The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, February 02, 1803, Image 3

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will be buc little Svlvii dona] fir pence incurred in continuing the eflabiifhment. He thought ic highly important to obtain every poffiblc information on this fubjecl before we are called to aft oil it, and therefore for the purpnfe*ofobtalring that infor nation he would fubmit the fol lowing refolution. Mr. Gregg then offered are foludon iußrufting the commit tee of revual and undoifried bu finef, to enquire into the a inount for which the wnoie pro perty of the mint, including the mound and buildings, would fell, and the probable effect of more fuitable buildings, and of the machinery neceffary for conduct- | ing the operations on the prin- i ciple of fleam. Carried. Mr. Daw Ton moved the fol- ' lowing refolution. Refolved that a monument be i erected to the memory of gene ral Hugh Mercer, who was /lain at Princeton, on the 3d clay of January, 1777, and that the Run of dollars be appropriated to that pur- j pole. Referred to the committee appointed on the ereftion of other monuments. Mr. Kill moved a refolution ftr the ereftion of a monument IP the memory of general Fran cis Nafh j (lain in the battle of Germantown. Mr. Gregg moved a refolu tion for the t» eft ion of a mo- i rument to the memory of gen. Richard Butler. Mr. Mitchell moved the erec tion of a monument to the me mory of' general Nathaniel Woodhull. Mr. Van Cortland moved the ereftion of a monument to the memory of the three individuals who intercepted Major Andre. The above four motions were referred to the committee ap- : pointed oh the foregoing Rated ; bill fronv the (crate. Mr. S. Smith from the com- ! mittee of commerce and ma nufactures, made a report on that part of the prcfident’s mef fage that relates to diferiminat itg and countervailing duties, and the aft of the Brinfh parlia ment thereon, which was re ferred to a committee of the whole on Friday next. Tuejday , January 11, 1803. A mefTagu was received from the prtfi lent, enclofing a re port from the director of the mint. The committee of eleftions reported a refolution to this ef fect ; that John P. Van Xefs, having accepted the office of major of militia within the dif tnct of Columbia, had forfeited his right to a feat in the hnufe. Referred to a committee of the whole on Monday next. Mr. Grifwold moved that the houfe fhould refolve irfclf into a committee of the whole on the Rate of the union ; declar ing his intention. In Rich event, to move that his motion laid lome time fince on the table, calling for papers rcfpedirgthe cefilon of Louiflana, fhould be taken up. On this motion a debate of 1 ttvo hours length enfued, in which Mr. GnlVold’s motion "Was fupported by Meflrs. Grii- 1 v.old, Dana, Goddard, ITi'gcr, and Rutledge, ami oppofed bv MeiTrs. Randolph and S'. Smith. 1 he queßion was taken on the requifirionofMr. Grifwold, by yeas and nays, and carried in the negative—Yeas oS Navs 32. Mr. S. Smith hud he had a communication to make, which in Ids opinion required Rcrecy, whereupon the galledcs were cleared. Alter a fhort time they were opened; When Mr. Gnfwold’s motion, above noticed, v/as tak en up, and mjefted by a confi derabie majority. LOUISV I L L E, WEDNESDAY, February ISO 3. Married, on the 6th of Jan. lad, Mr. William Patter Jon , to Mifs Elenor Little. Ext raff of a letter from a Mem ler cf Ccngrcfs , from this Slate, to a 'gentleman near this glace, dated lBO3. (c It appears that Congrefs is determined from their pro ceedings to have a free trade up the M.ffiffippi. In conie quehce of the late proceedings at New-Orleans the prefiJent of the United States has nomi nated James Munroe, minißer extraordinary and pknipoten tiary to France and Spain, in addition to cur’s already at thofe places. We have had clofed doors on that fubieft three dif ferent times during the fefTion, but expt 6t the injuriftion of fc crecy will be taken off before the adjournment of Congrefs, and the whole of the proceed ings publ.fhed.” It is Rippofed that an Attempt will be early made in the pre fen t ilffion of congrefs by the republicans, fo to amend the c nftitution, that the votes of the debtors for Prefident and Vice Prefident may deßgnate the perfons intended for each fituacion. It may be remem bered that Mr. Stone was the only democrat in either houfe oppofed to that amendment laR year. Alx. E\pofitor. * A letter from Wafhington, Rates upon the authority of a high officer of the government, that affiuranee have been receiv ed from the Spanifh minißer there that the prefent arbitrary conduct of the Intendant of New Orleans is unwarrantable, and without the knowledge or fanfti on of his country. Plil. Gaz. A remarkable faff has juR come to our knowledge,- from which we hope we may obtain a clue to many others equally fo. During the fcfilon of Congrefs in this city in 1798-9 in parti cular, a number of communica tions on various fubjefts, moß ly political, were fent lor pub lication in the Aurora, written in a difguifed hand, and without denature —whole flieets oi uiele communications were rejected from the indecency of their content 0 , and from other mo tives. We have feen the forged letters to the pr:fluent ct tLe United States, laid to be written by John Rutledge, member of Congre-fs, and find the writing perfectly agrees with that of the communications lent tor publi cation in the Aurora. [Anvera. " The prompt attention of the Kentucky legiiluurc to the in rraulion of the treaty between die United States and Spain, by the improper condud of the intenclant of New Orleans de mands general attention —the people have fo often been i!c> reived by the idle Rories of the federal prints, particularly thole to the eafhvard, about the en mit) of the fouchern Rate to the union, that the) muR have feen the red intention of Rich publi cations, but the late conduSf of Kentucky, as well its leg fiance as citizens, mull undeceive Inch as remain yet in doubt on the fubjaft. [/A. The following anecdote, which is derived from an au thentic fource, will ferve to fnow how far foreign influence predominated in the heads of fomc of the late adminillation —“ On the day that the HFki ai account arrived of Lord Ncl fon’s having defeated the Liench fleet at Aboukir, in Egypt, the ex-prt(idemhad feme papers to fign, which were fenc him from the Rcretary of Rate's ofHce ; and, to the high diverfion of the clerks, he returned them to that department figned— JOHN NELSON, Preftdent of the U nited States!!—Bojton Chronicle. GEORGIA, Burke County. PERSONALLY appeared John Dixon, being duly /worn before me James Lejler , a JuJiice of the Peace for fatd coun ty, and faith, that he bad a Note of Hand for Eighteen Dol lars, on Robert Johnfon, Efq. of JSJ county, due feme time in March, 180 i a Bend con ditioned for fhe delivery of an Accompt againft David Dixon , for Ninety-three Dollars and ninety-four cents, or thereabouts , which /aid Note and Bond is loft or miftaid fo that it cannot be found. JOHN DIXON. Sworn to heft re me this ~jth of Sept. 1802. James Lester, j. r. c. Fifty Dollars Reward. STRAYED or Stolen from the fubferiber, on Monday the iR of November laR, a bright bay Mare, between fif teen and fixceen hands high, one fore and two hind tetlocks white, and a large lump on the wither, occafioncd by the fluidic .—with a blaze in her face, and branded with the letters G. S. on the mounting fide, if Rolen, any perlbn that will fecure the thief, fo he may be profecuted to conviction, Riall receive a reward of fifty dollars, or thirty dollars for the mare without the tli!ef ‘ PHILIP STIEFEL. Edgefield Difirin, Cujfytown Creek , on the waters of Savan nah River, near gen, Martin s, South-Carolina. . SIIESTF's SATES. On the f.yjl Tuef'ay in Jan . •nidi be Jold to tie hif heft bidder , */ ti e Market-flon/e, in Louifville , between the hem s of ten and thtee o'clock, O\L Negro Fellcxv, named Jcf k ; taken ns the pre petty cf Cqefty Boftwick, adm mijiro tor cf JJI ~ FreftcKy decegfed, to Jdtisfy Jofcph Ciay , fa adminifftatcr cf jofepb Prdhn. Alio, Eleven Negroes % named ets jcu ivs .* Canties, (bloc, Sa vanah Jerky Nelly , Be Hind a, Ja cob, Atv/, /Ac*-, Adultly Mary and Mary at ten, pointed out as the property cf Cheftey Boftwick, Jen. to fatisfy art execution cf Pa trick Hays, vs. Cheftey Boftwick, and other executicns. (tdf* The Sale cf the above Property , wi// place c:i the fir ft Ttt ef day in March next, if the former terms cf Jale arc not complied with. fnn. 31, 1803. GEORGIA, Jefferfon County. WIIKRKAS William Gar boon hath thisday applied to me fot letters of adminiftra tion on the eftate and < fFeC|s of William Grant,late ofthc coun ty aftneUid dcceafcd ; theft* arc therefore to rite and admonifti ali and Angular the kind red and creditors of ihe And deccafcd, to Ale their obje£lions if ar y they have, in my office, cm or before the Ift Monday in March n*xt, othrnvifc letters of ad mini lira'* tion will he granted her. Given under my hand this id of Fehiuary 1803, and in tlie 27 h year of Ameri can Independence. lAS. BOZEMAN, c. c. 0. * ——- ■■■ .1 " G LORO I A» Jefferfon County. Tl/OIFR LAS Sanh Tomkins, * * Wmnifred Pardons and Nancy Par Tons, hath this day* applied I'* me lor letters of ad miniliration, rn the ellate and effethof VrJrtha Parfons, late of the county aforefaid dec.; theft are therefore to cite and admo nifh all and Angular the kindred and cred tors of the Aud deccaf ed, to hie their objections if ary they have, in my otocc, on or before the firft Mondap in Much next, otherwife letters ofadminiftration will be granted them, 4 Given under my hand at office, this 2d of February, 1803, and in the 27th year of American Independence JAS. BOZEMAN, c. c.o. WILL L.L PUBLISHED,) In a few weeks, __ Thar. WORK, entitled, FTYMNS, POEMS and 1 STATEMEN PS, a Will n Dialogue- —the Order of MelchizcdecdifpiayedinChlirch and Stare, demonftrating the falvation of all Men. through Chrift, a fabbath for ail Men. By ISAIAH IMF,AND, & PHILLIPS GIBBS. iJ Jan. \<), ISO 3. jj frj* THOSE in arrears for Printing done at this Office, are ’ requefted to df charge the fame immediately.