The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, May 09, 1801, Image 1

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Volume lII.] GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE Pubhlhed every Saturday, by AMBROSE DAY & JAMES HELY, at 3 dollars per ann. t <ci. ,uic and PRINTING in all its variety, is executed with neatnels and dilpalch. A Lift of Letters remaining in the Pod-Office at Louifvillc, on the Ift day of April, 1801, which if not taken out before the firft day of July next, will be fent to the General Poft-Office as dead letters. V)L. J ohn J ones,Patton Gard yner, Robert French, James Brown,Wm. Parfons, Thos. Cox, Richard Burney, JeiTee Jourdan 2, Stephens. Williams, Robert Murchinfon, Ifaac Lew is, Moles IVPNeely, John \V il kinfon, Jacob Boyet, John Pa rifh, William Neal 2, William Clarke, Rcddin Blount, Benjamin cr Win. Legget, John Allen, John Lamar, James Lamar, Ezekiah Butt, Parodeat Few, Wm. M c Dowcll, Geo. Swilly, Michael Kelly, A. Hammond, Benjamin Tarver,Dan. M‘Mur phey, Nancy Brown, Samuel Alexander, Sol. Wood, Eliflia Nail, Eliflia White. JAS. BOZEMAN, P. M. (jftf 3 I would SELL , cr EX CHANGE for a good Draught HORSE , an elegant SADDLE HORSE, Jeven years odd this Jpring. T. MERIWETHER. The Grove, April 24, 1801. ~ AT PUBLIC SALE" ' IVill he fold, on the 1 fth May next, at the Houje of the late V/m. Pollard , in Louijville, ALL his REMAINING S fO C K in trade, con filling of Horfes, Negroes, Houiehold Furniture and Store Goods. Conditions, Caffi. DAVID M‘COR MICK, Adminiftrator. April t, 1801. n o ticeT ALL perform indebted to the eftate of William Pollard, fvc of the county of |efferfon, dreeafed, arc hereby requefted To make immediate payment ■, 'ind a'j to whom the Lid eftate 15 indebted, are likewife requef l,;; to render in their accounts pmperly attefted, on or before tne rgrh day of May next. RAVID M‘CORMirX, Adminiftrator. £D * tq, 7 801 - OTICE is hereby given to A all performs having de- again ft the eftate of the afe honorable fames Jones, leafed, that they render them r °pei]y attefted to the fubfcri- Jj r,s I and thofe indebted to ihe . te are requefted to make payment, JOHN MILLEDGE, bBENEZEK STARK, , Executors. March 28. THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND REPUBLICAN trumpet. SATURDAY, May 5, 1801. ijuertt is ouk motto — and truth our guide. NOTICE. ALL 'perJons indebted to the Eftate cf Patrick Connelly, late of this county y dcccajed , are re quefted to make immediate payment to the Adminiftratrix ; and thofe who may have demands againft the fame, arc djired to render them in properly authenticated , to the JuhJcriher , on or before the firft day of June next. MART CONNELLTy Adminiftratrix. Louijville , March 27, i3oi. N 0 T I C E. On the firft: Men day in June next , will be field , all the Perficnal Eftate efi Patrick Connelly, late of the county of JcfferJcn, Csnftfting of Negroes, Horfes , Hogs, Stock, Cattle , Farming Uten fils, Houjehold Furniture , (Ac. Ibe jale will he at the plantation cf the Jaid Patrick Connelly, de ceajed, and the terms made known on the day. MART CONNELLTy Ad mi niftratrix. Louijville, March 27, 1801. NOTICE. A LL per fens indebted to the cj tate of William McDowell, dec. are earneftly requefted to make immediate payment : and all tbcje to whom the Jaid eftate is indebt ed, are like wife requefted to bring in their accounts properly attefted. JOS FARM. S TERETE, JAMES STUBBS , Executors. Feb. 27, ISo 1. N OTIC E. THE ccpartnerjhip cf Lange Cy Pugh , being dijfolved by the death cf the former : thofe to whom they are indebted willpleaje call on the Suhjcriher for fettle - meat. D. GILFORD PUGH. Saunderjville, March 18, 1801. NOTICE. THE Copartnerjhip of Wal ter T. Smith & Co. expired the 18 th infant :—all perjens indebted thereto are requefted to make immediate payment , to Mr. Thomas Bourke, jun. who is duly author Jed to receive the fame , and will give attendance at the . Store. Walter T, Smith. William Hunter. Minis & Hunter, April 2£. TvANTED TO PURCHASE , BEEF HIDES. The higheft price will be giv en in CASH or GOODS, by WALTER ROBINSON. March 30. CONTINUATION of LATE FOREIGN NEB'S. CONSTANTINOPLE, 'January 13. The fee ret ary of ford Elgin is arrived here with intelligence that the remainder of the 1 2,000 men, Englifh troops, deftined for Egypt, had now alfo landed at Marmora, where there is like w fe a great number of Englifh (hips fliips of war. Englifh fhips arc now cruifing off A lexandria. The report that the French had offered to evacuate Egypt, fince they had heard of the furrender of Malta, is not credited lie re. VIENNA, Feb, 6. We have received the impor tant intelligence that the court of Peterfburgh has declared to thofe of Naples and 1 jfbon, that if they do not Unit their ports againft Britain, his majefty the emperor of RufTia, will not in tercede in their favour with France. Ihe letters from Moldavia and Wallachia agree in Hating that the Ruffian armies proceed on their march with much ex pedition. On this liibjccl we have, as yet, received 110 news from Conftantinople. In confcquence of the report which is circulated, that Bofnia and Servia will hereafter belong to the houfe of Auftria, fcveral very opulent Greek houfea have fpecified their defire of forming eftablifhments at Belgrade. Hamburg, rd. r.y We have this afternoon learn ed that a Pruflian courier has been fent off to 1 .ondon, with difpatchcs for the cabinet of St. James, in which his Pruffian majefty requires, that all the Da nifli, Swedifh and Ruff an vef fels detained in the Englifli ports, dial I he liberated within 24 hours ; and that an indemni fication fhall be paid for ail the expences incurred in confe quence of this meafure : adding, that in cafe of refufal, Pruflia will prevent all communication between England and the con tinent. That his majefty for that purpofe will fend 30,000 of his troops to Hamburg, and 20,000 to Bremen, and that he will lequeftrate all the Englifh property in his fates. 1 he mafters of all the Pruffi an (hips in cur port, are, to morrow, to wait on the Pruffi an conful, to receive orders not to depart. Thefe meafures oc cafion, here great une aline is. LONDON, March 4. . The King's lllncjs —lt will not be thought unintcrefting by the public to be informed of the re medy to which is to be attribut ed, under Providence, the a batement of the fever, and the tranquility of mind which refult ed.from fuch long repofe. Se veral opiates having been tried without the defined effeft, M. Addington fuggefted a preferip tion which had been ufed by his father Dr. Addington. A pillow filled with hops, was pla ced untier the King’s head, which aCled as a foporific, and « produced the mod; complete fuc ccfs. The quic k and vifiblc pro grefs of amendment, fmcc this favourable circum fiance, jufti (ic.s the mod fanguine expcCla dons of his majclly’s ipeedy re* covery. Among the numerous enqui ries after his majefty’s health, the following card was left: George Streqty IGeftminJier. Capt. Blake, of the Grena diers, in the regiment of col. Murray, at the battle of Preflon Pans, in the year 174 G left among the dead in the field of aClion, with no lefs than eleven wounds, one fo ca pital as to carry away 3 inches of his fkull, preferved 56 years to relate the event, and enabled by gracious protection to make his perfona! enquiries after his majefly’s health. DUBI IN, March 4, A monflrous rife has taken place here in the price of all fuch articles as are imported from the Baltic, particluarly ir on. 1 his is a grofs impofition, a , none of the venders have yet paid an extraordinary price for any of fuch goods they have in their pcflefiion. Acourns have been received cf four Spanifh {hips of the line having c fir Cl eel a junction with the French fquadron whic h failed from Bred a few weeks fmce.— They joined off Cape Finifler re, and from the courfe which they were feen to fleer, jt is fuppofcd that the combined fquadron is gone to the Medi terranean. On her paffoge home the Prince of Wales packet law, far to fouthward, the Bri tifh deer, confiding of fifteen Hups of the line, which, from the direction of their courfe, appeared to be in quefl of the enemy. They were thcnfUnd ing for Cape Finiflcrre. PARIS, February 16. A deputation from the Legis lative Body, compofed of twen ty, four members, were introdu- [No. 117.