The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, June 13, 1801, Image 2

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LA IT. FOREIGN N£WS. LONDON, April . 14. I etters jeccivcd in town yes terday per the Lifhon mail Hate, that a truce has been agreed to w J between Spain arid Portugal, for a term of four months. The commercial intercourse between the two countries is to be placed on the Same Sooting as before the war. An article from Amfferdam Hates, that accounts have been received, that the expedition under admiral Rainier againil Batavia had failed j and that this colony was in a good Hate. ■ April 15. The report of the death of the emperor of Ruffia, which we mentioned in our paper of ycHerday, proves to be well founded ; but So many false hoods have been circulated ref pedling the Sate cf his majelty, we at firH received it with Sus picion. It appears that on the 23d ultimo, his imperial majeS ty went to rcH as ufual, and next morning was found lifclefs in his bed; having died as it is given our, in an apoplectic fit ; but as it is fufpeclcd, by violent means. Some Say poiicn.—He had diigufted or affronted all his nobles and officers, caking them into favour one day, and difgrac irig them the next. 11 is tyran ny had left him no friends ; he was univerTally hared ; every individual was afraid cf becom ing the vidtim of his caprice. The hiHory and practice of Kuilian court pointed out his fare ; he himfclf dreaded ir, and Seldom Slept twice in the fame room. The prefect event was forefeen, and predicted by per sons in this country, the beH in formed on R uffian affairs. II is eldeff Son Alexander, was immediately proclaimed emper or; and he commenced his reign by, tiling a ukafe, or pro clamation, which was read on change, announcing, “ that as it had plealed God to take his father, who had died in an apo pie die fit, the government de volved on him ; that he would rule with Suffice, anti follow the maxims of his illuffrious grand mother, by which means he hoped to condud his people to happinefs and glory.” Among the Heps, the new emperor, Alexander, di (patched a meffengcr to count Woronzow in this country, re-appointing him ambaflador from Ruffia. i he meffengcr came over in the Dolphin packet, capt. Ilearne, (without a mail) and arrived in ] ondon about eight o’clock on Monday night. His difpatchcs were delivered to the chaplain of the Ruffian Legation, in Har ley-ffreet, and an exprefs was immediately lent off'to count Woronzow, at Southampton. The meffenger brought a letter from M. Vander Pahlen, the Ruffian Secretary of Hate, to lord Hawke (bury, our minifler S>r foreign affairs, acquainting him with the event, and affuring hi l n it was the wifli of the em peror to re-eflabiilh tl\e rela tions of amity between Ruffia and England, A letter was alfo brought, written by the j or Alexander iiimlelf to oir king, full cf the meff conciliatory cxpreffions. Mr. Shairpe, our kic ccnful in Ruffia, but now in Condon, is Said to have received paffports, and to have been in treated to return immediately. The Britiffi teamen have been let ac liberty by the new emper or, and the SequeHradon taken off BiitiHi property including I (hips. In conl'equence of this ! iniclligencc, merchants, who a 1 week ago would have fold their | property in Ruffia for 10 per cent, yefrerday refuted 50; the gicatcft joy prevailed in the mercantile world. No happier event could have occurred lor it than the death of Paul. The tends rote nearly two per cent, and the fpeccly diffolution of the northern confederacy was re garded as certain. April 22. This morning w r e again re ceived Paris Journals. They come down one day later than tliote wc announced vefferdav. , J J Them contents are moH inter effing, but we hope will not re ceive confirmation. The official paper is not among thofe w r e have received, and until it fhall arrive, or advices from our own commanders, wc fhall not be able to determine what degree (if credit is due to the non-offi cial journals of the iSthinHant, which Hate, that on the 20th of March, the French in Egypt, commanded by Menou in per fon, attacked and defeated gen. Abercrombie’s army, killed 3000 in/l prifoucio, and among the latter general Abercrombie himfclf. One of the accounts is from Malta, the other comes byway of Naples and Milan. Refpedting the lat ter, it may be obterved, that if there is no miHake in the dates, the news muff have reached Na ples in teven or eight days from Egypt, for it would take about three days to travel from Naples to Milan. But on the whole, there was Sufficient time for the intelligence by one rout or other to reach Paris. We cannot be long without a knowledge of the real Hate of matters in that coun try. V PARIS, April 17. I etters received from Malta affert, that general Affiercrom bie, attacked at the fame time by the garrifon of Alexandria, and by general Mcnou in perfon, with more than 10,coo men, and 30 pieces of artillery, has been completely routed. Ac cording to thete letters, 3000 Englifh remained on the field of battle, and roo cut off by the French cavalry, were made pri foners. General Abercrombie is among the latter. This bat tle is Said to have taken place on the 20th of March. I lAMBI RGH, April 3. '1 he following notification has been poked up at the exchange : “ \s herras his majeHy the king of Denmark and Norway lias found it nectffaiy for ftop pirg the Engliffi navigation and trade on the Elbe, to rake pof ftffion, foj' a time, cf the free and imperial city of Hamburgh, by the troops cf his highnds. I field rnarfhal prince CLarles?, j Landgrave of licffc, and has I required, that from the iirft cf | April, an embargo Hi all attach on all Englilh property, whe ther Ibips, commodities, or any other iit is hereby required by cqnfcnt of the council and citi zens, that all perfons fhali de tain fuch property, and notice will immediately be given to all merchants, captains, dee. of the time, place, and manner in which it frail be given up. Given in council, April 3, 1801. April 10. Mr. Pitcairn, the American conful, has protefled againft pulling up the buoys in the Elbe, and declares, that Ire confidcrs the Danifh government accoim table for every iols which Ame rican llrips may in fain in confe quence. This ipirked applica tion, has, it is find, had lire de fied effect. ELS IN EUR, April 7. Our government has lent to admiral Ndlon us ultimatum with rcfpect to the propofols he has made, which, as we arc af fured, is, that Denmark will never recede from the conven tion of neutrality, and if this mull be a condition cf peace, lord Nelfbn may recommence hoftilitics as foon a he pieafes; Denmark will defend hcrfelf to the lad extremity. Perfons who have returned from the Bridfh fleet fay, it is impofiibie to deferibe how much ir is damaged; ours does not make a better appearance, liut againft fuch a fupenorlty ! ! Ydlerday a Swcdifi officer arrived here from Landfcrona, who brought to our command ant a quantity of papers, found on board an Englilh boat on the Swedifh coall; they belong to admiral Nelfon himfelf. Ills journal to the fill of April is among them. This morning about fix o'- clock an Englilh cutter brig, with a flag of truce from the Englilh fleet, failed from the Sound. NEW-YORK, May 20. The fhip Suffolk arrived at this port lad evening in 2 6 days fi;om London, with advices to the 18th April, inclufive, of which the moll important arti cles are prefented to the readers of the Mercantile Advertifer in the preceding columns, from London papers received at this office. They announce among ether events of confldcrable conic quence, the death of the emper or Paul of Ruflla ; the padage of the Sound by the Britilh fleet, and the dedrudion of the arm ed veffcls at Copenhagen : the pofielfion ol Hanover by Prulfia and of Hamburgh by Denmark. Dcnijh account cf the late En gagement. COPEN HAGEN, April 7. The following is the official account given of the naval en gagement of the 2d indant, by Olfert Fifcher, the Danifh com mander in chief, and addreffed to his royal highnefs the Crown Prince. On die flrd of April, at half i {-aft 3 o'clock in the afternoon, two ciivifions of me Bntiih licet under vice admiral Nelfon and a rear admiral, weighed anchor proceeded eaftward towards the middle ground, and fhordy call anchor again fouth of the fame. This force confided of twelve flips of the line, leveral large frigates, bomb and other veffeis making in all thirty-one fail* On the 2d of Apnl, about nine in the morning, the winds. E. thefe fliips, as well as thole lyinu north of the middle ground urn der the command of admiral Parker, weighed anchor. The Ihips of the line and heavy fri gates under the command of I vice admiral Nelfon, drew up I towards the king’s deep, in or | der to take their flation fuccef -1 fivtly near the place which I was intruded to defend. The bombarding and fmaller veflels took their flation near the town ■, and the divifion of admiral Par ker, confiding of eight Ihips of the line and icvcral fmaller vei fcls, cruized \mn the utmofl prcls of fail towards the fouth, to the right wing of the defence. At half pad ten o’clock, the northermoft fliip of admiral Nelfon’s divifion pafled thole 1 of ours, which lay mod to the fouth. I gave that fhip which was within fhot the fignal fur battle. The guard ihips, Pro vefleen and Wagrien, and fhort -1 ly after the Jutland (between which and the guard fliip Dan nebrog, the lirfl Englilh fhip being 74 guns, kept itfelf fad by means of an anchor) obeyed the fignal by a well directed and well fupported fire. The remainder of the (hips then came up, and feme of them having failed in front of the ihips that tuft caft anchor and others behind them, they form ed a dole line ; which, as it ex tended only north of the line of battle fhip Zeeland, engaged only two thirds of the force en trufted to me. There being ho fire from the Three Crown bat teries, nor from the fhip Ele phant or Mars, and very litiie liom the frigate Hielpcnen. In hall 211 hour after the engagement became general. Twelve line of battle fliips, of which one was of 80 guns, and a)moil all the reft of 74, and from fix to eight frigates were on one fide. On the other fide were feven guard fliips, one ot which only of 74 guns, the reft of 64 and under, two frigates, and fix fmaller veftels. The enemy had every where two fliips for one of ours, and the guard fhip Provefteen, had, be sides the rear admiral and a ihip of the line, two f.igates againft her, which were raking her from ftem to ftern, without her being able to return a fhot. Were I only to relate, in the manner of an hiftory, what your royal highnefs lias feen, as well as the city of Denmark, and of Europe, that this which I call an unequal contert, was main tained with unexampled braver/ for the fnace of four hours and a half i that the fire of the pow er engaged with us was already fo exhaufted, that feveral of the Englifh Ihips, and among the reft that of admiral Nelfon, fir