The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, April 27, 1803, Image 1

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V' ’ % v OtWMF V. J LOJ df?t F ’ FtibliHifd every Wednefclay, by AMBROSE DAY & JAMES HELY, Sm* PrMtrt, J dOILuS pCf ann - Amcles of InteU.gncc, Advertifemenu, &c. &c. arc thankfully received, ana 1 Kli< 1 -UG m all us variety, is executed with neatncls aud difpatch. 7/v folding is the firm cf a Bill, ncvj I fire the Legifattire, io he entitled an A St , to make aijirthution cf the late Cejfim of U::ds, fi)tained frem the Creek Nation by the United States Ccr.MiiiJfoners, in a Treaty entered in‘o ai or near Tort IVilkin fitiy on the 16th day of June, iBoi. -bo. I. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ucuf of Reprefen *a~ % lives cf the State cf Georgia, in General Affenddy rust, and by 3 tcLe (Uhaerify cf t,oe fume, i hat the 1 emtory touch of the 4 Oconee and Akitama A Ivivers, ro which the Indian i ule 5 has keen txtinguiuicd by treaty, concluded near Fore Wil- kin Ton, on me day. oi Ihali in conformity to y the twenty-thud fi-Aion of the nrfl article of the conllitution d> of this flate, be laid off into two Counties, by a .north and vj (curb line, run accoidingto the true meridian from # to . w hich (aid Coun -1 tics fhall be called, the eaftermofc by the name of 12 and the wtflermoft by the name of and fhall i j be divided by the Purveyor general, cr fuch of the cidlnd 24 furveyors, as he may think proper to appoint, into five dif -1.5 trials, each County, by north and fouth lines run as afore fa id, l.u which. dillrich foali be numbered from one to ten, by the 57 furveyor general, or fuch diftrift furveyor to be appointed id. in pttrfuance of this Aft, as he fhall chink proper to require. Sec. 2. And.he it further enabled by the authority afore]end, a That the land contained in the kveral diltridls, Mhall be 3 divided by north and fouth lines, run according to the 4. ti ue meridian, and by others crofting them at right angles, 5 lb as to form tracts of one mde fquate, which trafls fhall $ be fubdivlded into fix equal fed ions by rntndians and parail -7 els run as aforcfaid, marking for the corners of the faid fub % diviuons, at the end of every diirance of forty chains of four 5 perches each, on the meridians or north and fourh lines j and iq at the diftanccs of twenty-fix chains and 66 links and 2-jd^ 11 of a link on the or eaft and weft lines i unlefs where * 12 the line which is to form a temporary boundary between the 13 £iid Territory and Creek Indians, or the courfc of nav : gable 14 rivers, may render it imp r ad:i cable; and then this rule fhall 1.5 be departed from no iurther than fuch particular circumftan it6 ces may require. And all fractions of furveys under one X"p hundred acres, which fhall be created by the courfes of na id visrable rivers, by the temporary boundary line, or any other io- unavoidable circumftance, fhall be attached by the furveyors 20 to die next contiguous furvey, ’and become a part thereof ; 21 but if one hundred acres or upwards, they fhall be numbered 22 and drawn for as herein after prov ided for other furveys. Sec. j. And be it fart jeer enabled by the authority aforejald, 5 That for each diftncl, one furveyor fhall be appointed by the Legiflature, but no perfon fhall be eligible uniefs * found to be duly qualified.on examination, and certificate ] oi the furveyor genual ; and it (hall be held and deemed § rral-pra&icc in the furveyor genera), to grant or iffue 3 any certificate of qualification, to a perfon who may rhere -6 after be found deficient of the acquirements nccelkry to ena y Lie him to difeharge with propriety the duties which may be ce required of him by this Act. Sec. 4. And Lett further enabled hy the author, ly of or find, z That the rcfpe&ive furveyors, fnall give bond in the pe -3 ncky of dollars, with fuch fecunty as the Cover -4 nor ill all approve of, for the faithful difeharge of the trull 5 re poled in, and duties required ol them by this vidd. Sec. 5. And te it further enabled ly the authority aforejaii, i Tiricit Hull be the duty of the furveyors appointed in 3 of this Au, to make the furvrysof the ddh ids 4 to which they may icipt&ively be .appointed, in them <j own proper perfon; to mark, or caulc ro be n.a^ed 6 plainly and ddtmcily 1 pen ‘fees, all lines which it may be 7 required of them to run for the purpofe of rna.ung the fiir -8 vt-ys and fulxiiv.fions cf furveys in incur reqtAi'C odlncls; «•> to caulc all fuch lines to be meaiured witu the utmou peffibie la cxs&nciV with a chain containing two perches of fmteen 11 feet and one half each, fnbdividcd into tv cmy-fi T . e equai 12 links; which (hall lx? adjidled to a fbndml to be kept for 13, that purpole in the furveyor general’s oliice ; to take as arcu £4 rarely as poffibic the meanders of ail water cowries, which r 5 fhall form natural boundaries ro any of the furveys or mb t6 diviEons of furveys, and cf di navigable rivers whereby any ry of fuch furveys may happen to be divided * to note m field THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND REPUBLICAN trumpet. WEDNESDAY, April 27, 1803. ÜBBR r it IS OUR M .<rrO — rRV'rHQUR guide iS hooks to be kept by them refpcdivrly, the names of the 19 corner and other ftation trees, which (hall be marked and timbered in loch manner as the furveyor general fhaii direct; 21 alio ail rivers, creeks and other water courics, which may 22 be touched upon or eroded in running and measuring anv of 23 the lines afore laid : tranferipts of which field books, after 24 be mg examined with the originals, by the furveyor general, 25 and ccrt’ficd and figned on every page, by the diftnd fur - ' c >- Js icturning the lame, (ball be depofiud in the furveyor *' 7 S tllcr; d $ office, there to be preferved as a record ; to make 2S a return to die furveyor general in days after the paf ~9 hige of this Ad, of a map of the diftnd to which they may 30 rclpcdivcly be appointed, in which fhall be corrcdly deh -31 neated, reprefented and numbered, in fuch order as the fur -32 veyor general fhall preferibe, all the fedions or fubdivifions 33 of lurveys within fuch difind ; and alio to return at the fame 34 time a detached plat of every fuch fed ion or fubdivifion of 35 land, certified and figned by them, which plats fhall be filed 36 among.the other records in the furveyor general’s office, and 31 ffotii which copies fhall be made to be annexed to grants; 38 and to conform to fuch inftrudions as they may receive from 39 the furveyor general, from time to time) during their con -40 tinuancc in office, and progrefs in the duties thereof, not 41 militating with this Ad. She. 6. And he it further traced hy the authority aforefaid^ 2 1 licit the lurveyors fhall receive as a coinpenfacion 3 per mile, for every mile that fhall be adually run, or fur -4 veyed, and for each k-dion, or fubdivifion, in their 5 difinds, to compenfate for returning maps, plats, and field -6 books, out ot which fum they fhall defray the expenecs of 7 chain-men, axe-men, and every other expence incident to 8 the laid buflnefs, for . dollars whereof the Governor is 9 requeued to illuc his warrant on the i reafurer, in favour of 10 each and every furveyor, immediately on their entering into 11 bond and fccurity as aforefaid, to enable them to proceed 12 without delay, to the execution of their duties, for the ba -13 lance, to which by this law they may be entitled ; they fhall 14 receive a warrant in like manner, on producing to his Excel -15 lency the Governor, a certificate from the furve yor-general, 16 fetting forth that fuch fi rveyor has completed the duties af -17 figned him, and made his returns conformably ro this ad. Src. 7. And he it further enatted by the authority aforefaid , 2 1 hat the furveyor-general, or the diftrid furveyor or I'ur -3 vcyors, who may be employed in dividing the laid territory 4 into diftrids, fhall receive the fame compenfaiion for each 5 rpile run and furveyed, as is allowed by this law for other fur -6 vcyors, out of which, all cxpences incident thereto, mufl be 7 paid, without any additional charge on the (late, and his Ex -8 cellency the Governor is requefted to grant his warrant on 9 the Treafurer, for compcnfating that ftrvice, fo foon as he 10 fhall beadvifed by the furveyor-general of its completion. Sec. 8. And he it further enatted by the authority aforefaid , 2 That the faid land fhall be appropriated by Lottery, in the 3 manner following, to wit: After the furveying is con pitted, 4 and the returns made to the furveyor-general, his Excellency 5 the Governor fhall caufe tickets to be made 911 c, whereby all 6 the numbers of the fub-furveys, or fedions, in the different 7 diftrids, fhaii be reprefented, which tickets fhall be pur into 8 a box to conftiture prizes, with others to be denominated 9 blanks, of which blanks, tl*€ number or amount fhall be dc -16 termined, by fubtrading the number of prizes, from the 11 whole number of draws, to which the.faid Lottery fhall be 1 2 iubjed, upon the following principles ; that is to fay.—Every 13 free white male perform of eighteen years old, or upwards, 14 a citizen of the United Stages, and an inhabitant of this date, 15 ar the time of rhe paffage of this ad, (including fuch as may 16 be abfent on lawful bufmefs,) fhall be err itlcd to one draw. 17 Every free white mdc perfon, of like defeription, having a 18 wife or child under eighteen years old, fhall to 19 two draws.—And every free white male, of like defeription, 20 having a wife, and children under eighteen years of age, c:x or having no wife, but three or more legitimate children, 22 under eighteen years old, fhall be entitled to three draws. Src. o. And be it further enatted by the authority aforefaid , 2 That lifts of perfons entitled to draw, in conformity toche 3 provikons of this ad, fhall be mode out, and traafmittcd to 4 his Excellent/the Governor, within three momhs after i» (her the rera ; nder 3 fee lafl fare.) [No. 198.