The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, September 29, 1802, Image 3

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n n f’C ?q f h of tune, Hie f •»!: ament of England was d:r iolvcd, and a proclamation BTu td for the eleflioa of a new houfc of commons, the writs returnable on the 3 if* ot An gufl hft. Meffort. Day Sc llely, I AM as anxious as any one jhat proper and fuitabio perfons fhould be elected as Members ofCongrcfs. lunderfland there are many candidates —but am furprTfed to find particular no tice is taken of only one.— Mr. Early I think he 5s called by a writer in the Augufta 11c rald. The writer inllnuaces a ftrong argument in favour of this candidate,-i.% that he has been perfectly detached from aay party in this Hate. If we are to underfeand from this, that while the (late was convulfed by the agitations of the yazoo fpeculation, that Mr. Early was fb extremely difiiuerefled as to take nt> parr againfl it. I mufl to fay no worfe, think he is quite too phlegmatic, too in ft nibble to the wrongs of his coun try. While fome were for Jcfl'erfon, and feme, were for Pinckney, I etben lays Mr. Early was for virtue and talents, m <f whcnficevcr they way be found" This language is too indecifive for a flatefman ; a Prefident was to be chofen, and who was his choice ?—Was the candidate whole name is not mentioned, the perfon in whom virtue arid talents were to he found —fay, was it John Adams ? If fo, I fhall not vote for Mr. Early. If it fhould be afked, who I think are proper perfons to be eledled, I am free to an fwer—and fhall be more liberal than Philomathon , by naming four gentlemen inflead of one, but not precifely for the fame reafons advanced in Mr. Early’s behalf.—The Hon. John Mil ledge, Gen. David Meriwether, )( Col. Samuel Hammond, and < Jofeph Bryan, Efquire, have, and with ineffable pleafure we announce it, contributed all within their power to the pre fervation of our territorial rights, and confcqucntly to the deflruc- Eon of Yazoo Speculation— though Phlumdthcn no cUubt aferibes their conduct therein, to thehafoe Jcftary foeuds of fallien. Moreover, all thofe gentlemen, if we are rightly informed, think .hat talents and virtue are to be found in Thomas Jefferfon. — In fhort, fellow citizens, you may in their tlcblion honor merit, promote the interefl of your country, and continue to re£c6l honor on yourfelves. P HILO PA TREE. WASHINGTON CITY, Augufi 2C. - Extract of a letter from commo dore Morris, to the Jecretary of the Navy , dated Gibraltar Bay , June 26, 1802. " Yeflerday Mr. Simpfcn, Confui from the United States of America to the Court cf Morocco, arrived at Gibraltar, from Tangier. The Emperor of Morocco has forced him from his dominions and declared war againfl the United States. 1 his I have made Known to t.;C American rninf ers at London, Paris and Ma drid, in order that they might acquaint • the Americans hound to the Mediterranean therewith, recommending that they fhould rendezvous at C adiz, where they Hioll Id receive as frequent convoy rs our fquadron could a Ton. 1. Should you make the above known to the merchants in America, cl.reeling tliem to repair to Cadiz, before they enter the Strait’s mouth, I will call frequently and lake them under convoy. On Saturday loft the Ncwv- Vork was put in commiflion, and it is expelled that in the couric of two we ( ks Horn that day liic will be fully (quipped tor lea. When (lie joins the M C'htcrranean fquadron, Com modore Morris will have under his command the Cheiapeakc, the Conllclirtion, the Adams, the Kofdon, the New-York and the Kmerprife. Theft*, with the fquadron under the com mand of the Swcdifh Admiral, will, it is conceived, be fuffi cieht to protect our commerce againfl 1 ripoli and Morocco. Commiflioners Office, Georgia, Savannah, iflSept, 1802. Notice to Penfioners. r T , HE Invalid Penfioners of A. the United States, the flate cf Georgia, are hereby recuefled to cOrne forward, and A receive their (Upend, due on the 4th infrant; as alfo all ar rearage of penfion, unpaid by the late Agent. It is wilhed that the Penfion ers in future be punctual in cal ling at this Office, in perfon or by their legal attornies, annually or femi annually , in order to receive their money. J AMES ALGER, /.gent for Invalid Penfioners. NOTICE. A I L Perfons having De mands againfl the Ed fate of the Hon. Brigadier General John Morrison, late of Burke County, decealcd, are rcqudled to make known the fame, on oath, as foon as polliblc to the adminiflrator Abraham Jackfon; and thofe indebted will pit ale to make payment, to Elizabeth Morrison, Admiyiifiiratrix . Abraham Jackson, Adminfiratcr. Burke County, Sept. 15. 1802. SHERIFF’S SALES. On the Firfit 7 UESDA2 in Nov. next, will he [old , at the Mar ket Houfoe, in Lcuifiville , between the hours cf 10 and 3 o'clock, A hkeiy SORREL HORSE, taken as the property of Whi ms Brinfon, to fatisfy Arthur Cheatham’s execution. Alfo, two hkeiy NEGRO BOYS, James and David.— Taken as the property of Llaf fingame Harvey, decealcd, trt lacisfy Jofeph G. Pointr and Pofner & Benedix’s executions, f ormer terms of laie not com plied with. DAVID THOMAS, Sheriff J. C. Septenr.btr 27, Ac 2. Ex* t cur IVC DLP A n TMC N T, JLctfifvUle, cS th Aug. I ?<0 2. ORDERED, That* the aft authorizing the elcftion of four perfons to reprefent the Cirizensof Georg : ain the i loufe Cm Reprefentatives of the I'nifetl State —be publifbed in the fe veral Cuvettes of this ftate, that the Electors in die refpeftive Counties thereof may, at the enluing general elec: inn, govern them Lives according! /. Glo. K. Cl ayto,x ? Secretary. AN ACT authorize? the Flee-* tors in the feveral Counties in this fate, to clehi four per fens to reprefent them in the Iloufe cj Reprefentatives of the United States. VV 11 Eli EAS by the late enu meration of the inhabitants of the United States, this (late is entitled to four Members in the { lOiifeof Reprefentatives of the United States —Be it therefore a.aided, by tic Senate and Iloufe of Reprefentatives cf the fate of Georgia, in General AJjembly met , That at the* general elcftion which (hall be held for Members of die State Lceu’Uture, on the O 9 fir ft Monday in October next, and at every fecond general elcftion thereafter, the Eleftors at Inch elections dial! be entitled to vote for four perfons to re prefent this (Etc in the IE ufc of Reprefentatives of the United States, under fuch rules and re gulations as are prdenbed by the Elcftion Laws of this Hate now in force. Abraham Jackson, Speaker cf the 'iloufe if Re prejentathes. William Barnett, Prcfidcnt cf the Senate. A Tented to, June 16, 1802. Josiah Tattnall, Jim, Governor. Executive Department, Lomfville , Jane 18, 1802. A rtfolution in the words fol lowing, to wit:— Resolved, That his Excellency the Gover nor, be and he is hereby autho rized and re quelled to purfue fuch meafures as in his judg ment may mod effectually ascer tain and colleft all juft claims which the citizens of this flare may have againft the Creek Nation of Indians; which (aid claims (hall, before they are exhibited, be duly authentica ted by the oath ot one or more difmterefted perfons, taken and certified by any judge, juftice of the peace, or clerk of the Superior or Inferior Courts, 5 ’ having palled both branches of the Leg;faturc, and received the a (Tent of the Executive — It is ORDERED, That all perfons having claims againft the Creek Nation of In dians, for property of any de feriptien by them, taken or plundered, be and they are hereby required to tranfmic the fame, as Icon as poffible to the Executive Department, authen ticated in the manner by the afcrc-rccited refolution pointed ' out. Taken frem the Journals of the Executlve Lepart ment, Gl 0 * ,C.*a » t c i», Sc lj « N OJTC E. ATI. gofers indebted to ths Eft ate eft Spencer If r UJcn, late of the county cf Wajhingter, d>'c. arc eamefily requeued to make imme diate payment ; and all theft td whom the/aid Eft ate is indebted , are iikewije indebted to bring in their accounts, properly a Hefted, on cr before the i lib day cf Au guft next. John Hogan, Adm'r. July 4, 1802. TAKE NOTICE. THAT nine months after the 'loth of An puff, 180 2, applied- • ti n will be made to the honorable Inferior Court cf JVaJhington county , for leave to fell a trail cf 287 1- 2 acres of land, in Mont gomery county, on Hightower’s creek, being the property cf James Hi!!, deccafed, Jvr the benefit cf the heirs and creditors cf faid deceafed. David Blackshear, Isaac 1 I ali,, slWmitdftraJcrs. TAKE NOTICE. 77/ /IT after nine months from this date, applicant. )i will he made to ti e bonerul-le the Inferior Court cf IVafimgUn County, Jcr leave tc fell a trull cf land, on U Hit arfan's fwamp, in [aid County, including a mill called Hampton's, for the benefit cf the heirs and (realtors cf Nathaniel Renfroe, deceafed. JAMES RUSHING, Executor. Auguff 9, 1802. N O T I C E. * r PII AT after the expiration cf **• nine months, application will be made to the Judges if the In ferior Court of J Falling! on Coun ty, to fell a trail of 200 acres cf Land, in the faid County, ad joining the l-.ands cf John Ren free, John Sheppard and my J elf. Sold for the ben eft of the heirs of William Duggan, deceafed. Benjamin Manning, Adminijh ator. May 29, 1802. N O T I C E. I HEREBY revoke all Pow ers of Attorney made by me to any and every perfon cr pet fens, for the pnrpofe of difpofmg of my land in the weftern part cf ti is State, JOHN COBBS. Jefferfn County, July 16, 1802* I AKENOTICE. HI AT nine months after date, application will he mule to the honorable Inferior Court cf the County cf ll r (firing on, leave to fell a trail of land cf 80 acres, belonging to Jacob Ho ward, de ccafed, lying in faid County, cm IVilliamfon* s Swamp —for the be nefit of the heirs and creditors cf faid deceafed. ISAAC HOWARD, Adminijh ator. ABY HOWARD, Adminiftratrix. February 10, .1802. FO'U N D, ON the sth inf!:, a Cotton j Receipt for four thoufand f 1 hundred and fixty-lix pound* ! Seed Cotton, dated March 1802. I The owner may have it, by j proving it, and paying the ex pence of this advertifement. JAMES LAMAR. 5.