The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, June 23, 1802, Image 1

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Volume IV.] WE D N ESD A Y, Tune •yy, 1802. [Mo. 168. --L.IBUI7TPA CUR MOTTO — s-iMS TRUTh oUK GU.DR. LOUISVILLE, (GEORGlA)—Publiihed every Wedncfday, by AMBROSE I) lY & JAMES I ILLY, State Printers, at 3 dollars per ann.;—Where L.Rays, Articles of Intelligence, Live rule meats, cv:c. See. arc thankfully received, and TRIPLING m all its variety, is executed with ncac.ieb and diipatch. KSSr \ •• ' - Tt.' (( | ? iifirii 117^ [EY AUTHORITY.] Seventh Congress of the United States . At rhe firft Seflion, begun and held at tne City of Wafhwig ton, in the Territory of Co lumbia, on Monday the 71b of December, 1801, 1 jin \CT author fug the ere ft ten of Light-Heuies ; and [or other purptfes. BE it enabledhy the Senate end Houfe of Reprefent Stives cf the United States cf America , in - Ctngrefs affemhled, That under the direction of the Secretary cf the Treafury, riicQe lhall be purchafed, for the ufe of the United States, the land whereon lately Hood the I ighe I loufe on Gurnet Point, and to much ’land adjoining thereto, as may be fum lent for vaults, and any other purpofe neceffiry for the better fupportof the laid Light- Houfe. Sec. 1. And he it further enabled, I hat the fecretary of the treafhrv fhall be, and he is j ' hereby authorifed, at his dilcrc iion, to procure a new lanthern or lantherns, with fuitable dif tinibons, and to caufe conve nient vault*, to be erected ; and the Laid licht-houfe on the Gur bet, a: the entrance of Pl ; mouth, haibour to be rebuilt. Sec. 7. And he it further , j r enabled, That the fecretary or the treafury fnali be, and he is hereby author!fed to caufe to be rebuilt, of fuch height as . he may deem expedient, the light houfe now firuated on the call cm end of New Caßle If land, at the entrance of Pifca taqua river, either on the land owned by the United State;, or on Pollock Rock ; Provided, that it built on Pollock Rock, the Legißature of New- 1 lamp . Hi ire fnali veil the property of the laid rock in the United States, and cede the juriidiclion of the fame. Sec. 4. And he it further tnhcledy That the fecretary of the treafury Hi all be, and he is THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE • A N I) REPUBLICAN TR U M PET- rw i ■ vrr»ar jkj *k« -a** hereby authoiifed and dire God to caufe a fufficient light-houfe to be eroded on 1 ynde’s point, at the mouth of Connecticut river, in the Rate ofConnedicur, and to appoint a keeper, and ! other wife provide for fuch light houfe, at the expenfe of the j United States ; Provided , That fufhcient land for the acconv I modation of fuch light-houfe I j car. be purchafed at a reasonable i I price, and the leg’fUture of the (late t f Connedicut hull cede the jnnfdidion over the fame to the United States. Sec. 5. Ami he it further enaftedy That the fecretary ot the treafury be direded to caufe . proper light-houfes to be bulk, I and buoys to be placed, in tne ! fituations necelfary for rhe navi gation of the found between 1 Long Inland and the main; and i | be, to that efFcd, audiorifed to ' caufe, by proper and intelligent perfons, a furvey to be taken of the laid found, a: far as may be requilue ; and to appoint | kcept rs and otherwife provide j for Inch light-houfes, at the -j expenfe of the United States : Provided, That fiifrlcienr land ! for the accommodation of the j rclpeidive light-houles can be purchafed at a reafbnable price ; and that the leg'flaruicsofßhode Hand, Connedicut, and New- York, fhall, rcfpedively, ctde the jurifdidion over the fame j to the United States. Sec. 6. And be it further enabled, That the fecretary .of die treafury fnali be, and he is hereby authonhd and directed to caufe a fufficient light-houfe to be erected on the faith point 1 of Cumberland Hand, at the entrance of St. Mary’s river, within the Race of Georg a ; and thar, under the direction of the Laid fecretary, thcie fhall be purchafed, it the fame can not otherwife be obtained, fuf ficient land for die erefhon cf the faid light-houfe, and accom modations for the better fupport thereof: Provided, That die legi Rati ire of Georgia fnali cede the jurifdiftion over the fame to the Uni tC c States. Sec. 7. And he it further enaffedy That tnerc fhall be, and hereby are appropriated, for the re-imbuiTeuienc cf the merchants cf Plymouth and Duxbury, for monies expended by them in erecting a temporary light on the Gurnet, a fum not exceeding two hundred and fc ! ventv dollars ; for the rebuild j ing the light-houfe on the faid I Garner, a fum not exceeding j two thou land five hundred dol *! lars ; for the rebuilding of the ' J-ghw-LoufeoadiS caßcra end of • smu urerv m«. r—r m. m « *—• •» mmm mm New-C a Pile Tfland, a Turn not excet ding four thoufand dollars; and for the credlion of the laid light-houfe on faid Lymle’s | poinr, a him not exceeding two j thoulknd five hundred dollars ; for the eredirn of the light- ' O I houfe on Cumberland fouth point, a 1’ m not exceeding four > thoufind dollars j and for taking the furvey, and for creding light-houfes ami placing buoy > in the found, a fum not exceed ing e»g : ’t thouland dollars; to be paid out of any monies whic h may be in the treafury, not otherwife appropriated. Sec. 8. And he it further enafled, Thar it fhall be lawful i for the fecretary of the treafury, ! under the direction <d the Prc fident of the United States, to caufe to be expended, in rc , pairingand erecting public piers, ! in the liver Delaware, a fum not exceeding hirty thouland dollars : and ti at the fame be ! paid out of any monies in the treafury, not otherwife appro priated : Provided, That the jurifcii£tion of the fuo whore any fuch piers may beerciTed, fhad 1 be firft ceded to tlic United j otales, according to the condi tions in fuch cale by law pro vided. Nat mangel Macon, Speaker cf the 7 1 ufe f U epre fer fat ives. A A RON TT UX X , J ice-Pr efdent of the United states and Prejident of the Senate. Approved, April 6, idoa. T HOM AS JE F F ERSON, Prejident of the United Slates. ; j An ACL to eft ah itfh an Uniterm ; rule cf naturalization, and to j repeal the ads beret if ore tajfed on treat fuajeit \ eE it enabled hy tne Senate and 1 * Houfe of lieprefentalives of the United States of America , in Cor greys affembled. That any. alien being a free white perfon, may be admitted to become a citizen of the United rates, or any of them, oa the following conditT »ns, and not otherwife : Fir ft, i hat he fhall have de clared, on oath or affirmation, before the fupremc, Inperior, diftrict or circuit court of fame one of the Rates, or of the ter ritorial diftrifrs of the United I States, or a circuit or diftrid court of die Lmitcd States, three years at leak, before his adiTiifTion, t’ at it V. ao >ona fide, his intention to become a citizen of the United States, and to renounce forever, all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, Rare or foven-ignty wh never, and particularly by name the prince, pot'cr.tarc^. or fovcrcignty whereof fiich alien may, at the time, be a citizen or fuhjeft. Secondly , That he fhali, at the time of his application to br* admitted, declare on oath or affirmation, before fome oik of the courts afordaid, that he will I fupport tne conftuucion of the United States, and that he doth* ahfolu;cl> r and entirely renounce and abjure ail allegiance and fidelity to every foreign prince, p militate, (late or fovemgnty whatever, and particularly hy name the prince, potentate, ft ate, or fovereignty whereof he was before a cmzf ri or fub jc<T ; which proceedings f all be recorded by the clerk of t ic court. Thirdly , That the court ad mitting fiich alien (hall be fa tislied that he has refuted within the United States live years a: it aft", and witliin the (late or territory where Inch court is at the time held, one year at leaft ; and it fl»Tl further appear to their fan s: action, that dunn rr thalll me, 9 * he lias behaved as a man of a good moral diaratfer, attached to the principles or die confti tution of the United States, and well dilpofed to the good order and Jiappi .( Is of the fame :—- i'hat ti.e oa li of the applicant fhail, in no cafe, be allow. d to prove Iks rcTidence. Fourthly , That in rale lie alien applying to be admitted to ciuzenfhi s 111 all have borne any hereditary tide, or been of any of die orders of nobihtv in | the kingdom or ft ate from which ; he came, he fnaii, in addition |to thc above rcquifUe, make a n i exprefs renunciation of his tide or order of nobi) y in the court to which his applicad >n fh.iil be made, which renunciation ftiall be recorded in the laid court : Prozided, That no alien who ftraii be a native citizen, denizen or fubji dt of any country, flate nr fo vertigo, with whom the United States ftiall be at war/ at the time of his applical on, ftiall be admitted to be a citizen of the United State:-. : Provided r/h, Thar any alien who was redding within the li mits, and under the junfiScftion i of the United States, before the twenty-ninth day of January, one thou fund l.wen hundred and ninety-five, im.y be admit tec! to becon ea citizen, on due proof made to home one of the courts afore'hi J; that lie lis ref Jed tv. o .cars, at Irz.ft, within and under the junfdidlion of the 1 p.ited State:, and one ’.ear, at It aft, inwvitdi; rely preceding his ‘Opylication, within the itacc cr wi.uc f-wii court