The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, February 10, 1802, Image 2

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1, O U I S V I L L l:, n rn:. ~s:\n~ c, i6oi. V/e received no Northern Papers by the lail Mail. IV/ a letter, dared Wafhlng ton, /tii of January, #ve arc in formed, that the appointment of Major Thomas De M. Tohn fon, as Collector of the Port of Savannah, was unanimoufly con firmed by the Senate of the United States, We learn, that John B. Wil kinfon, Efq, of Augufta, is ap pointed Poft Matter, in place of \Vm. J. Hobby, turned cut vf rjj'uc. On January i, 1802, the Chefhire Cheefe, was preTented to the Prefidenr, accompanied with the following add re Is. Jhe great eft Cheefe in America , FOR The greateft Man in America, SI R , Notwichttanding we live re mote from the feat of the national government, and in an extreme part of our own flare ; vet we humbly claim the right of judg ing for ourfelves. Our attachment to the national conftitution is ttrongand indiffo luble. We confider it a deferip tion of thofe powers, which the people have fubmitttd to their inagittratcs, to be cxcrcifed for definite purpofes, and not a charter of favors, granted by a fovereign to his fubjedls. A inong its beautiful features, the right of free fuffrage, to correct all abides, Ihe prohibition of religious tefls, to prevent all hierarchy. The means of a mendment, which it contains within itfclf, to remove defers as fall as they are difeovered, appear the moft prominent. — But for feveral years pafl, our apprehenfions has been, that the genius of the government was not attended in fundry cafes ; and that the adminittration bor dered npoiv monarchy : ourjoy, of courle, mull ha/e been great, on your eleftion to the firft office in the nation : having had good evidence, from your announced fentimems and uniform conduct, that it would be your ffrife and glory to turn back the govern ment, to its virgin purity. — The trull is great ! The tafk arduous ! But we confole our felves, that the fupreme ruler of the univerfe, who raifes up men to acchieve great events, has raffed up a JefFciTon foi this ttideal day, to defend lepubli can Ifman I bailie all the arts of anflocracy. 'ur, we liavc attempted to I 1 our love to our prefident, u .r in words alone, but in deeds and nurh. With this addrefs, we lend yon a cheefe, by the hands or Afeffrs, John Teland and Danis Brown, as a pepper corn of the effeem which we bear 10 our chief magi (Irate, and as n fieri face to repubJica nl n ft is not the latt Hone in the Patti le, nor is it of anv great confluence as an article of worta i but as a free-willoffcr- 1 mg, \\ e hope U will be reHved. -j I he cheefe v/as not madejby his fordlhip, for his facred mrjedy ; nor with a view to gain dignified titles cr lucrative offices; but by the pciTonal labour oft free born farmers- (without a fmgle fluve to afliff) for an etdhve prefkV nt of a free people—-with the only view of calling a mite into the dale of democracy. fhe late triumphant leturn of republicanifin has more ani mated the inhabitants of Che (hire, to bear the burthens of govern ment, and treat the characters and pei Tons of thofe in authority with all due refpeCb, than the long fill of alien, fedition, naval, and provifional army laws, ever did. Sir, we had Tome thoughts of imprtfllr.g feme figmficant in fenption on the cheefe ; but we have found luch inconvcniency in damps on paper, that we chafe to fend it in a plain re publican form. May God long preferve your life and health, for a bit ding to the United braces, and the world at laige. Signed by order of all Chefhire, David Brown , \ C Ilezekiab Mafcn , / S Jonathan Kicharfcn , ' S John IVa ter many k § John [Veits, jun. ; P. S. The cheefe was made, July 20, 1801.—Weight, 12ac lbs. To Mcffrs. Darnel Brown, Hc zekiah Mafon, Jonathan Ri c hard ion, John Waeiman, and John Weils, jun. a com mittee of the town of Chefh ire, in Mafladiuletts. Gentlemen , I concur with vou in the fen timents expreded in your kind addrefs on be naif of the inhabi tants of the town of C belli ire, that the conftitution or the uni ted States is a charter of autho rities and duties, not a charter to its office»s ; and among its mod precious provifions arc the right of luffrage, the prohibition of religious telh, and its means of peaceable amend ment. No thing enlures the duration of this tarn fabric of government fo effectually as the due fenle en tertamed by the body of cur citizens, of the value of thele principles and their care to pre fer ve them. 1 received with particular plealure ti c teftimony of good will with which your citi ens have been pleafed to charge you foi me; it prefents an extraor dinary proof of the dull with which thofe domedic arts, which contribute fo much to our daily comfort, arc pradtiled by them, and particularly by that portion of them moll intending to the cffcftions, the care, and the happinefs of man. 1 omyfelf this mark of edeem from free- born farmers, cm ployed pcrfonally in the mod ufctul labors of life, is peculiarly grateful, having no wifh but to preferve to them the fruits of their labor, their fenfe of this truth will be my higheft re ward. & I pray you, gentlemen, to make mv tnanks for their favor j 1 acceptable to them, and to be ' I allured ycuiTelves of my high rdpcd and eftcem. Th. JEFFERSON. January i, 1802. The agents have been highly gratified with the fimple plain nels with which tliey have been received in the prefenting of the Cheefe ; which they conceive to be the dignity of republican nifin ; and take this opportunity of acknowledging the polite ufage they have received from men of public fpirit, through . the whole of the removals from Chclhirt to Wafnington. WASHING 1' *N CITY. Men day, January 18. The Senate have confirmed the greater part of the appoint ments made by the prefident duiing die reeds ; the remain ing appointments are Rill under confideration. On confirming the nomination of Mr. Gallatin, as fecretarv of the treafury, on a clivifion eight members kept their feats. I here was alio a divifion on the nomination of Mr. Pinckney as minifler to Madrid. CONGRESS. SENATE 0/ the UNITED STATES. Monday, January 11. The Apportionment Bill , as received fiom the houfe of re prefentatives, was taicen up I his bill fixes the ratio of re prefentaaon at one member for every 33,000 per funs in each Rate. Mr. Wells moved to Rrike out 33,000, his objed being to introduce 30,000, for which he affigned his icafons at Ibme length. On this motion a debate of confiderable length eniued, in winch the provilions of the bill they Rood were fupported by MelV. Jackfon, Malon, Wright and Cocke , and oppofed by Mefirs. Weils, White andlliii houJe. The qucßion was then taken on the motion to Rrike out 33,c00, and loß—Ayes 11 Is oes 15. 'Tuefday, January 12. The senate took up the rc foluticn of Mr. Jbrackenndge, for repealing an ad of the laR kffion, for the new organization of the judicatory of the United States ; when Gen. Jackfon, of Georgia, Ipoke in favor, and Mr. i racy of Connedicut, a gainß the motion ; after which the further confideration of the motion was poßponed until to morrow. SEVENTH CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, AT THE FIRST SLSSI N, Begun and held at the city cf Walhmgton, in the territory of Columbia, on Monday, the fcvcnih of December, one choufand eight hundred and one. An At 7 for tae apportionment cf reprejentations among thefevered fates, according to the fecond enumeration. BE it enacted by the Senate and IB ufc cf Reprefentatives cf the U ruled States oj America, inCongrejs (tjfembied, That from nr ’ the third day or' March, ( • 1 thoufand eight hundred* a i three, the houfe of reprefenu, tsves ffiall be competed of mcir-. bers elefted agreeably to a ratio of one member for every thin-'' three thoufand perfens in each ftatc, computed according t 0 i tlie r,lle preferibed by the con fli union, that is to fay : V( vdN the Hate of New-1 lampfnire five ; within the Hate of Mafia! chulctts, feventcen ; within the Hate of Vermont, four; withia i tire Hate of Rhode-lOand, two within the Hate of Connecticut, * H*ven ; within the Hate of New! York, feventeen ; within the Hate of New- fertey, fix s within the Hate of Pennfylvama, C'gh •teen i within the Hate of Dela ware, one ; within the Hate of Maryland, nine ; within the Hate, of Virgin a, twenty-two ; with in the Hate of North-Carolina, twelve i within the Hare of s! Carolina, eightwithin the Hate of Georgia, four ; within the Hat** of Kentucky, fix ; and within the Hate of Tennefiee, three members. NATHANIET MACON, Speaker of the Hcuje of lie* prefentatives. ABRAHAM BALDWIN, Prefideht of the Senate, pro tempore. Approved January 14, 1802, 1 h. ILb PERSON, Prsjident of the United States. HEAD C4U Ak l Et\S, Lcuifville , Jan. 15, 1802. general orders. T1 IE death cf Brigadier General Morrison, of the Se cond Brigade of the Firft Divi fioncf the Militia of this State, having been announced to the Executive, it is ordered, H liar, the officers cf that Bri gade wear a crape round the it ft arm, for one month, to com mence from the 20th inft. as a teflimony of the regard due to the virtues and military charac ter of the deceafed. *And the Commander in Chief recom mends to the General Officers throughout the Hare, to wear mourning for one month alio, as a proper military rcfpe<ft to a departed brother officer. By order of the Commander in Chief. GEO. R. CLAYTON, See'rr, ssssMaii WANTED IMMEDIATELY At the Office of the Ri> publican Trumpet, A fourneyman Printer, To whom generous wages , and confant employment will he green . January 20. nUt 1 cir WHEREAS the Sub - Jcriher has lefi two notes given ty William Bracket , late cf this county , dec. to Pqfner and Bene dir, one jor nineteen dollars—the ether for nine dollars forty-three and three quarter cents, both dated the. icth December 1793. Add perfons are cautioned a gainf trad ing for Jaid notes , as they are difcharged. Joseph G. Posner. January ij, 1802,