The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, January 19, 1803, Image 2

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gSfr ww I*> in—w 1 lawny J*f *3 jw* ■**.. NORFOLK, Leccnilcr 30. bin a our Jail we were po litely handed Glafgow papers to luc 10m of November, (re ceived !>v ine General Carlton) wliii'h enables us to extend our London accounts to the 1 jdi, tight <Nvs later than bt fore. Affurs in Europe wear a ve ry unfctrlcd and threatening al peft—the face of Switzerland is decided, weak and deftituic of refources, (he has humbled her (elf before the overbearing pow tr of France. French troops are polled in Zurich, Schwitz, Claris, St. Gall, and various other places. —i he confederate troops are, in conftquence of a circular letter from gen. Bach man, to their chiefs, chlbancling themftlves, and returning to their homes. England is aftively engaged in manning and preparing her Ileus for Tea. Orders have been iflued to all the Gover nors and Commanders of thofe Britifh fetclements which were to have been given up by trea-, ty, not to yield them till further orders. France is not back ward.—Naval preparations are making with the greateft induf try. This bufllc and activity is the prefage of a fb>rm, which W'ill probably, ere long, dif chargc its fury on thofe devoted countries. The corporation of Dublin is purluing a<slive meafures for clicking rebellion in itsfource. On November sth, a meeting of the lord mayor, aldermen, and common council, was held, to confider a charge againft: an alderman, f<r drinking as a toaft “ James Napper Tandy, gene ral of divifion, ai d fuccefs to freedom.” The opinions ofthe recorder and attorney general, that the crime was punifhable by indictment, were read. The alderman attended, full fubrmf fion and ample apology for his rebellious conduft. The mat ter is net, however, at an end. PETERSBURG, Jan. 4. We have feen a letter from New-Orltans as late as the 28th of Odober, which Bates that the port continues (hut againft Americans—that the boats which have arrived ftnee the (hurting the port, have been differed to land their cargoes on paying a duty, but vcflcls com ing up the liver were not per mitted to enter or depolit their cargoes—that a quantity of do aching had been fenttoNcw- Orlcans, by the fecretary of war, for the American troops at i ombigby, which were re tained—that an American offi cer had arrived, and demanded them, and offered to pay area- Jonabie price for Borages, but had been put off ihiee or four times, with promifes of an an swer the next day in the mean time it had been hinted to him, that if he could gee the gover nor to afk it as a matter of rourreiy, they would be given up—lhac the minds of the Ame ricans as well as the Spanifh fubjeft were much agitated, iuilv expecting a war, that a gentleman had juft anived from Bourdraux, who ftaced that ar rangements were making by France to take poff HI on of the colony, with id,coo troops — that the command had been of fered to general Bernadette, but owing to a difference be tween him and the ftrft ccnful, the command was piven to pen. w C' Viftor. This feems to be the fubftancc of the letter—a num ber of pertinent reflexions are fubjoined, but we will not men tion them, as we wiffi the pub lic to draw their own conrlu fions. [Guardian d\ C O N G R E S S Of the UNITED STATES. House of Representatives. Friday , Dec. 24, 1802. A communication was re ceived from the fecretary of Bate, containing an abftraft of the collectors returns, purluant to the aft for the relief and pro tection of American; alfo extrafts Bom the commu nications received from the agents in foreign countries for the relief of American Teamen. Mr. Thatche*- presented a petition from fundry inhabitants of Maine, praying for a divifion of the diftrift ofWaldoborough. Referred to the committee of commerce and manufactures. Mr. Greene called up the re folution, offered by him yefter day, inftruCting the committee of commerce and manufactures to enquire into the expediency of providing by law, for fixing the port of entry for the Mifiif ftppi Territory at Fort Adams, and the port of delivery at the Natchez. On the fuggeftion of Mr. Gf fwold, the refolution was lo modified, as to confine it to an enquiry into the expediency of making the Natchez a port of delivery, in which (hape it pair ed. Mr. Van Renflelaer moved the appointment of a commit tee to bring in a bill for ereft ing a monument to the memo ry of General Herkimer, pur luant to a refolution of congrefs paffed the 4th Oftober 1777. Ordered to he on the table. Mr. Rutledge prefented the petition of Thomas Shubrick, of South-Carolina, praying to be releafedfrom a contract made by him in 1799 f° r Applying timber for the building of 74’s. Mr. Rutiedge Bated at con fiderable length the circumftan cesattendit g the cafe, and mov ed a reference of the petition to the fecretary of the navy. Agreed to. Mr. Lowndes prefented the petition of Adam Tunno, and others, affinees of M‘Farlane, &c. praying to be releafed from the payment of duties on floods deft roved by fire. Referred to the committee of commerce and manufactures. Men dry, Dec. 27, ISO 2. Mr. Davis obferved that lie was of opinion that a member of the houfe retained his feat contrary to the fpirit and fenfc of the conftm.tion. It, there fore, became his duty to offer a refolution for inftituting an en quiry into the fubjeft, in doing which he difclaimed all perforal view. He then made the fol lowing motion: Rcfoivcd; that the commit fte of elections be, and they are hereby inflru&ed to enqirrc, whether John P. Van Nefs, one of the members of this houfe j from the State of New-York, returned by laid ftate to ferve as one of its members in the fe- f venth congrTs of the United ; States, has not, fmee his eledhon 1 as a member of this houfe, and j fince he occupied a leat as a 1 member, accept of, and exercife the office of major of militia, under the authority of the Unit ed States, within the Territory of Columbia, and there by for feited his right to a feat as a member of this houfe. Mr. Mitchell confidered the point as interfiling in two rela tions ; that wnich involved the decifion of a pfnciple, and that which went to deprive the Stare j (New-York) one of whofe re- ; prefentatives he was, of a mem ber. For thefe reafons he hop ed the buflnefs would not be i prefled. He acknowledged this | was not the firft intimation he had received of the contempla tion of fuch a motion ; but he had entertained a hope that the gentleman with whom it origi nated, had, on reflection, confi deted it not inconflllent with his duty, to abandon it. Mr. Davis replied, that he felt no difpofition to prefs a dc ciiion. He had communicated the firft day he took his lear, his ideas on the fubjeCl, to certain j members, the friends of the J gentleman implicated by the re folution, in hopes that he would refmn. Pie now entertained no O wilh to pufli the buflnefs. He fuppofed hov/ever, that the refo lution would of courfe go to the committee of elections. He repeated that he was governed by no perfonal prejudice, but entirely by a fenlc of duty.— He concluded with faying he was in favour of the queltioaof reference being immediately taken. But on Mr. Mitchell repeat ing his dcfire for fome delay, Mr. Davis agreed to let the re folution lie till to-morrow. Tuefday , Dec. 28, 1802. A meflage was received from the preflclent of the United States, mclofing plana and efh mates for a cliy dock, on tiie Eallern Branch of the Potomac, capable of containing twelve fri gates of 44 guns. The propofed plan, in an ac companying report to the lecre tary of the navy, is exhibited at confiderable length, by Mr. Latrobe with cllimates for two plans j one for fupplying the dock with water from the Ty ber, the expence of which is cf timated at 27,000 dollars; the other for fupplying it from the Potomac, at the little falls, the expence of which is eftimated at 222,000 dollars. Referred to the committee to whom was referred lb much of the prefident’s meflage as relates to dry docks. MAT BE RENTED , r PHRFE Planiai ionSy within fve y fx and /even miles of Louifvilley at the low price cf One Dollar per acre , and make a few repairs. Apply to R, FLOURNOY. Jen. 4, 1803. LOUISVILLE. IV EDNRSDAT, January i(j, iScJ. Died, on the i sth inftant, at die houfe of Capr. Marbnry, in Louifville, much lamented. M r . JoJ'eph B. Spencer, in the 33d year of his age. Me has left a wife and three final! chil dren to lament the lofs of an affectionate hnfband, and a ten der indulgent parent. His re mains on the following day were Interred in the family burial place, attended by numerous friends and relations. i. Tames Turner, a decided re publican, is elected governor of North Carolina. On the fourth ballot Mr. Turner had 112 votes, out of nearly 180. Richard Winn, is eleded a rep re Tentative in Congrtis fo** South-Carelina, in the room of Thomas Sumpter. Stephens Them Ton Mafon, has been re-eledled Senator to reprefent the (late of Virginia. * in the Senate of the United States, for fix years from the 3d of March next. The Prefident of the United States has difmiffcd General St. Clair from the government of the N. W. Territory. Un til the conftitution be perfected, and the right of electing the Governor be veiled with the citizens of the date of Ohio, the duties of the office will de- ; volve on Mr Byrd. The ex ecutive refufed to nominate a Governor for the intermediate period, left fuch nomination would be confidered as an at tempt to influence the future choice of the people. The South-Carolina Leglfla ture clofed its feffion on the 18th ult. Nineteen laws were enadled, among them is the law * O for incorporating the State Bank, by which the ftate iub feribes the fum of 300,000 dollars offered by the Bank, and has chofen three director?, viz, Henry Deas, William S. Smith and Felix Warley, Efqrs. alio an aft preferibing the times, places and manner of holding elections for Reprefentarives to Congrefs, dividing the ftate into eight eleftion diftrifts. The public mind is, no doubt, intcrefted as to information rel pefting the imprifonment of Mr. Callender, in this place. The fir ft Monday in January next, being the commencement of the court in Richmond, vdiere the iffuc will be known ; wefhall make fuch arrangements as will enable us to lay btfore our readers a minute derail ei circumftanccs. \_Argus. A gentleman from Cape Francois informs, that a dread ful maffacre of the blacks, pri foners on board .‘he French lhip s in the harbour, took place about the middle of Nov. 1 | was computed that in the cour.e | of one day, not lefs than 6000 01 I thefe miferable wretches, after ! beng bayoneted, were ihrov ■ overboard. Our informa counted 240 floating by