The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, June 09, 1802, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE t , AND REPUBLICAN TRUMPET. VoLUM£ W EDNESDAY. Jwn> e 5> 1802. [No. 166. LIBERTY Jo OCR MOTTO JND TRUTH OUK GUIDE, LOUISVILLE, (GEORGlA)—Publiflied every Weiindday, by AMBROSE DAY & JAMES. HELY, State PrMt:s t a: 3 dollars per sum.-. —Where Efla s. Articles of Intelligence, Adverdfcments, See. Ac. are thankfully received, and PRINIIRG in all its variety, is executed with neatneis and difpatdi. ——i - —i —im * <sjJil#ifc i I wimf'' i w [BY AUfHORirY] Seventh Cengrefs cf the United \ States .’ v At the fiift SefTion, begun and i held at the City of Walking - i ton, in the Territory of Co lumbia, on Monday the 7eh of December, 1801. j An ACT to regulate trade raid inter cotirfs with the India a tribes > and to preferve peace j on the frontiers. 1% E it enabled by the Senate and 1 P Hcuje of Reprefer, lathees of the United States cf America , in Cengrefs affemhlcd) That the fol- | lowing boundary line, eftablifh- 1 ed by treaty between the Unit- , cd States and various Indian tribes, (hall be clearly afeertain- ■ ed, and diftindlly marked in all | fuch places as the Prefident of ( the United Stares fhall deem I necdTary, and in fuch manner as he fhall dired, to wit: Be ginning at the mouth of the o o Cayahoga river on Lake Erie, j and running thence up the fame ! to the portage between that and the Tufcarora's branch of the Mufkingum i thence, do ,vn that branch, to the crofing place above fort Laurence i thence Weftwardly to a fork of that branch of the Great Miami river running, into the Ohio, at or near which fork flood Laromie’s ftore, and where commences the portage, between the Miami of the Ohio and St. Mary’s j fiver, which is a branch of the Miami, which runs into Lake Erie; thence a Weftwardly, courfe to Fort Recovery, which Hands on a branch cf the \Va balh; thence Southwcftwardly in a dired line to the Ohio, fo as to interfe#: that river, oppofite the mouth of Kentucky or COt tawa river; thence down the faid river Ohio to the trad of one hundred and fifty thou land I acres, near the rapids of the I j ▲ Ohio, which has been aligned j to general Clarke, for the ule j of himfelf and his warriors; j thence around the U’ct trad, on | the line of the faid trad,# till it | lhall again in ter fed ‘the Lid 1 tm ■***er -— mn~ tiiri mniTmi mm 11 11 - ■ river Ohio; thence down the fame to a point oppofite the high lands or ridge between the mouth of the Cumberland and Tcnnellcc Evers; thence South eaftwardly on the faid ildgc* to a point, from whence a South j weft line will ftrike the mouth of Duck river; thence, fall eaftwartily on the faid rLge, to i a point forty miles above Nafh- 5 ville; thence North caft to Cumberland river; thence up the faid river to where the • Kentucky road crolTcs the fame; thence to the Cumberland Mountain, at the point of Camp bell’s line ; thence in a South- j t weftwardly cl i red ion along the | | foot of the Cumberland Moun tain to Emory's river; thence down the fame to its jundion with the river Clinch ; thence : down the river Clinch to Haw- i kins’s line; thence along the fame to a white oak, marked one mile tree; thence South fifty one degrees Weft, three hun dred and twenty-eight chains, to a large a(h tree on the bank of the river TennefTee, one mile below South-Wtft Point; thence ! ; up the North-cad margin of 1 the river TennefTee (not includ ing i hands) to the Wild Cat Rock, below Tcllico block houfe; thence in a dired line to the Militia fpring, near die Maryville road Lading from Tellico; thence from the faid (bring to Chilhowee mountain k O by a line fo to be run as will leave all the farms on Nine mile creek to the northward i and eaftward cf it, and be con- I tinned along the Chilhowee mountain until it ftrikes Hawk ins's line ; thence along the laid line to the great Iron mountain; i and from the top of which a line to be continued in a South caftwardly courfe to where the meft fouthern branch of Little river crelies the divifional line to Tugaloo river; thence along the Souch-Carolina Indian boun dary to and over the Ocunna mountain, in a fouth-weft courfe to 'Tugaloo river; thence in a dired line to the top of Curra hee mountain, where the Creek line paffes it; thence to the head or fource of the main fouth branch of the Oconee river, called the Appalachee; thence down the middle of the faid main fouth branch and river Oconee, to its confluence with i Oiikmulgcc, which forms then- I ver Alatamaha; thence down the : middle of the laid Alatamaha, j to the old line on the faid river; j and thence along the (aid old 1 fine to the river St. Mary's: | Provided always, That if the 1 boundaty hr.: be;ween the faid mm****- <>*»*t IK » ~ —-* --,-m- -,, .-f-. Indian tribes and the United States {hall, at any tune here after, be vatried, by any treaty which fhail be made between the laid Indian tribes and the United States, then all the pro vilion? contained in this act (hall be con ft rue ii to apply to the laid line fo to be varied, in the fiimc j manner, as faidprovifi ms apply, i by force of this a<fl, to the boundary line herein before re cited. Sec. 2. And he it further enabled, I'hat if any citizen of, or other perion re fident in the United States, or either of the territorial dlftri&s of the Unic ; cd States, (ball crofs over, or go within the laid boundary line, to hunt, or in any wile deftroy ; the game; or lhall drive, or j [ otlicrwife convey any ftock ol , i horfes or cattle to range on any | lands allotted or fecured by 1 treaty.with the Unit’d States, , to any Indian tribes, he lhall | forfeit a Sum not exceeding 100 ! dollars, or be impnloned not exceeding fix months. Sr cl 3. And he it further l cuallcd. That it any fuch citizen, or other perfen, (lull go into any country which is alloti d, or fecured by treaty as aforefidd, to any of the Indian tribes fouth of the river Ohio, without a pafTpoit fir ft had and obtained from the governor cf home one of the United States, or the oiiicer of the troops of tire United States, commanding at the neareft poft on the frontiers, cr fuch other perfon as the Pre fident of the United States .nry, i from time to time, authorife to ) grant the fame, lhall forfeit a I alum not exceeding 50 dollars, j or be Imprifoned not exceeding ( t l l u \ three months. 1 Sec. 4. A:id he it further 1 entitled. That if any fuch citi zen, or other peifon, lhall go into any town, fettlement or ter ritory belonging, or fecured by treaty with the United States, to any nation or tribe of Indians, and (hall there commit robbery, larceny, crefpafs or other crime, againft the perfon or property of any friendly Indian or Indi ans, which would be puniflublc, if committed within the jurif dif ion of any fb:te, again it a c itizen of ti e United States; or, unauthorised by law, and with a hoflile intention, fliall be f und cn any Indian land, fuch offender fhail forfeit a fum not cxceedmg 100 dollars, and be in orifened rot exceeding * o 12 month;; and full aifo, when property is taken or de ftroyed, forfeit and pay to fudi Indian or Indians, to v/hcrrrf.e proper :/ ukuv cr dclkcycd . belongs, a Cum equal to twice the juft value of the property To taken and deftroyed ; and it Inch offender (hall be unable to pay a I'um at Icaft equal to the laid juft value; whatever fucli ! payment Hi all fall (hurt of the (aid juft value, Hull be paid out of the ircalury of the Uni te:] States; Providednevertbclefs % That no fuch Indian ihall be cn titied to any payment out of the, treaiury of the (United States, f>r any fuch property taken or cVftroycd, if lie, or any of the nation to w hich he belongs, ihall have fought private revenge, or attempted to obtain ftrasladip;* by any force cr violence. Src. {. And he it further matted, That if any citizen of I other per fun ft i. ill make a Hc • clement on any lands helunging, I fccurcd, or treaty j with the United States to any I Indian tribe, or ill all furvey, or J attempt to furvey fuch lands, or | ilefignate any of the boundaries j by marking trees, or other .v ile, fuch olfcnder ihall forfeit a fura not ( xeetding 1000 dollars, and fuftxr Smpnlbnnienr, not ex ceeding 12 months. And ic (hail moreover be lawful for the Prcftdent of the Un ted S ates to take inch meaibres, and tt> employ Inch military, .force, as he may judge ncccftary to re move irom lands belonging, or fccurcd by treaty, as aforeftiid, to ary Indian tribe, any I'uc/i citizen, or other perfon, who has made,'or (hailhereafter make, cr attempt to make a fettle rnent thereon. Sec. 6. And he it further j e. netted, That if any fuch citizen j cr otlu r perfon, (hall go intoi' | any town, ft ttkmcnt, or lerrito -1 ry, belonging to any nation or i tribe of Indians, and Ihall there i commit murder, by killing an/ Indian or Indians, belonging to any nation or tribe cf Indians in amity with the United States, fuch offender, on being thereof convidled, ftiall fuller death. Sec. 7. And he it fin 'her That no fuch citizen, 01 ether perfon,-flaall be permit ted to reftde at any cf die towns or hunting camps, of any of the Indian tribes as a trader, without a lic.enfc under the hand and leal of the fuperi it'uulent ( f the de partment, or of fuch other per iod as the Prcfident cf the Unit ed States author]le to grant licenCes (or that purpnfe ; which fliperintendcrit or perfon atr!,.-'riled, ftiall, on application, i.kic fuch iicenle, for a term not excei ,i; g two years, to fuch trader, WHO (hall enter into bond ' v/iih one or more fufetics, ap . proved.of by the iuperiatende^