The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, June 20, 1801, Image 1

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Volume lII.] GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE: Publifhed every Saturday, by AMBROSE DAY & (AMES lIELY. at 3 dollars per aon. payable hau yearly Articles of intelligence, Advemfemems, &c. Ac. arc thankfully teccivcd, and PRIN TING in all its variety, is executed with ncatnds and dilpaich. COLLECTOR’S SALES. Will be fold, on the firft SA TURDAY in Auguft next, at the Market Houle in the Town of Louifville, at the ufual hours, the following PROPERTY, or as much as will fatisfy the taxes due for the year 1800, to wit: 260 acres of Pine Land in Jcfferfon County, lying on O gechce River, granted to Tho mas Wafdin. Taken as the property of Thomas Wafdin, in default for his Taxes. Tax due 73 cents. 200 acres fecond quality land in Jcfferfon County, lying on Williamfon Swamp, adjoining Solomon Wood, granted to Vailin Tharp. Taken as die property of Peter Chatham, in default for his Taxes. Tax due 2 dollars 30 cents. also, WILL BE SOLD, On the SAME EAT, 113 acres 2d quality land in Jcfferfon County, lying on De hart’s Creek, adjoining John Paulett. Taken as rhe property of Jtfle Paulett, in default for his Taxes for the year 1799. — Tax due 7 dollars 97 cents. GARLAND HAKDWICH, T. C. J. C. May 30, 18c 1. PUBLIC AUCTION. On Saturday , the 11 th July next, will he fold , at the plantation of the late William Wiljcn , on Williamjon Swampy deceafedy About Forty Head of liktlv STOCK CATTLE. Alfo, a fee ofSADDLER*S& BLACK SMITH’S TOOLS, belonging to the Eftatc of the faid deceas ed. Conditions will be made known on the day of fale. Wm. CAW T THON, Executor. May 25, iBot. On the 26th June, will he fold, at the plantation of the dec. All the Perfonal Eftate of Jas. Hunt, deceafed. Conditions °f the Lie will be made known on the day. CHLOE HUNT, Admx. no t i c £T A LL Perfons indebted to the Eftate of Daniel M‘Ncil, btc of the County of Jcfferfon, deceafed, are hereby requefted 10 make immediate payment ; all thofe to whom the faid ‘dtate is indebted, are hkewife l oquefhed to render in their Ac counts properly acteftcd, on or before the third Monday in July next. JANE M'NEIL, Adm’x. ■ • D. M‘NEIL, Adm’cr, May 30, 1801. THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE, AND REPUBLICAN TRUMPET SATURDAY, June 20, iSoi. LIBERT! IS Cl r R MOTTO HSD TRUTH OUR GUI DR. COLLECTOR’S SALES. \\ ill be fold, on the Second Saturday in July next, at the Market Houle, in the Town of Louilvdle, at the ufual hour, the FOLLOWING PROPERTY, or as much thereof, as will fatisfy the Taxes due thereon for the year 180 c, to wit— ico acres pine land, in Jef ferfon County, lying on Reedy Creek, adjoining MofesThornp fon, granted to J. Hunter. — Taken as the property of Hen ry Slem, in default for his taxes. Tax due 53 cents. 650 acres pine land, in Rich mond County, on Brier Creek, granted to James Forgcrfon. Taken as the property of Lbe nezer Folfome, in default for his Taxes, Tax due 1 dollar jo cents. 250 acres pine land in Jcffer fon County, on Brulhy Creek, adjoining John Twiggs, granted to William Darfey. Taken as the property of Samuel Briggs, in default for his taxes, lax due 67 cents. 575 acres 2d quality land in Jackfon County, lying on Roe’s Creek, granted to William Roe. Taken as the property of Blaf fingamc Harvey, in default for his Taxes. Tax due 8 dollars 20 cer.cs. 300 acres fecond quality land in Richmond County, adjoining Wyche. Taken as the property of Cheflry Bollick, jun. in de fault for his Taxes. Tax due 8 dollars 96 cents. 575 acres 3d quality land in Jacklon County, lying on the north fork of the Oconee River, adjoining Pope and Marbury, granted to David Thurmon.— Taken as the property of Peter J. Carnes, Efq. in default for his Taxes, lax due 22 dollars 63 cents. 166 acres 2d quality land in Jcfferfon County, lying oh Rocky Comfort, adjoining Har vey, and granted to Harvey.— Taken as the property of Sa muel Bencdix, in default for his Taxes, lax due 108 dol lars 75 cents. GARLAND HARDWICH, T. C. J. C. May 8, 1801. ip* 'NOTICE. All perfons indebted to Ma nus Lemle, are requefted from the years ninety-feven, ninety eight, ninety-nine and eighteen hundred, to come forward and fettle their accounts, as he will attend at Daniel Lemle’s houfe, to receive the debts. MANJUS44MLE. May 8, 180— —1 mi. LADIES ACADEMY. MOUNT SALUBRITY., , near the City cf Augufia. THE Proprietors of this ef iahlijhed Seminary, refpeft fully inform their friends and the public, that by the aHI (lance of a lady (join Savannah, they are enabled to add Fillagrce, Tam bour and Artificial Flower Ma king, to the other ufeful and fafhionablc Needle Works, which have for fix years met general approbation. Polite Literature as heretofore. May 2, 1801. Mr. FT>WARiTcXdUSCII r | ''AXES the liberty to inform the I adies and Gentlemen of Louilville, that he intends to reach the elegant ART of DANCING i he hopes by his exertion, and attention for his pupils, to merit the favors of their parents. Price for danc ing— to dollars per quarter, and eighteen kflbns in the laid quarter. Likewise, he will teach FENCING. Price—6 dollars monthly, and four dollars en trance. MUSIC-*—6 dollars monthly, and 4 dollars entrance. He will teach the Violin and the Forte Piano. May jo, iBot. F O K S AL E, And i ojfiejpon given the jirjl day cf January next, A TRACT ot LAND in Jeftcrfon County, contain ing jeo acres, ten miles above Louilville, on the road leading to Georgetown, inferior to none in the countv, with about So acres of frefh Land in high cul tivation, and under good fences, and alio log buildings of every defeription. Alio a trafl in Jackfon coun ty, containing 373 acres, lying on the Mulberry Fork of the Oconee and Indian Creek, ad joining Proccr HortqoV land and Mr. Reed, ancTgenerally known by the leaver ruin, on which is an excellent mill feat, and alfo a handfome piece of cane break, equal to any in the (late for the cultivation of corn. F'or terms apply to Mr. Jas. Stubbs, near Louifville, or the Subletiber, in Augufia. Cafh or Negroes will be received in payment. JOHN SCOTT. May 23. FO R SALE, At Mr. McCormick’s Store, A Quantity cf BAR and EYE CUTTER PLOUGH IRONS, Apii U- NOTICE. (tfr 3 THE Suhf i jit v tin ■ ly author ifcd to fettle the . Jflurs cf the late concern of Walth?- T. Smith & Co. rcquefls oil perfcns indebted thereto , to vrah tin mediate payment . JOHN COST WICK, Agent. Lcuifville, May 23, iSo i. NOTICE. ALL perfons indebted to Pc* ter Johnfon Carnes, Elq. latcof this county, dcceated, arc de fied to make payment as foo,n as poffible ■, and thole to whom the defeated Hood indebted, to exhibit their claims duly attcß ed Michael Shclman, Efq. of this place, or to the Sub scriber at Sylvan-Hill, Franklin county. THOMAS P. CARNES, Adminijlratcr. Loufville , May 13, 1801. NOTICE. WHEREAS my wife Cin thia, hath abtented her tell from my bed and boards for cautes unknown ; thefe arc therefore to caution all perform from dealing with her in any manner whatever, as I fhali no: confider mytelf bound by any Inch her contracts. sam. reaterford, Wafhington County, May 26, 1801, A Lift of Letters remaining in the Pod-Office at Louifville, on the Ift day of April, 1801, which if not taken out before the firft day of July nexr, will be tent to the General Poft-Oftice as dead letters. •POL. John Jones,Patton Gard ner, Robert French, James Brown, Wm. Parfons, Thos. Cox, Richard Burney, Jcftec Jourdan 2, StephenS. Williams, Robert Murchinfon, Ifaac I cw -13, Motes M f Neely, John Wri kinfon, Jacob Boyet, John Pa rifh, William Neal 2, William C larke, Rcddin Blount, Benjamin orWm. Leggct, John Allen, John Lamar, James Lamar, Ezckiah Butt, Parodeat Few, Wm. M‘Dowcll, Geo. Swilly, Michael Kelly, A. Hammond, Benjamin Tarver, Dan.M'Mur phey, Nancy Brown, Samuel Alexander, Sol. Wood, Eli/ha Nail, Elifha White. JAS. BOZEMAN, P. M. April 25. WANTED TO PURCHASE, BEEF HIDES. The higheft price will be giv en in CASH or GOODS, by WALTER ROBINSON. Afarrh - [No. I2J.