The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, March 16, 1803, Image 3

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fcrambling for faprsraacy, for an office of which neither was deferring. Theodorus Bailey, (a repub lican) is defied a Jenacor in Congrefs from the flare of New- York, for 6 years after the 4th cf March next. WASHING PON, Feh. 18. On Wedneflay Mr. Raft made another fpcech in the Se nate on the m-afures recently purfued a: New-Orleans. In this fpeech Mr. Roft undertook at confiderable length to prove the policy of immediately tak ing p illelfioa or New-Orleans; and concluded by moving refo lutions —auchorifi the Prefi dent to take New-Orleans— authoring a draft of 50,000 milita; and appropriating five millions of dollars. The Senate ordered the refb lutions to be printed, and post poned their confidefation till * Monday next. Mr. Mu nr of. has lef: this city forNew-York, from which place he will immediately fail for Europe. February 28. The Sena:e of the United States have, with becoming firmnefs, refuted the war mea fures attempted to be forced upon the country. The refolu tions of Mr. Refs have been virtually rejeifted by the fubfti tution of thofe offered by Mr. Breckenridge. Thu.*- have mea fures calculated to inflame the paffions of the nation, to fow difeord among them, and to | xieftroy that harmony between the executive and legiftarive de partments of the government, fo pre-eminently neceflary at this cnfis, been ripped in the bud, The difcuftion of thefe war meafijres has been wifely permitted to be public, that the American people, in whofc hand the deftinUs of the Em pire are, may diflindly perceive who arc their friends and who their enemies. Fortunately they are well informed no Ids as to men than as to m- afures. Par ty violence has already develop ed irfelfj and they have feen that in its rage patriot! fm ’ es. The men, who I aft fefiion, menaced us with convulfion and the proftration of our conftitu tional compact, now urge us to war. They failed in the firft, and they will not fuccced in the lad. In appreciating the mo tives of the war party, let the people recollect that James Roft, who introduced the propofiiions, has ceafed to reprefent the Rare of Pennfylvania; that Jo nathan Mafon who advocated them, is no longer the repreTen tative of Maffachufecrs; and that Governeur Morris is about to retire to private life, after hav ing loft the confidence of his condiments. Whom then do thefe gentlemen reprefent? Not the people of America. And j yet, after a removal from pow er and an unequivocal forfeiture of the public confidence, they would, if they could, hurry us into war. Their conduct is ?n impreflive actcftation of the fu- ! pmority of the rep'efentativc \ fyftem ; it fhews ednelufi vely | riiat a rcfponfibility to the peo- V e . ,s ftrongeft bulwark of innr rights. he Ipeech of Governeur ivucms was extravagant beyond niealure, and was from the be ginning to the end a libel upon republican governments. The fcnrimer.ts he avowed were fiich every genuine American will reftrr— ct Sir; fa ' Kl he (addn lung hiriiflT-t ro the chair) the moment vou Have a civil war, it requires no pr y icey to fiv your 1 ber ries are gone/’ Where is the ennghtened citizen, who be- I lieves in the fuperioritv of the i r ; pnblican to t e monarchical lyitzni, that will not rejedl a h nciment lo derogatory to truth and to the energies of a govern ment founded on equal rights ? Never did a people exilt lefs likely to be embroiled in civil I v ' ar * But fhouid the period of civil war arrive, wc venture to pronounce that neither thefword 01 ufurpation nor the intrigues of party will make an effectual ftand again ft the will of the na tion, exprtfled by the voice /and carried into efTedl by the arms of millions. In other countries the phyfical force may be on the fide of tyrants ; here it is wield ed by freemen. Uproar may rage for a day. But the good lenfe of the nation will put it promptly down. Here is our ft l ength. We are happy in the enjoyment of equal rights, and the madman who unfurls the banner of rebellion cannot find w thin the limits of the union malcontents enough to keep the field for a day. f Nat. Intel. NOTICE. ON Monday the 25 of April nexr, at the Hillhoufe place, on William Ton s Swamp,in Wafhlngton County. The whole o j of the pcrfonal property of John Hunt, dec. confiding of One Waggon, Four Head of : HoTes and other articles. Con ditions will be made known on the day of Sale. Julius Jackson, Adm'or . March 15, 1803. NOT! C~e7 A j 9 NINE Months after dare v application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Warren Count), for leave to fell the real efface of Archibald Kempfev, late of the countv aforclaid, dec. far the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Joseph Mown., R. Abercrombie, Admmftrators. February 15, 1803. NOTICE. I Caution ail perfons ngainft trading for a Note, giv tn by me to Bnnfon James, for Sixteen dollars and leventy- five cents, dated June 1801, as I have paid the amount of the fame. ABNER WOMACH. February 26, 1803. c au 't i 6 n. ft'T I Forewarn all perfons from treftpafling, or removirg any part of the property on the plantation whereon Samuel Be nedix formerly re Tided, and now' occupied by Major Abner Ham mond. JOSEPH G. POSNER. February 23, 180 J, \VAX-\VO?X TSISHOP& DAWSON’ ref- A pet?fully Inform the Ladies rid Gentlemen of TMfvdky flat t i'ey have juft opened at the boufe r f Mr John S bellman % a large end elegant exhibition of IVAX FTJRk\ which has ha-: u fiver felly admired, cm/ifF** c f *n r /* f 7 • I ' o V j ale wing char a Her s : Mi. LxctiNncy 1 ROMAS JEFFERSON, Prtfidenr of thti United States. An elegant liken fs of his Excellency. Grouch WASHINGTON, Refrejented ns reafuming the fivrrd in defence cf his a unfry. In mother apart went the illuftri - CHS Hero is refrefented as fallen a vitiim to death , vetlib his I.adv & Dorn eft i’cs weeping around him. I He Honorable JOHN ADA M S 5 1 ate Prt fidcnr. B O N A I* A R T E, i ue F irfi Conful of France. Ihe Famous GENERAL WO I FE, ho fell on Ike plains cf Ahr ah any 'inth his ply ft dan attending him in his exphing moment's , c.nd a grenadier bringing the tidings of the victory oft the army. Admiral Hr Sidney Sm'tf. Doftor Ezra Stiles, late prcfi denc of Yale College. E*l*s. Siddons, In tkc character cf the Grecian Daughter , rej cuing her Father fy'ow prijoh by affaJftnaUng the Emperor, A Scene from Tom Jones. Maternal Affection, represented ly a Lady with her Children a round her. New Tot k Beauty—B oft on Beau ty —New - Haven Beauty. An Indian Chief with a 'Tomahawk and Scalping Knife in his hands. (FT MUSIC cn an elegant ORGAN. Ihe Exhibition will he evened from 9 o'clock in the morning till 9 in the evening , Sundays excepted, and will be removed from this cn Friday next pojitively. Admijfioriy 50 cents fo r grown perfofiSy and half price for chil- \ drtn. ftT Thofi per font dcftrru' of Viewing an Exhibition, which has o been judged by c envoi [fears as ex hibiting the beft fpecirrcns of imi tative IfCy will improve the op port unity. !his Exhibition will remove to JVdyneJhorough next week Court. March 16. " QTR A Y EI ) cr Stolen from the O jubfenber , two HORSES ; ! a Bay Horfe , about fourteen and \ an half hands high , about [even years old , blaze face and dt oop ramply trots and canters ; the other a Roan about fourteen leads high, [even years old , is hip food in the main fide, and is at times ve r y lame. A reward of 'len Dollars will he given by thejub - , Jcriber. \\ m. MILL ES. Hancock County, March a, 1803. FOR SALE AI THIS OLE ICE, T FI E ACTS OF 1 Fir. GENERAL AS* SEMBI Y of the STATE CF GEORGIA, PASSED A'l the Sessions of June avd November, iSc2> sfTrr*r ? 3 C” /T* /■* 7 r/% iff Jpri? rest, wiille jdi, at the Xuir kct licn/s, in Lcuif%ille y to the higjtJ luider , he tween (he hifkf i cj ten end three c* deck, 100 Acres of Land, the pro perty of Ilaac Rawls, whereon he now lives, bounded by lands otGmrpe lone*, Andrews, 1 ler ring and lames Stubbs, to farisfy an execution J. M. Stented: J n: * Stubbs, executors of Wm. M‘Dnwrll, VS. Ifaac Kawls and J. M'Daniel. Alfo, 160 Acres of Land, being part of a rracl of Land of 200 Acres, adjoining lands of Darritl Cole and 2 UuboiL, m the fork of Rocky Comfort .u'.G Ogt tnec ; taken as the pro perty rf Francis Mayo, to fatisfy oamuel Garrett’s cxtvurk ns. Returned to me bv Daniel Cole cbnflable. Alfo, 850 Acres of I und, whereon John 1 ewjs now lives in the fork of Rockty Comfort and Duharc’s Creek, and twen- r V A<grocs, viz. bawyer, Retry, I Mikes, Charity, Wafhington, Charles, Maria, Frank, Nick, Dinah, Matr, Frankey, Peter, jack, Bob, Molly, Dillcy* Marv and James * taken as the property of John Lewis, to fa-. t:.siy John Boyd's, furvivor of IR &: J. Boyd’s execution. Alfo, :oo Acres of Land, groin red to Robert Konaldlon, iak<*n as the property of William Ronald f on, and George \V, Chifholm, to fad: ty Seaborn Jones’s execution. DAVID fHO MAS; Sheriff. March i, iBoj. FO R SA Lgr ONP- 1 of LAND, ini franklin county, eon taming 1 jBo acres, more or lef,, grant ed to Leonard Marbury, hound ed fouthwardly by Baker’s land, forth-eaft ward !y by 1 Joratio Marbury’s land and ail other fides by vacant land. ( )ne Tract of Land in Frank lin County, containing 1150 acres more or lef., granted to Leonard Marbury - t bounded north- weftwardly by Charity Marbury’s land, north-caftward ly by vacant land, and fbuth eaftw/rdly by Baker’s land. One 'Bract in Burke County containing 350 acres on the north fide of Brier Creek, fold by the Corn mi fanners of Con fifcated property in Decem ber, 1784. Fit.mszer Stark, Ah'or's IVbarf, Savannah. November 27, 1802. v> ' * G E O R G 1 -4, Montgomery County. W I! K K E \ S MVEm vis, h.tth ihi*. day applied to mo f:>r letters of ad r.iniilraM-m on the ell ate and t fF 6ls of Gideon I rv'is, late of the fount/ afore Lid, dec. thele are thereJ f ore to cite and adrnonifh all and lingular th- kindredand creditors of tlic (aid deceafed to file their objections if anv have, in mv office, on or before the 4111 Monday in july next, other* v/ife letters of admimfUalioa will hr granted bun. Given under mv Im.n »hif, nth day of March 1803, ?nd in the 27th c»t lndependence, >\bntr Davk, u. q,