The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, September 01, 1802, Image 1

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Volums IV .] ■ ■ WEDNESDAY, Sbismt r t, 1802. (No. 175. UIiEJt TV IS OUR MG TTO siN DTRVTtIOUR G VI I) K . * LOUISVILLE, (GEORGIA) —Publilhed every WeJnefuay, by AMBROSE DAY & JAMES MELY, State Fruiters, ai 3 dollars per arm.;—Where Efl’ays, Articles of Intelligence, Advertifeaicnts, Ac. Ac. are thankfully received, and PRINTING in ail its variety, is executed with rteataefs and difpatoh; P v> + V t V, fill! iflf® ; 9. fir mm # -i. ;c- m«|J r ,f -[BY AUTHORITY.] Seventh Cengreh of the United States. At the firft ScfTion, begun and held at the City ofWafhing ton, in the Territory of Co lumbia, on Monday the 7th of December, 1801. An ACT to empower John James Du four and his afociates, to purchafe certain lands. BE it enabledhy the Senate and Hcufe of Reprefmtatives of the United States of America * in Car profs cjfembled , ' That to encourage the introduction* and to promote the culture of the vine within the territory, of the United States, north weft of the river Ohio* it {hall be lawful for John James Dufour, and his affociates, to purchafe any quan tity not exceeding four it dtions of die lands of the United States, lying between the Great Miami •river and the Indian boundary line, at the rate of two dollars per acre, payable without inter eft, on or before the firfb day of January, one thculaad eight hundred and fourteen. Sec. 2. And be it further tnacied, That it fhall be the duty of the regifter of the land office, dtablifhed at Cincinnati, to receive and to enter on hb entry hook, the applications of the faid Dufour, and his aflbei aces, for any unappropriated fc Cl ions with the adjoining frac tions, if any, not to exceed in the whole four feClions and lying •within the diftrift aforefaid ; fearing in each entry, the date of the application and the num ber of the feClion or fraClion, town Hi ip and range applied for ; sp.d it fnall alfo be the duty of the faid regifter, to deliver to the faidDufourar.d his afTociates, a copy of each entry thus made ; alfo a copy of th?, defeription or field notes, and of the of each trad, with a certificate {fating that the fame. has. been purchafed under the authority of this aft, at the rare of two dollars per acre, payable with out imercfl, oa or before the THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND REPUBLICAN TRUMPET. fir(r day of January, one thou fand eight hundred and fourteen. Sic. 3. And be it ju: I her crafted, That payment for laid land may be made at the ma lury of the United States, or to the receiver of the band office at Cincinnati, either in fpecie, or in the evidences of the pub lic debt of the United States, at the rates preferibed by an adl entitled “ an a(°r to amhorife the receipt of evidence's of the pub lic debt, in payment for the lands of the United Slates,” and a difcolint at the rate of fix per cent, a year fhall be allowed on any payments which fhall be made before the fame fhall come due. Sec, 4. And le it further crafted , That on producing to the fecrecary of the treafury copies of the entries aforefaid, and of the plats of the trails, applied for, alfo the certificate of the regifler of the land office eftablifhed at Cincinnati, that the fame have been purchafed in conformity to the provifions of this afh, the Prcfident of the United States fhall be and he hereby is authorifecl and em pcweied to iflue letters patent in.the ufual form, unto the faid Dufoitr, his aflcciates and their heirs, for the faid lands; with condition exp re fled in the laid letters patent, that on failuie to pay the purchase money when the fame fhall become due, the lands therein deferibed, with the improvements thereon, fhall be deemed forfeited, and fbaT | revtfl in the United States. Nathaniel Macon, Speaker cf the Hcuje cf Rtpre fers at ives, AERA H A M BAL D W r I N, Tref 1 dent of the ; Senate, pro tan. Approved May i, 1802. Thomas Jefferson, Prefdtr.t cf the United States. An ACT to extend and continue in farce the proviftens cf an aft entitled tf an aft riving a right cf p: e-emptier to certain per jens who have contracted with John Clcves Sprints, cr his affouates , for lands lying be tween the AH ami River:, in the Ter: it cry IScrth IT eft cf the Ohio ; and for other purpejis." T>E it crafted by the Senate and Hcuje of Rcprcjentaiives tf the United States of America, in Ccngrefs cffmhled , That the lev era I provifions of an ach en titled “ an att giving a right cf pre-emption to certain perfons who have contracted with John Clcves Symnies, cr his ahoci atcj, for Linds lying between the Miami Kivers in the Ter ritory North V; -it of the Ohio 5 ' fhall be, and the fame are here by continued in force until the firft day of March next, fubjeft to ti e modifications contained in tins aft. Src. 2. And he it firther 'enabled. That the provisions of the laid aft fnall, and the fame are hereby extended to all per form claiming land, lying betvveen the Miami rivers, and without the limits of Ludlow’s furvey, by purchafe or cohcraft iiiade prior to the firft day ot January, one thoufand eight hundred, with John Clcves Symines oh h ; s aftbeiatts. Stc. 3. And be it further enabled) That every perfon claiming lands as afore laid, either within or without the limits of Ludlow’s furvey, and who have not obtained a certificate of the right of pre-emption therfefor, dial!, on or before the firft day cf November next, give notice of the nature and extent of his claim, in manner preferibed by the f «~ond fell ion of th.e laid ?ch And the receiver of pub lic monies, and com ml ffi oners appointed under the fourth lec tion of the faid aft, {hall meet at Cincinnati, on the fecund Monday of November next, they having given four weeks previous notice of fuchmeeting, 111 a public newfpaper printed at Cincinnati, and fhal! then and there proceed to hear and finally decide upon all claims, of w hich notice may have been given as afore laid, and fhall, in all mat ters relative thereto, govern themfelves by the provifions of the faid aft. Vacancies in the faid board of commiffioners may lie filled by the Prefident of the United States alone. And the duties, powers and emoluments of the laid commiffioners, re ceiver of public monies, and regifter of the land office at Cincinnati, and fiirveyor gene ral, as preferibed by the laid aft, fhall, and the fame are here by continued. Sec. 4. And he it further enabled, That every perfon who may have obtained, or who fhall hereafter obtain, as aforefaid, a certificate of a right of pre emption from the hud cormnif fioners, fit2ll be allowed nntd the fnft day of January next, 10 make t;:e firft payment re quired for the lands described in fuch certificate, and fhad, in all other re fp efts relative there to, conform to the leveral pro vifiens cf the laid aft. Sec. 5. And be it further er.aded. That it fnall and may be lawful for the fecretary cf the treafury to caufe to be viewed, it.irked, and; c-£cited, fuel. within the territory North Weft of the Ohio, as in his will be ft ferve to promote the Tales of the public lands in fu ture : Provided, that the whole Turn ro be expended on fiich roads (hail not exceed fix thou fand dollars, and that the fame fhall be paid out of the monies pal'd by purchasers of public lands on account of furveying expences. Slc. 6. Add be it further raffed) That all ilie lands around Vincennes on die Wabafh, in the Indiana territory, the Indian title to which hath been extin guilhed, fhall be furveyed and laid off in the ttianncr preferibed by the third fed ion of an a*st entitled, an ad to amend On afl entitled “ an aft providing fir the Tales of the lands of die United States in the territory North Weft of the Ohio, and above the mouth of Kentucky river,” under directions from the fecretary of the treafury* and by fuch perfon or perfufta as the Prtfidcnt of the United States alone fhall appoint for that purpofc; Provided, thaC the whole expence of furveying and marking the lines fhall not exceed four dollars for every mile that fliall be aftually run* furveyed and marked. And two plats of the lands aforefaid* (hail lie prepared by the perfon or ptrfons who may furvey the fame, \ . q fliall alfo defrgnare thereon the bounds of the lands of individuals held under refer vations of the flare of Virginia* or under the laws of the United States : one of tile faid plats* fiiall be returned to the office of the fecrerary of the treafury, and the other fhall be dcpofited with the fecretary of the Indiana territory. Sec. 7 • And be it further enabled, I hat in all cafes where any feftion or fractional feftior* of hnd lying within the fever* ranges of totvnfhips, has been fold prior to the tenth day c£ May, one thoufand eight hun dred, under the authority of the United States, the lines of fucii feftion or fractional feftien fhall be run under the direftion of the fecrerary of the treafury, inthe manner mod confident with die fuppoft d boundaries of the fame, at the time of the Tale, any thing in the aft of the tenth of May* one thoufand eight hundred, to the contrary notwithftanding,-—« And it fhall be lawful for the fecretary of the treafury * when e 'cr lines thus run fhall interfere with the claim of a purchakr of public lands under the laft mentioned act to permit fuch pmchafcr* if he fhall dtfirc it,