The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, December 01, 1802, Image 4

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SHERIFF’S SALE. On lhe Firft TUESDAY in Dee. next, will be fold, at the Mar ket Hoi ft, in Louifoilky between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock , Alfo, two likely NEGRO BOYS, James and David. — Taken as the property of Blaf fingame I larvey, clcceafed, to iaiiirfy Jofeph G. Point r and Poirier 6c Benedix’s executions. Former terms of file not com plied with. DAVID THOMAS, Sheriff J. C. ’Sheriffs safes. Will he Jddy on the fir ft Tuejday in Dec. next, at the Market I Tufty in Loui/ville, between the hours of ten and three (Tclock , JfeO NE Negro Fellow , named ; taken as the property of Wi’cfliy Boftwick , admniftrator of JUcpb PrcftcUy dcccaftdy to Jatisfy Jfeph Clay y vs adminiftrator of jmab Prejlcn. |\do, 100 acres Land, called Tfrtng Head 'I ratty granted to Darnel M l Murphy ; taken to fatisfy an execution Eliz. Paimer , vs Nathan Powell. Former terms of fale not com pliedwith. DAVID THOMAS, Sheriff J. C. October 27. SHERIFF’S SALES. On the firft I'uefday in Dec. next , will be fold to the higheft biddery at the Court-Hcufty in Saunderfvilley IVafihingtcn countyy between the hours of ten and three o'clock, A 7 rati of Land, more or left, lying on Buffalo, adjoining Barnett and lien ingdon's lands. Taken as the property of Jane Stockes to failsfy Robert Barnett's execution . Alfo, 'Two Trails of Land, more or left ; levied on by Samuel Hutfon conftable , as the property cf James Shepherd, to fatisfy \ f Him an Dickftri s execution , and returned to me for fale. 287 1-2 acres cf Land, on Town Creek, granted to James Dcnelly, bounded by Michael Cupp's land and vacant hind. — Alfo, 287 1-2 acres cf Land , cn the waters cf Little Ohcopie, granted to Archibald Mahon, bounded by David Tcmlinftn's LA Baldwin's land. The above two Tracts levied on by an attachment as the property of James Dcnelly , to Jatisfy Jeffe Sanders , and or dered for fale. A. KENNEDY, Sheriff IV. C. October 6, 1802. ' SHERIFF’S SAUL \\ ill be Fold, on the firft Tuef day in November next, at the ufual hours, at the Court- Jloufc, in Warren County, FOUR NEGROES, to wit: Polly, with her two children, Julia and Chloe, and Rachel, v/hich were mortgaged bv Ben jamin Few to John De Yam pert, and taken by virtue of an execution upon the foreclofure thereof, from the honorable In ferior Court. Condition?, cafh. JOHN HOPSON, d. s. (fft The file of the above Negroes, poftponed till the firft Tuefday in January next. November 4, 1802. SHERIFF’S SALES. Will he fold, at the court bouft, in Montgomery county , on the Firft Tuefday in December next, between the hours efi ten and three o'clock, the following PR 0 PER IY, to wit: ONE third part of a double bounty of Land, lying on the Oconee River, adjoining Tho mas Pugh’s land. One Negro Boy named Dick ; taken as the property of Samuel Williarr.fon, to fatisfy Joel Sherrard’s execu tion. Alfo, 300 Acres of Pine Land, on the Little Ohoopie ; taken as the property of Birdig Howell, to latisfy Jonathan L. Weaver’s execution. Levied on the 19th Oftober, 1802. Conditions, Cafh. H. FULGHAM, Sheriff. COLLECTOR’S SALE. On Monday , the 4, tb day of Jan uary next , wilt befoldy at the Ccurt-lloufty in Saunderfvilley V/ajhington countyy at the ufual hours of fale, the following Trail of Land , viz. 599 Acres of Fine Land, on the waters of Floyd’s creek, adjoining lands of lofhua Earns. Taken as the property of Elia zer Cummins, to fatisfy his Fax for the year 1801. Tax due 9 dollars 62 1 2 cents. C. MURPHY, T. C. W. C. November 3, 1802. TO BE SOLD, On the firft day of January next , ON E Hundred Acres of LAND, in Waftnneton County, joining land of Francis Tennclle, John Robertfon, and 'Henry Slappy, betw'een forty and fifty Acres are cleared, and at prefer.: occupied by James Perry.—-Sold as the property of William Jackfon, deceafcd. Twelve months credit will be given, the purchafer giving bond and approved fecunty. William Jackson, Jeremiah Jackson, Executors. N OTIC riT \ LL Perfons having De l V mands agamft the Eftate of the Hon. Brigadier General John Morrison, lateofßurke County, ciecealed, are requefted to make known the fame, on oath, as foon as pcfllble to the ad m i n 1 ft r ato r A bra ham J ac k fon j and thofe indebted will pieafe to make payment, to Elizabeth Morrison, Adminiftratrix. Abraham Jackson, Adminiftrator. Burke County, Sept. 15, 1802. NOTICE. NINE months after date, ap plication will be made to the 1 lon. Inferior Court of Burke County, for leave to fell two hundred and fifty acres of land in Lid County, on Chevers’s Creek, adjoining John Patter lon, fen. and Chriftopher Bal lard’s lands, the real eftate of Nathaniel Whitaker, deceafcd, for the benefit of the heirs of laid dcccafcd. Agnes Whitaker, Edm'x. Benj. Whitaker, Adm'r. Auguft ijy 1802. A Lift cf Letters remaining in the Left-Office, at Lcuifville , on the fir ft day cf October, 1802, which if not taken out before the firft day cf January next , will be fent to the Gene ral Poft -Office as dead Letters. A. John E. Anderfon, Jo feph Allen. B. Henry Elentcn, David Brown, fohn Beggs, Elizabeth Backler, Cheflcy Boftick, jun. Eliza Bird, Charles Biamley. C. William Craig, John Clements, Thomas Cox, An drew Colvin. D. Ifaac Diibnfk, Ann Du butk, Abner Davis, J ohn Dow ner. E. John Evans. G. William Ga iner, Wil liam Glafs, Richard Gray, JelTc Glover, Zachariah Gray. H. Lewis Holion, Mofes Horn, James Hutchinfcn, John Houfley. J. David Jamifon, Sarah James, Reuben Jack Ton, Ifaac Irwin. L. Robert Little, Etheldred Lane, JelTe Loßey, James Lew is, Ifaac Lewis, Manus Lemle. M. James Meriwether, fohn M f Cullers, Daniel McMillan, Elizabeth M‘Canlefs, George Micklejohn. N. Laurence Noles. O. John P. Oates. P. Ephraim Peebles, Solo mon Philips, 2, Jefie Pipkin, Redar Parker, Dodlor John Pugfley, John Rawls. S. Daniel Sturges, Senator and Reprefentatives of JefTerfon County, David Short. W. Greenbcrry Williams, Jofeph Williams, Thos. Wool ton, 2, Margaret Woodburn. JAS. BOZEMAN, p. m. Commiffioners Office, Georgia, Savannah, lit Sept. 1802. Notice to Penftoners . THE Invalid Penfioners of the United States, in the Bate of Georgia, are hereby requefted to come forward, and receive their itipend, due on the 4th inftant; as alfo all ar rearage of penfion, unpaid by the late Agent. It is wiihed that the Penfion ers in future be 'punctual in cal ling at this Office, in perfon or by their legal attornies, annually or femi annually , in order to receive their money. JAMES ALGER, Agent for Invalid Penfioners. The SUBSCRIBER BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has lately moved from Louifviilc to Savannah, where he has taken Mrs. Shi ver’s large, airy and commodi ous Houle; which has a good yard and Babies. Its vicinity to the Market Square makes it an eligible fituation as a Board ing Houle for country gentle men, with whom he has here tofore had a pretty extenfive acquaintance in that line ; and whole patronage he hopes Bill to merit by his afliduous atten tion. JOHN BARRON. November 2, 1802. GEORGIA. By his Excellency JOHN MIL LEDGE, Governor and Com mander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this ft ate > and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS John Mil ledge, one of the Rc prefentatives of this Rate in the Congrefs of the United States, who was eleded and commifii oned to fill that feat and ad as fuch until the fourth day of March next, hath made vacant that appointment by accepting the office of Governor. And whereas in and by <f An Ad to regulate the Ge neral Eledions in this Rate, and to appoint the time of the meet ing of the General Aflcmbly,” paffied the nth day of Febru ary, 1799, it is among other things declared “ that all writs of eledions to fill vacancies that may happen for Members of the General Aflembly of this Rate, or Houfe of Reprefenta tives of the United States, fhall be direded to the Jußices of the Inferior Courts of the ref pedive Counties, who are re quired to give public notice thereof, and caufe the fame to be held in manner and form as herein before pointed out, agree ably to Rich writ.” I HAVE THEREFORE thought fit to ifiue this my proclamation, hereby notifying, direding and ordering the Jußices of the In ferior Courts of the refpedive Counties in this Rate, to con fide r the fame as a general writ of eledion for the purpofe of filling the vacancy of a Mem ber in the Houfe of Reprtfen tatives of the United States, occafioned as herein before pointed out. — And I do hereby require and charge the faid Jußices to give due notice that the faid eledion will be held in the refpedive Counties of this Rate, on WEDNESDAY, the fifteenth day of December next. And I do hereby further re quire that due return of fuch eledion be made to the Execu tive Department, as in and by the faid ad is preferibed. Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of the Rate, at the State Houfe, in Louifville, this ninth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and two, and of the Independence of the United States of America the twenty-feventh. JOHN MILLEDGE. By the Governor, Horatio Marbury, Secretary of ft ate. God fave the Rate. r "p HE Subfcribers OFFER for sale, on low terms, a complete COTTON MA CHINE, with forty two Saws. Cafh or Cotton will be received in payment. F. M‘MURREY & Co. November 4, 1802. almanacs' FOR TME YEAR OF OUR LORD, 1803, For Sale at this Office.-