The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, May 18, 1803, Image 1

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Volume V.] • LIBI.RTI is OUR MOTTO si HD 'IRUTH UVR GUIDE. LOUISVILLE, (GEORGlA)—Publilhcd every Wedncfday, by AMBROSE DAY 6c JAMES HELY, State Printers, at j oiiari pc. a.tii.. ; aere Euays, Aicicles oi Intelligence, Advcrtifcments, N,c. »Xc. arc thankfully received, and liwNilNG in all its variety, is executed with ncacncls and dilpatch. Jr ** y £ r <' . ” ( y x, \ 1 ;i- m* ' [BY AUTHORITY.] Seventh Congress of the U NITED STATES. | At tbs Secon d Sejfion , Begun and held at the City of Wdbmgton, in the Terri tory of Columbia, on Monday the 6th of December 1802. AN ACT making further fro- i vifwn [or the exfences attending the intcrcourfe bet ween the U- I mted States andjereign nations Slc. i. BE it enacted by the Senate and Hcufe of Ref rejenta tives of the United States cb Ame rica, in'Congrefs ajfemlled , i hat a fum of two millions of dol lars, in addition to the provifion heretofore made, be and the fame is hereby appropriated f >r the purpofe of defraying any extraordinary cxpences which may be incurred in the inter courfc between the United States and foreign nations, to be pa d out of any money in the trea fury, nototherwife appropriated, and to be applied under the di rection of the Prcfidenc of the United States, who Hi all cauie an account of the expenditure thereof to be laid before Con crete, as foon as may be. Sec. 2. And he it further enabled , That the Prefident of the United States may, if he Ha all deem it ncceflary, and he hereby is authors led to borrow the whole, or any part of the laid fum, at an intereft not ex ceeding fix per centum per an num, reimburieable before the year one thoufand eight hun dred and eleven : and it lhall be lawful for the bank of the United States to lend the whole, or any part of the lame. Sec. 3. And he it further enabled , That fo much as may be ncceflary of the lurplus of the duties on imports and ton nage, beyond the permanent appropriation heretofore, charg ed upon them bylaw, fhall be, and hereby is pledged and ap propriated for the payment or the intereft, and reimbursement of the principal of ail fiach mo- THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND REPUBLICAN trumpet. m I I w EDNESDAY, Ma v tS, 1803. rues as may be borrowed in pur fuance of this ad, accordingto the terms and conditions on which the loan or loans may be , effected. Nathaniel Macon, Sfeeder of the Hcufe cf Rcprejcntatives. Aaron Burr, Vice- Pref dent cf the United States And Prefident of the Senate. Approved February 26, 1803. Thomas Jefferson, Prefident of the United States. AN VC F to alter the time of bolding the court cf the United states in Kentucky Dfinct. Sec. 1. BE it enabled by the Senate and Hcufe of Reprefen tatives of the United States cf America, in Congrefs ajfembled, That from and after the firft day of April next, the Unions of the Court of the United States for Kentucky Diftrid, fhall commence on the firft M mdays in March, July and November in every year ; any law to the contrary notwithftanding. Sec. 2. And be it further enabled , That all fines, proccl , and proccedi gs of what nature or kind Ibever, pending in, or made returnable to the laid court, lhall, after the laid fi ft clay of April next, be continu'd over until the next court to be held in conformity to this ad. Nathaniel Macon, Speaker of the lloufe of Refrefentatives . Aaron Burr, Vice-Prefdent of the United States and Prejuicnt of the Senate. Approved, March 2, 1803. Thomas Jefferson, Prefident of the United States. AN ACT fufflementary to the abl entitled “ an all providing fajfports for the /hips and vef fels of the United States." Sec. 1. BE it enabled by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefcnta fives of the United States of Ame rica, in Congrefs ajfembled , I hat every u iregiftered (hip or vcflel owned bv a citizen or citizens of the United States, and failing with a lea letter, going to any foreign country, fhall before (he departs from the United States, at the mqueft of the mafter, be furnifhed by the colleger of the diftrid where fuch vend may be, with a paft port of the form prelcnbed and eftablifhed by the ad to which this is a fupplemtnr, for which the mailer fhall pav to the col lector ten dollars, and be lubjed to the rules and conditions prt - feribed in the laid ad, Ur ftup s and v< (Tcls of the United c races. Sec. 2. And he it further enacted) That there find I De paid on every fuch unregiflcred Imp or vefr 1, failing nr trading to any foreign country, other than lome port or plac c in Ame rica, for each and every vovage, the fame Turn ar the time of clearing outwards, to be receiv ed and accounted for in the fame manner as is by faid Aft requir ed in cafes of fhips and vcifcls of the United States. Nathaniel Macon, Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives. Aaron Burr, Vice Prejident of the U. States, and Prejident of the Senate. Approved March 2, 1803. Tn : Jefferson, Pref ident of the U. States. AN ACT to alter the time for the next meet mg cj Congrefs . BE it enabled by the Senate and Hcufe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Cohgiefs affemled , That after the adjournment of the prefent feflion, the next meeting of Congrefs fhall be on the fiift Monday of November next. Nathaniel Macon, Speaker of the lloufe of Reprefentatives. Aaron Burr, Vice- Prejident of the United States and Prejident oj the Senate. Approved, March 3, 1803. Thomas Jefferson, Prejident of the United States. AN ACT in addition to the abf, entitled “ an att regulating the grants of land) appropriated fur the refugees from the Britifh provinces cj Lanadu and Nova- Scotia ” BE it enabled by the Senate and Houje of Reprefentatives of the United States of America , in Congrefs ajfembled, That Samuel Rogers, one of the claimants under the ad entitled “ an ad for the relief of the refugees from the Britifh provinces of Canada and Nova-Scotia,” fhall be entitled to two thoufand two hundred and forty acres of land to be located in die manner and within the boundaries of the trad defignated by the ad to which this ad is a Ripple mem, and fhall receive a patent for the fame in the manner direded by the faid lafl mentioned ad. Nathaniel Macon, Speaker of the ILuJe of Reprefentatives. Stephen R. Bradley, Prefident of the Senate, pro tern. Approved, March 3, ISO 3. I iho mas Jefferson, Prejident cf the United States. GEO R G I Washington County. HERE AS ff'm. E, Kennedy h ih this clay applied to me for letters of adminilliatinn on the ell *tc and r(F. tts of Un drew Kennedy, late of the count/ aforcLid, dec. thelc arc there fore to cite and admonifb all and lingular th*- kindred at,d creditor* of the laid deccaled to frle their objections if any they have, m tnv office, « n or befote the zd Monday in June next, other wife letters of adminiflration will he gianted him. Given under my hand this 4th day of May 1803, and in the 27th year of American Independence. J. IRWIN, c c. o. GEORGIA, Washington County, W HER K A S Mania Kin* druk, hath this day ap plied to me lor letters of ad nnniHration. on the ellatc and effects of John Kindriik, late of the county af lelaid, dee.; thclc aie thcitfoic to cite and admonifb all and lingular the kindred and creditors of laid deceafed, to hie thttr objection* if any they have, m my office, on or b lore the 2d Monday in June next, othciwife letters of admmtlliation will be granted him, (iiven under rny hard at otlne, this 4t.fl of May, 1803, and in (hr 27th vcai of Amencaa Independence. J. IRWIN, c. c. o. Oil jRGIA, Washington County. \y H E REAS Ro bert St are ley, hath this day applied to me for let ters of ad miniftiation on the ellatc and effect* of Join Da niel, Ute of the county afotc (aid decealed ; thefc are there fore to cite and admontih all and finguiar the kindred and creditor* of the fad deccaled!, to file their objections if any ii ivc, in my office, on or before tie 2<l Monday in |unc n xt, otherwife letters of admmi It ra tion wi I be granted them. Given under my hand this 4th of May 1803 and in the 27 h year of Ameri can independence. [. 1R VVI , c. c. o. JorJjleTi run office, T H K AC T S OF THF. GENERAL AS SEMBLY of the STATE ( F GEORGIA, PASSED AT thl Sessions of Jutf* and November, idDi. [No. coo.