The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, March 24, 1802, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND ’ REPUBLICAN trumpet. Votg, " ! IV - 1 * 8 »»«!>» V, March 14* ,Z [No , ljS , UBDRTT TS OUR MOTTO AND TRLU h OUR GUI Dll 7 " G£OR CIA. LOU IS VILLE :-Pabli)hed every Wcdnelday. by AMBROSE DAY &(A MLS HI LY Prn‘e udfNZ “ A' ll ®!**of Intelligence, Adveitilene » c . iL.e ' an ~ 1 KIN 1 L\G mail its variety, is executed with neatncls and dilpaich. TO THE PUBLIC. A NEW M A P OF THE STATE of GEORGIA. Having been frequently I foliated by my friends in tins and other flares, to pub- Jifh a MAP of GEORGIA— f i have devoted much time and ! labour for thefe fix years pall to chat objeft ; and having ac quired fuch materials as I ap prove of, I (hail be prepared in i a fhort tune ~to offer to them ■ and the public, a Map, which, i from its accuracy, 1 have the belt hope will meet with general approbation ; and that 1 fhall j fecure to myfelf (through their bounty) ahandlbme emolument, as a reward for my induffry and perfeverance. The fiz e of the above men tioned Map is 4 feet 6 inches, by 3 feet 6 inches—fufficiently large to exhibit the foundings of the feveral Bays and Inlets, and render it of ufe to Mariners. It will be placed in the hands of an Engraver within the term of four months from this date, where Plates will be p-epared with all poffible expedition. A number of copies will then be flruck off under my own fupcnntendancy in the Town of Louilville, and circulated thro’ the various Rates, where Tub fcriptions may have been ob tained. Price for plain Maps 5 dollars ; and for thole can vailed and elegantly ornamented 8 dollars. Sublcriptions will be received in Loudville, at the Surveyor General’s Office, Treafury Of fice, Secretary of State’s Office, Poll-Office, and Louifville Gazette Printing-Office.—At Vv afhington, Wilkes County, by Gen. Meriwether—At Spar ta, by Martin Martin, efq In Augufla, at thepofl-office — And in Savannah, by Major The mas John Ton. DANIEL STURGES, Surveyor General. Surveyor General’s Office, Nov. 25, 1801. GEORGIA. Py bis Excellency lofiah 1 att nall, jun. Governor and Com mander in Chief of the Army end Na vy of this flats, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS Benjamin Ta liaferro, Efq. one of the Reprefentatives of this State in the Congrefs of the United States, hath nrfigned his feat as a member thereof— 4 And Whereas in J?y an aft to regulate the General Elections in this flare, and to appoint the time of the meeting of the General Affcmbly, palled the 1 ith day of February, 1799, it is among other dungs declar ed, fc 1 hat all Writs ofElcc -1 tions to fill vacancies that may ! | happen for members of the Gc- 1 I nr al Aflcmbly of this Hate, or Houle of Reprefentatives of the. United States, (hall be di reded to the J offices of the In j ferior Courts of the refpedive j Counties, who are hereby re ! quired to give public notice thereof, and caufe the fame to be held in manner and form as herein before pointed out agree : ably to fuch Writ.” I have therefore thought fit to ifiue this my Proclamation, no- • j tifying, directing and ordering ' j the refpedivc Juftices of the Inferior Courts of thi (late, to confider this my Proclamation as a General Writ of ‘Election, , for the purpofe of filling the vacancy of a member in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the , United States., in the room of . the aforementioned Benjamin Taliaferro, who was eleded to that feat for two years from the • fourth day of March iaft pait; and I do hereby require and charge the faid Juftices, to pro mulgate this proclamation, and give due nonce that the faid eledion will be held in the ref pedive counties of this flare, agieeably to the terms and cli rtdions of the faid ad, on M in day the firth day of April next; and the faid Juftices are hereby required to make due return of fuch Eledion to the Executive Department, as in and by the laid ad is pointed out. Given under my hand, and the great Teal of the Rate, at the State Houfe in Lcu ifville, this twenty-third day of February, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and two, and cf the Independence of the United States of America the twenty fixth. Jos lah 'Tattnall, Jun. By the Governor, Horatio Marburv, Secretary of the State. N OTIC E. THAT nine months after date, application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Wafhmgtcn county, for leave to fell a trad: of land, the pro perty of Jacob 1 lendry, cf faid county, deceafcd, for the been# fit of the heirs and creditors of faid decealed. George Hendry, Adm'r. ; JVaJlmgton county, Nov. j, 1801. cc 4 whip for the Jlorfe , a bri dle hr the AJsy and a rod for the bool's Balk.'* W I TEN my name Is held up to public view, as having aded improperly, I hope the com munity will exclife me for troub ling them with a refutation of thole charges : not that 1 rou nder it my duty, to aniwer a ! publication which no merit ex cept it lengthy and the number of falfe rep dentations which it contains; but merely that thole who are willing to think and ad with impartiality, may have it it in their power to form acor red opinion on the fubjed.— But before I proceed, I will take this opportunity of lemm ing mv thanks to General Clark for /parsing me yet a little longer ; when I had tranfgrefled lb far as to certify an ex predion made life of by him, on the legiflative floor, which redounded ruore to Ids honor, than any other part of his condud whilft at Louif ville. I thought he was then ad ing the put L of an honed in dependent man : and will further gratify the General by acknow ledging that 1 v/as forty for hav ing figned the certificate ; not bccaufc it contains any thing erroneous ; but becaufe it was not my wifh to hurt the fee lings of any man: he ought tore colled that the certificate is figned by two others befides my fie If, whofc credibility never yet has been impeached, and who (lands as high in the opinion , of the public a> even the Ge neral himfelfj ai d altlio’ he has a certificate figned by twelve gentlemen of refpedabllity - y it contains nothing that can be conflrued or turned even by the ingenuity of a lawyer to dilprove the truth of that certificate, which he \s pleaded to afk <c whe ther the juflnels of it was pre tended to be fupported n the houfe when he drew it forth.” Had the General informed the public by what means he got hold on that certificate, and that he pledged his honor to return it after raking a copy, and that he lias never yet com plied with his word, the public would have then determined what degree of credit ought to be given to the denial of Inch a man in dired contradiction of a certificate, figned by three perfons who have merited fome frare of public confidence. — The General ought to recolkCt that when he read his addreis to the I egifiaturc and called al:-vd for juflice ; that I moved for the quelhcn to be taken without debate ; with a requeft that thofe members wfia were abkat the day before fhould until it was decided j anti 1 am now lure that had the «medium been pur, the truth of that cer tificate (which ! Ih.dl never den/ even d it would inlure me the charitable opinion of the Gene ral) would have been incomcll ahly cllablilhcd by a large ma i Jonty* of the members who were then prclent ; but the Speaker declaring it out of order, being bufinefs of a pri vate nature, “ and that if any gentleman cor.lidercd himfdf injured by his conduft he v/a*j ready to give him faristadion,’* (or words to that dfcCt) ihe qut (lion was nor put. The Genera! in his lad publication; was furely hurried on by the ! impetuofity of his paffions with -1 out giving himfrlf time to re ded i or he certainly could nevi r have called the attention of the public, to .enquire into, the Legidative proceedings of the 2 id of Noven ber lad, nor have been fo inconfident in giv ing ade ail of them ; for he; mud have fnppofed, that as he . intend* dbv a reference to that day, to exhibit a charge ag ii ft me to my condiments that the circumftances referred to would have undergone the mod drift ferutiny, 11c tells us that “a, minority favored by the Speak er impeded the progrtfs of bu fim Is, and chat the day was conjumed in fmitlcfs efforts of a refpedhablc majority t'> go on vvirn matters then waiting for | difcufllon.” In the very next fentence he fays, “ during paiC of the time qu» dions of import ance weie decided by the houfe/* Now, foi fuch as I am, who am not able bv any logical de duction, to make things that are not, appear as tho’ they were, we Dial I be at a lof. tu know how it was that the day, was confuted, in fmitlcfs eff »rts of a rcipedtabie majority to go on with lujmejs then waiting for difeudion, when the fame perfon in the next fentence, tells us, that during par: d the time quedions of importance were decided by the houfe. It is well known that 1 rerun necl in the houfe a confide ruble time after the quedion for altering the conditution was brought forward; and that 1 continued to g-vc my vote in fupp rt of the bid, until the debate were conduced with fuc !i warmth, as to induce me to believe that nothing could be done henefici-*. ai tor the flat'-, indie then tern** per of the heufc. Impre fifed with this idea (and the correct nefs of 1 am happy tq dad die has agknoW*