The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, January 26, 1803, Image 1

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Volume V.j LOUISVILLE, (GEORGlA)—Fiiblilhed every Wedncf.Uy, by AMBROSE DAY & JAMES I 11.1. Y, Sun Print-n ac 3 dolkls pcr '* B \ A t ks of Admrircm™. & c . i c. ’ ‘ ana X i\iiS J iNG m all us variety, is executed with neat ads and difpatdi. SHERIFF’S SAT.ES. Qn the firjlTuefdc’y in Feb. next, sc nil be Jold to the bight ft bidder, at the Court-Huge, in Saunderfville , V/lafhingtcn county, between the*hours cf 4ea and three o' CbOCky One HORSE , taken as the property cf James Sheppard, to Jdnsfy the execution of Scott. One Little ditto , taken as the property cf IVillia:n Bettes, in the hands of Hugh Bell, to fat is by the execution of James Martin. Alfo, one 'Bract cf Land, taken cs the property of Richard cokes, to fatisfy the execution of John Stakes, A. KENNEDY, Sheriff W. C. __ ftw- 3) iBc 3- SHERIFF’S SAT. ES. JVill he fold, on the fir ft Tuefday in Feb. next, at the Court - Ilonfe, tn Montgomery County , between the hours of fen and three o'clock, the following . PROPERTT, to wit: 100 Acres of LAND, cn the Jpg Ohoopie , granted to Jefe tViggins, with Go acres cleared thereon, both apple and peach orchards, and reafonable good buildings cn the premifes ; 27 2 ceres granted to Sands Siandley, joining the above Land; 432 acres granted to Thacker Vivian , cn the Big Ohoopie, at the county line, with ten acres cleared there cn, Alfo, fix NEGROES, to Twit: Davy, Lucy, and her fur Children, Chlce, Ccefar, Metlen end Juda. Taken as the property cf Sands Stand ley, to fatisfy Ste phen Powell's execution. Alfo, 200 aces cf Pine Land, hear Benyhill's Bluff, on the Oconee River, granted to Robert Mitchell, and taken as the pro perty of jaid Mitchell, to fatisfy three executions, to wit, IJaac Daniel, Henry Pullen and Jefe JLaffafier. . Conditions, ca(h. H. FU LG FT AM, Sheriff M. C. *v r o Jan, 1, 1803. n o t i cl:. NINE months after the date hereof, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of IVafhirgton County, for an order cf fade for part of a trail of land, lying on the Oconee River, at the Long Bluff, granted to Jeremiah Oats—part of the real eftate cf Jeremiah Oats, deceafed, for the benefit cf the heirs and creditors of faid deceafed . TANE OATS, Admx. JOHN LAWSON, JARED IRWIN, Adm iniflrators. Jan. 1, 1803. THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE • AND republic a n trum p e t. WED N E S DA Y. January *6. 1801. ÜBF.Hvr rs or// motto —wvd SHERIFF’S SALES. 0 N the frft Tuefdily in January next, will be fold, at Ac Mar ker I huge in Lou:L ille, between the hours cf ten and three o'clock, ONE Negro Pel low, named f ork ; tahn as the property cf Chifuy Bofhoick, adtmniftrator of JoJeph P reft on, deceafed, to fatisfy Jofeph Clay, vs admit, if rater cf JoJeph P reft on. Alfo, Eleven Negroes, nam ed as follows: Charles, Chine, Sarah, York, Nelly, Belli mi a, Jacob, Ned, Beck. Adala, Mary and Maratton, pointed out as the property of Chclley Bolt wick, Sen. ro fatisfy an execu tion of Patrick I lays, vs. Chef ley Boflwick j and other execu tions, DAVID THOMAS, Sheriff. November 30, 1,802. fu/ 9 The Sale of the above Property, is peftpened until the fir ft ’Buefday in February next. Jan. 3, 1803. N OTIC E. NINE months after the date hereof, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court cf Montgomery County, tor an order toJell the following Trails cf Land, to wit: 287 1-2 acres cf Land, cn the Oconee River, granted to the heirs of George Cook. 575 acres adjoining the above on Big Creek, granted to ME Mur phy. icco acres cn Pendleton's Creek, granted to John Andcr fon. Alfo to the honorable Inferior Court of Jeff erf on County, for an order to fell part of a trail cf Land, on Rotkey Comfort —it being part cf the real eftate of Hugh Law for., deceafed, for the benefit of the heirs of faid deceafed. SARAH 1 AWSON, Adm’rx. JOHN LAWSON, THOMSON LAWSON, Adminiilrators. Jan. 1, 1803. TAKE NOTICE. THAT nine months after date, application will be made to tue honorable Inferior Court of the County of TVajhington, for leave to fell a trail cf land cf Bo acres , belonging to Jacob Howard , de ceafed, lying in faid County, cn Williamf on s Swamp —for the be nefit of the heirs and creditors of faid deceafed, ISAAC HOWARD, A ami rljh a tor. ABY HOWARD, Adminlftratrix. February 10, ISO 2. /f T1 /% a r .J, . *'■ -l if l Cj Letters rcn.ainmr in the, at Fcuijiide, cn the firjt day cf January, 1803, which if not taken cut before the firjt day of April next, will be font to the Gene ral P eft-Office, os dead letters. A. Hugh Alexander, James A If lon. B. John Boflwick, 2, John Bryan, Jefit* Brown, Elizabeth Brownfon, Godfrey Bctfill. C. H. G. Caldwell, 2, Wil liam Craig, 2, Jas. Churchwe 11, Peter Chaliain, Levin Collins, Colonel. Clements. D. Jeremiah Dupree, 2, Jas. Dougiafs, John M. Dooly, Ab ner Davis. E. Arthur Finnc, H. Anthony Hancock,T ho mas Harr, 2, Thomas Holt, Elias Hodge, Joieph Hodge. K. William W. Kennon, John King. L. Daniel Lemlc, Jeremiah Lcfcm, Arthur Lot. M. Homer V. Milton, Tho mas Me iv.ether, William M‘ Dowell. S. William Skinner, Edith Stone. W. James Williams, Solo mon Wood, Margaret Wood burn, Joel Willi x James Bozeman, P. M. GEORGIA, Hancock County. Abraham Borland, came before me, and being duly fzvorn, faith, that he was poffejfed of a Note of Hand, given to him by Philip 'Burner, for one hundred dollars, dated feme time in November, 1801, payable 12 months after date, and that the faid Note is either toft cr mi faid. A. BORLAND. Sworn to this 10th Dec. 1802, before A. M. Devereux, j. T- N OTIC P. / for warn all per Jems from trading for the above defer iled Note. TEN DOLLARS REJVARD. CPRAYED on the. efth inft. from the endofure cf E. Jenks, Loufville, a Ki ACJC MAKE, four years old laftfpring , fourteen hands high, Jwab tail, and fibert mam, with a few Saddle marks, trots very floort, and has the gra vel in the hoof of her mount mg jhoulder. The above reward will be riven to any perfon who will deliver the faid Mare to the fuh feriber, living on the lichee Lord-, or Eight b liars if deliverd to Capt ■ C. C, J mams, Old- h own, Jeftferfcn Count". 1 " REUBEN HICKS. December 30, ISO 2, gforgia. By lis Excellency JOHN MIL LI .DC.1 0 ( nor and Ccm nianrhr in Chief of the Amy and Davy of this ft ate , and cj the Militia thereof. A proclamation\ Hi\ \ iNG arranged and caff up the votes of juch cum ins as have made return rf the etcolictis held on the \sth cj De cipher utt. for a perjen tc repress frt this ft ate in the hluje of Riprefevtcitives of the United •States, agreeably to the pr .dania ti ni of the gtb day of Ncvembef laf and it appearing that Peter Early, Ef quire, has (he high eft 77 uv:her cj vetcs. Iha ve the ught ft to if'ue this my proclamation • notifying the fame in order that the Jaid Peter lv, via • ftgnify the acceptance or refufal of bis faid appointment, and adduce the requijites by law required. Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of the Hate, at the State I fr.i/fi*, iii Louijvillr, this fifth day of Jammy, in the year of our I ord one thoufand fight hundred U three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the twenty-irventh. JOI IN MiLLLDGE. By the Governor, lie 'RATIO MaRBURYj Secretary offt ate, God lave the Ihte. FO 3v SAL F, r\< K Trad of LAND, m V J F rankhn county containing 13 0 acres, more or left ; grant ed toi/ onaul Mar bury, hound ed fourliwerdly by Buket’&Und, fnith-eailwar ily by i loratio Marbury’s land and ail othef udec by vacant land. One 1 ractcf .Land in Frank lin County, containing 1 150 acres more or left, granted to I .eonard Marbury; bounded north-weftwardly by Charity Marbury’s land, north-eaflward ly by vacant land, and Touch* taftwardly by Baker’s land. One Tract in Burke County containing Jfo acres on tho north fide of Brier Creek, fold by the Comuufiloners of Con -11 feared property in Decem ber, 17J4. Lccntzer Stark, Mo Ms IVharfy Savannah . November 23, 1 aoz. {Cft THOSE in arrears ftf Printing d ne a* tl Is (-pi tc, are requefed to difcharge the fottof in mediate’/. [No. 189.