The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, November 06, 1802, Image 1

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VotuMH IV] S A T U R DA Y, Novi»m <?, ,802. [No. , 7 *. LIBERTY IS OUR MOTTO AND TRUTH OUR GUIDE. LOUISVILLE, (GEORGIA) Publifhed every Wednefday, by AMBROSE DAY & JAMES HELY, State Printers, at j dollars per ann.: \V here Eflays, Articles of Intelligence, Advertifcmcnts, Ac. Ac. are thankfully received, and PKINiING in all its variety, is executed with ncatncls and difpatch. GEORGIA. ty hi s Excellency Josi ah T ATT nall, jun. Governor end Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this fate, and of the Militia thereof A PROCLAMATION HAVING arranged and caR up the votes of Rich coun ties as have made return of the cledions, held on the fourth day of Odcber infianr, forper ' Tons to rep relent this Hate in the Houfc of Reprcfentatives ofthe United States, agreeably to an of the General Aflembly, palled the fixteenth of June, eighteen hundred and two —and it appearing that John Mdledge, David Meriwether, Peter Early and Samuel Hammond, Efq’rs. have thehigheft number of votes. 1 have thought fit ro iffue this my proclamation, notifying the fame, in order that the laid John Mi Hedge, David Meri wether, Peter Early, and Sa muel Hammond, may fignify the acceptance orrefufal of their laid appointments, and adduce the requifites by law required. Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of the Hate, at the State Houfe, in Louifville, this twenty fix th day of Odober, in the year of our Lord one thoufandeight hundred and two, and of the Independ ence of the United States of America the twenty feventh. Josiah Tattnall, jun. the Governor , Eloratio Marbury, Secretary of ft ate. God fave the Rate. Executive Department, Louifville , June 18, 1802. refolution in the words fol lowing, to wit Resolved, That his Excellency the Gover nor, be and he is hereby autho rized and requefted to purfue luch meafures as in his judg ment may moR effectually afeer tain and colled all juft claims which the citizens of this Rate may have againß the Creek Nation of Indians ; which Laid ■claims fnall, before they are exhibited, he duly authentica ted by the oath of one or more difintereßed perfons, taken and certified by any judge, juftice of the peace, or clerk of the Superior or Inferior Courts,” having palfed both branches of the Leg!dative, and received the silent of the Executive— THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND REPUBLICAN TRUMPET. It is ORDERED, That all perfons having claims againß the Creek Nation of In dians, for property of any de feription by them, taken or plundered, be and they are hereby required to tranfmit the fame, as foon as poftible to the Executive Department, authen ticated in the manner by the afore-recited lefolution pointed out. Taken from the Journals of the Executive Department, Geo. R. Clayton, Sec'ry. GEORGIA , Jefferson County. BRIGADE ORDERS. October the sth, 1802, IN cnnfequencc of Orders re ceived from Major General Jackson, of the nth ultimo. Rating that a confiderable num ber of French and Guadaloupe Negroes, commonly called Bri gands, had arrived at the poit of New-York, and were in tended to be landed within the limits of the Southern States, probably in this Rate. The commanding Off ccrs of each Regiment in the Second Brigade of the Firß Divifion of the Militia, will vifit all the Volunteer Corps, Dragoons, Artillery and Infantry, within their refpedive commands, and caufe them to held thcmfelves in readinefs to march at the Riorteß notice, the Infantry to be particularly attentive to their bayonets, and each Dragoon the like attention to his fword. The expofed fituation of our country, and the defperate cha racter of thofe Brigands (who refped neither age nor fex) will it is hoped induce an implicit obedience to this order. Should any Officer be fo inattentive to his Country's intereß, as to negled his duty, he Riaii not pais with impunity. By order of Brigadier Gens ral Solomon Wood, D. Emanuel, Jun. Aid-de-Camp. N~G T I C E. ALL Perfons having De mands againß the Eftate of the Hen. Brigadier General John Morrison, lateofßurke County, dcceafed, are requefted to make known the fame, on oath, as foon as poffible to the ad mi n i ft 1 ato r A b ra ha m J ac k fo n j and thofe indebted will plcafe to make payment, to Elizabeth Morrison, Adminijiratrix. Abraham Jackson, Adminiftrator . Bu;l;e County, iSci. A Lift of Letters remaining in the Pqft- Office, at Louifville, on the frjt dy of October, 180:, which if net taken cut before the JrJi day of January next , will he fen t to the Gene ral P of-Office as dead Letters. A. John E. Anderfon, Jo feph Allen. B. Henry Blenton, David Brown, John Beggs, Elizabeth Backltr, Chcfley Rollick, jun. P.iiza Bird, Charles Bramiey. C. William Craig, John Clements, Thomas Cox, An drew Colvin. 1). Ifaac Duhufk, Ann Du buff, Abner Davis, Juhn Dow ner. K. .John Evans. G. William Gainer, Wil liam Glafs, Richard Gray, Jcffe Glover, Zachariah Gray. 11. Lewis Hollon, Mofes Horn, James Hutchinfon, John Holley. J. David Jamlfon, Sarah James, Reuben Jack Ton, Ifaac Irwin. L. Robertl j rile, Fthcldred l ane, JelTe Lofley, James I ew i.c, Ifaac Lewis, Manus Lemle. M. James Mt 1 iwether, John IVPCullers, Daniel M‘Millan, Elizabeth M'Canicfs, George Micklejohn. N. Laurence Noles. O. John P. Oates. P. Ephraim Peebles, Solo mon Philips, 2, Jeffe Pipkin, Redar Parker, Dodor John Pugftey, John Rawls. S. Daniel Sturges, Senator and Reprefenrativts of Jcfferfon County, David Short. W. Greenberry Williams, Jofcph Williams, Thos. Wool ton, 2, Margaret Woodburn. JAS. BOZEMAN, p. m. 'VTINE months after date ap plication will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Burke County, for leave to fell a trail of land fituate in faicl County, containing 200 acres, joining J ohn Bryan’s land, grant ed to John Lewis, for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of Abel Rogers. JOHN LAND, Adm'r. May 4, 1802. N O T I C E. NINE Months after date, application will be made to the Interior Court of Han cock County, for leave to fell two hundred and thirty acres of Land, part of the real tßate of John Robcrtfon, deceafcd, for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors. JEAN ROBERTSON, Adminijiratrix « January 4, 1802* NOTIC E. AN Executive Order had been i(Hied (or my deli vering over to the Solicitor General all Bonds and Notes given for the purchafe >f “ In dian Goods,” in order that the moll fpcedy and effectual me thod may be taken for their collection ; which requifition has been complied with, and thole indebted had better make ancaily payment to the Soli citor to prevent trouble and expence. EDWIN MOUNGER. Trinjury Office, LoufvilU, 6 ticber 26, 1802. Coimniffiioncrs Office, Georgia, Savannah, ill Scot. 1802. Notice to Pei ft oners. Ti ?E Invalid Penfioncrs of the United States, in the flute of Georgia, are hereby rtquefted to come forward, and receive their ftipend, due oa the 4th inllant; as alfo all ar rearage of penflon, unpaid by the late Agent. It is wilhed that the Penfion ers in future be puntlual in caU ling at this Office, in perfon or by their legal tornies, annually or Jemi dhnually , in order to receive their money, JAMES ALGER, Agent for Invalid Pevftcncrs, SHERIFF'S sales. On the fir ft 'Puejday in Dec. next, will be JoUl to the high eft bidder, at the Court-lioije, in Saunderftville, IVafhington county y between the hours of ten and three o'clock, A Tratt of Land, more or left, lying on Buffalo, adjoining Barnett and Herr ingdon's Lunds taken as the property efi 'fan» block:s to fatisfiy Robert Barnett'£ caseation, Alfo, Two Tracis of Land, more or lefts levied on by Samuel Hutfon conftable, as the property of fames Shepherd , to Jatisfy Llirnan Dickfons execution , and returned to me for fate. 287 1-2 acres of Land, cn Town Creek, granted to James Donelly, bounded by Michael Cupp's land and vacant land.— 'Alfo, 287 1-2 acres of Land % on the waters of Little Qhoopie, granted to Archibald Mahon, bounded by David Tomlinfon's (A Baldwin's land, ’lie above two 'Tracts levied cn by an at law went as the property of James Donelly t to Jatisfy JeJfe Sanders, and or* dered/or fate. a. Kennedy; Sheriff IV. C\ October 6, 1802,, ,