The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, April 25, 1801, Image 1

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Volume Hl.] wi ,ORCL-i, T 'ft' rCUL:—. üblifbed every Saturday, by AMBROSE, DAY & JAMES HELY, at 3 dollars pet ann, payao.a Ball yearly :—Wkere ElTays, Ankles of Intelligence, Adveuilements, &c. arc thankfully icceived, and PR IN PING in all its variety, is executed with neatnefs and dilpatch. GEORGIA. By his Her. or Dav i d Em a nue t , prep dent cf the Senate , <■/;#</ commander in chief of the army and navy cf this fate , and of the militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. THERE AS in and by an V V Aft, entitled “ an Aft to repeal an Ordinance, palled at Augufia, the 261 b of January, 1786, fo far as refpefts the fixing the Scat of the Univerfity of this fiate ; and an Aft for the more fuli and complete eftablifhinent or a Public Scat of Learning in this Hate, fo far as refpefts the appointment of Truflees, palled it Savannah (he 27th of January, and to appoint a Board ci Tiuflees, and to define the l:oa:d of Vi fi tors, and to fix on s permanent Seat for the faid Urnvcrfity paffed the rph day of December, in the year eigh teen hundred, it is enafted— “ That Abraham Baldwin, Hugh Lawfon, Benjamin Taliaferro, foftph Clay, jun. James Jack ie n, John 1 wiggs, John Clarke, (of Wilkes) the Rev. Robert M, Cunningham, John Midedge, ]ofiah Tatnall, jun. Ferdinand O’Neal, John Stewart, and l-mes M'Neil, fbsll compofe the Board of Truftees; whofe duty it (hall he to carry* this in liirution cornplete'y into effeft.'* Ami it is further enafted— ** That the Governor, the Judges of the Superior Courts, the Pre* fidcutef the Senate, the Speaker cl the Houle of Representatives, and (he Senators horn the differ ent Counties (except the Coun ties in which the Governor, the judges, ‘he Picfidect of (he Se n‘*te, and Sneaker of the Houfc r 1 cf Repvefcnta'ivcs lor the lime being (hall refide) (bail form a Board of Vi filers, whofe duty i (ha!) be to fupei Intend and ite.ulatc the literature of this L-'‘ ; and in particular of the *uMic Seat of i earning." And whereas the General Af fnnhiv palled a joint refolution soffoiizuig rncl empowering the G overnor to iffue his prcclama iion, requiring the members of s be Senatus Arademicus of the Un’u r eifity of Georgia, to con- Vc ne at Louifville, between the terms of the Superior Courts, to take under their confederation r nd adopt iuch meafures as may ff ' Promote the objffts cf that inflkuticu—•“ And that body at * heir conventional a (Terr blag c th e fitting cf the lad having fixed upon Tfiah Meigs, efq. then piofftlo# C J Vale College, in the ILte of y p Cnt6iicut, as preficirg pro of the Univerfity cf the THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE AN D 5 ; REPUBLICAN TRUM P E T. S\ T TTP n a v a 0 A U RD A l 3 APH I L 2C, iSoi. uILLtIIT IS OUItMOTTQ D Hate of Georgia, who gratefully attentive to the call has arrived with his family among us, and perfonally notified the Executive thereof, oini of his defirc to commence on the duties allotted him. I have therefore thought fit to iffuc this my proclamation, requiring the attendance as well of the members of the faid Board of Vifitors as of the members of the Board of Truflees of the Univoifity of this ftatc, at the State-Houfe, in I cuilvillc, on Monday the i«jtb day cf June next, then and there to form the Senatus Acadcmicus, and to pioceed on the important du ties of the infiilution according !r- Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of this ftatc, at the Stats Hcvjc, tn Leu if mills, this yth day of April, in the year cf cur Lord, eighteen hundred and ere, and of American Independ ence the twenty -fifth. DAVID EMANUEL. £y the Prcfident and Com mander in chief, Thomas Johnson, Deputy Secretary of ftatc. Cod Jams the ftatc. BATTALION ORDERS. t VFSU A ’ N TLY »o Reg inf ra tal ORDER 01 this date, the captains of the companies be longir g to the battalion under my command, together with thui Subalterns and ft: ft Seijcants, properly anred and accuuf ed, and provided with at halt half a dozen cartiidgescach, will aiftm blc 2r Lcuiivi Ic, on Friday the 111 day ot May next, and be cn parade by half pail to o'clock in I lie forenoon—the roll called at II ; when the Adjutant-Gene ral will proceed to Main them in Company Exerdfe and Evoluti ons —And onSatuiday the 2dcf May, being the following day; they, with thru fcvcial Compa nies armed, accoutred and pro vided accordingly to law, ujlli be on the regimental tnuflerground by 10 o'clock, a. m. —when the utual inlpection under the Ad jutant-Gtneral will take place. THOS. JOHNSON, Major. April 3, ISOI. N OTIC E. ALL nerfons having any de mands againft tlie eftale of Ab ner Mitchell, dr ceded, arc de li red to bring them in properly attefted, within the time limited by law, to R. RUTHERFORD, Aduiiaifustor. March 28. TEST DOLLARS REIVARD. Strayed from the SnV fciibcr's plantation Half cymbe, on Rocky Comfort, lall month, a finall bay Horfe, 13 hands high, one or both hind frrt white, a fwirrh tail, and an I Übn brand—Hiape not recol lected—is pleafant under the faddlc and an excellent lad) s horfe-—was lad ftcn by a Mr. Dawkins, who tinned him imo Ogeecbe Swamp—-was abo feen by a Mr. bo f h living on the Fork of Ogeechc c/ f’oc ky Comfort.-*—'The horie Is wrdl known on the Oconee, about the Dead river, arid cant. Swil- Iy*s diflrift, being the ho?fc which was Itolyn two veins and upwards fincc from fho Ciherhaw King, ant] paid for by the flate and purcbaltd of the {life by the ftibfcnber at public lale.— The above icward will be pod on delivery of the ho: be .it the ple.ntation, or to [AS. JACKSON. Louirvills, April 1 p ICOI i i FTV DOM.AUt; REWARD. ■ p OTOLKM or ft rayed, from ih<* printing-oftice yani, in Lruilville, on the right of Mon day the ICth u'itiino* » blight bay HORSE, about five y.ars chi, fifteen hands high, iiors and canters letnarkabiy well, and is branded with the Utter R on the mountiug (boulder, but not vilibie unids cio'ely examined. IF ftolcn, whoever will apprehend the ihieF, and iorlge him in any gaol in this ftale, fo he may be brought to pumfhinent, {hall receive the above toward. If ft rayed, who ever will deliver him a' die pi int ing-oflice, or give any mFonna tum thereof fo he may be found {ball be generoufly rewarded, and all expences paid, JAMES 1-1 El. Y. April 4, iBui. N O TIC K. ALL perfons Kid:btcd to the eft ate of Charles iUrvey, decc.Tcd, arc r ■] urfted ».•» 1 n3 k e immediate payment ; and nil thoic to whern ti e rOafe is in d- bted, are defired to lender in their accounts prr nedv duelled BLASS HA BY! Y, JOHN HARVEY. X'.xci of or.i TRANCES HARVEY, iixecoi rix. March 23. foITTa LE7" At Mr. NFCcrmick’s S f crc, A Ojian tity oft CAR and KY£ CUTTER PLOUGH IRONS. April 4. NOTIC r. ON Thurfday the 28th day ot Mav ncx, will he cx« to lale at public outriv* Ihe houfe lately ocotipicd bv Doctor James Boyd Stiarpe, in the town ol Wayne fboiough * the whole of the PERSON AL KSTA f E of the Lid James B. Shatpe. deccah d; confiding of a w* 11 chofen afloitrnent of Mc dic;ne. and Shop Furniture, a l«*w articles ol Houlchold and Kitchen f urniture, a fmall Hock of ( attic, I*l ogs and Coats.—<■ ix months credit will be given* tnc pure hale os giving bond or unit's with approved frcririty fo Me acl in ini 11m ; or ;—Who te ,f‘K ail per ions having dc ids on the ellate, or again!! r' ceafed, to render them *dy attcfKd, and thofe in to make payment with* • n, to . o;a. Sir u uaat,ut, A dmV. ‘2. lB'-l. ! BUC SAI EOF LANDS, Situated in the Cat ay of ; Jachfcn. JT\N TUESDAY, the cBth V/ A pril being the frconcl d'V of Wilkes t ounty Court, v, ill bo fold bv public Lie, to tho higbeU bidder, opposite tho ( on rt-Louie, in the town of Wafting Icn : Eighty throe TRACTS of LAND, fjtuaic in ihe County of Jackie -i, on the River Appa-• lachie, Alulbfry fork, Maihij ry’s Creek, &c. including tho pLro called the Hog Mountain, which is one of the bdl htuati ensin the ftatc for IndianTiade ; one of the above mentioned Trafis, .containing 920 acre:, lies within five miles of tho Giern County l ine, upon tho River Appalricbie, adjoining R, M'Alpin, being the u.Tt where ( aptmi 1. I’hiilif * now refidcs, ()>i> tract if. allowed to be one ob the bt fl trafts in Jackfon, it will 1 e divided with fomc other traCD to (ait vmrehafers. Thole hrtdi voe gt ncrally fury eyed in tho year 1785, as they will poiitively be ‘old, great bargains may bs cxpetlrd. The file wip com-* rntnee at io o'clock in th* fore -I.don ; the cor.di ion of laic i; that payment lhall be made im mediately upon the t xcc ution oi 1 ides in ( afb, 't ohacco, Cotton, Ncgiocs or Iloifes at cath price. For 1 u»rher painmlars to Mica jab Wilhamfod, E!q. Jack* 100 County. or GEORGE SI 33 A LG. AugufU, March 35, 1801, WHITING PAPER, t * By the Rhcam or LLire, For fale at :h? Printing-Office*, [No. h 15.