The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, August 04, 1802, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND REPUBLICAN TRUMPET- ' glume iv.] WEDNESDA Y, August 4, 1802. [No. 172. LIBERTY IS OUR MOTTO 4ND TRUTH OUR GUIDE. LOUISVILLE, (GEORGIA) —Publifhed every Wedncfday, by AMBROSE DAY & JAMES HELY, State Printers, at j dollars per ann.:—Where Eflays, Articles of Intelligence, Advertifemems, ike. ike. are thankfully received, and PRIN PING in all its variety, is executed with neatnefs and difpatch. * * * S* aVI V* tZJ #%\! ; I *mr;' V-Y . q/jllH [BY AUTHORITY.] Seventh Cengrefs cf the United States. At the firfc SefTion, begun and held at the City ofWafhing ton, in the Territory of Co lumbia, on Monday the 7th cf December, 1801. An ACT to amend the Judicial Syjlem cf the United states. £s» E it enabled by the Senate and ) Hoife cf Reprefsntatives cf the United States cf America , in Cengrefs cjfembled , That from and after the palling of this aft, the fupreme court of the United .States fhall be holden by the juftices thereof, or any four of them, at the city of Walking ton, and fhall have one fefTion in each and every year, to com mence on the firft Monday of February annually, and that if four of the laid juft ices fhall not attend within ten days after the time hereby appointed for the commencement of the lard fef fion, tlie buftnefs of the find couit fhall be continued over till the next Rated fefilon there of.— Provided ahv ays ) T hat ary one or more of the laid juftices, attending as afore find, fhall have power to make all necefiary orders touching any fuit, action, writ of error, procefs,'pleadings nr proceedings, returned to the laid court or depending therein, preparatory to tire hearing, trial or decifion of fuch action, luir, appeal, writ of error, procefs, pleadings or proceedings. And lb much of the aft entitled, <f An Aft to eftabli fin the judi cial courts of the United States,’ paTed the twenty-fourth day or September, feyenteen hundred and tighty-nins, as pro vines for the holding a fcfiion ot die fu preme court of the United States on the firft Monday cf Auguft, annually, is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. And be it further enabled. That it lhall be the duty cf the afifociate juftice redden: in the fourth circuit formed by this aft, to attend, at the city or Wafhmgton, on the firft: Mon day of Auguft next, and on the full Monday of Auguft: each and every year thereafter, who Hi all have power to make all neccllary orders touching any fuit, aftion, appeal, writ of er ror, procefs, pleadings or pro ceedings, returned to the faid court or depending therein, preparatory to the hearing, trial or decifion of fuch aftion, fuit, appeal, \vr?t of error, procefs, pleadings or proceedings : and that all writs and procefs may be returnable to the faid court on the faid firft Monday in Au guft, in the fame manner as to the ftfllon of the laid court, herein before direfted to be holden cn the firfc Monday in February, and may alfo bear tefte on the laid tuft Monday in Auguft, as though a fc.Tion of the faid court was holden on that day, and it fhall be the duty of the clerk of the fupreme court to attend the faid juftice on the faid firft Monday of Au guft, in each and every year, who fhall make due entry of all fuch matters and things as lhall nr may be ordered as aforefaid by the fiid juftice, and at each and every fuch Auguft feffion, all aftions, pleas and other pro ceedings relative to any caufe, civil or criminal, lhall be con tinued over to the enfuing Fe bruary feflion. Sec, 3. And be it further That ail aftions, fuits, procefi, pleadings and other proceedings, of what nature or kind foever, civil or criminal, which were continued from the fupreme court of the United States, which was begun and holden on the fir 11 Monday of December laft, to the next court to have been holden on the firft Monday of June, under the aft which palled on the thir teenth day of February, one thoufand eight hundred and one, entitled, “ An Aft to provide for the more convenient organization of the courts of the United States,” and all writs, procefs and proceedings, as aforefaid, which are or may be made returnable to the lame J une fcflion, Hi all be continued, returned to, and have day, in the Hlfton to be holden by this aft, on the firft Monday of Au guft next ; and fuch proceed ing'' (hall be had thereon, as is herein before provided. Sec. a. And he it further enacted) That the didrifts of the United States, (excepting the ciivtrifts of Maine, Kentucky and TenneCec) ftiail be formed into fix circuits, in manner fol lowing : The diftrifts cf New-Hamp shire, Maftachufctts and Rhode Jfland, fli all conftitute the fuft circuit; The diftrifts cf Conncfticut, New-York and Vermont, fhall conftitute the feconcl circuit; The diftrifts of New-Jerley and Pennfylvania, fhall confti ture the third circuit; The diftrifts of Maryland and Delaware, (hall conftitute the fourth circuit; The diftrifts of Virginia and North-Carolina, fhall conftitute the fifth circuit; and The diftrifts of South-Caro lina and Georgia, fhall conili uite the fixth circuit. And there fliall be holden annually in each diftrid of the faid circuits, two courts, which fliall be called circuit courts. In the firft circuit, tlie faid cir cuit court fliall confift of the juftice of the fupreme court te nding within the laid circuiti and me oiftnft judge of the dif trid where fuch court fliall be hcicit 1/. And the llfiions of the faid court, in the diftnft of New- Hampfhire, fhall com mence on the nineteenth day of May, and the fecond day of November, annually in the diftrift of Maflachuletts, cn the firft day cf J une, and the twen tieth day of Odober, annually; in the diftrift of Rhode-Hand, on the fifteenth day of June, and the fifteenth day of November, annually. In the fecond circuit, the faid circuit court fhall confift of the fenior aflociat£ juftice of the fupreme court redding within the fifth circuit,’and thediftrid judge of the diftrid where fuch court (hall be holden; and the ft flic ns cf the find court in the diftrift of Connefticut, ftiail commence cn the thirteenth day of April, and the leventeenth day of September, annually— In the diftnft of New-York, on the firft day of April, and the firft day of September annually —ln the diftrid of Vermont, on the firft day of May, and the third day of Odober, annually. In the third circuit, the faid circuit court fhall confift of the juftice cf the luoreme court, refiding within the laid circuit, and the diet:rid judge ot the diftnft where fucii court fhall be holden i and the feftions of the faid court, in the diftnft of Ncw-jerfey, lhall commence on the firft day of April, and the firft aay of October, annually— In the diftrift of Pennfylvania, on the eleventh day ot April, and the eleventh day of Odober, annually. In the fourth circuit, the faid circuit court fliall confift or the juftice of the fimreme court redding within the laid circuit# and the diflridl judge of the diflridl where fuch. court (hall be holdcn ; and the Unions of the f.iid court in the diflridl of Delaware fhall commence on the third day of June, and the twenty-feventh day of Odlober, annually—ln the diflridl of Ma ryland, on the firft day of May, and the feventh day of Novem ber, annually j to be holdeti hereafter at the city of Balti more only. In the fifth circuit, the cir cuit court fhall conlill of the prefent chief juflice of the fu preme court, and the dilln<ft judge of the diftndl where fuch court fhall be hoklen ; and the ft ffions of the faid court in the diflridl of Virginia, fhall com mence on tire twenty-fecond day of May, and the twenty feednd day of November, an nually—ln the diflridl of North- Carolina, on the fifteenth da/ of June, and the twenty-ninth day of December, annually. In the fixth circuit, the faid circuit court fhall confift of the junior allociatc juflice of the luprcmc court in the fifth cir cuit, and the dillridt judge of the diflridl where fuch court * • •! fhall be holden* and the fc (lions of the f.iid court in the diflridl of South-Carolina fhall com mence at Charlcflon on twen tieth day of May, and at Co lumbia on the thirtieth day of November, annually—fn the diflridl of Georgia, on the fixth day of May at Savannah, and on the fourteenth day of De cember hereafter at Louifvillc, annually : — Provided, that when only one of tire judges hereby directed to hold the circuit courts, fhall attend, fuch circuit court may beheld by the judge fo attending, and that when any of the faid days lhall happen on a Sunday, then the fakl court hereby diredled to be holdcn on fuch day, fhall be holden on tlic next day thereafter, and tl ■ circuit courts ronftituted by ri acl, fhall be held at the far ■ place or places in each difind ; of evdry circuit as by law they were refpedlively required to b* held previous to the thirteenth day of February, one then find eight hundred and one, even ing as is herein before diredled. And none of the faid courts fhall be holder) until afier the fir ft day of July next, and clerk of each diftndl court fhall be alio clerk of the circuit court in fuch diflridl, except as is herein after excepted. Sec. 5. And be it further enatted. That on every appoint ment which fhall be hereafter