The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, December 12, 1801, Image 1

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i ■■■■■ '■ N Volume 111. l SATIT P n a v U J J iuKU A i, December ri, tPoi. [N<>. i.i3. / TPER'TT IS OUR MOTTO TRUTH OUR GUIDE. GEOkGIA, LOUISVILLE : Pubhfhed every Saturday, by AMBROSE DAY & JAMES HKLY, Printer to "the Stair, at 3 doilais per ann.: Where Mays, Articles of Intelligence. Advertifemems, See. Sec. are thankfully received, and IRINILsG in all its variety, is executed with neatnels and diipatch. WILL BE SOLD, On the 24th day cf December next, at the plantation of Chas. Coates , deceafcd, THE PERSONAL PRO PERTT of Jaid deceajed. Con ditions will he made known on the day of Jale . ANN COATES, Adtnimflratrix. JAMES COATES, Adminiftrator. November 14, 1801. td FOR SAL E. On the 29th day cf December next , at public auttion , at the planta tion now occupied by Henry Taylor , on Limeftone Creek, in IVafAngicn county , A Trad of Land containing 305 acres, as appears from the original plat; this trad of land has been fettled, there is icoa cres of it cleared, and improved with houfes and fences—a thriv- ( ing peach ore hard, and fomeap ple trees ; this is a plantation kte the property of John Tay lor, dec. and is fold by a rule abfolute of the Inferior of Wafhlngton county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, agreeable to the ftatute in fuch cafes made and provided. The terms of conveyance will be one moiety of the pur chafe money to be paid one year from the day of file ; the re maining half to be paid at the Expiration of one year from the time of the firft payment. A bond, with good fecurity will be required, before the right of the land is altered, by JESSE BRETT, OWEN FORT, Executors. Wafhlngton county, 061. 17. NOTICE. • 0;/ the pth day cf January next, will be fold, on the premifes cf Frederick I Fin her ly , of Wajh ingtgn county , deceajed ; THE perfonal property of the laid deceafcd ; confiding of valuable Negroes, Ho ties, &c. Twelve months credit will be given ; and notes with approv ed fecurity required. Frederick Cullens, Henry Wimberly, Adminiftrat ors. November 19, 1801. FOR SAL E, At Coleman's Saw- Mill, on Du hart's Creek, in Jeff erf on coun ty FOURTH Proof Jamaica Rum, by the Puncheon, Quar ter-Caff, or Gallon, for Calf or Corn. Richard PaullTt. November 17, 1801. THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AN) republican trumpet. WILL BE SOLD, On MONDAY, the 2 t Ji cf December next, at the planta tion whereon James Pm fens , deceafcd, formerly refided , THE PERSONAL ES TAI E of faid deceafcd.—Con ditions will be made known on the day of Sale. ANN PARSONS, Adim in if rat rix. JOHN BRUMMITT, Adminiftrator. November 7. td TO BE RENTED, Andpojjejficn given on the firft day cf January next. A PLANTATION three miles below Louifville, on the Savannah Road, at the lower bridge on Big Creek, for one or more years, as may be agreed upon. There is about fixty or feventy acres under fence, divid ed in four fields, with a dream of water on the fame diffident for a Cotton Gin; it is as good | land as any in the county for | Corn, Cotton, or any produce ; there is a good Dwelling I Joule upon it, and all necelfary out buildings, and is a good place fora Houfe of Entertainment for anv one that would be in that line ; there is alfo a large Peach Orchard on it, and is a high healthy deviation. A further de feription is unnecelfary, as any perfon that wants to rent will view it before they agree for the fame. For further particulars apply to the Subfcriber on the premifes. Susannah Brackett. November 21, 1801. A CAUTION. COME time in the month of Oidober, in the year 1790, the underdgned and Benjamin Smith, gave an indrurr.ent of writing to John Shankle, for fifty fix pounds North-Carohna currency ; thefe are therefore to warn all perfons from purchadng the fame, as it has long fmee been difeharged, as can be made appear by diffident vouchers in the poffeffion of the Subfcriber. Cornelius Murphy. Wafhlngton County, Aug. 19, 1801. DOCTOR SCHLEY 'X'AKES this method of infirm- ing the Citizens of Lcuifville, and its vicinity , that he has com menced the PraSlicc of Payftck, in its various branches, and aj- Jures them, that there jhall be no labour J'pared in giving fatisf allien to thoje who may be plcafed to employ him. Lcuijvtlle, A on. • k 4» 4 TO THE PUBLIC. } ' -i - A NEW M A P OF THE STATE of GEORGIA. HAVING been frequently Elicited by my friends in this and other Bates, to pub lifli a MAP of GEORGIA — I have devoted much time and labour for thcTc fix years pad to that objed * and having ac quired Inch materials ns 1 ap- j prove of, 1 fhall be prepared in a fliort tune to offer to them and the public, a Map, which, from its accuracy, I have the i bed hope will meet with general approbation ; and that I fhall j fecure to myfclf (through their | bounty) a hand fo me emolument, as a reward for my indudry and pcrfevcrance. The fize of the above men tioned Map is 4 feet 6 inches, by 3 feet 6 inches —luHiciently j large to exhibit the foundings of the feveral Bays and Inlets, and render it of ufe to Mariners. It will be placed in the hands of an Imgraver within the term of four months from this date, where Plates will be prepared with all poffible expedition. A number of copies will then be (truck off under my own fupenntendancy in the r l own of Louifville, and circulated thro’ the various dates, where fub feriptions may have been ob tained,. Price for plain Maps 5 dollars ; and for thole can vaffed and elegantly ornamented 8 dollars. . Subfcriptions will be received in EouTvilie, at the Surveyor General’s Office—At Wading ton, Wilkes'County, by Gen. Meriwether —At Sparta, by j Martin Martin, cfq —ln. Au guda, at the pod-office —And in Savannah, by Major Thomas ■ Johnfon. | DANIEL STURGES, Surveyor General. ! Surveyor General’s Office, Nov. 25, iBor. : ~ TO BE RENTED, ! A CONVENIENT I n TLE j HOUSE, on eighth Brer r, j occupied at this time by Mrs. Forfyth ; for nine or twelve j months from the fird of January | ending. For terms apply to I Mr. William Megehe. N. B. AHo will be fold, I the fame Premifes ; credit will 1 he given until the hrd day of September next. « WIT LIAM KEELING. November 7. j BLANKS 1 For Sale a: this OfLce. Executive Department, T.r.uifville, Ntv, 25, 1801. CEAI.ED piopofals w lll be k received at the \ temive Office, until the aod\ cay of December next, for* 'Cradling, for the printing, ag;eeahly to a joint and approved rdblution. of the I. egi nature, one thou land copies of the Eawsj one thou find copies of the Journal of the I loufe of Reprefentaiev'e. 1 ;, and one thou land copies of rite Journal of the Senate of the 1 prefent feffion of the General Adembly. The fiae of the lliect, the 1 extent of the margin, and a 1 fainpic of the type and of the papt r to accompany the propo fals. The perfon With whom the contract is made, to give bond with two approved feenrities, in the fum of three thoufand | dollars, conditioned Dr the pnw j per completion of the above I mentioned number of I av/s and Journals, and the delivery there of into the Executive Ofiicc,i on cr before the fird clay of April next. G. R. Cl-A VTON, Secretary. The SUBSCRIBER Acknowledging the kindnefs, and fenfible ot the benefits he has received from his friends and a neroua public, by a long continued cuflom —lor which he returns them his fincere and hearty thanks, and hopes they will favour him with their future patronage. lie has now re ceived in addition to his former (lock, a large Afloitment <f. DRY GOODS, fuifable to the prefent feafon, Inch a. Broad Cloths fine anti crnrfe Gray and Clouded ILth Coating Green, Red 6c Ytllc. v Flannels* - Swanfdown Blankets Cloaks Linens Calicoes and (damped Muffins Durants Oznnburgs Ladies and Gentlemen . Hats Sewing Silk and Twid o Hire ad of ail colours Handkcrchicfs ; 'and Shawls ( , Gentlemens white, driped and twilled J (ole Worded Do. Gentlemens Shoes Paper and Pound Pins Pewter Plates and Bafons. jfljb 9 a large (Quantity of GROCERIES, confiding of Rum and Gin, Brown and I oaf Sugar, Coffee, Radios, All pice and Nutmegs, Soap, Manufivdured Tobacco, 6:c. DANIEL LEMLEd November 28.