The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, March 09, 1803, Image 3

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LOUISVILLE, WEDNESDAY March 9, 18:3 , An Fleft ion wis held in this Town, on Saturday the 26th v ldmo, f r a member of the J Joule of Re prefentaives c f inis State, in place of the htb Col. Henry G. Caldwell.—On counting the bailors, itappemd tiiae Zachariah Lamar, 1:1c. was duly tk-fted. The Late of the poll is as fbilwfWS I Lamar 293 Hakdwich 115 Majority ■ 173 Mejfrs. Day & Helv, By giving the following a place in your next, you will very much oblige your humble Servant, CMRONON. I FEEL myfelf extremely happy in congratulacii g my fal low countrymen, in .their judi cious choice of a member to Live in the next Legiflauire.— Ii alfo affords me a pleafmg fa tisfaftion to find that my fellow citizens caii be no longer impo fed upon by thole bale insinu ating arts which have been prac ticed with too much fucccfs.— The man of virtue, experience and knowledge diChains thole detefiable ways of acquiring popularity—confcious of his own integrity, Lands firm, keeps within the pale of his daily and honcfl employment, he is never Teen going to and fro foliciting votes, with an affefted fmile of f cophancy ever on his face y nor can the peftilent breath of low defamation ever dm ft him from the path of true honor and reftitudt fuch men are juftly entitled to our g reate ft confi dence and efteem, on the con trary, he who can fink hirnlcil fo low and take fuch Infinite pains, as many have done to become the abjeft toed of a few fclfifh characters to obtain any poll of honor or emolument whatever elder ves our u tin oft abhorrence and concern pc. It is frequently Teen that thofe felf d\ figmng men who have {trained every- nerve, and exerted every effort of their genius to procure the delegation of time ferving wretches, and too often have they fucrcedtcl, are the verv firft to defpife and trample him under foot, (hould he ever dare to deviate in the fmaileft degree from their nefarious principles, which have been productive of fuch innumerable evils in this country, as well as tire fcorn and contempt of foreigners. lleav'ns that human natureJhould fo vilely Degrade if ft;' calls fOl th the tears of virtue And fir mps a burning hlujh upon her cheek , Tet jure the day will come when ti nth and reafen .Shall triumph o'er deceit and thofe aline Be deem'd the GREAI -zvhefe actions f peak their worth. - :r ■ B LANK DEED S for fats at this Office. ft h-rd prints arc very -uxious lor war with France and f mi:r —they lau: hat nr mcia tion— in the ruc' lT.glilk ip bit, they ulfh to fight fiift, and then | But quote, whether tec totics find themieives ciijf p-cf u to fight the battles of re publicans—they furely do 10c; r..ey only wifh to involve the country bv all means, and wea ken the ir.fereft they have fo l" n g endeavoured in vain to 1 cefirov. Lut'd we fee the federal prin- I ters (boulder their nu fleets in- | ktad of their pens, and march to the frontiers, but not to the ' frontiers of Canada or Nova- I Scotia, we fhall conclude that l they are an Jious and dan- 1 grrous foe, who pant fa* an opportunity todifluib the peace or America. American Patrlot. The period fixed bv Dayton for burning the Corftitution is very near ai hand—it was in the Summer of 1798, that lie laid to the following tffcft ro a member of CongreL— ‘ f Sir, <f the Corftitution is nor fuffl <c ciently energetic, its hands c; muff be flrtTgrhcned, and <f before five years are at an end , <c 1 am lure you' {the republi <f cans) will be fo convinced of i{ if, that you will agree with tc 115 (the federalifls) to bunt the t( parchment ; and if you do not “ confent then, we mull do ic 1 11 at the point of the bayonet A — This is the man who undertook to difpofc of the governorfhip of Jerfcy, as the price of a vote jor Mr. Burr. , [Aurora. A pamphlet hrsjuft appeared at Wafhmgton city, entitled “ an examination of thequcflion 11 who is the writer of the two u forged let re ns to the Prefi “ dent of the United States,” attributed to John Rutledge, &c. a Tingle copy has reached us, and from a hafhv perufal we conceive it impoflible to wirh fland the evidence produced without forming a condufion. Rutledge has not been able to reftrain himfelfeven in the pre ffnt ceffion from writing anony mous notes —a few days ago he addreflecl,a note to one of the New-York members, in a very impertinent ftvle—upon perufal the member allied the meffen ger who gave him that note, he faid Mr. Rutledge—upon com paring the .note with the forged letters they agree cxaftly. Ibid. An American counfellor of finto not very long ago, propos ed the inft icurion of a police for the city of Wafhington, upon the plan of the old police of Pa ris—at the head of which there mould be a lieutenant, with full powers to turn every man out of the diftrift that he diftiked— upon the return ofihe expelled citizen he was to be Icourged, and turned out again—and if he re turned afterwards, he was to be hanged. The commiffion of a crime was net neceffary, 1 previous to tne firft u»fion, ! nor in any fubfequent Page of its prorefs.—This looks very , like the counfellor of Late. 1 IbU. GEORG? V bis Excellency JOi IN’ MI!.- ] I-DOE, Cover tier end Cc tu rn under in Chief of tle Army (V.u i\d t vy if tVIS ft ate t ilnd cj the Militia t hereof. a proclamation. ; \,\J r i ILRI \) I have reefiv- A * cd official information H m the {nenl. of Kichmon I ounty, tlidc .1 u ream \V illi a m Chamimon, con tired under a charge of n urd» r, in the com mon jad of the fa'd county, did on the twenry-feventh ultimo, make Ins efcape therefrom.—l have therefore thought He to IT iuc thus my proclamation, of fering a reward of one bundled, to any perfon or pet lons who will apprehend the <ad lian Champion, and him LEiy lodge in lome lecurc jail within this flare. And I do hereby charge and require i>M officers, cm] and military b< -tinging to this dare, to he aidn gaud ..lotting in ap prehending and feninng the laid offender, id that he mav be brought, by a cine rourfc of law, toanfvver to the charge aL Iccged zgamfl him. Given under my hand, and the (beat Seal of the flute, at the State Houle, in J ouifville, this fifth day of Marh, in the )cai of our Lord ore thou Hind eight luindred & three, and of the Independence cd die tJnifed States of America the twenty-fevenrh. JOHN MILLEDGE. Pj the Covey fiay George R. Clayton, for Horatio Mar bury. Secretary of ft ate. Goj save the State. William Champion is n~ hint twenty’two years cj age, five feet 8 or 9 inches high, light hair , and fair complexion, well made , and remarkably active. GEORGIA, Hancock County. Abram Borland came before in: and being duly fworn , faith that he was p'Jftfed of a note of hand give• by I Lid: am Cain to Jeremiah Eminor, and indorfed Ij frdd Bonner to this depenant, payable the fft of Jan. left, and that thefetid note is cither loft or mft aid. ABRAM BORLAND. Sworn to this lid Feb. 1803. before A. M. Devereaux, j. a. NOTICE. J ..forewarn all persons from trading for the above deferibed note. A. BORLANI^ N OTIC E. NINE Months after date, application will he made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Wa ft j ingt on County, for leave to fell two hundred acres of laud in faid county, adjoining lands of John Darby , being apart cj the real Eft ate of John Anderfon, dee. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. STEPHEN STEPHENS, Adminft rater. ELIZA. ANDERSON, Adrniniftr atr i February 19, 1803. NOTIC E. NINE vl )fich-. a r *er da f c a pi will r t m«!c to me I .onoijuk* Inferior Court of A arr* n C onntv, for leave m fell the real clbate of Arch’K ud | Kempiev, late of the councv | aforclaid, dec. fur the bci.e&oJf ( tlie heirs and creditors. Joseph } lowel, Ih AdlKi ROM BIE' # AJn.nlfii utors, 1 wbruaiy i c, ioo \ " j 9 v> • SHERIFF’* SALES. I On the Jnji Thrfjny in Ap y it next, will be jdl, at the Mar bet iliiUje , in l.oui vi ..V, to the hirheji liu’.br, between the s (f ten dfui three t */ cJi f 200 Aerrs of Land, the pro peity of Ifaaq Rawls, whereon he now lives, bounded by lands of George Jones, I trr n g and lames Stubbs, to facisfy * .♦a execution J. M. Sen err & j jas. Stubbs, executors of \Vm. | M*Dowell, vs. Ifaac Rawls and J. M'Danirl. Alfo, 160 Acres of Ltfnd, . being J ire of a traff of Land of 2CO Acres, adjoining lands of Daniel Cole and Z Duboile, in die fork of Rocky Comfort and Ogee Ike ; taken us the pro [ t rry of Francis Mayo, to furisfy camuf l Garrett’s executions.— Returned to me by Daniel Cole con li able. . Aif>, S5O Acres of I and, whereon John Lewi, now lives in the fork of Rockcy Comfort and Du Hurt’s Creek, and twen ty Ntgrres, viz. Sawyer, Letty, Darkes, Charity, Walhmgron, Charles, Maria, Frank, Nick, Dinah, Matt, Frankey, Peter, Jack, Bob, Molly, Ddley, Mary and James ; taken as the property of John Lewis, to fa tisfy John Boyd’s, furvivor of K. &: |, Boyd's execution. Alfo, zee Acres of I .and, granted to Robert Ronald (bn, taken an the property of William Ronald Ton, and George W. Chi (holm, to fatisfy Seaborn Jones’s execution. DAVID niOMAS, Sheriff. March r, iScj. GEORGIA, Warren County. \\J 1 1 ERL AS I'dizabt diNew fom, Frederick Newfom, John Newfom, Solomon New iom, David Newfom and Afi Newfom hath applied tome for letters of admimllration on the goods, chatties and credits of Solomon Newfom, fen. deccaf ed ; thefc arc therefore to cite and admomlh ail and lingular the kindred and creditors of laid dec. to be and rnnear before the honorable Court of Ordinary, j on the lecond Monday in Apr 1 | next, then and there to flic\V | caufe if any they can, Wiij ia. d letters thould hoc be granted’. Given under my hand and fcal, at Oface, this i6th day of February, IKO3, and 27th year of American In dependence. Septimus Weather bv, C. C. 0. W.C. £/ o*4*mjrnm • •** 11 mm ■ mm mm 1—- % almanacs For the Year ISO 3. For Sale at this Odicc. January 4, ISO 3.