The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, December 22, 1802, Image 4

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PROFO S A L S I'OR CARRYING W/HLS OF THE U. STATES , On the following Pod-Roads, Will be received at the GENE RAL POST-OFFICE, at IVaJhinvton, until the 18 th day cf January, 1803, iffclu/tve. IN GEORGIA. 89. From Augufta by Little River, Lincoln c. h. Peterlburg, Flberton, Franklin c. h. and Gilberts, to Clark (borough once a week, I.cave Augufta every Monday at 8 am, and arrive at Clarkfborough on Thurfday by 10 am, Leave Clarkfborough every Thurfday at 2 p m, and arrive at Augufta the next Mon day at 4 a m. 90. From Augufta bv Co lombia c. h.W aldington, Green- O J Iboro’, Richardfonfville, Sparta, Georgetown, and Warrencon to Louifville, orre a week. Leave 'Augufla every Monday at 1 p M, and arrive at Louifville on Thurfday l>y 5p m. Return ing—l eave Louifville every Friday ar 6 am, and arrive at Auguda the next Monday by JO A M. 9 1. From Louifville by San dcrfvillc to Fort Wilkinfon once a wrek. 1 eave Louif \illc every Friday at 4 am, and arrive at Fore Wilkinfon bv 6 p m. Returning—Leave Fort Wilkinfon every Saturday at 8 am, and arrive at Louifville by 8 pm. NOTE S. 1. The Pod-rnader-general may expedite the mails and al ter the times of arrival and de parture at any time during the continuance of the contrails, he previoufly (Updating an ade quate compenfacion for any ex tra expence that may be occa fioned thereby. 2. Fifteen minutes fhall be allowed for opening and doling the mail at all offices where no particular time is fpecified. 3. For every thirty minutes delay (unavoidable accidents excepted) in arriving after the times, preicribed in any con trail, the contrailer fhall forfeit one dollar; and if the delay continue until the departure -of any depending mail, whereby the mails deftined for fuch de pending mails lofe atrip, an ad ditional forfeiture of five dol lars (hall be incurred. 4. Newfpapers as well as letters are to be fent in the mail; and if any perfon, mak ing propofals, defires to carry newfpapers other than thole con veyed in the mail, for his own emolument, he mud Hate in his propofals, for what firm he will carry with the emolument, and for what fum without chat emo lument. 5. Should any perfon, mak ing propofals, den re an altera tion of the times of arrivals and departure above Jpecified, he mud date in his propofals the alterations defined, and the dif ference they will make in the terms of his contrail. 6. Perfons making propofals are defined to date their prices by the year. Thofe who con trail will receive their pay quarterly in the months of Fe bruary, May, Augud and No vember, one month after the quarter. 7. No other than a free white perfon diall be employed to con vey the mail, 8. Where the propofer in tends to convey the mail in the body of adage carriage, he is defired to date it in his propo fals. 9. The pod-madcr-general referves to himfclf the right of declaring any contrail at an end whenever three failures happen which amount to the lofs of a trip each. 10. The contrails for the above routes are to be in ope ration on the firfl day of April next, and are to continue in force for one year from that time. If any perfon fliould prefer contrailing for two years, he will date what abatement he will make in the price on that account. GIDEON GRANGER, Peft-Mafter - General, General Pod-Office, Washington City, Nov. 5, 1802. Commiffioners Office, Georgia, Savannah, id Sept. 1802. Notice to P'enjloners. THE Invalid Penfioners of the United States, in the date of Georgia, are hereby requeded to come forward, and receive their dipend, due on the 4th indant; as alfo all ar rearage of penfion, unpaid by the late Agent. It is wifhed that the Fenfion ers in future be punctual in cal ling at this Office, in perfon or by their legal attornies, annually or femi annually , in order to receive their money. JAMES ALGER, Agent for Invalid Penfioners. NOTICE. AN Executive Order has been iffiied for my deli vering over to the Solicitor General ail Bonds and Notes given for the purchafe of <f In dian Goods,” in order that the mod fpeedy and effeClual me thod may be taken for their collection ; which requifition has been complied with, and thofe indebted had better make an early payment to the Soli citor to prevent trouble and ex pence. EDWIN MOUNGER. Treafury Office , Louifville, OAcbcr 26, 1802. notice” ALL Perfons having De mands againft the Edate of the Hon. Brigadier General John Morrison, late of Burke County, deceafcd, are requeded to make known the fame, on oath, as foon as poffible to the adminidrator Abraham Jackfon and thofe indebted will pleafc to make payment, to Eliz abeth Morrison, Adminiftratrix . Abraham lackson, Adminiftrator. Burke County, Sept. 15, 1802. almanacs FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORI), 1803*, For Sale at this Office. SHERIFF’S SALE. ON the firft Tuefday in January next , ‘will be fold , at the Mar ker licufe In Louifivilky between the hours cf ten and three o'clocky ONE Negro Fellow , named York ; taken as the property of (hefty Bcjtzvicky admtnijirator of Jofeph Preft on 3 deceafedy to Jatisfy Jofeph Clay , vs adminiftrator of Jofeph P reft on. A I ikely Negro Fellow nam ed TOM, pointed cut as the property of Z. Gray, to fatisfy an execution of RobcrtThomp fon, vs. Zachariah Gray, and Nathan Powell. A1 fn, Eleven Negroes, nam ed as follows : Charles, Chloe, York, Nelly, Bellinda, Jacob, Ned, Beck, Adala, Mary and Maratton, pointed out as the property of Chefley Boft wick. Sen. to fatisfy an execu tion of Patrick Hays, vs. Chef ley Boflwick i and other execu tions. DAVID THOMAS, Sheriff. November 30, 1802. SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be fold, on the firft Tues day in November next, at the ufual hours, at the Court- El 01: fe, in Warren County, FOUR NEGROES, to wit: Polly, with her two children, Julia and Chloe, and Rachel, which were mortgaged by Ben jamin Few to John De Yam pert, and taken by virtue of an execution upon the foreclofure thereof, from the honorable In ferior Court. Conditions, cafh. JOHN HOPSON, d. s. fyflp The fale of the above Negroes, poftponed till the firft Tueklay in January next. November 4, 1802. COLLECTOR’S SaTe7~ On Monday , the 4//? day of Jan uary next , wdi be Jo Id , at the Court-llcufe 3 in Saunderfivilky JVaJhingtcn county , at the ufuat, hours of falc 3 the follozving Trahi of handy viz. 599 Acres of Pine Land, on the waters of Floyd’s creek, adjoining lands of Jofhua Barns. Taken as the property of Elia zer Cummins, to fatisfy his Tax for the year 1801. Tax due 9 dollars 62 1-2 cents. C. MURPHY, T. C. W. C. November 3, 1802. PAKE NOTICE. ON the firft Tuefday in March next y at the Court -Houje in IVafh ingten County , will be Joldy all the real cjlate cf Benjamin Grif fin y dcceafcdy for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Jaid deceafied : Agreeable to an order cf the honorable the Court cf Ordi nary for that purpofe decreed. ALLEN GRIFFIN, Surviving admin if rater. <2gth November , 1802. NO T I C E. ALL perfons having demands againft the eflate cf Alexander mifony late of Wajhingtcn Coun ty , deceafied , are requefted to have their amount brought forwardy properly attefled ; and thefe in debted to the / 'aid efiatCy will plenfe to make immediate payment to FRANCIS TENNkI.L, MATTHEW HARRIS, Adminiftrators. TO BL SOLD, On t'?r fir ft fay of 'January next, ONE Hundred Acres of LAND, in Wafhmgcon County, joining land of Francis I ennelie, John Robertfon, and Henry Slippy, between forty and fifty Acres are cleared, and at prelent occupied by Ferry.—Sold as the property of William Jaddon, deceafed. Twelve months credit will be given, the purchafer giving bond and approved fecurity. W illram Jackson, Jeremiah Jackson, Executors. TO BE RENTE IN On the fir ft day of January next , r | HAT well known FLAN -IAT lON, formerly oc cupied by Francis Coleman, on Duhart’s Creek. At the fame time and place, wilt be offered for J'ale, A Quantity of MILL IRONS, &c. See. by George Walker, William Walker, Simons Fowler, Truftecs ofi the eft ate ofi Charles F. Walker , deceafed , November 23, 1802, To R sal eT ONE Trad of LAND, in Franklin county,containing 1380 acres, more or lefs j grant ed to Leonard Marbury, bound ed fouthwardly by Baker’s land, fouth-eaftwardly by Horatio Marbury’s land and all other Tides by vacant land. One Tract of Land in Frank - lin County, containing 1150 acres more or lefs, granted to Leonard Marbury bounded north-weft wardly by Charity Marbury’s land, north-eaftward ly by vacant land, and fouth eaftwardly by Baker’s land. One Tract in Burke County containing 350 acres on the north fide of Brier Creek, fold by the Commiftioners of Con filbated property in Decem ber, 1784. Ebenezer Stark, Moor's Wharf\ Savannah* November 23, 1802. J. SAWYER Sc Co. INFORM their friends and cuftomers, in Louifville, and its vicinity, that they have j uft re ceived from Europe, and New- Yoik, and now opening, a very general and handfome aflbrtment of Goods, well adopted for the 'prefent and approaching fealon, which they offer for lale (on lower terms than ufual in thin place) for cafli or produce. They further inform their cuftomers, that their accounts are all ready for delivery and in fpection. December r. N O T 1 C E. ALL perfons indebted to the Eftate of Gideon Alkn, late of Wafhington county, dc ceafed, are requefted to make immediate payment ; and all thole to whom iaid eftate is in debted, are likewife requefted to bring in their accounts pro perly atcefted, on or beiOie i -- firfb day of June next. David Blackshe. a, William Allen, Executors . Auguft 25 •