The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, May 11, 1803, Image 3

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LOUISVILLE, WEDNESDAY, Afmy 1 1, ISO 3. The Circuit Court of the United Stares, commenced its luting, in Savannah, on Friday the 6ih infUat. n Mirried, lafl evening, James Benjamin Maxwell, E fq. . of Bryan County, to Mils Uoiiy 1 Schley, of this place. Died, at Lifbon, about the firft of February, 7 hemas Buck ley, efq. \ e left fix children, | to each of whom he willed 2j0,000 dollars in fpccic. It is Paid in private letters, that the Spanifh Intendant of New-Orleans, in conlequcnce of his mdraken and injudicious policy, has found it expedient to refign his office, and return to Europe, Aurora, NEW-YORK, April 15. Probability of a renewal of the WAR, between Great-Britain and France. Capr. Sterling, of the Oiip Mercury, from Liverpool, is the bearer of great informs, that on the dny of his departure, (the icth of March) an txprefs arrived at Liverpool from 1 .ondon. An immediate imprefs of fcamen took place, bc-h on ihorc and on board or va'Hs on the eve of failing— and nothing was talked of out WAR and a change of miniflry. This news is not barely verbal -—it comes to us in an official form, as will appear by the fol lowing letter, which, with others corroborative of this account, was received on board the Mer cury after fhe was under way, by a dilpatch boat. Copy of a letter from J. Gof coigns , member of parliament for Li verpool, to the mayor of Liver pool, dated London, March 3. (COPY.) <f Dear Sir, “ War is expeded-*-a me ITige this day from the King to the Houfe to that tendency—militia expefted to be called out to guard againfl aninvaflon--(locks down four per cent. —Mr. Pitt it is fuppoied will return foon to power. I have timfe to add no more, it being 6 o’clock. “ J. GASCOIGNE.” c< London, March 8. A letter from Liverpool, da red the 10th of March, lavs— t£ The London papers re ceived this day mention a decline in the price of flocks and ru mours are in circulation of a change of miniflry ; but fo far as can be judged, there is no reafon to apprehend any renew al of hoflilities.” A Liverpool price current of j the Bth of March, mentions the ; price of American exports as generally declining. April 16. Captain Fuller, of the brig Hound, arrived here laft even ing from the Cape, from whence ihe failed the 27th ult. informs us that the dav previous a fleet confining of ten (hips of war, lix of which were of the ime, and feveral tranlporcs, arrived off that liaibor, having on board I LCcro troops, which were or- j dcred tor Port-Republican.— Gen. Rochambeau removed his head quarters to the latter place on the I'Kh of March, where the government was eflablifhtd. I he command at the Eaoe de volved on general Caufel, who had between 2 and 3000 troops at chat place. No recent en gig< nient had taken place ; bu fl was very dull and ma. krts 1 J w, flour from 8 to 9 dollars, I pork 18 to 20, beef 14 to 15. AN Apprentice is wanted to the ftndy of Medicine, by Doctor Mull, of Augufia Ay (ting Lad of’genteel connections, and ; x unified by education to be fin the above Jtudy, will he taken on moderate terms. Augufia, May 5, 1803. CAUTION." Suhfcriber being pcjfeffed of a certificate from the Comptroller (jcncral , agreeably to a reficlution of the Legijlature of the 11 th November, 1799, in lieu (f an original difiebarge being left , entitling Benjamin Breedlove to a bounty of Jix hundred and forty acres of land, for bis Jervices as a fiddler in the late fate troops ■, and on Jmding a difiebarge, appear mg to be the original, in the name of the [aid Breedlove , in the bands of John William Devereux, ejq. I hewing in my pojfejfon the J aid Benjamin Breedlove's depfition, that be fold and delivered bis dij charge to John Lamar, and the fiaid John Lamar has made oath (whofie depofition is filed in the Executive Department) that be left the faid difiebarge :I do there fore forewarn all perjems from trading for the fail dife Barge. THUS. LAMAR. April 2S, 1803. BE IT KNOIVN7 THAT after the expiration of nine months an application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of the County of Burke, for an order cf fate of the plantation whereon Wiley 'Tharp form tidy lived, in Burke County, on Bark Camp ; containing ninety acres more or lefs, adjoining James John ft on, Efiq. and Wil liam S. Lane after. —For the be nefit of the heirs and creditors. William S. Lancaster, Executor. March isth, 1803. N O f I C E. TVJTNE months after date, ap plication will he made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Hancock County, for leave to Jell a trad cf land in Jatd County, containing one hundred acres, ad joining Samuel Turner and John Brown, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of John Butler , de ceafied. Edmund Bu tllr, Admr. March 26, 1803. n 6 r 1 cT NINE months after date application will be made to the lion. ' Inferior Court of Wafhing ton County, for leave to Jell a trad cf land in Hancock County, near the Oconee, being the property cf John Hunt, dec. for the benefit cf the heirs and credit on ofJaid de ceqfed. Julius Jackson*, Admintftrator . February 15, 1803. ! r) N OTIC E. \ ?ANE months after the date hereof, application will be nude to the hour able Inferior court of I H'afhington aunty, for leave to fell a trad cf land If 100 acres , cu oget bee, adjoining New Gel- ' p bin ton, the property cf IJaac Hclftli, dece.i/cd' —for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. GJDi'KKY BE I'SILL, d idDitiiijlr ator. May 6, iBoj. TAKE NQTICeT 111 tl nine months aftir the 20th of Auguft, 1802, applica tion will be made to the honorable Inf crier Court cf IHafbingtcn county, for leave to Jell a tra I of j 287 1-2 acres of land, in Mont gomery county, on Hightower's creek, being the property cf James Hall, deceaj'ed, for the benefit of the hers and creditors of fetid deceaj'ed. David Bi.ack.shear. Laac llall, Adminiftrators . ""take notice. THAT after nine months from this drite, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court cf 11 cijhingt on County, for leave to Jell a trail cf land, on II HU anjen's fee amp, in /aid County, including a mill called Hampton's , i for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Nathaniel lienfrce, deccajed. JAMES HUSHING, Executor. Augufl 9, 1802. —rr iiumim 111 ii i mn tmi 1 ■ m i —tub — NOTICE. NINE months after the date hereof, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court cj Montgomery County , lor an order tofell the following I raffs cf Land, to wit: 287 1-2 acres of Land, on the (sconce River, granted to the heirs of George Cook. 575 acres adjoining the above on Big Creek , granted to HI Mur th- -1 coo acres cn Pendleton's Creek, granted to John Anaerfcn. AIJo to the honorable Inferior Court of JefferJon County , f or an order to Jell part of a trait of Land, on Hockey Comforter'll being part of the real eflate of Hugh Lawfon, deccajed , for the benefit of the heirs offaid dec eyed. SARAH LAWSON, Adm’rx. JOHN LAWSON, THOMSON LAW SON, Adminiftrators. Jan. i, 1363. _ SHERIFF’S SALES. On the jirfi Tuefday in June next, will be fold to the higheji bidder, at the Market-Houfe, in Louifville, between the hours of ten and three o'clock, ONE Negro Bellow, named York i taken as the property of Cbejhy Bcjtwick, adminiflrator of Jofeph P reft on, deccajed, to Jatisfy Jofeph Clay, vs adminiflrator cf Jofeph P reft on. Alfo, Eleven Negroes, named as follows : Charles, Chloe, Sa vanah York, Nelly, Bdlinda , Ja cob, Ned, Beck, Adala, Mary and Marv at ton, pointed cut as the property of Cheftcy B'ftwick, fen. to fatisfy an execution of Pa trick Hays, vs. Cheftcy Left wick, and other executions. DAVID HUM AS, Sberif. C E A e c T A, 11 cjhinglcn Count f, vy' HhK K \S Marv Paflccf h >th this day . pplicd ion o for 'cttcrs of ado rniltratun i>u the clinic and iIK tbs ot WiU him Parker, latent the county afoicl id, dec. (hde ate there« fore to cite and admunith all and fmgular the kindred .«nd credimis ol (he laid di’ccaled to trie their objcri»ons if anv they have, in inv office, r>U or before lisc i i i Monday in June next, othrr j wile letters of admin.Oration will be granted her. Given under my hand thi.i 4th day ot May 1803, and in the 571 b )ear cf Atmnnn Independence. J. IRWIN, c.c. 0. I ii. • - J|Jr^ CF.ORGI A, Wiuhingion County. H K R E A S Jacob 1 Vitkcr*, Inel Vickers ar 4 Nancy Vickers, harh ihjs day ap plied lo me lur letters of ad">i mlhalion, on th'* elDlc and cf«* h tts ol Jacob Viewers, late of the county af* rtUid, decealed * I thcle are ihcrefoir to cite and | ridniondh all and (mgular rhtf kindred and crtdi ois ot ihe laid 1 decealed, tu file their objections il an\ they have, in inv office, on or before the 2d Monri 1 y in ]une nex r , oiherwile Itticvn ol adminiftranon will be grant* ed them. Given under my hand this 4th day of May 18 3 and in the 27th year of Amc« ncan I (.dependence. I. IRWIN, c. c. o, C K RGI A, Washington County, W UE k KA S John Dor- W fey, hath this day ap plied to me lor letters of ad nnnrll ration, on the ellate and ificcbs of I akin Dor lev, la'C of the county afoiefaid dec ; thde are therefore to rite and admonidi all and fjnguUr the kin Ircd acd creditors of faid decealed, to tile their objibtiom it ary they have, in rny office, on or b* tore the 2d Monday in [unc next, other wife IciCem otadminiUration will be granted him, Given my bar dat office, this 4'h of May, 1803, I and in the 27’ hyear of American Independence. J. IRWIN, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Wah ngton County, VyTl KRKAS William E. Kennedy, (othua Ken nedy, [oftph Kennedy and Sarah Kennedy, hath tins day applied to me for let ters ot ad minift ration on ific eftate and t (lefts of Jofiah Ken nedy, Die of the county afo>e taid decealed; thefc are there fore to cite and adm >nifh all and Gngular the kindred ami creditors of the Did deceafed, to file their objections if any t'ecy have, in my office, on or before he £fi Monday in june n xt, otherwife letters of adrniuKlrd tion will be granted them. Given under my hand ibis 4 h of May 181)3 *nd in the 27 h year f f Ameri can Independence. J. iR WIA, c, c. 0,