being in time ap of the blockade, fhould fl ave a right to enter freely into 1L An article which he hasjudg f d might give rife to a warm °pp°htion on the part ofthe bel 'gerent powers, and lead to fe ‘ious differences. PARIS, January 20. •At Even o’clock yefterday rnr ' r ning, a Ruffian officer arriv- here, in 17 days from Peterf- THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; A N D REPUBLICAN TRUMPET. S A I UR DAI, April it, 1801. —UBEkrns our motto—jnd truth our guide. burgh, and immediately fet off to the minifter for foreign af fairs, who is in the country. — He is the hearer of a letter to the Chief Conful, in the hand writing of the emperor Paul. The following arrette, which has refulted from thefe difpatch es, was promulgated this morn ing. ACTS of the GOVERN MENT. jO/b Nivofe , ythyear (Jan. 19. J The Confuls ofthe Republic, on the report of the Minifter of the Exterior, decree, All veffels of the Republic, and all cruifcrs hearing the French flag, are forbid to inter rupt the Ihips of war, or the commerce of the Emperor of all the Rufiias, or of his fubjects. On the contrary it is directed, that all the French veffels fhall afford fuccour and afliftance to the fhips of Ruffia. All prizes of Ruffian veffels which mav be J made after the ill Ventofe, (Feb. 19) fhall be declared null by the Council of prizes. The Minifter of foreign af fairs and of marine and colonies, are charged with the execution of the prefentdecree, which fhall be inferted in the bulletin of the laws. Buon aEarte. By order of the Aril Conful, Marat, Secretary offtate. January 24. A Bourdeaux J ournal announ ces, that the convention conclu ded at Paris between the United' States and France has been rati fied by the Prefldent John Adams. An order from admiral Keith had directed the fearching of all Portuguefe veffels, and the feiz ure of fuch as had Spanifh mer chandife on board. 1 his order according to a letter from Ma drid of the 26th of December, has already been put in executi on ; an Englifh frigate had taken a Portuguefe fhip having on board a cargo of Spanifh Lea ther ; Ihe was to be carried di rectly to London, but contrary winds forced the frigate, with her prize, to run into the port of Lifbon. The news of this event, the fight of the captured fhip, every thing produced a ge neral difeontent. The owner of the fhip reclaimed it ; the arm ed force, by order of the Portu guefc government, went on board } lcr .—The Englifh crew- were driven off, and the Portuguefe * owner put in poffeffion of the veftel. Letters from the North inform ! us, that Ruffia has juft concluded with Sweden, a treaty of iubfi dies and commerce, one of the articles of which dates, that the two powers fhall concur in reta king die Ifle of Malta. The j fame letters affine us, that in the fpring a very numerous Ruffian fleet will arrive at Copenhagen. January ip. Letters from Conftantlnople of the 13th ult. Hate, that the Britifh fleet had not yet arrived there, but that four frigates with general Abercromby’s adjutants had reached Rhodes. A grand attack was to be made upon L gypt, feconded by the whole Turkifh navy, under the Captain Pacha. Gen. Sir Ralph Aber cromby was to land at Jaffa, with about 2c,0c0 men, and to march afterwards thro’ Damictta againft Alexandria with an Euro pean force of near 20,000 men. Ten thoufand men from the Eaft- Indies were to land at Suez, while the grand Vizier was to make an attack from El Arifch, fo that the French in Egypt will be at tacked in front, in rear, and in the flank. ARMY OF ITALY. General hr tine to the Minifter at I Ear, dated Vicenza , 19 Nivcfe, year 9. J have received, citizen minif ter, your letter of the 1 ith Niv ofe'—The intentions of govern ment fhall be fulfilled. No Ar miftice fhall be concluded with out the ceffion of Mantua, Ptl chiera, Ferrara and Ancona. The enemy have beenfuccef fivcly driven from Monteccllo and Tavernelle. In thefe diff erent actions we have made 1 500 prifoners. The left wing has palled the Brenta, and arrived at Borga di val Sugano. Brune. LONDON, January G. The number of emigrants era fed from the lifts of profeription, amounted, on the 3 ill of Dec. | laft, according to fomc of the ! Paris Journals, to the number i of 20,000. 'ldle caufe of the unexpected turn of the election in Scuth- Carolrna, in favour of Mr. Jef ferfon, is faid to be that the fe deral ele&ors did not choofe to go to the place of voting, in consequence of a report that a peftilential difordcr raged in the place ; and of their abfcnce Mr. Jefferfon’s friends availed them felvcs. J ann ary 18 . An American frigate* the fir ft fhip of war belaying to the U. States, that evdrfntcred a'l tir | kifh harbour, arrived at Con i ftantlnople on the 23d ult. with the tribute or prefents for the Dcyof Algiers, eftimated to be worth five millions of piaitres. —The American captain was under the immediate protection of the Algerine ambaflador, and was alio received in the moft hospitable manner by lord El gin, the Britifh ambaflador. January 20. The very unpleafant ftacc of public affairs in Europe, and the expectation of a large loan at no diflant period, have can fed a cOnfulerable depletion in our funds for rhe laft four or five days—The intelligence received on Sunday from America of tho probable election of Mr. Jeffcr fon, as Prefidcnt of the U. States caufed a farther deprt iTion yeT terday ; and the three per cents which have lately done at 62* Without the dividend, fell to 58 7-8, and left off at 59 1-8. In regard to Mr. Jtfferfon'a election, the fart Hands thus • The Maria, Capt. Englis, is nr rived from Charleflon, South- Carolina, and juft as (he was go ing to fail, intelligence was re ceived, that Mr. JefFcrlon had been elcCttd In confequence of the federal elcCtors not chooflng to go to the place of voting, a report having been fpread, that a pefiilential diforder raged in the place. The anti fe ci era! ills, who arc fufpeCted to have raifed this report for elec tion purpofes, took advantage of the other’s ab fence, Ind gave Mr. Jefferfcn and burr their votes, which turned the election againll Mr. Adams. I .ittle doubt remains in regard to the event, though the circumflanccs arc not accurately known, 'i'hc rc fult is certainly unpleafant to wards tills country, as Mr. Jef fnTon is the life and fold of tlic French fartion in America. Times. January 24. The Northern Confederacy. The alarm which has fazed | the public mind is as little jufti j fied by rhe Tate of affairs, as ir j is unbecoming the fentiments of 1 Englishmen. Accounts wc have feen from Copenhagen of the 10th of Jan. i flate, that Mr. Drummond, rher Engllfh Charge d’Affa res, find prefented a note to the Danifh. court, to know whar part Den mark would take in the affair of an armed neutrality, a mealurr which England con fide red hof tilc to its interefb. Ile received for anfwer “ that the conventi on which the king had rcfolved 1 to ftgn, had fonts object to main tain the refpect to which he was eraitied, and to defend it againft' : any power whatfoever, by which , ir fhould be denied ) but that ne vertheleb it was not fpedlicaiiy 1 directed againil England.” The political confequence of [No. 113.