The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, October 27, 1802, Image 4

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A Lift? of Defaulters in JffftiTon ' County, forthtyrar 1802. Wrings Bifirilf. Hardy Hall, Elijah Kerfey, Burrel Homes, CharlesM‘Cui lers, Richard M‘Daniel, Obe ciiah McDaniel, Ilaac Augur, (free negro.) Call. Fulton's Fiji rift. Michael Shclinan, Jofiah M‘Clendal, M 4 Clcndal, James 'Douglafs, Jofeph Mer rian (free negro.) Capt. Reid's Bifirilf. Henry Pendleton, Angifli Chifolm, David Douglafs, Har- 1 dy Hill, Daniel Horn, Malachi | Goff, John Cook, Horbard Smith, Thomas Kerfey, Eldha White, Shugar Bynam, John Colbert, Tempey Mathews. Cowart's Bifirilf. T horn as Eevelcy, Ilezckiah Goff, Hezekiah Tinftey, Jofeph Barber, James Mills, Noel Langley, Widow Goff, Ed. Bul lock, James Weeks, JohnKer icy, Simon Dcel. Capt. Tarver 1 s Difirilf, xandcr Cairey. Capt. Schley's Bifirilf. Daniel Culbrcth, Benjamin Vining, Jonathan Hilton, James M*Cormick, James Hely, Wil liam Stewart, Chefley Bollick, len, Chefley Eoftick, jun. Da niel Perkins, Daniel Lemle, Id anus Lemle, John Houfeley, Horatio Marbury, George R. Clayton, Samuel Vickors, Wil liam Evans, Widow A flee w, John j. Schley, Nancy Forfyth, Jofeph P. Slade, Eli Browning, Abner Griffin, Samuel Hollow man, James \\ ilky, • Jacob Petcrfon, Eliftia Pendleton, William Mernan (free negro.) , Captains Courfey, White head and Prince have neglected to furnilh me with lifts of per funs liable to pay Tax in their Dillricts. D. EMANUEL, Jun. September 20, 1802. f A Lift; of Defaulters of Han cock County. Capt. Slaughter's Bifirilf. Samuel Woods, Leonard Peek, James Reynolds, John Hollis, John Coffee, Nathan Jordan, jcile Bunan, James Harvey. Capt. Tucker's Bifirilf. Thomas Lancaftcr, Henry tong, William Johnion, John Prince, James Clark, Simon Henderfon, Milby M‘Gee. Capt. Lucas's Difir ill. John Michael, Jofeph Grant, Henry Courts, James Jones, Jacob Moon, Nicholas Darby, Richard Moon, Jarrard Burch, jun. ■ Capt. Humphrey's Bifir iff. William Baizer, William Stanton, Ilham 1 hornton, John HembricK, Eldha Brown, Joel J v -ing, James Hay, William Chant y, Dyer Johnfon, Mar shal Smith, W diiam Tiionng ton, Hardy Herrington, Fran cis Jeter, Jofeph Palmer, Ben jamin Palmer. Capt. Bullock's D fir ill. Abner M c Gaiighey, James M'Gaughcy, James Amcrfon, James Waller, len. W. Waller, Larkin Turner, Mary Giles, Thomas Turner, Michael M e - Key, Green Winn, George Parker, Jere Warfham, John Warfham, Mofcs lainitorj, IGac Bryan, Peyton Holt, Stephen ] Jones, Gilliam fox, Thomas j Wilkey, El>cn. Caliway, W. Caliway, Pink Harvey, Wil liam W tighter, James Moore, John War in am, len. Capt, Scott's Bifir ill. Ifaac Jacklbn, jun. Dudly Lawfon, David Rhodes. Capt. Davis’s D fir ill. J 0 h n A d k i n fo n, hi ix M ‘ K in - ncy, Berry Jack Ton, James : Kint, W. Gay, Widow Alien, Jeff: Williams, Samuel Roach. Capt. Clark's Bifirilf. Jofeph Anglen, Thomas j Walker, Bartley Sadler, Wil- I liam Sclmon, John Smith, Sam Brazcll, Hanlill Singleton. Caps. Reid's Bifirilf. William Purify, Zadock Ste phenfon, Jolhua Cozen t, James Arthur, Drury Theatt, Daniel Walls, Henry Moore, fen. Phi lip Turner. Capt. G. Lewis's Bifirilf. Chucks Studevanr, Henry Jacklbn, Nathaniel Waller, Thomas Glowers, Burrell Yar borough, Richard TrelweJl, James Menktby, Jonathan 1 lo icy, Richard Parker, William M ( Limoore. Capt. Williams's Bifirilf. Francis Gray, Simon Brewer, Mortltcai Jacob, Jeffe Dennis, Caleb Baizer, John Kerfey, Henry Pelt, Solomon Smith, William Vaughan, Benjamin Jacob, MicajahWade, Leonard Smith. Capt. Gray's Bifirilf. John Booth, jun. Jeffe Mar red, Moles Marlhail, Mary Reduck, David Kcduck, Ed mond T am plain, William Wil liams, James M'Gentey, Wil liam Booth, Jolcph M‘Gentey, * Tapicy Jones, James Little ton, Pretor Fuquay, Samuel Haw kins, Anthony Goallun, John Rawlins, Rees Mathews, Tho mas Glenn, William Garrett, Jeffe Bajet, Jelle Harrod, jun. Samuel Breedlove, Thomas , Stephens. Capt. Lattimoore's Bifirilf. W xiiiain Willis, Ben Chap man, Thomas Willis, Daniel Kelly, Jacob Johnlbn, Daniel i Brown, James Tilman. Capt. Dixon's Bifirilf. Starling Amends, Wingfield V* right, Samuel Thomas, Da niel Brown, jeffe Ezell, Fre derick Tilman, Lienry Ezell, David Herring, Britain Farrow, Mias Wingate, Bryan Should ers, George Brown, Jacob Hol land, Timothy Ezell. Capt. Taliaferro's Bifirilf. Samuel Wilfon, Jacob Buck holts, Benjamin Jones, David Jones, William liiil'on, Tho- I mas Slatter, John Marcus, Ilaac I Clark, Richard Snow, Richard i Jordan. Capt. Bonner's Bifirilf. James Mellon, Spolweil Tears, John Webb, Thomas Bolt, Eewis Page, Wright Perkins, Vv iiliam Tombtriin, Elijah King. SAMUEL DENT, R. T. R. September 29, 1802. N o tTc'e. I HEREBY revtke all Pew j ers of Attorney made by me to any and every per Jon or perfons, for the purpefe of dijpefing cf my land in the vjefiern part of this State. JOHN COBBS. ’JtfferjM County,'Juiy i 6, iBca. ; | Tw e nty 7j ol i ars R eward. 1> AN-AWAY from thefuh- JCV fcriher , in the month of January la ft, a Negro Girl, named JUDE, about twelve cr thirteen years of age , formerly the property cf John Lewis, and has been Jeen in com Davy with Jane Lewis , daughter of [aid 'John Lewis, on the igth of June i left ; Jhe is fuppefed to he harbored j about the plantation of/aid Loew is. The above reward will he paid to any per Jon who willfecure the laid Girl Jo that I may get her, or give information of her being harbored by any white per - fen ft that they may be c guv idled of harboring her. JAMES NEELY. Jefferfon County, OH. 4, 1802. Ten Dollars lie ward. RAN- AWAY from thefub ftriher, on Monday, the 20th September, an artful , flout and well made mulatto fellow, named TO NET, nearly fix feet high \ it is expelled he will pafs for a free man, has a fmall fear on bis forehead, andfane on both his legs , cccajimed by fores, his foreteeth wide apart, and his wool middling clnfe cut, all hut a cock behind. The above reward will be paid for flouring him in the jail of Louifville or Wajhing ton County, ft that 1 can get him , cr delivering him to thefubferiber at Fenns Bridge. NANCY FENN. S eptember 20, 1802. TAKE NOTICE^ THAT nine months after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court cf tbs County of IVaJhington, for leave to fell a trail of land of 80 acres, belonging to Jacob Howard, de ceafed, lying in Jaid County, on Williamfon's Swamp—for the be nefit of the heirs and creditors of faid dsceafed. ISAAC HOWARD, Adminiftr at or. ABY HOWARD, Adminiftr air ix, February 10, 1802. NOT! CTE. THAT nine months after date, application will he made to the honorable Inferior Court of Mont gomery County, for leave to fell two traits cf land, the property cf Richard Odom, cf faid county, deceafed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors -of faid de ceafed. WILLIAM NEIL, Admimft rater. March 22, 1802. ~TA K £ NO TICE. THAT nine months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of the county of Burke, for leave to fell a certain trail of land, Jituate in faid county j containing three hundred acres , bounding North ; by Grey Stock Roberts, and va cant land \ Eaft , by James Jor dan's, and vacant land ; South, by Sarah Higdon's, and vacant land, and Weft by vacant land at the time of Jurvey, and granted to Jojhua Simplon, theyth cj May 17 8 6 —for the benefit cf the heirs and creditors of the faid JcJhua Simpfon. James Jokes, Attorney for Worry Kilpatrick A/- niftrator of Jojhua, Simpfon. . ' January, i, 1802. N or I C E. ALL perfons having demand? pgalnjt the eft ate cf Defter WiU Ham Hubbard, late of Jeff erf on County, deceajed, are requefted to have their accounts brought for ward, properly attefted ; and thofe indebted to the faid eft at will pleafe to make immediate pay - rnent to Thacker Vivion, jun-. Adminiftrator, An gift 8, 1802. NOTICE. ALL perfons indebted to the Lftate cf Spencer IVilfon, late of the county of Wajbington, dec. are earncftly requejied to make imme diate payment and all thofe to whom the faid Lftate is indebted , are likewfte indebted to bring ht their accounts, properly attefted , on or before the 1 ith day of Au gift next . John Hogan, Adm'rA July 4, 1802. NO T I CAE. * r PHAT after the expiration cf A nine months, application will be made to the Judges of the In ferior Court cf Wajbington Coun ty) t 0 JAI a °f 2co acres cf Land, in the faid County, ad joining the Lands of John Ren free, John Sheppard and myfelf. Sold for the benefit of the heirs cf William Duggan, deceajed. Benjamin Manning, Adminiftrator . May 29, 1802. TAKE NOTICE. THAT after nine months frcm this date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Wajbington County, for leavt to fell a irafi cf land, on Willi amjon's fwamp, in faid County , including a mill called Hampton's, for the benefit of the heirs ana. creditors cf Nathaniel Renfros , deceajed . JAMES RUSHING, Executor • An gift 9, 1802. - , , r - TAKE NOTICE. THAT nine months after the. o.oth of Augift, 1802, applica tion will be made to the honorable Inferior Court cf Wajbington county, for leave to fell a trail of 287 1-2 acres of land, in Mont gomery county, on Hightower'tt creek, being the property of James Hall, deceajed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of faid deceajed. David Blackshear, Isaac Hall, Adminiftrator s. N O T I C. E. NINE months afterdate, ap plication will be made to the Hon. Inferior Court of Burke County, for leave to fell two hundred and fifty acres of land in laid County, on Che verss Creek, adjoining John Fatter fon, fen.,and Chriftopher Bal lard’s lands, the real eftate ot Nathaniel Whitaker, deceafech for the benefit of the heirs ci faid deceafed. Agnes Whitaker, E& • Benj. Whitaker, Aam r* Auguft 9, 1802. BLANK DEED % 1 for fak at this Office,