The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, January 19, 1803, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; A N D REPUBLICAN TPvUM P E T. "*' ' " 111 r " 1 “ *■■■•— r -~--— " n V ° tUMrV - ] WEDNESDAY. Jakcarv t 9, ,80.,. [No. ,83. '' - '•"* —•— , ■■ t| J* _____ LIBERTY IS OUR y: 7TO sf\D TRV'IH OUR GUIDE. LOUISVILLE, (GEORGlA)—Publilhcd every Wedncfday, by AMBROsL DAY N JAMES HELY, State Printers, a. j uuluis per «uin. . EBay s, Ai tides of Intelligence, Advcrcileoicnts, \c. &c. arc thankfully received, and PRINiING in all its variety, is executed with ncamels and difpatch. GEORGIA. his Excellency JOHN MILL LEDGE, Cover nor end Com mander in Chief of (be Army end Navy cf tl is fate, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. HAVING arranged and cafe up the votes cf fuch coun ties as have made return of the Actions held on the i s th cf 'De cember ult for a pet fen to repre- Jent this fate in the Heufe cf Rtprejeniatives of the United States, agreeably to the proclama tion cf the (jth day cf November luff and it appearing that Peter Early, Ifqu/re, has the higlcfl number of votes. I have thought ft to. ijj'uc this ny proclamation, notifying the fame in order that the Jaid Peter Early, rnav Jignify the acceptance or refujal of his fid appointment, and adduce the rcquijiH’S by lave required. Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of the Bate, at the State Houle, in LouiiVille, this fifth day cf January, in the year of our Lord one thouiand eight hundred & three, and of the Independence of the United States of America -the twenty-feventh. TOHN MILLED GE. *3 the Governor , I Horatio Marbury, Secretary offate. God fave the Hate. F O R SAL E, ONE Trad of LAND, in F ranklin counrv, containing 1380 acres, more or lefs grant ed to Leonard M irbury, bound ed Southwardly by Baker’s land, South-eaftwardly by Horatio Marbury’s land and all other Tides by vacant land. One Tract of Land in Frank lin County, containing 1150 acres more or IcL, granted to Leonard Marbury; bounded north wefbvardly by Charity Marbury’s land, north-eaftward ly by vacant land, and South eaftr/ardlv by Baker’s land. Use Bract in Burke County containing 350 acres on the \ north fide of Brier Creek, fold by Lie Commifii mers of Corl fi Seated property in Decem ber, 1784. Ebenezer Stark, Moor's IVbarf, Savannah. November 23, 1802. '• ■<■>* ' mmr if iuw —i., ~„ „„ Tb*mmt ■■■ -»•*---- w■* pNV THOSE in arrears for Printing done at this Office , are requeued to dijcharge the fame immediately. | A? * if of J etters remaining in the P(ft-Offme, at 1 ouijville, on the firff day cf January, ito3, which if not taken cut Infere the fir ft day cf April next, will be pent to the Ccnc ral pof - Office, as dead letters. A. Hugh Alexander, James Alflon. B. John Bofhvick, 2, John Bry an, Jefie Brown, Elizabeth Brownfon, Godfrey Betfill. C. H G. Caldwell, 2, Wil liam Craig, 2, Jas. Chiirchvvtll, Peter Chaffain, Levin Collins, Colonel Clements. I). Jeremiah Dupree, 2, Jas. Donglafs, John M. Dooly, Ab ner Davis. F. Arthur Finne. H. Anthony Hancock,Tho mas Harr, 2, Thomas Holt, Elias Hodge, Jofeph Hodge. K. William W. Kennon, John King. L. Daniel Lemle, Jeremiah Loftin, Arthur Lot. M. H imer V. Milton, Tho mas Me i wether, William M‘ Dowell. S. William Skinner, Edith Stone. W. fames Williams, Solo mon Wood, Margaret Wood burn, Joel Willis. Tames Bozeman, P. M. •j * GEORGIA, Hancock County. Abraham Borland, - came before me, and being duly Jworn, faith, that he was pcfefjed cf a Note cf Hand, given to him by Philip burner, for cue hundred dollars, dated feme lime in November, 1801, payable 12 months after date, and that the faid Note is either left or mi ft aid. A. BORLAND. Sworn to this 2 ctb Dec. 1802, before A. M. Dlvereux, j. p. N OTIC E, I for warn all perfons from trading for the above deferibed Note. ~ * TEN DOLLARS REWARD. C PRAYED on the yth inft. from the enclofure of E. Jenks, Lotifville, a BLACK MARE, j four years old Inft fpring, fourteen bauds high, fwab tail, and Jhort j main, with a few oaddie matks, trots very fort, and has the gi a vel in the heef of her mounting pc ulder. 'J he above reward will be given to ary perjen who will deliver the faid Mare to the Jab- Jcrlher, living on the lichee lord-, cr Eight Dollars if deliverd to Caft C. C. Jenkins, Old-i own, Jefferfon County. REUBEN HICKS. December 30, 1802. SHERIFF'S SAIKS. C;/ thej.rfi 'Pmfd-y m I cb. next, le fold to the higheff bidder, at the Court-! leu ft, in Saunderfville , JVafhinzton J 7 J o county, between the hears of ten and three o'clock, One HORSE, taken as the j prop aty of fames Sheppard, to Satisfy the execution of Suit, One I title ditto, taken as the property cf Ihliiam Bettes , in the hands cj Hugh Bell, to Satisfy 1 the execution of fumes Martin. Alfo, cue 7 ratt of Land, taken ! &* the property cf Richard Li kes, i to fatisfy the execution of fehn Stockcs. A. .KENNEDY, Sheriff IV. C. pur 3, 1803. SHERIFF’S SAI.FY Will be fold, on the jrrft 7 ref day in Feb. next, at the Court - Hcufc, in Montgomery County, between the horns of ten and three o'clock, the following PROPERTY, town: 200 Acres of LAND, on the Big Ohoopie, granted to fefje IVigghi s, with 60 acres cleared i thereon, both apple and peach orchards , and ?e of enable good 1 buildings cn the premifes ; 272 acres granted to Bands Slandley, joining the above Land \ 432 acres granted to 'Thacker Vivien, on the Big Ohoopie, at the county line, with ten acres cleared there - 1 on. Alfo, fix NEGROES, to ■ wit: Davy, Lucy, and her four Children , Chloe, Ccefar, Mctlen and fuda. 'Taken as the property cf Sands Stand ley, to fatisfy Ste phen Powell's execution. Alfo, ioo aces of Pine Land , near Be ■ ryhill's Bluff, on the Oconee River, granted to Robert Mitchell, and taken as the pro perty of I'aid Mitchell, to fatisfy iaree executions, to wit, [fane Daniel, Henry Pullen and Jeffe Laffafter. Conditions, cafh. 11. LULGIUM, Sheriff M. C. fan. I, 1803. N O T I C E. NINE months after the date hereof, application will he made to the honorable Inferior Court of IVajhington County, for an order of fale for part of a trail of land, lying cn the Oconee River , at the Long Bluff, granted to feremiah Oats —part of the real ejlate of feremiah Oats, deceafed, for the benefit cf the heirs and creditors of faid deceafed. JANE OATS, Admx. JOHN LAWSON, JARED IRWIN, AdminifratOYi. ' fan, i) 180 J. SHERIFF’S SALES. OX the fir/} Tue[day in''January next , will he fold, at the Mar ker lloufe in J .cuifv Hie , between the bouts of ten and three o’clock, ONE Negro Fellow, named Tork ; taken as the property of Chcjly Boftwick, adminifrator of J J'l'b Prcfton , dcceajed, to Jatisfy Jofeph Clay, vs adrnnijb ator of Jofeph Pre(ion. Alio, Eleven Negroes, nam« ed as fallows : Charles, ChJoe, Sarah, York, Nelly, Bcllioda, Jacob, Ned, Beck, Adala, Mary and Maratton, pointed out as the property of Chcllcy Bofl wick, Sen. to facisfy an cxccu tion of Patrick 1 lays, vs. CheO Icy Boflwick ; and other execu tions. DAVID THOMAS, Sheriff. Aov cm her 30, 1802. (cf 'The Sale of the above Property, is pojiponed until the frft Inf day in February next. Jan. 3, 1803. N OTIC E. NINE months after the date hereof, application will he made to the honorable Inferior Court of j Montgomery County, jor an order to fell the foil owing Irafts of Land m to wit: l-2 acres of Land , 0* the Oconee Liver, granted to the heirs of Oecrge Cook. 575 acres adjoining the above on Big Creek, grunted to M*Mur phy. icco acres on Pendleton'i Creek, granted to John Cinder fon. /lift to the honor able Inferior Com t of Jeff erf on County, for an order to fell part of a tract of Land , on Rockcy Comfort —it being part of the real efiate of Hugh Lawftn, deceafed, for the benefit of the heirs of faid deceafed . SARAH LAWSON, Adm’rx. JOHN LAWSON, THOMSON LAWSON* Adrninillrators. Jan. 1, 1803. TAKE NOTICE. 'PHNT nine months after date* application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of the County of IVaftjingtcn, for leave to Jell a trail of land of Bo acres , belonging to Jacob Howard, de ceafed, lying in faid County, on IVslliamfon s Swamp—for the be nefit of the heirs and creditors of faid deceafed. ISAAC HOWARD. Adminiftrator. ABY HOWARD. Adminiftr ati tx % 1 February 10, 16 02.