The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, April 06, 1803, Image 3

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j' nlfhEl at the'dark deeds of "he prefent times, juft as we are at the folly, cruelty, ignorance, and fuperfticion cf our forefa thers. But to return to the fubje<fl— Jt would aftonifh any but thofe acquainted with the influence of foreign gold, and cradle-preju dices, how fo many in the Unit ed States fhould derote them hives .to the propagation of principles, fo foreign to our real in te re ft and happinefs. But what is ftiil worfc, the patriots of America —the faviours of their country, one and all (apof tates only excepted) are daily torn to pieces, by thefe native j Yankee blood-hounds —The Jefferfons the Paines—the Jackfons, the Mafons, the Clin tons, the Adams, (not king John) arc conftantly the theme of every anti-republican and Porcupine quill in the United Stares.—The fervices of thefe great men, who will live as long as the prefs remains, fliall be recorded and handed down to the laceft pofterity.—Their works are more lafting than marble orbrafs —Yet they can not efcape the cenfure and de re ftation of all thofe who have (worn eternal hatred to the peo ple and their friends. But let us con foie ourfelves ; when tyrants and their fatellites are fwept away by necvfiary revolutions, principle will tri umph, and we (ball hear no more of oppofltion to the juft and brave. American Patriot. NOTICE. .Will be fold, on TUESDAY, the loth day of May next, at the plantation of the lais John Parfcns, deceafed, The PROPERTY cf Mrs. Martha Parfons , deceafed , con ffling of Negroes, Jlorfes, Cattle, Hogs cd Iloufchold Furniture, (Ac, Conditions will he made known cn the day of file, by Sarah Tomkins, Admx. Tiics. Fulton, Adair. March 30, 1803. NOTICE. On TUESDAY, the 17 ih May next, will he expofed to public fate, at the late Dwelling Houfc of Nathan Powell, deceafed, A confiderable quantity of COTTON and CORN, the property of faid deceafed.— Conditions, caili. N ancyPo w ell, Adm y x. John Bryan, Benjamin Bryan, AdmijiiJirators. April 4, 1803. NOTICE. • I HAVE transferred all my ( outftanding debts in the State ! of Georgia, contracted linee the 1 lirft of January 1801, to Mr. | Isaac ILjwer, for valuable ; confidcration. DAVID M f CORMICK. fc? ALL pe rfons indebted to me, under the above transfer, will pleafe to obferve, that im l mediate fuirs will be com menced top the recovery of the <; *rnc, unlefs prevented by fpee payment. ISAAC BOWER. - A HORSE STOLEN pOM my ft aide, in Saund , erfvthe, on Sunday night, tae 20th March , cf a bright Jlr rd colour ; about jour teen and nn half hands high', las a brand (not remembered) with feveral J a dale Acts—with hair rubbed cf Lis Jides, and haunches by the In cab hands and traces ef a car rtrge harnefs ; is a natural trot tc>, CCthiCt SjiuZV t.* 1 ,•) —t ufijcd out op a wad: will move in a "bro ken pace : is vny generally known having been vfed in my attending \ the courts for feveral years. A | reward of fifty dollars the fkrfe j delivered the owner, and the thief I profccuicd to convibtion, or fir the I Lrje if teen dollars. BE IS J. SERINE. March 31, 1803. WILL BE SOLD, (fjr* ON Saturday the ~jth of May next, at the plantation cf William Dawkins, late cf this county, deceafed, the read an dp re ft na I Eft ate cf "fames Coates, dec. for the benefit cf the heirs and cre - ditors.—Fifteen months credit will be giten to pur chafers. Jane Coat es , Adm James M. Chastain, Adminiftr at or. March 18, 1803. N one E. Iff/ 3 ON Friday the corn of May next, at the plantation of the late Col. Henry G. Cald well, deceafed, will be fold, the pc .Tonal efta.e of the laid de ceafcd —confuting of ftock of different kinds, houfehold furni ture, corn, fodder, &c. 'The fale r.o commence precifely at 10 o’clock, and continue until all is fold.—Conditions will be made known on the day of fale. DRUSILLA CALDWELL, Executrix. March 30, 1803. NOTICE. ffft ALL perfons having de mands again ft the Eft ate of James Coates , late of this county dec. are required to render them in proper ly attefted, cn or before the qth day of May next-, and thofe in debted to faid Eft ate, are requeft ed to make immediate payment to Jane Coates, Adm 'x. James M. Chastain, Adminiftrator. March 18, 1803. N O T 1 C E. fff PEINE months after date application will be made to the lion, Inferior Court of V/ajhing ton County , for leave to Jell a tract cf land in Hancock County, near the Oconee, being the property of John Hunt, dec. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors cf liiu de~ j cedfcd. Julius Jackson, Adminiftr at or. February 15, 1803. N O T I C E. AT INF. months after date, ap plication will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court cj Hancock County , for leave to fell a tract cf land in faid County, containing one hundred acres, ad joining Samuel Turner and John Brown, for the benefit cf the heirs and creditors of John But Ur, de ceajed. Edmond Butler, Adair. March 26, 1803. SHERIFF’S SALES. Wt’! It Jdd,cn tkt Tutfdey in May next, at the Market Uruje, in Lcujvtlle , to the higbef h'tdder, be tv, leen the hours of ten and three o'clock, jeo Acres of LAND, levied on by Benjamin Darky, confta •dc, as the property of John Whitehead, to fatisfy fur. dry ex ecutions, Robert Prior, vs. John 1 auiccc and John Whitehead, returned to me. David thomas. Sheriff, March 29, 1803. SHERIFF’S SALES. Cn the frft Tucfday in Jan. next, will tc JolJ to the bigheft iidler, at the Market-Houje, in Lou finite, between the hours of ten and three o'clock, O:\1l Negro Fellow, named 2 c k ■, taken as the property of Chejhy Boftwuk, admiutjirator of Jofeph Preftcn, deceafed, to Jatisfy Jftpb Clay , vs adminifirator of Jojeph Preplan. Alfo, Eleven Negroes, named as fellows : Charles, Chloe, Sa va nab Fork, Nelly , Ft Hindu, Ja cob, Ned, Beck, Adala, Mary and Mar rat ton, pointed out as the property of Chef ley Boftwhk, fn. to fatisfy an execution of Pa trick Clays, vs. Chejhy Brftwhk, and ether executions. DAVID THOMAS, Sheriff. ffr r Phe Sale of the above Property, will take place on the f'Jt 'turfday in May next, if the former terms of Jale are not complied With. April 5, 1803. SHERIFF’S SALES. On the JirJi Tuefday in May fyext, will be fold, at the Mar ket Houfe, in Lcuifvilie, to the high eft bidder, between the hours of ten and three o'clock, 200 Acres of Land, the pro perty of Ifrac Rawls, whereon lie now lives, bounded by lands of George [ones, Andrews, I !er rir.g and James Stubbs, to fatisfy an execution J. M. Stcrctt 6c Jas. Stubbs, executors of Wm. M‘Dowe]j, vs. ifaac Rawls and J. M‘Daniel. Alfo, 2CO Acres of Land, granted to Robert Ronald Ton, taken as the property of William Ronald fun, and George V/. Chifholm, to fatisfy Seaborn Jones’s execution. DAVID THOMAS, Sheriff. April 5, 1803. ONFINED in Jail, in Spar- J ta , Hancock County, two negro men, who J peak broken Eng- Hjb, fay their names arc Charles and Jm, and that they belong to a Samuel Wilkins (or Wilkie) near Savannah. JOHN FREEMAN, Jailer. March 29, 1803. N OTIC E. WHEREAS my wife Ra chel, has eloped from me without any juft caufe, therefore this is to forewarn all perfons from trading with or crediting her cn my account, as I am deter mined not to fay any debts floe may contrast. Given under my hand ibis 2%tb of March, iSo'p Wm. KEENER, Warren County, T :ie RESOLUTION. A Lady, reading Damn* sJennet m Made this dire rtjdntxcn cn it—* In vain, in vain, is ail you've laid, For I'm refolv’d to die a maid. But this at w iodow glafs JhewruU t To which has been attach' d a r.ote~~ NOTE. The lady who this refclution Uok. Wrote ic on glafs, to fhew »e might be broke. M O K A L . This world, by Tome, is con-r ficlcred as a place deffitutc of every kind of ical plcaluie, and where nothing but lorrow awaits the unfortunate children ol n.f n. Life, by them, is reckoned u (eaion in which we experience little elle than vexation —where happinefs can never be found, and wheie every hope or expec tation will be inevitably bLfled by difappoimment. Yet it, when the mind is calm and peaceful, we impartially examine our lunation, we Hull find cm prelent Hate is far horn be ing lb unhappy as is imagined * and, that whether wc enjoy life or nor, depends for the moll: part on our conduct and difjpo lition. To the heart which in calm and cheerful, nature con ffamly appeals agreeable j 014 every fide, new beauties will fpring up to delight ic: and every piealure, however trifling* will at kail afford ic fume gra tification. Luc if the difpofi tion is fplenetic and impatient, it will ever find lomc caufe foe difcontenr and ill-humor ; to it, every joy will appear incapable of affording a».y fatisfa&ion, and each object, though never lo inviting, will appear invclop eci in darkncls and gloom. GEORGIA, C/oity. II E I< E A S oarah Cul -1 breath, hath this dav ap plied to me lor Idlers of ad liiimflration, on (he chafe and effects of Daniel Cuihreath, of the county afmcla.d dec.; ih'Te aic thcrefoie to cite end adtnonifli all and (ingußr the kindred and creditors of (aid deceafed, to file their obit Avion* if any they have, in mv oiljcc, on Or bifore the fuff Monday in | one next, ether wife letters ofadminiffration will be granted him. Given under my hand at office, this 6th of April, 1803, and in the lythycar ot American Independence. JAS. BOZEMAN, c. c.o. ~C E G R G I ijiirh County. W H E R E A 5 Comfort Boflick hath this day ap plied to me for letters of admi niftration, on the eflatc and ef fects of John Boflick, late qf the county aforef.iid, dcccafcd ; thele arc therefore to cite and admonifh all and Gngular the kindred and creditors of lb#* laid deceafed, to hie their objeflions if any they have, in my office, on or before the 4th day of May next, otherwife letters of adimniffration will be gramt cd her. Given under my hand this 4th day of April 1803 a>ncl in the 27th year ol Ame rican Independence. VGw. BADULY, c. c. 0.