The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, March 09, 1803, Image 4

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■ i - - ■- , N O T. I C E. NINE months after date, ap plication will be made to the Hon. Inferior Court of Burke County, for leave to fell two hundred and fifty acres of land in faid County, on Chevers’s Creek, adjoining John Patter lon, fen. and Chriftopher Bal lard’s lands, the real efface of Nathaniel Whitaker, deceafcd, for the benefit of the heirs of faid deceafcd. Agnes Whitaker, Edm'x. Benj. Whitaker, Adm'r. Auguft 9, 1802. N O T 1 C E. ALL perfons indebted to the efface of James Hall, late of Wafhington coijnty, deceafcd, are requefted to make immediate payment ; and tho’fc to whom faid efface is indebted, are like wife requeued to bring in their accounts properly attefted, on or before the firft of June next. | David Plackshear, Isaac Hall, Adminijlrators , 0 etc her 27, NOTICE. ALL Perfons having De mands agamfi the BEftate of the Hon. Brigadier General John Morrison, late of Burke County, deceafcd, are requeued to make known the fame, on oath, as loon as pt.flible to the adminiftrator Abraham Jackfon and thofe indebted will pleafe to make payment, to Elizabeth Morrison, Adminiftratnx. Abraham lackson, Adminiftrator, Burke County, Sept. 15, 1802. N OTICE. ALL. perfons indebted to the Eftate of Gideon Allen, late of Wafhington county, de ceafed, arc requefted to make immediate payment ; and all thofe to whom faid efface is in debted, are like wile requefted to bring in their accounts pro perly attefted, on or before the lirft clay of June next. David Blackshear, William Allen, Executors . Auguft 25. NOT fc~E~ IVTINE months after date ap plication will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Burke County, for leave to fell a trad: of land fituate in faid County, containing 200 acres, joining John Bryan’s land, grant ed to J ohn Lewis, for the bene fit ot the heirs and creditors of Abel Rogers. JOHN LAND, Adm'r. May 4, 1802. STRAYED or STOLEN, the Su If enter, cn the X fir ft day of January laft , one bright hay HORSE, about fourt eeyi hands high, with a large ftar in his forehead , and branded cn the mounting fide with the let ters C. S. A reward of Teh Dollars will be given to any per - fon that will deliver thefaid knrfe to John Moreland, or to James Kennybrew, in Lincoln Ccunf. January 27, 1807. ‘N O T I C E. NINE months after the date hereof , application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court cf IVajhington County , for an order of fale for part cf a trail of land, lying cn the Oconee River , at the Long Bluff, granted to Jeremiah Oats—part cf the real eftate cf Jeremiah Oats , deceajcd, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors cf fa i d deceafcd, JANE OATS, Admx, 10UN LAWSON, JARED IRWIN, Adminijlrators, Jan, 1, 1803. N O T I C E. NINE months after date , ap plication will be made to the ho \ nor able Inferior Court cf Han ! cock County, for leave to fell two trails of land , one in faid county , on the waters cf JJland Creek , adjoining Hugh Horton and others , containing about five hundred acres. 'lhe ether in the County of IVafhington, containing eight hundred acres , on the waters cf Spring Creek, adjoining Hooker and ethers ; the real eftate of John Cook deceafedy for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors cf faid deceafcd. John Harbirt,Y John Cook, J Ad'ors . Philip Cook, j January 1, 1803. TAKE NOTICE. THAT nine months after the 'loth of Auguft, 1802, applica tion will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Wafhington county, for leave to fell a trail of 287 1-2 acres of land, in Mont gomery county , on Hightower's creek, being the property of James Hall, deceafedy for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of faid deceafcd. David Blackshear, Isaac Hall, Adminijlrators. N O T I C E. r FHA I after the expiration cf A nine months , application will be made to the Judges cf the In ferior Court of Wajhifigton Coun ty, to Jell a trail of 200 acres of Land , in the faid County , ad joining the Lands of John Ren free, John Sheppard and myfelf. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of IVihiam Duggan , deceafcd. Benjamin Manning, Adminiftrator. May 29, 1802. notice. I HAVE transferred all my oueftanding debts in the State of Georgia, contradef fince the firft of January 1801, to Mr. Isaac Bower, for valuable confederation. DAVID M*CORMICK. iff ALL perfons indebted to me, under the above transfer, will pleafe to obferve, that im mediate fuits will be com menced for die recovery of the lame, unlefs prevented by fpce dy payment. ISAAC BOWER. iW THOSE in arrears for Printing done at this Office, are rtqucfted to dijcharge tbs fame 1 immediately. ' NOTICE. i NINE months after the date hereof, application uIII he made to the honorable Inferior Ccurt cf Montgomery County, tor an order to Jell the following'Crafts if Land, to wit: CL] i~c. acres of Lard, on the Oconee River, granted to the heirs of George" Code. J CJ 575 acres adjoining the above on Big Creek, granted to Ml Mur phy. 1900 acres cm Pendleton's Creek, granted to John binder fon. Aljo to the honorable Inferior Court of Jefferfon County, for an order to fell part of a traft of Land, on Roc key Comfort- —it being part of the real eft ate of Hugh Lazvfcn, deceafed, for the benefit of the heirs offaid deceafed. SARAH LAW#ON, Adm’rx. JOHN LAWSON, THOMSON LAWSON, Adminiftrators. Jan. 1, 180 J. ' TAKE NOTICE. THAT after nine months from this date , application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Ccurt cf IVaJhingtcn County, for leave to fell a traft cf land, on JViili amfens fwamp, in faid County , including a mill called Hampton's, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors cf Nathaniel Ref free, deceafed. JAMES RUSHING, Executor. Auguft q, 1802. Georgia, Burke County. PERSONAL L Y appeared John Dixon, being duly Jzvorn before me James Lejter, a Jujiice opt he Peace for /aid coun ty, and faith, that he had a Note cf Hand for Eighteen Dol lars, on Robert JchnJon, Efq. cf faid county, due fome time in March, 180 2 —Alfo a Bond con ditioned for the delivery of an Accompt againfi David Dixon, for Ninety-three Dollars and ninety- four cents, or thereabouts , which faid Note and Bond is loft or mijlaid fo that it cannot he found. JOLIN DIXON. Szvorn to before me this Jth cf bept. 1802. James Lester/j. i. c. ~WILL BE PUBLISHED, In a few weeks , That WORK, entitled, Hymns, , poems and STATEMENTS, a Will in Dialogue—the Order of MelchiztdecdifplayedinChurch and State, demonllrating the falvation of all Men, through Cbr'ft, a fabbath for all Men. By ISAIAH EILAND, & PHILLIPS GIBBS. Jan. 19, 1803. N O f I C E. WHEREAS my wife Nel ly, hath on the 18th of September lall, left my bed and board-—I therefore caution all perfons from trading with, or crediting heron my account, as I am determined to pay no debt Hie may contradl. Given un der my hand this 2d February 1802. | NAT. HUDSON- . None E. £s* ALL thole ‘bavin- f G-. llanos sgaifiE the Ellate of * late Henry G. Caldwell,dec. ate re q u i re d t o retfd mh c m p r ope r 1 y attelxed to the lubfcriber a, { f a as poliible ; and thole indebted to iaid Pilate, are rcqudltd to make immediate .payment to DRUSILLA CAi iAVEI L, Exetrix. February 11, 1803. TAKE NOTICE. I ;E Suljcriher having riven tjis L''ol6 or Due- hill. Sherd Swain , of Mom wen County, for theJum of one hundred and fifty dollars, bearing date the nth January lajl, payable' the isth December next, rand the con fideration for which the /'aid Ncte was given being a deceitful and fraudulent one, he warns a!I and every perjen whatever, receiving an alignment of thefaid Note, until an inveftigation which he is about to injtituie in a court oj law jball decide the hujinefs, DRURY JONES. February 2, 1803. SHERIFF’S SALES. Will he fold, on the fir ft Tuejday in April next, at the Court- Hcufe , in Montgomery County , between the hours of ten and three o' deck, the following PROPERTY , to wit: 472 Acres of LAND, on the Big Choc pie, granted in Jeffs 'Biggin's, with 60 acres cleared thereon, both apple and peach orchards , and reafonable good buildings on the premifes 30a acres of land adjoining the above land, granted to William Loft\ and Sands Standley . 432 acres granted to Thacker Vivien Alfa, eleven NEGROES, to wit: Davy, Lucy, Chlce , Metlen Ccefar , Judy, Charles, Flora > Dick , Cate , and Sail JJkewife 400 head of cattle, and 4 head of horfes. —'Taken as the property of Sands Standley, to fa fifty Ste phen Powell's execution. The aboveJale was poftpened by corf cut cf parties. Alfio will befold on the fir ft Tuej day in May next, one boy Marc , and one roan horfie, taken as the property of Gideon 'Thomas, in favour of John Allen, by a mort gage condition. Conditions, ca(h . 11. FULGHAM, Sheriff M. C. February 2, 1803. Fifty Dollars Reward. QTRAYPD or Stolen from o the fubferiber, on Monday * the ill of November lad, a bright bay Mare, between fif teen and fixueen hands high, one fore and two hind fetlocks white, and a large lump on the wither, occafibned by the fiddle —with a blaze in her face, and branded with the letters G. S. on the mounting fide. If ftoicn, any perfon that will lerure the thief, lo he mav be profecuted to convidlion, fhal! receive * reward of fifty dollars, or thirty dollars for the mare without the thief. PHILIP STIEFEL. Edgefield DiftriA, Cuffytcwn Creek, on the waters of Savan nah River, near gen. Mart::, s, South-Car Aina.