The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, June 08, 1803, Image 3

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.johr hundred and fev*rvty fire JoTlars and fmy eight cents. For nary vard;, docks and rvh<nves, eleven thoufand ft re hundred and thirty-five dollars and twenty eight cents. For medicine, medical f vices, and hoipical ft >rcs for the marine corps, on account of expences incurred in the rear one thoufand eight hundred and one, including a deficiency for the fcrvice of the year one thou sand eight hundred and two, five hundred and ninety fix dol lars and thirty nine rents. For marine barracks, on ac count of expences incurred in the year one thoufand eight hun dred and one, four hundred and one dollars and ni net) three tents. ''For the payrru nr of ,i balance due the eftate of John Llabcr fham, lace collector arSa-Mn 13 i, for naval materials alrcrra ned at the treafurv ; for fundry pay ments made by him to John H. Morel, on the fame account, in cluding a commiffion on the laid payments at one per cent, fix tern ihoufandnine hue dred and f Tty eight dollars and thirty feven cents. Sec. 2. And he it further enabled, That the leveral in ms of money herein fpeci ft rally appropriated and amounting together to the fum of one mil lion and ninety eight thoufand feven hundred and ninety feven dollars and forty-fix cents, frail be paid firft out of the.fum of one hundred thoufand dollars already appropriated for the naval fervice during the year one thoufand right hundred and three, and fecondly out of any monies in the treafury not other wiic appropriated. Nathaniel Macon, Speaker of the I hide cf Reprejent atives, Aaron Burr, Vice-Frejtdent of the United States atid Frefident of the Senate. Approved, March 2, 1803. Ihomas Jefferson, Frefident o f the United States. L O U I S V I L L E, Wednejday , June 8,1 SO3. In a letter from Bourdeaux, dated March 26, Mr. Pinckney the ambalfadoT, writes from Madrid, that he has arranged the New-Orleans buflnefs ami cably with the Spamfh govern ment, which new nothing about the intendant’s. condudl. Or ders are gone on toreftore things to their proper fi r u ition. Boflon paper. Republican Printers can be jfrolecuted for the mofl trifling errors, and the federal printers efcape with impunity, when every column of their papers exhibit a libel upon the general government. Bur. rh : day of retribution will come —funner or later, juftice will take pi ice. In ‘Mr. Adams* reign, many grofs adls o f v i o! e n ce we re co,rs - niitted on r? publican printers, and the m »T innocent things tortured in:, leditron and trea fon. But the rimes are chtng'H, and the federdiils have c’ja ! 'g'cd with the tim a s. ft is now law ful to abufc and calumniate Mr. Jrff c rfon, nnd the federal preff 2 arc furcharged with the ffiuldl and moft illiberal afperfions a gamit him, who is the pride and glory of our country. But good will come our of evil, and we agi>T with Mr. Paine, “ give tj.e 1 eeleralills ro’ f e enough and they willfoon hang thunftdves.” Ibid. A i trer from Wafhington S cc I hat the government ot the United States has receiv ed official notice from the mi niftcr of his Catholic Majefty, that in the cefiion of Lou.liana, the rights of all nations, deriv ed from treaties, are relcrvcd.” hh c aye informed, that on the 2.5 th of March, cape. M‘Neil law a letter from a very ref pedlable houle in London, winch mentioned chat Mr. Put, was about to return to power, and that Lord Whitworth, the Brtdh AmbafTadur in France, was recalled. Char left on Piper, PITII ADELPHIA, May 4. Extra ft from IVcfhington City , to the Editor of the / burora , dated May 2, 1803. s ‘ An exprefs has reached this place, and is laid to have brought difpatcLcs from our ambaliador, containing advices of the adlual renewal of war in Europe.” WIL L BE SOI D, On the lafi Friday in July , at the plantation of Samuel Andrews, late cf this County , deceajed , between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, Part of the Perfonal PRO* PE/xTY of faid deccafed, for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors. Conditions, cafb. W m . A N D REW S, Executor. June 6, 1803. WILL BE SOLD, On Monday the iSth day of July next, at the Houje of Samuel Clements , Parc of the Perfonal Proper ty of Nathaniel Whitaker, dc cealed, confuting of iioukhokl Furniture, &c. See. also, On ’ ihurfday , the 21 ft of July next, at the plantation cf John Briggs, e/q. in Montgomery County, A Stock of about 120 head of Cattle, belonging to laid Eftate. Conditions will be made known on the days of fide, by Ac NESS W HIT AKER, Advirx. B. Whitaker, Admr. June 7, 1803. ____ WILL BE PUBLISHED, bn a jew weens, That WORK, entitled, Hymns, poems and . STATEMENTS, a Will in Dialogue — the Order of Mtichizedec difplaeci ir,Church and :itate, demonftrating the falvirion of ail Men, through Chi Tr, a Lb bath for ail Men, By ISAIAH EILAND, & PHILLIPS GIBBS. Jan. 193 s3o,j. SW-aiFF** SALES. : O': Tuej:!ty f the sth day cf July nc <\ at the Court-Houfe cf // (ijbingtcn County , in Sand erf u/V.v, the ufual hours 9 WILT, BE SOLD, , : 5 acres of Land, whereon tne widow King nowlives, taken under execution as the property of David and Jeremiah Glenn, to Urisfv Bmdry executions. . f f 5° acres good pine Land, joining the fame, us the proper ty of Hailv Robinfon, at the inftancc of I lenrv Cocks. ico acres of Land, as the property of \\ ilLam Wicker. coo acres the property of Julius \\ icker, on Sandhill Cree k, to fatisfy James M‘Do nald’s execution agamil William and Jul ins Wicker. 200 acres the property of F. Kennedy, known by the Limefinks, to fatisfy George I larrall’s execution, pointed out by the defendant. 7 12 12 acres on the Oconee River, as the property of Ben jamin Few, to fatisfy Boykin & Canty. Ho acres pine land, joining Roughton, to fatisfy William C raig’s executions againftSabert Odum • levied on by a confla ble, and returned to me. A quantity of Salt, Bored at Long Bluff, faid to be 500 buflicls j and one hoar, lying at the fame place, as the pro perty of John K. Candler, to liuisfy James Thweatt’s execu tion againft Candler ant! Spick ard. Conditions—Cafh. J. L. DIXON, Sheriff. May 30, 1803. NOTICE. ALL perfons are hereby forewarned, from trading for or taking an alignment 011 a note or bond given to Field ing Kunnals, of South-Carolina, Edgefield County, for the pay ment of two hundred pounds, then South-Carolina currency, bearing date 1782, or 1783, as well as I now recoiled, as I have once paid and difeharged faid obligation, and am determined not to pay a fecond time. Samuel Ridgdell. March 21, 1803. NOTIC E. ]\j IN E months after datCy ap plication will he made to the In ferior Court of Jeff erf on County , for leave to Jell the real cjlate of Patrick M-Neely of faid county , deccajed—fcr the benefit of the heirs and creditors of faid deccafed . Hugh M‘ Neely, Adminijirator . May n, 1803. NOTIC E. JSJTNE months after date, ap plication will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court cf Jefferfon County , for leave to fell a trail of land containing one hun dred and forty three acres , ad joining James Trovjell an cl ’/ hem as Farfom—Jor the benefit cf the heirs and creditors cf Elias Bar renly mceafed, James T rowell, Admr. May 10, 1803. ALMANACS For Sale at tl F OBke. NOTICE. Richard berry hiving propagated fcvcral re ports injurious to my character* an 1 reputation, and in addition to many inlults, has forewarned all gentlemen againft receiving me into their company.—Al though it is a doubt with me, whether gentle or Ample will pay any attention to his metri cal valediftory that appeared laft Wed nc Id ay—yet I deem it a du ty incumbent upon me, to refute his fcandalous affirmation.— Berry’s Hadden departure from this place, has deprived me of an opportunity of calling him perlonally to an account. JOSEPH P. SLADE. Pis flandrr whoje tongue cutve noms all the Worms of Nile. Fcr he who writes and runs away; May live to write another day % But he who will L is poft maintain, Shall honor bo aft and victory grin. Gay. Immortal Power affft my verfe. Peer Richard's praijes to rc hearfe. Who, trlifting to his fmple quill, Odes , and re-edes meat his will . Could J eppefe his noble rhyme, And join my meafurts /» the time, Give him the regulative thwack, Or place the Ccwfkin on his back h Upon his forehead then engrave, Is he, or is he not a knave ■, Convince him that my Springs re tain. Their former vigour , and re main, Li force effective to withftand, The bnfe affertiens of a band. Who, Hell hound like, their Jury blend, A dirty fellow to befriend ; Alas ! poor Dick, thy grace is fled* 11 bile vengeance hovers o'er thy head, Though from her minions you with draw, Unto the banks of Alatamaba* A latent foe your joys fb all blight. To ftjew you that my watch is right. Can Georgian beds cafe weary limbs, Or Major Cnngcr* vie with Simms, Canfpeculators prove unjuft, Or public Jervants mind their truft ■, As well the Printer may pretend , Dick Berry's caufe to recom mend. When confeious that Jo poor & fnipe, Is but the d — l's worn cut type m Nor ftjall I value him the lefs, Would he prepare this for tho prejs. Sunk in the vale offat ire's lafh, I can advance but little Cafh , Though to a heart like yours in clined, A free enlightened generous mind, mil ne'er conjure rny intents , Should I be wanting fifty cents . But to return to wretched Dick, Vile as the offspring of a tick, Tour friendly warnings I re-greet. And wifh you well in your re treat, May you with intereft be repaid , Tour friend and fervent, J. P. SLADE. ° Ex-Treafitrer. BLAN K DEED V Fcr Sale at this Office,