The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, December 29, 1802, Image 3

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(t p -xc comrades, beloved srjjnw-citizens ! The decislve moment is now arrived. Sur rounded by enemies, and de serred by our sriends, it only remains to know is we will cou rageoully imitate the example sormerly set by our ancestors at JVI rgarten. An almosl certain death awaits us. Is any one sears it, let him retire ; we will not reproach him. Let us not impose upon each other at this solemn hour. I would ratner have an hundred mrn on whom J could depend, than sive hun dred who, by slight, might oc rasion consusion, and, by a per sidious retreat, imraolare the brave men who would Itill de send themselves. As to my srls, I promise not to abandon you, even in the greatesl dan ger. Death and no retreat. Is you participate my resolution, jet two men come out os your ranks, and swear to me in vour name that you will be saithsul to your promises.” The soldiers, leaning upon their arms, lislened in Hence, and with a religious awe, to the words os their Chies; tears dropped down the cheeks os those manly warriors ; and when Reding had done {peak ing, a thousand voices exclaim ed, “ We will partake your lot! -we will never abandon you!” Then two men came out os each rank, and gave their hands to Reding, in token os sidelity in lise and death. This treaty os alliance between the Chies and his soldiers was sworn in open air, and in the sace os Heaven ; it bears marks os patriarchal manners, worthy os the golden age. [London Paper. PHILADELPHIA, Dec, i. The sollowing article has reached us very opportunely— it is extracted srom the Pittssield Sun. As we have been oblig ed to notice by name several os those who hold ossices Under the present administration, and yet countenance by their support prints which are not only con slantly calumniating those who oppose it, but which alperse even the revolution, we call on them to read the sollowing, and act as they think their duty as good citizens d< mands. < s When Judge Washington was lately in Connecticut, he observed in a circle os gentle men, os both political parties, that the opposition papers con tained such abuse os adminisl ra tion as ought not to pass with out punishment; that although he was himsels opposed to prtsi dent Jesserson in politics, he thought it insuslerable, that a man os such exemplary morals , and such purity os private cha racter, tlpecially when veiled with the chies mag slracy os the nation, should be treated with lb much personal insulc and abuse ; and that it ought to be the subjeCt os legal animadver sion. she post-master general, ■who was one os the company, laid he could point out a more essectual method to remedy the evil j and being asked wlut it w as > replied, do you sir, and judge Law, who was also present, sle down and write to the editors os such abusivc papers, to dis cominue sending them to you, !o long as they continue to insult and abuse the president. That would produce a greater and better csscCt than any judicial correction which your honors can insliCs, and at the lame time not endanger an insringement os the sreedom os the prels.” NOTICE. Copartnership cs Robert & John Bolton. THE death os Mr. Robert Bolton, renders it neces sary to insorm the sriends and correspondenrs os the sirm, both in the United States and abroad, that the Funds and Stock in trade, remain as hcrctosoie, and that provision is made not only to preserve, but annually to cncrease the Capital. They are also insormed, that the bu siness os the House will continue to be conducted by JOHN BOLTON, Under the same sirm os Robert & John B' lton. Savannah , Dec. 10, 1802. SHERI! E’s SALE. ON the sir st 'hie[day in January next, will he sold, at the Mar ker House in Louisviile , between the hours os ten and three o' clock y ONE Negro Fellow, named York ; taken as the property os Chesity Bostwicky administrotor os Joseph Prestcsiy deceased, to satissy Joseph Clay , vs administrator os Joseph P rest on. A Likely Negro Fellow nam ed TOM, pointed out a the property os Z. Gray, to sanssy an executionos Robert Tin mp son, vs, Zachariah Gray, and Nathan Powell. Also, Eleven Negroes, nam ed as sollows : Charles, Chloe, Sarah, York, Nelly, Bcllinda, Jacob, Ned, Beck, Adala, Mary and Maratton, pointed our as the property os Chesley Bosl wick, Sen. to satissy an execu tion os Patrick Hays, vs. Ches ley Bostwick; and other execu tions. DAVID THOMAS, Sheriss. November 30, 1802. COLLECTOR’S SALE. On Monday , the rsth day os Jan uary nexty will be soldy at the Court-Housey in Saundersvilky Washington county , at the usuai hours os Jalcy the sollowing 'Pratt os handy viz. 599 Acres os Pine Land, on the waters os Floyd’s creek, adjoining lands os soshua Barns. Taken as the property os Elia zer Cummins, to satissy his Tax sor the year 1801. Tax due 9 dollars 62 1-2 cents. C. MURPHY, T. C. W. C. November 3, 1802. NOTICE. ALL those persons having de mands against the est ate cs Moses Spighty late os Burke County , dec. are requested to render them in duly aitested ; and such as are in debted tberetOy to make immediate pay men , it being the wijh os those to whom the administration is ccnsdedy to elese, as Jpeedily as pcjsible, the assairs cs that estate. BF.NJ. BELL, Adm r. November 7, 1802. PROPO.S A L S sor carrying MAILS OF THE Is STATES, On the sollowing Post-Rnads, Will be received at the GENE RAL POST-OFFICE, at JVaihingtony until the 1 8/j?> day os January , 1803, hulusve. IN GE O R G I A. 89. From Augusta bv Little Rwrr, Lincoln c. h. Pctcrsburg, Elbenon, Franklin c. h. and Gilberts, to Clark (borough once a week. Leave Augusta every Monday it 8 a m, ami arrive at Claihsbornugh on Thursday bv 10 a m, I < ave Clarksborough every Thursday at 2 v m, and arrive at Augusta the next Mon day ar 4 a m. 90. srom Augusta by Co- UutE Ir. h. Washington, Grcen sbor , Kichardlonlvdlc, Sparta, Georgetown, and Warrcnton to I jOirK ill ,on ea week. I .eave Augdta every Monday at 2 p M, and arrive at Louisviile on 1 holiday by 5p m. Return ing— I eave Louisviile every Friday ar 6 am, and arrive at Augusta the next Monday by 10 A m. 91. From Louisviile by San dcrsvilie to Fort Wilkinson once a w*ek. Leave Louis- Friday at 4 am, and arrive at Fort Wilkinson by 6 p M. Returning—Leave Fort Wilkinson every Saturday at 8 am, and arrive at Louisviile by 8 pm. N O T E S. 1. The Post-master- general may expedite the mails and al ter the times os arrival and de parture at any time during the conti nance os the contracts, he previously sbpulating an ade quate ccmpensation sor any ex tra expence that may be occa sioned thereby. 2. Fisteen minutes (hall be allowed sor opening and closing the mail at all ossices where nu particular time is spccisied. 3. For every thirty minutes delay (unavoidable accidents excepted) in arriving aster the times, preseribed in any con tract, the comraCter (hall sorseit one dollar; and is the delay continue until the departure os any depending mail, whereby the mails destmed sor such de pending mails lole a trip, an ad ditional sorseiture os sive dol lars shall be incurred. 4. Newspapers as well as letters are to be sent in the mail; and is any person, mak ing proposals, utsires to carry new {papers other than those con veyed in the mail, sor his own emolument, he must (late in his proposals, sor what sum he will carry with the emolument, and sor what sum without that emo lument. 5. Should any person, mak ing proposals, desire an altera tion os the times os arrivals and departure above specisied, he must slate in his proposals the alterations desired, and the dis serence they will make in the terms os his rontraCl. 6. Persons making proposals are desired to st ate their prices by the year. Those who con traCt will receive their pa quarterly in the months os Fe bruary, May, August and No vember, one month aster the expiration os each quarter* 7. No ether than a sreewhitj person (ball Sr employed tocon vcy the mail. 8. W here the propnsirr in tends in convey the mail in the body os a stage carriage, hr is desired to slate it in his propo sals. 9. The posl-masler- general relrrves to himsels the right os declaring any contract at an end whenever three sailures happen which amount to the loss os a trip each. 10. The contraCls sor the above routes are to be in ope ration on the sirll day os Apnl next, and art* to continue in sorce (or one year srom that time. Is any person should preser contraChng sor two years, he will slate what abatement he will make in the price on that account. •GIDEON GRANGER, Post- Master-General. General Posl-Osticc, Washington City, Nov. 5, 1802. T O*" R E N~ T7 And poslession given imme diately, A Two Story HOUSE , with a Kihheny Chair Ilcuse, Stable, and Garden, For particulars, enquire os the Printers. December 22, ISO 2. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD^ or Stolen srom kj the Commons cs August ay on Monday the 20 tb inst a /mall Roan Horscy between sour and sive years old, reached main and do eked taily his head is not exactly the same colour as the rest cs him, it being rather bay : he is shod all round. A better deseription can not be given , as the present owner has but lately purchajed him . It is probable he is Jo me where between Augusta and Louisviile, or at Mr. Levi Jaelsn's , over Ogechce , as he was kept there seme time. The above reward will be given to any person that will deli ver the said / lorj'c to Mr. I) avl r> D avnie, Augusta, or to the Juhseriber at Meslrs. Day 6c 6c Hlev’s, Louisviile. DENNIS L. RYAN. TEN DOLLARS REWARD* QFRAYED rn the 9 tb inst . srom the enclojure os E. Jcnks, Louisviiley a BLACK MARE, sour years old last springy sourteen hands high, swab tail , and stjort main , with a sew-Saddle marks, trots very sloor ty and has the gra vel in the hoos os her mounting sooulder. 'The aMV a reward will be given to any person who will deli ver the said Mare to the sub- Jcriber, living on the lichee sord; or Eight Dollars is deliverd to Capt. C. C. Jenkins , Old-Town, Jesserson • County. REUBEN HICKS. December 30, 1802. TAKE NOTICE. ON the strst Tuesday in March next, at the Court-House in IVajh ington Countyy will be scldy all the real estate os Benjamin Gris sin, deceased, sor the benesit os the heirs and creditors cs said deceased • Agreeable to an order cs the honorable the Court cs Ordi nary sor that purpose decreed. ALLEN GRIFFIN, Surviving adminisl rater*- 29 th November , 1802,