The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, June 15, 1803, Image 1

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Volume V.] /2JS S AM3ROSE DAY & , pi; i\ wiUCS 0 Advcrtifements, &c. &c. -nG in ail its variety, is executed with neacncls and di I£/* ACIS of the General AiTcnibly ot this ft ace, paffed ar the heiTion which commenced the 18th of April Eft, publifhed by order of tlie Executive. A'2 AC r to amend an al, point ing cut a mode for adjufiim the claims of the citizens of this State, again]} the Creek Na tion. BE it enabled by the Senate and Houfe of Rsprefsntatives of the State of Georgia , in Gene ral Affemhly met, Tha: it fhall be the duty of the Comptroll er General, to examine a!] fuch claims of the Citizens of this State again ft the Creek Indians, fur property plundered and de tained from them by the laid Indians, as may he laid before him by the Executive, on or be fore the firft day of November nexr, and that he do report to the Executive a fchedule there of as foon as portable thereafter, and chat his Excellency the Gov ernor be, and he is hereby re * J quired to deliver to the Comp troller General, fuch claims as are now dep-ofired in the Exe cutive Department, againft the laid Indians; and aifoall fuch as may be received on nr before the faid hill day of November next. Sec. t. And be it further enabled, That the Comptroller General be allowed and paid out of the Contingent fund, a Turn which may be deemed by the Executive an adequate coinpen fation for his trouble. Abraham Jackson, Speaker cf the I loufe of Repreftrntatives . So lo mo n Wood, Prefidcnt cf the Senate, pro tern. AlTenred to May 9, 1803, John Mill edge, Governor. An AC F, Supplementary to an all entitled, “ an Aft to eft al lifts a fund for the redemption cf the public debt of this ft ate." WHEREAS by the above recited aft, it is made the duty of the commiftioners therein named and appointed, to fuperintend the lurveyor by them to be appointed, while on the duties of his cilice, while feeking cut and re-furveying the lands belonging to this Stare, (agreeable to tire aft of con fifeation) previous to their be ing ltd I as direfted bv faid aft, and no corn pen fat ion is allowed by laid aft, to faid comrnlfiio ners, lor their time and expell ees, while attending on that part of the duties of their office, j bor remedy whereof — Sec. 1. BE it enabled, by thdSenate md Houfe of Represen tatives cf the State of Georgia, in the Louisville gazJ _ R _ E PUBLICAN T RUM* WEDNESDAY, J„ NI ,j, 18 0 3 . 1 IS CUP. MOTTO TRUTH WR GUIDE. Gcjjl? a I Ajjemlly met, and by the authority of the fame, r \ hat from and immediately after the paf img the above-recited aft, the laid commifTioners dial! be enti tled to receive at the rates of three dollars per day, each, wnilc in aftual fervice of the ffate, in luperinccnding the faid lurveyor, while on the duties of his office, as pointed out by laid aft, as a compcnfation for their time and expences while attending on that part of the duties of their office, which fhall be paid out of the monies aris ing from the Tales of fuch pro - perty, And whereas it appears by the repo t of laid commif- Tionets, laid before this leg!na ture, that there is a probability that property to a large amount belonging to this (late, ftill re mains undilcovercd or concealed from the com m i fil one rs ofthe ftate for wane of proper encourage ment being given to individuals to encourage them to make fuch w p roper ty knov. n. —7 ht ref ore — Sec. 2. Be it enaided by the authority after c fad l, Thai it (hall be the duty of faid commifTioners, on receiving from any per Ton or perfons, good information of any pro perty belonging to this ftate, by virtue of toe act of confifcation, (not uncovered or pointed out before the pafling the above-re el ted aft) to proceed and make file of the fame agreeable to laid aft, and fhall pay unto fuch in former or informers, at the rate of twenty per centum, out of the nett proceeds of Tales of fuch property by them pointed out; provided he or they fhall go forward witli one or more ofthe commiftioners, and affift them to identify faid property, to the fatisfaftion of faid commiftion ers ; and the faid commiffioner. fhall take bond and fecurity of fuch informer or informers, in double the amount of the pre mium to be received by him or them, conditioned, that if any or all of faid property To point ed our by him or them, fhall hereafter be legally claimed, and trie ftate fhall think ftr and pro per to refund the lame, or the amount of Tales thereof, that then and in that cafe, he or they fhall refund to the ftate, his or their commiftion fo n ceived, for or on account oi fuch informa tion, f>r Tech part thereof as may be fo legally claimed. Sec. 3. And he it further enabled, That it (hall be lawful for Eaid commiftioners, to tax a bill of coft for any necdury ex pences they may be at in taking into pc Hellion, and fupporting any negro or negroes they may have occafion to take into their pofieftion, by and in compliance with laid aft, and all other ne cdury expenres they may be at in feeking after and Iccuring any property belonging to this ftate, in order to make Tale thereof, in conformity to laid aft, and the laid bill of expences fo an Ting, ftiall be laid before his Excellency the Governor for his approba tion, and fhall be paid out of the monies arifing from the lale of fuch property. Sec. 4. And he it further enabled , That when it ftiall ap pear to the Legi ft at ure of this ftate, that the fa;d commiftioners have fold any property (by vir tue of this or the before recited aft) to which the ftate had not a legal claim, and the per lon or ptrlons claiming the fame, have fupporttd their claim in a court properly author!lt d to try the lame, and obtained a judgment in his or their favor, the pur chafer or purchafers lliaii be re funded out of the treafuryof this ftate, the amount of Tales of fuch property in the fame kind of payment, as lie or they have made to the commiftioners. Sec. 5. Be it tha eftore enabl ed, That a plat of each tract of land, which ftiall be fold in pur fuanceof this, the before recited or confifcation aft, ftiall be made cut by the aforefaid comm.ffion ers, who fhall affix the fame to each title, which ftiall be given or figned by them. Sec. 6. And be it further enabled. That it fhall be the duty of the Secretary of State, ar.d Surveyor General, to give fuch information to the aforefaid commiftioners, as their reflec tive offices may afford, for which fervices they ihali be paid the ufual office fees, and no perfon fhall receive any emolument for any information whatever, ex cept for fhewing the prernifes, and more fully identifying the property, than can be obtained by information of record. Abraham Jackson, Speaker ofthe Houfe ofßeprefentatives. Solomon Wood, Preft dent of the Senate, pro tern. Aftented to May 9, 1803. John Mil ledge, Governor. NOTICE. JSJ' INE months after date, ap plication will be made to the In ferior Court of Jeff erf on County, for leave to fell the real eft ate cf Patrick M* Neely of faid county, dec safe d—for the benefit cf the heirs and creditors ofjaid dtcecfcd. Hugh Adminiftrator. May 11, HO3, Records Inite SrwtlnTs Office, and will remain in f.cuij ville a few weeks, thinks prefer to inform the inhabitants cf the town an.l its vicinity, that they can have any Books whatever re bound cn reajonahle terms. sip ply at Meffirs. Day tj I Pei ly's Printing Office , to Id Hi am Powers, Louifville , May \-jth , iBoj. COLLECTOR’S SALES Will he fold on Tucjday the 2$ th of "June next, at the Court - Hcufe in IVayneJhorP Burke County, the following trails cf land, cr as much thereof \ as will fettle the taxes due for the years 1801, and 1802 , to wit: 2000 acres of pine land, lying on Savannah River, the pro perty of White R officer—'Lax due, 31 dollars 87 1-2 cents. A lib 100 acres Savannah fwamp, lirft quality, the proper ty of Francis Paris, fen.—Tax due, 9 dollars 87 1-2 cents. 540 acres of pine land, the property of James Stringer, of Burke County—Lax due, 2 dollars. 150 acres of land, 2d quality, the propert) of Samuel Redd— Tax due, 2 dollars 25 cents. 500 acres of land, 3d quality, the property of Solomon 3 Jac kins—l ax due, 4 dollars 12 1-2 cents. 200 acres land, 3d quality, the property of Willis Drew— Tax due, 3 dollars 87 r- 2 cents. 300 acres of land, 3d quality, the proj'erty of Benjamin Green—lax due, 15 dollars 37 1-2 cents. 86 acres of land, jd quality, the property ofShadrack Dukes —Tax due, 1 dollar 12 1-2 cents. 300 acres land, ifl quality, the property of Hugh Steal— Tax due, 6 dollars 25 cents. 300 acres of land, the proper ty of Robert Nobles—Tax due, 5 dollars 50 cents. 250 acres of kind, jd quality, the property of Charles Simons Pax due, 2 dollars 75 cents. 250 acres of land, the proper ty of Mills W oodard —-Tax due, 2 dollars, 87 1-2 cents. 250 acres of land, part of the eflate of Elizabeth Odom, giv en in by Mills Woodard—Lax due, 87 1-2 cents. 606 acres of land, 3d quality, the property of Richard Moore —Tax due, 5 dollars 75 cents. ABNER HOLLIDAY, r. c. b, c. April 27, 1803. cents.