The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, November 06, 1802, Image 3

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NASSAU* map s Sept. 2i. This v!iy the high court of admiralty met agreeable to ad journment, and proceeded on the trial of four perfons charged with piracy, belonging to the Mufkogee Mekko, they were all found guilty, and fcnccnced to death. September 28. On Sunday the brig Sheer water, capt. Thurfton, arrived from Pennfacola. By accounts received from that quarter, it appears, that little doubt is entertained by c'ie Spanilh government of the fur render, finally, not only of Louifiana, to the French, but of the Flondas alfo. Bowles, if our accounts are accurate, is making great progrefs dovtn hill, deferted by die Indians generally,'and by fcveral of his principal adherents. LONDON, Align ft 30. We this morning received the Moniteur of the 26th infb. which merely contains an ac count of the organization of the National Gendarmerie of the Ifland of Sr. Domingo, which are to confift of four legions.— The funds are at 51, 40. - The Moniteur, the French official paper, lias been inftmet cd to publifh what may be con (idered a formal manifedo, da ting, that it is the wifh of the government to maintain the integrity of the Ottoman em pire. On Friday lad a Dutch deet of leventeen fail of merchant men, two frigates, and a cor vette, arrived at Torbay, with Dutch feeders for Surinam and De merara. The Dutch are tiling their utrnod expedition in fending out civil and military officers to take poffeffion of all the fcttlements redored to them by the treaty of peace. The Dey of Tnpoli has de clared war againd Sweden, and has rejected ail the propofitions made by the Swedifh rear ad miral Cededrom. The port of Tripoli is now blocked up by the Swedifli and American fquadrons. Thomas Paine, embarked a few days fince from Havre, for America. The Waldngham Packet ar rived at Falmouth on Monday laft, in nine days from Li dun. She brings intelligence of the French minider having fuddenly left that place on the morning of the tench ind. in confluence, It is dated, of his having taken offence without the court of Portugal, becaufe it would not difmiis the minider of Police, who had been guilty of infidmg upon examining fume baggage belonging to the French mmil ter. WILL BE SOLD, At, the Court Hcufe , in Wafting ton county , on the Jecond Tuej day in January next y ALL that Trad of Land, containing one thoufand Acres, belonging to the edate of Ben jamin Griffin, deceafed, for the benefit of the heirs and credit ors—By ALLEN GRIFFIN, Surviving administrator. O&ober 19, i3oi, MEAD-QUARTERS. Louisville, Nov, stb y 1802. death of j: B. Cirar dun:y Efquire, an officer of didiiguiffied merit, and a member of the IToufe of Re prcicmatives or this date, being announced ro the Commander m Chief, and a tribute of Exe cutive refpeCt being due ro the remains of fo good a man— I .he Commander in Chief order Brigadier General Wood, to direct the Artillery of the Jefferfon County Regiment of Militia, to attend the funeral of Capt. Girardeau, at rhe time pointed out by the committee of the Legffiiiure appoint'd to fuperintend his interment, and to fire as many guns as Capt. Girardeau was years of age : the necedary quantity of powder for that purpofe to be furnidied from the arfenal at this place. He likcwife orders all militia officers to wear a black crape round the left arm for the fpace of twenty days from the date hereof. By order of the Commander in Chief, Geo. R. Clayto:;, Secretary. HP 11 E Subfcribers OFFER for sale, on low terms, a complete COTTON MA CHINE, with f rty two Saws. Cafli or Cotton will be received in payment. F. iM‘MURREY & Co. November 4, 1802. The SUBSCRIBER BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public in genera], that he has lat( ly moved from Louifville to Savannah, where he has taken Mrs. Shi ver’s large, airy and commodi ous Houle; which has a good a ard and dables. Its vicinity to the Market Square makes it an eligible Filiation as a Board ing Houfe for country gentle men, with whom he has here tofore had a pretty extendve acquaintance in that line j and whole patronage he hopes dill to merit by his afllduous atten tion. JOHN BARRON. November 2, 1802. State of Georgia, Montgomery County . Wli ERK A S Elizabeth G unby and Wi 1 1 iami Hinchen, hath made applica tion to me for let'ers of admi nidration on the edate and ef fects of James Gunby, late of the county afore faid, deceafed : thefe are therefore ro cite and admonixffi all and fingular the kindred and creditors ct the laid deceafed, to die their objections, if any they have, in my office, within the time allowed by law, otherwife letters of adminiltra tions will be granted them. Given under my hand this fird day ofNcv. 1802. ABNER DAVIS, d. c. c. o. BLANK DEEDS Of CONVEYANCE, , for fa’.e c.i Of.cs. Cosier 2. " Sheriff's ?aije. On the lift TUESDAY in Dee. next, will be fold, at the Mar ket Hcufe, inLouifville, between the hours cf 10 end go'clock, Alfo, two likely NEGRO BOYS, James and David.— i aken as the property of Hiaf fngaine } farvey, dcceafed, to fariity Jcfeph G. Pofner and Pofner & Renedix’s executions. Former terms of f L* not com plied with. DAVID THOMAS, Sheriff J.f. I fERIFF’s S \1 ES. 1 hill be fold, on the fir ft Tit ef day in Dec. next, at the Market bio ire, in Louifville, between the hours cf ten and three o'clock, ONE Negro ] allow, armed 2 ork ■, taken as the property of Lbe.]hy Biji wick, adnnnftrator Ij Jcjcph Prefton, dec cafe d, to fitisfy Joftph Clay, vs admmftrator cf fojeph P reft on. Alfo, ioo acres Land, called Spring Head 1 1 ait, granted to Daniel M'Murphy ; taken to faitsjy an execution Eiiz. Palmer , vs Nathan Powell. Dormer terms of fade net com plied with. DAVID FHOMAS, Sheriff J. C, October 27. SHERIFF’S SALES. Hill be fold, at the court houfe , in Montgomery county, cn the Fvft 1 'uefday in December next , between the hours of ten and three o'clock, the fcl lowing PRO PEP'nr, to wit: ONE third part of a double bounty of Land, lying on the Oconee River, adjoining Tho mas Pugh’s land. One Negro Boy named Dick ; taken as the property of Samuel Willian.fon, to fatisfy Joel Sheriard’s execu tion. Alfo, 300 Acres of Pine Land, on the Little Ohoopie ; taken as the property of Birdig Howell, to fatisfy Jonathan L. Weaver’s execution. Levied on the 19th October, 1802. Conditions, Cadi. H. FULGMAM, Sheriff. NOT I C E. MY prefling demands for money renders it neceffary to call on thofr whofe notes and due bills 1 hold, to come for ward and difeharge them. — There are many of them of fuch daces as to have juftified an ex peftarionof their beingdifeharg ed before this time, and fuch : am under the neceflity of in forming that very little further indulgence can be given. A. HAMMOND. Sept. 6, 1802. N O T I C E. A EL. perfons indebted to the Eftate cf feffe Lock, late of the County of Jfferfon, deceajed, are earneftly rc ; uejied to make imme diate payment; and all thefe to whom the faid eftate is indebted , are like wife ; equefted to hi ing in their accounts properly attefled , on or before the frft day cf Otto her next. Nancy Lock, Executrix. Aaron Lowe, ) r T T : Executors, Tames Lamar, S >■> 28,1802, SHERIFF'S SALE. Will be f id, c:\ the firfl Tuefc clay in November next, at the isftial hours, at the Courc- Houfe, in Warren County, FOUR NEGROES, to wit? Polly, with her two children, Julia and Chloe, and Rachel, which were mortgaged by Ben jam in Few to John Dc Yam pert, and taken by virtue of an execution upon the foreclofure thereof, from the honorable In ferior Conic. Conditions, calh* JOHN HOPSON, d.s. Augull 26, 180:. £3* The file of the above Negroes; puftponed till the firft Tucklay in January next. November 4, 180:. COLT ECTOR’s SALE. 0/7 Monday, the 4 tb day of fan very next , will he fold, at the Ccurt-Uoufe, in baundcrfville , iVafjington county , at the ujual hours of Jaky the following Trait of Tandy viz. 599 Acres of Pine Land, on the waters of Floyd’s creek, adjoining lands of [olhua Barns. Taken as the property of Elia zer Cummins, to latisfy his Tax for the prefent year. Ta>£ due 9 dollars 62 12 cents. C. MURPHY, T. C W, C. November 3, 1802. TO BE SOLD, On the fir ft day of January next, ON E Hundred Acres of LAND, in Wafhmgtoa County, joining land of Francis Tenntlle, John Robertfon, and I lenry SJappy, between forty and fifty Acres are cleared, and at prefent occupied by James Perry.—Sold as the property of William Jackfon, dcccaled* Twelve months credit will be given, the purchafer giving bond and approved fecunty. William Jackson, Jeremiah Jackson, Executors. TO THE PUBLIC. HAVING called Upon Mr* Fields Kennedy, '-f Greene County, to make fatisfadtion tc» me fur an irreparable injury done my brother’s family j and chaftifc him for his treachery towards an ur.fufpedling female. Mr. Kennedy has refilled me that fatisfadion which is ufually expected upon fucii occafions, I beg leave therefore to fubmic ii: to the impartial public, whe ther to the catalogue of his enormous crimes, he has noc aiTo added the character of an infamous and ball* coward. Andrew Hemphill. September 9, 1802. NOTIC E. ALL per Tons indebted to the Eftate of Gideon Allen, late of Washington county, cle ceafed) are requeued to make \n. mediate payment ; and all thole to whom laid e(late is su debted, arc like wile requeued | to bring in their accounts pro } erly atcefled, on or before the firfl: day of June next. David Blacksfear, William Allen, Executor u Augufl 25.