The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, May 26, 1802, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND REPUBLICAN TRUMPET. Volume IV. 1 W E D N F R IT \ v „ J L u °-A i, May c 6, 180a. [N O> LIBERTY IS OUR MOTTO siJS'D TJWU H <jC/\ GUIDE LOUISVILLE, (GEORGlA)—Pubhfiied every Wednefday, by AMBROSE DAY &: JAMES HELY, State Printers at 3 uuiiars per arm. here Efiays, Articles of intelligence, Advmifemcnts, &c. Ac. arc thankfully received, and PRINT ING in all its variety, is executed with neatnds and dilpatch. -4 4- t' w Lit |jl [BY AUTHORITY.] Seventh Conzrefs of the United t> J i States. At the firfb Seflion, begun and held at the City ofWafhing ton, in the Territory of Co lumbia, on Monday the 7th of December, 1801. An AC T fixing the military peace ef.bli foment cf the United FATES. 7 ■ E it enabled by the Senate and IIJ fbvjc of Reprejentatives of the United States cf America, in Congrefs ajfembled , That the military peace eftablifhment cf ; the Unit d States, from and ; after tne firfl of June next, fliall be coinpofed of one regiment of arnllerifb and two regiments of infantry, with fuch officers, military agents, and engineers, as are herein after mentioned. Sec. 2. And belt further en abled, That the regiment of ar tilleries fhall con fill of one colonel, one lieutenant-colonel, four majors, one adjutant, and : twenty companies, each com pany to confifi of one captain, one firfb lieutenant, one fecond lieutenant, two cadets, four ferjeants, four corporals, four muficiahs, eight artificers, and fifty-fix privates ; to be formed into live battalions: provided always, that it fhall be lawful for the Prefident of the United States to retain, with their pre fent grade, as many of the firfl lieutenants, now in Service, as fhall amount to the whole num ber of lieutenants required; but that in proportion as vacan cies happen therein, new ap pointments be made, £0 the grade of fecond lieutenants un til their number amount to twenty: and each regiment of infantry fhall confifi of one co: >- ncl, one lieutenant-colonel, one major, one adjutant, one jeant-major, two teachers a mufic, and ten each company to confifi of one captain, one firfi and one fecond lieutenant, oneenfign, tour fer jeants, pour corporals, four rntificians, and fixty-iour pa- q cc. 7. And le it further r> etflcdy 1 hat there fhall be one brigadier general, with one aid de-camp, who fliall be taken from the captains or fubaltcrns of the line; one adjutant and I infpcflor of the army, to be taken from the line of field officers; one pay-maflcr of the army, (even pay-maflers and two affifiants, to be attached to fuch diflridls as the Prefident of the L T nired States fhall diredl, to be taken from the line of com miffioned officers, who, in ad edition to their other duties, fhall have charge of the cloth ing of the troops; three rmli ! tary agents, and fuch number of affiflant military agents as the Prefident of the United States full deem expedient, not ex ceeding one to each military pofi; which affiilants (hall be taken from the line; two fur geons; twenty-five furgeon’s mates, to be attached to gar riibns or polls, and not to corps. Sec. 4. And be it further en abled, That the monthly pay of the officers non commifTioncd officers, muficians and privates, • be as follows, to wit: to the bn j * , gadier general, two hundred and twenty five dollars, which fliall be his full nod entire compen -1 fenfation, without a right to de mand or receive any rations, forage, travelling expenfes, or other ptrquifite or emolument, whatsoever, except fuch flation ary as may be requifite for the irfe of his department; to the adjutant and infpedor of the army, thirty eight dollars in ad dition to his pay in the line, and fuch flationary as fnail be re quifite for his department ; to the pay mafic r of the army, one hundred and twenty dol lars, without any other emolu ment, except fuch fiadonary as may be requifite in his depart ment, and the ufe of the public office now occupied by him; to the aid-de-camp, in addition to his pay in the line, thirty dol lars; to eacii paymafier attached to diflrifts, thirty dollars, and each affiflant to fuch paymafier, ten dollars, in addition to his pav in the line ; to each milita ry agent, fe verity fix dollars, and no other emolument; to each affiflant military agent, eight dollars, in addidon to Ids pay in the line, except tne al fiilant military agents at Pitcf bu g and Niagara, who fhall receive fixteen dollar, each, in , addition to their pay in the line; to each colonel, feventy five j dollars ; to each lieutenant co lonel, fixty dollars; to each major, fifty dollars; to each furgeoni forty five do-.ors; to each furgeciTs mate, thirty dollars; to cadi adjutant, ten dollars, in addition to his pay fin the line; to each captain, j forty dollars; to each firfl lieu ■ tenant, thirty dollars; to each 1 fecond lieutenant,twenty five dol lars; to each enfign, twenty dol- I lars; to cadi cade r, ten dollars; to each feqcaiu-major,nine dollarsj Co each lerjeant eight dollars; to each .corporal, fevcn dollars; to each teacher of mufic, eight dollarc; to each mufician, fix dollars; to each adficer, ten dollars; and to each private, five dollars. Sec. 5. And he it further en abled, T hat the comnnffioned officers afore fa d fhall be en titled to receive, for thor daily flihfiftance, the follow n 5/ num her of rations of provifions: a colonel, fix rations; a litute nant-colonel, five rations; a i major, four rations; a captain, j three rations; a lieutenant, two | rations , an enfign, two rations; a fupgeon, three rations ; afur geon’smate, two rations; a ca det, two rations; or money in lieu thereof at the option of the faid officers and cadets at the polls refpe&ively where the rations fhall become due ; and if at fuch polls fop plies are not furnifhed by contrail, then fuch allowance as fliall be deem ed equitable, having reference to former contrails and the po fition of the place in queftion ; and each non-commifTioncd of ficer, mufician and private, one i ration; to the comnnding of- J ftcer of .each feparate pofi,fuch i additional number cf rations as the Prefident of the United States fhall, from time to tunc, dircil, having relpcil to the fpeciai circumflances of each pofi; to the women who may be afiowed to any particdUr corps, not exceeding the proS portion of four to a company, . one ration each; to fuch ma trons and nurfes as may be ne - cefTanlyemployed in the hofpi taJ, one ration each; and to every commifTioncd officer who fnail keep one fervant, not a foldier of the line, one addi tional ration. See. 6. And he it f arther en abled, T hat each ration fhall confill cf one pound and a quarter of beef, or three quar ters of a pound of pork, e-gh teen ounces of bread or fl )ur, one gill of rum, whifkey or brandy, and at the rate of two quarts of fait, four quarts of • vinegar, four pounds of 1 jzp, and one pound and an half of can dies, to every hundred rations. Sec 7. And be it further en abled t That me folio*vl' g ficcrs (hall, whenever forage is not furniffied by the public, re ceive at the rate of the follow ing iums per month, in lieu thereof: each colonel, twelve dollars ; each lieutenant colonel, eleven dollars; each major, ten ( dollars* each adjutant, fix dol lars; each furgeon, ten dollars j and each furgeon’s mate, fix dollars. Sec. 8. And he it further nt* fi'ef 1 hat every non-com milfioned officer, mufirian, and private of the artillery and in fantry, fnall receive annually/ the following articles of uniform clothing, to wit: one hat, one coat, one veil, two pair of woollen and tvv < pair of linen overalls, one coarfc linen frock ■ and trowfers for fatigue cloth ing, four pair of /hoes, four Ihirrr, two pair of locks, two pair of Ihorc flocking , one i blanker, one (lock and clafp, 1 and one pair of half gaidurs: ! and the fecrcrary of war is here by authonfed to caufc to be tut - niihed to the pavmafers of the rcfpeflive diftri&s, fuck furplns of clothing as he may deem expedient, which cloth ing Hi ill under his dircclmn, furnidled to the foldier , when neccfury, n the contra# prices, a;id a* counted for by them ouc of their arrears of monthly pay. Sec. o. And he it further en acted, That the Prefufentnf the Umred States caufc Co he ar ranged, the officers, non-com miffioned officers, niuficians and privates of the feveral corps of troops now in the fervicc of die United States, in fuch manner as to form and complete, out of the fame, the corps afore Paid ; and caufc the fupernumerary of ficers, non-commiffioncd offi cers, muficians and privates to be difehafged from the fervict of the Umred States from and after the lirft day of April next, or as foon thereafter as circum fiances may permit. Sec. io. And be it fart I r en able That the officer., non commiffioned officers, muflclaris and privates of the faid corpr, fhall be governed by the rules and articles of war, which have been cftabiifhed by the United Stages in Congreft aflomblal, or by fuch rules and articles as map be hereafter, by Jaw, efhabliffi ed; provided neverthclcfs,* that the fen ten :e of gncral courts martial, extending to the lolk cf life, the (iifrniflion (f f con miffioned officer, or whicfc {ball rdpeft the general fi.’i, v. ith the whole of proceedings of fuch ca'es, re ipecliveiy, b* laid before th<s Tfcf.dcat of die United dtaic^ IK 1 ■