The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, April 27, 1803, Image 4

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r paftge, by-any chue or more of the Jufticesof the Inferior 6 Courts, of the refpedive Comities, the Governor being re y quelled forthwith, to iffue his proclamation, to be publilhed S in ail the Gazettes of this ft ace, fetting forth the outlines of n this ad, and requiring all perfons interelled therein, to cxhi -10 bit their claims in the counties of their refpedive refidence, 12 fupponed by the oath or affirmation cf fome reputable evi -1 n dence, where doubts extft in the minds cf the juft ices aforefaid. Sec. io. And be it further enabled ly the authority nfeufaid , 2 That immediately after the return by the diftrid furveyors j and the juft ices of the Inferior Courts, his Excellency 4 the Governor be authorifed and hereby is required, to 5 caufe fair lifts to be made and arranged in alphabetical order, 6 of the perfons entitled to draw ; and caufe the lottery to be y carried into effi d, conformably to the provifions contained 3 in this Ad, under the fupcrintehdency of finch and fo many cj managers as he may deem it r.ectftary to appoint for that 10 purpufe, who fhall apportion the blanks and prizes, in the 11 manner aforefaid, and give one month’s public notice 12 in all the Gazettes of the ftate, previous to the commencc -13 men: of the drawing, and ftiall fee forth in fuch notification 14 the days of drawing for the names enrolled under the letter 15 A; the days of drawing for the names enrolled under the *26 letter B ; and fo on throughout the alphabet, commencing the yj drawing with the names belonging to the full letter. Sec. ii. And he ii further enabled by the authority aforefaid , 2 That all perfons againft whofe names lands may be drawn j in purfuance of this Ad, ftiall become adual fettiers 4 thereon in their own proper perfons, and fhall clear and cift. 5 tivace at leaft five acres for every hundred thereof, and re -6 fide thereon at leaft twelve months before any grant from the y ftate fhall iffue; at the expiration of which term, grants un -3 der the hand of his Excellency the Governor, and the great 9 feal of the ftate, fhall ilfue in favour of the fortunate draw -10 crs, who fhall then have complied with all the requifitions i 1 contained in this Ad, and being applicable to them, their re -12 fpedive heirs or devifees, invefting in them fee 'vnple titles to 13 the particular fedions or fub-furveys of lands drawn againft 14 their names refpedively; for which grants, perfons obtaining 15 the fame, ftiall pay cents per acre, out of which ftiall 16 firft be paid, the feestov/hich the furveyor general, fecretary 17 of ftate and other officers, are entitled by exifting laws, and the 1 8 lurplus fhall be depoftted in the trealury, to reimburfe the ftate 19 for the money which ftiall have been expended in making the 20. furveys, and dividing the counties and diftrids: Provided, that 21 all lands drawn in purfuance of this Ad, which fhall not be lectkd 22 and cultivated as aforefaid, within twelve months after the draw -23 ing fhall take place, ftiall revert to and reveft in the ftate, and a 4 be difpofed of in fuch manner as a future legiftature may dired, 25 any thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof, in 26 any wife notwithftanding; And provided alfo, that any per -27 Ton convided before any Court of judicature, within this ftate, 28 of fpeculating, by procuring or attempting to procure any 29 perfon or perfons, diredly or in di redly to fettle on the faid 30 lands or any part thereof, for his ufe, benefit or emolument, 31 in any manner what foe ver, ftiall forfeit and pay the fum of 32 Dollars for every fuch offence; the one half to the 33 informer, the other half to the ufe of the ftate. Sec. 12. And be it further enabled by the authority aforefaid , 1 That where vacancies may happen by death, refignation or 2 otherwise, of any diftrid furvtyor or furveyors, appointed in 3 purfuance of this Ad, the Governor is authorifed and re -4 required to fill up fuch vacancy or vacancies; and in cafe 5 any furveyor ftiall fail to profecute the truft repofed in him 6 either from inattention or ctherwife, in fuch manner as in the 7 opinion of the Governor, may render doubtful the finifliing 8 the furveys within the time limited, he ftiall have power to 9 declare fuch appointment vacant, and to fill up the fame as 10 in cafe of other vacancies; but taking the precaution to 11 afeertainthe qualifications of the perfon or perfons whom 12 he may at any time appoint to fill vacancies, by requiring them 13 to undergo an examination by the furveyor general, as aforefaid. Sec. 13. And he it further enabled by the authority aforefaid] a That the furveyors to be appointed in purfuance of this Ad* 3 before they proceed to the duties of their appointment/ 4 the following oath or affirmation, to wit: I - 5 “ 7~-> do folemnly fwear or affirm (as the cafe may be) 6 that 1 wul well and faithfully, to the utmoft of my (kill 7 “ and abilities, dilcharge the duties of furveyor of diftrid 8 “ No. , agreeably to the requifitions of an Ad enti -9 1 4< j An L °, dillribucion of the late Ceftion 30 of Lands, obtained from the Creek Nation by the United 11 States Commiffioners in a Treaty entered into at or near 12 Lore Wilkin foil, on the 16 th day of June, i8o2.”~So 13 hep me God; winch oath the furveyor general is au -14 thonfed and required to adnfinifter : and all chain-men to 15 be employed in purfuance of this ad, ftiall, before they enter 16 feverally upon their duty, take the following oath, or affirm a- r l £lo, b Vlz - “ J do folemnly fwear, or affirm fas the 18 cafe may be) that I viJ], to the utmoft of my ikilland judpmcm 19 meafure ail lines, which I fhall or may be employed on as a 20 chain-carrier, as accurately, and with as little deviation Vrom 21 the courfes pointed out by the furveyor, as poflibk— So help 22 me Gcd.” Which oath, the diftrid furveyors arc hereby MARSHAL'S SALE. William Smith, fen.} vs. < fifa. Bator ett Brewer, j j B 'ill be expefed to f 'ale , <7/ //?* Merket-Heufe in Lcuifville, on the fee end day cf Airy next, between tie Lours if jo and 12 o' clocks theJ'dietingproper - ty, to wit: *1 WO Lots in Georgetown, in Warren County, known in the plan cf laid Town by Nos. 11, and 12, on which is a good dwelling-houfe, kitchen, Itore*- halike, and other out houfes, good gin- houfe, in com plete order, with a cotton ma chine of fifty circles, including the permit, or licence from Mii ler and Whitney; *AUb one other Lot in Georgetown, known by No. 10, on which is a good dwelling-houfe--—One tradt of land in the County of Greene, on the waters cf Shoul der bone Creek, containing three hundred -acres—One do. in the County of Hancock, lying be tween the Shoals of and Georgetown, on Ogechee River, containing two hundred and fifty acres—Alfo, two thou - land five hundred acres offend in Franklin County, lying on the Cherokee Trading Path, on the waters of Broad River. 1 he above property, pointed out by the defendant, and taken under execution, to fatisfy two judgments obtained in the Fe deral Court, by William Smith, fen. againfl Barrett Brewer. Leonard Abercrombie, Deputy Marjheil . April 6, 1803. L 0 T T E R T. Jn compliance with an act of the Legiflature of the Bate of Georgia, authorifing certain CommifTioners, therein named, to ellablifh a Lottery for the purpofe of railing three thoufand dollars, for the purpofe of im proving the Navigation of Oge chee and Canouchie Rivers. A majority cf laid Comimffioners having met on the iSch day cf February, 1803, adopted the following fcheme of a Lottery, for the purpofe above mentioned, which they beg leave to prelent to the public. The SCHEME, f prize of 500 dlls, is 500 dlls 1200 200 1 ICO ICO 2 50 ICO 50 10 500 200 6 I2CO 400 5 2000 866 4 34 6 5 812 3 2436 2333 prizes, iosoo dlls 7000 tickets, at two dollars each, are 14000 dollars, which leaves for the navigation, and expences of the lottery, 3500 dolls. Two blanks to a'prize. The CommiHioncrs flatter them Fives they will be able to commence drawing the above Lottery in the month of May next. Tickets to be had at Me firs. Day & Holy’s printing office, Louifv’ille, and of die CommifTioners. FT lAS CASSELS, A . JESSE NFC ALL, ( A JAMFSBIKI), /i <J SITiUTI-*; fAIES. On the jrrft Tuefday in J\fa • next y will he Jo Id. , at the Mar ket llcujc , in Lent faille , /<? high eft bidder , r/to three o'clock , * 2co Acres of Lind, the pro |wfty of* Ifaac Kawis, whereon he now lives, bounded by Ends ofGcorge Jones, Andrews, Her ring and James Stubbs, tofatisf/ an execution J. M. Sieretr dr Jas. Stubbs, executors of Wm. M'Dowcll, vs. Ifaac £awls and J. M‘DanieJ. AHb, 200 Acres of Land, granted to Robert Ronaldfon! taken as the property of Wiiliaru Ronald fun, and George \V, Chifholm, to facisfy Seaborn Jones’s execution. DAVID THOMAS, Sheriff. April 5, 1803. SHERIFF’S SALEsT" On the fir ft Tuejday in Jan. next, will be fold to the higheft bidder , at the Market-Hcuje., in Lcuijvilie , between the hour: of ten and three o' clock , ONE Negro Fellow, named York ; taken as the property of Cheftry Boftwick , adminiftratcr cf JftJeph P reft on y deceafed, to Jatisfy Jofeph Clay , adminiftratoref JoJeph P reft an. Ailb, Eleven Negroes, named as fellows': Charles, Chlce, Sa* vanah York, Nelly, Be Hind a, Ja coby Ned , Becky Adala , Mary and Marratton , pointed out cs the property of Chefiey Boftwick , ftn. to Jatisfy an execution of Pa trick Hays, vs. Chefiey Boftwick, and other executions. DAVID THOMAS, Sheriff. (Iff The Sale cf the above Property , w/// the fir ft Tuefday in May next , if the former terms of fale arc not complied with . 5, JBO3. •N O T I C E. 0;z TUESDAY , the vjth May next , -zH// A expefed to public fale, at the late Dwelling Hcuje cf Nathan Powell, deceafea , A confidtrable quantity of COTTON and CORN, the property of laid deceafed.— Conditions, caili. Nancy Powell, Admix. John Bryan, Benjamin Bryan, Adminiftrators. April 4, 'lBO3. noticeT fff ON Friday the 2Cth of May next, at the plantation cf the late Col. Henry G. Cald well, deceafed, will be fold, the perfonal eflate of the (aid de ceafed—ccnfifting of flock of different kinds, houfehold furni ture, corn, fodder, Ac. r lhe fale to commence precifely at 10 o’clock, and continue until all is fold.—Conditions will be made known on the day of fale. DRUSILLA CALDWELL, Executrix. March 30, 1803. CON FINED in Jail , in Spar ta, Hancock County , two negro men, whoJpcak broken Eng lijhy fay their names are Charles and Jim , and that they belong to a Samuel V/tikins ( ar IP'HE 2) near Savannah. JOHN FREEMAN, Jaih'- March cq, iSoy