The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, December 29, 1802, Image 4

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Executive Detartment, iM'svilk, noth Dec. 1802. ORDERED , That the all entitled “ An Act sor mere essec tually keeping open the River Savannah," and the ast entitled €C an aCi to amend an all sor keeping open the Ounce River , srom the Rock l anding to John Barnett's , in the County os Clark, pased the 2 d December , 1801, «rW /£ keep open the navigation cs Great Ogechee River , /<? the Shoals"—be puhlissed in the Ecuisville, Waskington, and one (s the Augusla Gazettes, sor the insormation 0] the citizens at large. George R. Clayton, Secretary. An ACT sor the more essectu ally keeping open the River Savannah. WHEREAS the keeping open the River Savan nah, is os the greatest impor tance to the citizens os the back country, as well in consequence os navigation, as the advantages resolding to the citizens generally, by having an annual supply os sish theresrom; and whereas many persons on the said River have so obstrusted the paslage os Boats by dams, as to render it highly injurious to commerce, and almost tottally prevented the sish srom getting up the same. Sec. 1. BE it theresore en acted by the Senate and House os Reprcsentatives os the State os Georgia in General Assembly met , That srom and aster the palling os this Ast it sliall not be law sul sor anyperson or persons, to dam, slop or obllrust the River Savannah srom the City os Au gusta to the junstion os the Rivers Tugalo and Keowee, and srom thence up the Tugalo River to Hatton’s Ford; but that theonethirdpartosthe saidßiver including the main sluce, is hereby declared to remain and continue open sor a sree paslage. Sec. 2. And he it surther enacted, That any person or persons who now have dams or other obstrustions placed in the said River Savannah between the City os Augusta and Hat ton's Ford on Tugalo River con trary to the true intent and meaning os this Ast, shall re move the same on or besore the sirst day os January next. Sec. 3, And he it surther enacted, That is any person or persons shall, in violation os this ast, either build dams, or other %wise ohstrust: the said passage, or sail to remove those already made, shall be iubjest to a pe nalty os twenty dollars per day sor every day they may remain aster the time preseribed bv this ast. Sec. 4. And he it surther enacted , That it sliall be the duty os any justice os the peace, in whole distristsuch ossence or r '{sences may be committed, to isslie his warrant upon his own knowledge, or insormation on oath os any sree white person, commanding inch ossender or ossenders to be brought besore t • • • C 2 him withm ten days, to answer to the charge alledged against him or them, and siichjustice shall issue Ills subpoena, commanding the attendance os such witness or witnesses, as may be thought neces&ry to establish or desend the said charge or charges, who sliall be iubjest: to ail the pains and penalties sor non-attendance or resusing to answer on oath, such questions as may be asked him or them as is customary in justices courts sor the collection os small debts, and, is upon exa mination, it should appear that siith ossender or ossenders is or are guilty os any breach os this ast, it shall be the duty os such just ice, to enter up separate judgments against each ossen der so concerned sor the sum os twenty dollars and costs, sor each and every day that such ob strustions sliall have continued, and the said justicc sliall sorth with, issue execution on the said judgment or judgments, so entered up, which shall be le vied on the goods and chattels, lands and tenements os such os sender or ossenders, and sold agreeably to law regulating constables Tales, and in case the ossender or ossenders should prove msolvent, it shall be the duty os the justice or justices who sliall preside at the trial os such ossender or ossenders, to issue a capias ad satissaciendum against the body os such ossender or ossenders, and commit him or them to the common jail os the county where such ossence may be committed, there to re main sor the space os twenty days sor each ossence so com mitted : and provided there shall he no jail in the county where such ossence may be committed, then, and in that case, it shall be lawsul sor the justices asore - said, to commit the said ossen der or ossenders to the com .mon jail os the next adjacent county, and the money arismg srom sueh sine or sines shall be paid into the hands os such jus tice os the peace, who shall pay one hals thereos to the insormer, sor his own proper use, and the remaining moiety shall be paid by the said justice, to the Clerk os the Inserior Court os the county in which he re Tides, which sliall be considered as a part os the county sunds, and appro priated accordingly. Sec. 5. And be it surther enacted by the authority asoresaid', That is any Justicc os the peace shall in any manner asore - said, ossend against this Ast, it mall be lawsul sor him or them to be sued or prosecuted in any one os the adjoining distrists.— And the same sees shall be levied and collected sor services persormed under this Ast, as are allowed sor like services in Justices Courts. Abraham Jackson, Speaker os the House os Repre~ sentatives. D avid Emanuel, President os the Senate. Asicnted to, Dec. 1, 1802. John Milledch, Governor, AN ACT to amend an ad sor keeping open the Oconee River, srom the Rock Landing to John Barnett's, in the County os Clark, passed the see on d day os December , 1801, and to keep open the navigation cs Great Ogechee River , up to the sjcals. Sec. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House os Reprcsentatives os the State os in Gent ral AssmJAy wet, That srom and aster the passmg os this ast, no person or persons, under the penalty os twenty dollars per day, shall dam, slop or obslrust the Oconee River, srom the Rock Landing, up the main Bream thereos, to the consluence os the Apalachee ; but the same is hereby declared to be, (at least one third part thereos, in cluding the main channel) a sree passage; and any person or persons who now has or have dams or other obstrustions pla ced in the said River Oconee, contrary to the true intent and meaning os this ast, and who will not remove the same, on or besore the sirst day os January next, sliall be liable to the same sines as above mentioned. Pro vided neverthelcss , that nothing contained in this ast, sliall be construed to extend to assest any mill dam or dams, other than such as sliall have been erested, or may hereaster be erested or extended into the said River Oconee, contrary to law. Sec. 2. And he it surther cnaCled, That so much os the above recited ast, as operates against this ast, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. And he it surther enacted, that any person or per sons who, aster the passmg os this ast, sliall obslrust the main channel os Great Ogechee Ri ver, srom the slioals to the Mouth thereos, sliall be subjest and liable to the same sines and penalties as are pointed out by the above ast. Abraham Jackson, Speaker os the House os Repre sentatives. David Emanuel, President os the Senate, Assented to, 26th Nov. 1802. John Milledge, Governor. NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the EJlate os William Pollard, or to the suhjcriher, by note or book account, are entreated to diseharge them immediately , par ticularly those indebted sor the year 1801, as all those accounts wih be put in suit is not paid besore the sirst os January next. DAVID M‘CORMICK. Louisville, Dec. 18, 1802. The SUBSCRIBER HAVING pur chased out the remaining Stock os Goods os David M ( Ccrmick, now opens at his late Store (in addition) an ossertment os GOODS, s elected by himjels, and well adapted to theJeason, which he now ossers sorsale sor Cash or Produce , on more reasonahls terms than has ever been ossered here. ISAAC BOWER. December 21, 1802. noIFTce; And sor the lost time. 'T'HOSE who have any De mands againsl me, are re quested to bring them sorward ; and those indebted to me, or to the late concern os Posner and Bensdix, to settle besore the sirsl os January next, otherwise all the accounts and notes Jhall be put in the hands os jusiices and attor titp r 7. G. POSNER, Dec. 15, 1802, cron G 1 A, Waskington ComiE. H h REAS Middlemen P oo i hath this applied to me sor letters os administration on the estate and estests G s Charles Pate, late cs the county asoresaid deceased ; these are theresore to cite and admoniso all and Angular the kindred and creditors os the said deccased, to sile their objestions is any they have, in tny ossice, on or besore the 2d Monday in Feb. next otherwise letters os administra tion will be granted him. Given under my hand this 14th day os Dec 1802. and in the 26th year os Amen* can Independence. I. WATTS, c. c.o; G E O R G 1 A, I Vajhington County, WHEREAS David Fluker, and James Har vey, bath this day applied to me sor letters os administra tion, on the essate and essests os Jeremiah Kindall, late os the county asoresaid, dec./ these am theresore to cite and admonish all and Angular the kindred and creditors os the said deceas ed, to sile their objestions is any they have, in tny ossice, on or besore the second Monday in Feb. next, otherwise letters osadministration will be granted them. Given under my hand at ossice, this 14th os Dec. 1802, and in the 27th yeat os American Independence s, WATTS, c.c. o. CEO RG I A, Waskington County . HER RA S solia Howard hath this clay ap plied to me sor letters os admi nistration, on the estate and es sests os Peter Matthews, late os the county asoresaid, deceased ; these are theresore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors os the said deceased, to sile their objestions is any they have, in my ossice, on or besore the 2d Monday in February next, otherwise lesicrs os administration will be grant ed him. Given under my hand this 14th os Dec. 1802. and in the 27th year os Ame rican Independence, J. WATTS, c.c. o. GEOR G I a7~ ~ Waskington county . W HE R E A S Mosea Daniel, and Mills Young, hath this day applied to me sor letters os administration on the estate and essests os John Daniel, late os the county asore laid, deceased ; these are there sore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors os the said deceased, to sile their objections is any they have, in my ossice, on or besore the -d Monday in Feb. next, other wise letters os administration will be granted them. Given under my hand Fms 14th day os Dec. 10 » and in the 27th year os American Independence. J. Watts, c. c. o. BLANK DEEDS Os CONVEYANCE, sor Calc at this Qssic**