The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, December 01, 1802, Image 3

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The T>v of Algiers we are bir.'V to inform our readers hu been completely humbled and degraded by Buonaparte. Underftandlng that a French officer had been beaten (flogged) bv an Algerine officer at 'Funis, that two French tranfports had been carried into Algiers by the Dey’s corfairs, and that they had taken a Neapolitan veil'd on the French coaft, and another w ith French papers, the French conl’u), bv his agent, demanded reparation of all thefe injuries, but was only anfwered by the Rey with a requifuion of 2G0,000 dollars, on pain of having war declared. On this Buonaparte fent a fquadron to Algiers, with an Ambafiador and le.;rer to the Dev, the fruit of whole negocia tions were, the punifhment of every aggn flor, the delivers of the vtffcls and crews, and the fulleft compliance with every demand of the French, with a prom lie of equal refped to the flag of the Italian republic. Of this event, fo lingular in its circ urn fiances, and fo fatis fadory to the enemies of tiibute and piracy, we fhail give the details. Buonaparte has done himfelf much honor in the affair, and furnifhes an inflance where the for'e and promptitude of an energetic government has been employed with jullice and fuc cels. Bee. The Legislature of this State adjourned on Saturday laft, sine die. The following is a lilt of ACTS paffed : AN ACT to eftablifh a Lottery for the purpofe of Improving the navigation of Ogechee and Canuchee Ri vers. 2. An Ad to amend an Ad for keeping open Lhenezcr Mdl Creek. 3. An Ad to amend an Ad to amend the Road Ad, as ref peds the Counties oi Camden and Chatham 4. An Ad to divorce John Mulkey, and Charity > his wife. 5. An Ad to edabbfh a Ferry on Savannah River, from the plantation of Newell Wal ton, fen. 6. An Ad appointing the time of holding the Infeiior Court in the County of Tatt nall. 7. An Ad to author!fe the Co mi niffi oners of MRntofh County, to difpofe of certain lands. 8. An Ad to incorporate the Peterfburg Union Society. 9. An vd to author!fe the Congregation of Lbeaezer to fell certain lands. 10. An Ad to enable the corporation of Savannah, ro colled certain fines, veiled in them bv law, to lay a I ax on Vendue Mafters, and to relieve perfons confined in jail. 11. An Ad to authorife the Commiflioners of the 1 own of Frederica, to lav off a row r of Lots, and difpufe of the fame. 12. An Ad for cftablifhing a Fund for the Redemption of the Public Debt of this Stare. 13. An Ad to repeal an Act entitled, <c An Ad defining the powers of the Comptroller Ge neral,” fo far as refpeds the evidences of debts due to Roderick F.aflry, Jere miah RufTil, Reuben Smith, and others. T - An Ad fupplemcntary to the Judiciary Ad. K* An Ad fupplemenrarv to an Ad, entitled, “ An Ad refpeding Bafterdy and other Immoralities. 16. An Ad Pointing out the moe'e of adjlifting the Claims of the Citizens Claims of this State, againfl the Creek In dians. 17. An Appropriation Ad for 1803. 18. A Fax Ad for the year 1803. 19. An Ad m eflabliHi a Road from Savannah to New Deprf rd. 20. An Ad to prevent the evil pradice of dabbing. 21. An Ad to divorce Ja cob Bicller, and his wife. 22. An Ad to veil Nirhol Turnbull, with the exclufive r.ght of kee ping 1 Ferry from hF land to New Deptford, s. c. 23. An Ad to incorporate the Town of St. Mary’s. 24. An Ad to incorporate the Savannah Houfe Carpenters. 25. \n Ad to make p< rma nent th* Public Buildings in M : lntofh County. 26. An Ad to authorife Na thaniel Twining, to run a line of Stages, from Savannah to Sc. Mary’s. 27. An Ad to authorife Redden and Majachi Move, to bear the name of Denmark. 28. An Ad to quiet the claim of James Gunn, to the t flare of Gen. Gunn. 29. An Ad to amend an Ad for keeping <pi n the Oconee from the Rock Landing to John Barnett’s in Clark County, and to keep open the navigation of the Ogechee to the Shoals. 30. An Ad to authorife the Judge of the Eaftern Diftnd to hold an extra Seffion cf the Superior Court of Chatham County. 31. An Ad to authorife Jo feph Ray to receive toll at a Bridge creded by him over Little River. 32. An Ad to add a part of Wilkes to Greene and a part of Greene to Clark, and to fix the public buildings of Clark County. 33. An Ad to authorife the late Commiflioners of confif cated reverted property to in fert certain omitted words in the titles of the Reverend William M‘Whir, a pure haler at the fales of laid property. 34. An Ad to authorife cer tain Commiftioners to open a Hoad back of the B:g Bay, in Effingham County. 35. An Ad to amend an Ad for dividing the County of Jackfon. An Ad to appoint Com miftioners for the Town of Fe te jfhurg. 37. An Ad to authorife Jo fepii Rice to eftablifh a lottery. 38. An ad to amend an Ad to prevent encroachments on Savannah River. 39. An Act to carry into effect the 9th fedion of the 3d article of tne Conftitution. 40. An Ad for keeping open Savannah River, 4*- An Acl for keeping Oconee and Alatamaha Rivers. liri » riT lßWi>i Executive Department, Lcuijville , 29 tb Nov. 1802. SEA I Fl') propofols will he received at the Executive Of fice, until the 15th day of De cember next, for con r raft inf C ' . o tor tnc printing of one thoufand copies of the Laws and one thoufand copies of the Jour nals of each branch of the General Allemblv, for the Sef fion in June Lift, alio for the Sefiion which r< mmented the firft of this month. Ihe fi, e of the fhcet, the extent of the margin and a fan pie of the type, and of the pap» r on which the work is to be executed ro accompany the propofols.— The perfon with whom the cor raft is madt to g l vt bond with two fecunties in the fum cf three thouland dollars conditioned, that tne i aws and Journal , properly C( m pleated, (ball be delivered art' 1 is (Idee on or before the firft d v of April next. George R. Clayton, Secretary. C0j~2~7 v v' mmmm*' J. SAWYER & Co. IN’ ; 0' M their friends and in Lomfville, and itsvu jmtv, that they have juli re ceived from Europe, and New- YOl k, and now opening, a very generaland handfome alfortmeric of Goods, well adopted for the prefent and approaching feafon, which they offer for lal* (on lower terms than uFual m tins place) for cafh or produce. They further inform their cuftomers, that the r accounts are all ready fur delivery and in fpection. December /. FOR S AL E, ONE Craft of LAND, in Franklin county,eunta-ning 1380 acres, more or lefs ; grant ed to Leonard Marbury, bound ed fouthwardly by Baker’s land, fouth-eaftwardly by Horatio Marbury’s land and all other (ides by vacant land. One Tract of Land in Frank lin County, containing 1150 acres more or lefs, granted to Leonard Marbury; bounded north-vveflwardly by Charity Marbury’sland, north-caftward ly by vacant* lane!, and fouth eaftwardly by Baker’s land. One Tract in Burke County containing 350 acres on the north fide of Brier Creek, fold by the Commiftioners of Con fifeated property in Decem ber, 17 84. Eden t 2er Stark, Moor's Wharf> Savannah. October 22, 1802. TAKE NOTICE. ON the fir ft Tuejday in March next, at the Court-lloufe in C ajh ington County , will he fold, an the real efiate of Benjamin Grif fin, dcceafied , for the benefit 0/ the heirs and creditors oj fa id deceafied : Agreeable to an order efi the honorable the Court cf Ordi nary tor that purpfe decreed. ALLEN GRIFFIN, Surviving adminijlrater, zytb November, 1802, HT ME NEAL . A young man of the name of was married feme time finco, in Devonlhirc, (Eng.) to a Mil's Heels. They are now tied Neck and Heels. Married, ar Albany, bv the rev. Mr. Bafiet, Mr. Henry U 'caver, to Mils Margaret Ruby. The zveh tie at be wove caught bee heart , 'Twas Ilymen hid Henry t*/mile • ’ liras ( up id that pointed the dart , And a Ruby that crown'd all HI toil . Married, ar 1 ynn, MafT. Mr, Nathaniel Parrot , to Mil's Han nah Swan. flHj Net birds of one peculiar feather % a In this new age /ball wed together i But Jlntely swans and prating Parrots , | 0/ diff rent huts id various merit $i Tc faithful love incline the breaft. And feather well the nuptial neft, Married, ul Savannah, Mr. Samuel Comb, to Mil's Sarah Ruffhead Tho ’ Sarah's head is ne'erfc rough, 11 c hope it will be come'd enough, N O T I C E. AI. L thofc perf.ns having de mands againjl the ejtaie oj Mofes Spighty late of Burke (aunty, dec. are requefted to render them in duly nttefted , attdfuch ns are in debted thereto, to make immedt ’te' paymen , V being the roifh of tb fe to whom the adrrinijiradon is ccnfi led, to cl fe , as fpeedi/y as tolfible, the affairs of that date, BENJ. BELL, Adm'r. November q, 1802 1 > UE KE \ 1 El), On the firft day of January next, . HA 1 well known PLAN- A TAVION, formerly oc cupied by brands Coleman, on Duhart’s Creek. At the fame time an ! place, wilt he offered for fade, A Quantity of Mil L IRONS, &c. &:c. bv George Walker, William Walker, Simons Fowler, Trufees of the cjlate of Charles F. IFa Iker, deceafcd, November 2J, 1802. SHERIFF’S SALE. ON the firft Tuefday in January next, will be fold, at the Mar ker Houfe in Loufville, between the hours of ten and three o'clock , A Likely Negro Fellow nam ed TOM, pointed out as the property of Z. Gray, t > fatisfy an execution ol Robert fhomp f >n, vs. Zachariah Gray, and Nathan Powell. Alfo, Eleven Negroes, nam ed as follows : Charles, Chloe, Sarah, York, Neliy, Bellinda, Jao b, Ned, Beck, Adala, Mary and Maratton, pointed our as t e pr perry of Chedey BofU w ick, Sen. to fatisfy an execu tion of Patrick! lavs, vs. Chef ley Boftwick i and other exccu nono. DAVID THOMAS, Sheriff. November jo, 1802.