The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, September 15, 1802, Image 1

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Volume I’V.] \\t L D ESD A T, September 15, 1802, [No. 176.* UBERTT Id CUE MOT'TO j ‘lKU'ni OUE GUIDE. * LOUISVILLE, (GEORGIA) — Published every Wednefday, by AMBROSE DAY & JAMES HELY, State Printers, at 3 dollars per arm.:—vVhere Lilays, Articles or Intelligence, Advertifcmcnis, See. 6cc. arc thankfully received, and FRINiING in ail its variety, is executed with neatnefs and difpaah. * *♦ * L* m i f im [BY AUTHORITY.] Seventh Centre fs cf the United States. At the firfl Sefilon, begun and held at the City of Waihing ton, in the Territory cf Co lumbia, on Monday the yih of December, iSoi. AN ACT making an appropri ation for carrying into effebl tie convention between the I rated States cf America and his Britannic Majefiy. BE it enabled by tbs Senate and Houfe cf Reprefentatives cf the United States cf America, in Ccngrefs affembled, That for carrying into effied: the conven tion cf the eighth day of Janu ary, one thoufand eight hundred and two, between the United States of America and his Bri tannic Majefiy, the fum of two millions fix hundred and fixty four thoufand dollars be, and the fame hereby is appropriated. Sec. 2. And he it further matted, That the aforefuid fum fhall be paid in Rich inflalments, and at Inch times, as are fixed by the find convention, out of any monies in the treafury, not otherwife appropriated. Nathaniel Macon - , Speeder cj the Houfe cf Repre fen tat ives. Abraham Baldwin, Prefident cf the Senate , pro tern. Approved May 3, 1802. Thomas Jefflrson, Prefident cf the United States. AN ACT for the relief cf Fid voar Sk'ipvjith. IRE it enabled ny the Senate and Houfe cf Reprejentatives if the United States cf America, in Ccngrefs affcm bled. That there be paid unto Tulwar Skipwirh, out of any money in the public treafury, not otherwife appro priated, the lum of four mou ld nd five hundred and fifty q. [- iars, advanced by him tor the vile of the United States, with an intertil at the rate or fix per Centura per annum, from the firfb day of November one theu fiver* hun.urtd aru n.ncty^ THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND REPUBLICAN trumpet. five, at which time the advance was made. Nathaniel Macon, Speaker of the llcufe cf Rrpt c- Jsntatives. Abraham Baldwin, Prejldent of the Senate, pro ten. Approved, May 3, 1802. Thomas Jefferson* Trefident of the United States. AN ACT to amend an all, en eitled £f An att for the relief cf fich and dijalled /camon,” and for other purpjes, BE it enabled by the Senate and llcufe cf Reprejentatives if the L rated States cf America, in Ccngrefs afendlea) That the monies heretofore colleded in purfuance of the feveral ads “ for the relief of fick and difabltd Teamen,” andatprefent unexpended, together with the monies hereafter to he colleded by authority of the tioned ads, fnall conftitute a general fund, which the Frefi dent of the United States fhall ufe and employ as circumilances fhall require for the benefit and convenience of fick and difiibled American fcamen : Provided\ that the lum of fifteen thoufand dollars be, and the fame is here by appropriated for the eredion of an hofpital in the difind; cf MafTachufetts. Sec. 2. And he it further enabled, That it (ball he lawful for the Prefident of the United Stares to caufc fuch meafures to be taken as, in his opinion, may be expedient for providing con venient accommodations, medi cal aifiilance, nectfTary attend ance, and fupplies for the relief of fick or difabled fieamen of the United States who may be at or near the port of* Ncw*Or kans, in cafe the lame can be done wifin the aiTent of the go vernment having jurifdidion ever the port j and for this pur pofic, to cilabhfh fuch regula tions, and to authorile the em ployment of Rich perfons as he may judge proper ■, and that for defraying the expence thereof, a fun* not exceeding three thou fand dollars be paid cut cf any monies arifing from the laid fund not otherwife appropriated. Sec. 3. And be it further enabled, That from and after the thirtieth day of June next, the mafter of every beat, raft or fine, belonging to any citizen of die United Stares which fhall go down the Miff dip pi with intention to proceed to Nevv- Orkans ihali, on his arrival at fort Adams, render to t ! e Col lector or naval officer thereof, a true account ct the number of period employed cr. board fuch bca r , rafr cr fiar, and the time that each pci lon fas been fo employed, and fl.all pay to the laid ccllcdor cr naval t ffictr at the rate of twenty cents per month, for every perk n lo em ployer', which fum, he is hereby authcriltd to retain out of the wages of fuch perfen; and the fa.d colicdlor cr naval officer filial! rot rfive a clearance for o finch boar, raft or flat, to pro ceed cn her voyage to Ncvv- Crkars, until an account be lendmd to him of the number of perfons employed on boaid fuch loar, raft or Hat, and the money paid to him by the niai ter or owner thereof ; and if any Rich mailtr ihali render a falic* a.count cf the number of perfons, and the length of time they have feveialiy been on employ'd as is herein requited, he ihali forfeit and pay fifty dol lars, which fhall be applied to and ill 11 make .1 part of the laid general fund for the purpofes of tlfis ad: Provided, that all per fons employed in navigating any fuch boar, laft or Hat, fhall be confiucred *s Teamen of the U nited Stated, and entitled to the relief extended by law to Tick and difabied Teamen. Sec. 4. And he it further enabled, That the Prefident of the United States be, and he is hereby authorifed to nominate and appoint for the port of New Orleans, a fit perfon to be di rector of the marine hofpital ol rhe United States, whole duties fhall be in all inflances the fame as the diredors of the marine hofpital of the United States, as due (Ted anil required by the ad, entitled, “ an aft R>r the relief of fick and difabltd lea men/’ Sec. 5. And he it further enabled, That each and every diredor of the marine hofpitals within the United States (hall, if it can with convenience be done, admit into the hofpital of which he is director, fick foreign Teamen, on the application of the maflcr or commander ct any foreign veifiel to which fuch Tick Teamen may belong; and each Teaman lo admitted finall be fub jed to a change of levcnty-five cents per day, for each day he may remain in the hofpital, the payment of which, the mailer or commander 01 loch foreign veifiel, fhall make to the colit dor of the diflricc in which lurh hofpital is firuaced * and thecol leclcr fhall not grant a clearance 10 any foreign vrfiel, until the money due from fuch mailer or commander, in manner and form aforefaid, fhall he paid ; and the c». cvtoiT o i ca. .* is kw »' by dire elec’, under the penalty of fifty dollar?, to make out the accounts againft each fore ga kainan that may be placed ia the hofpital under his direction, and render the lame to the col leftor. Sec. 6. And he it further enabled y That the colit ftors fhall pay the money ccilefted, by virtue of this, 2nd the aft to which this is an amendment, into the treafury of the United States, and be accountable there for, and receive the fame corn million thereon, as for other money by them collcftcd. Sec. % Ahd he it further enabledy That each and every direftor of the marine hofpitals, fhall be accountable at the trea sury of the United States, for the money by them received iit the fame manner as other receiv ers of public money, and for the fums by them expended fhall be allowed a commillion at the rate of one per cent. Nathaniel Macon, Speaker of the lion ft cf Repre* fen tat tin. Abraham Baldwin, Prefident cf the Senate, pro tcm % Approved, May 3, ISO 2. Thomas Jefferson, Pref dent if tie Usd ted States •' Executive Department, Louijviilsy June iB, 1802, A ref lotion in the words fol lowing, to wit:— Resolved, That Lis Excellency the Gover nor, be and he is hereby autho rized and requeued to purfue Inch mcafures as in his judg ment may mod t deftually afcei - tain and colleft all jull claims which the citizens of this date may have againil the Creek Nation of Indians * which faid claims fhall, before they are exhibited, be duly authentica ted by the oath of one or more didntereded perfons, taken and certified by any judge, jmlicc of the peace, or clerk of the Superior or Inferior Courts,'* having pafTcd both branches of the Lcgillature, ami received the a (Tent of the Executive—* it is ORDERED, That all perfons having cU'ms againd the Creek. Nation of In dians, tor property of any de feription by them, taken or plundered, be and they arc hereby required to rranfmit the fame, as foon as pofhblc to the Executive Department, authen ticated m the manner by the ate 1 c-recited icfolution pointed out. Taken from the Journals of the Executive Department, iii tok, Ste rj *