The News and farmer. (Louisville, Ga.) 1875-1967, July 22, 1875, Image 2

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1& imeiti * Tm', ? 4^2or?.iz?csc. JULY 22, le<j. juu-i-'-wagßssk ~r*sxi'a-f" * ■*. Tho Bedchev e*4* Stas ttewi .-* Big Bo nanza fort’i; lawyers. .MfJEvazA re., eeivM r>3,o‘)o, ifr. 1 #3O,o<®. Mi; I'. ill $5,000,- lie. *V.- iarton ?2,r>o#, Mr. Mosti's rC.SvJ, vnt ilr. Pryor s2,.'oi). Mr. Lii-tat-japa i,-- ftued to accjjtt money for his xervioe;. Tiw l>li! v .o;M> of the Sfet-hoJist Episco pal church, south, lixyc-decide J ttettfeo , :ale of ittUixi?atiiig liquors, by thel*rjra j or wcaU guj.rl.liV4 coustitutii ri vi ,>;*(/ tion of ll.: 3?:tho fist !-w, &*\found i tho lyr. ioofrba ggacgg *t?jyi f'-fcffU'ifta'. 1 ’hr avoiaanoc of r'Tof vvSriliny and the doui, oj ifj,x r.L tv.-ir i. ■ iag, the An onfiViihtrU t coaferonce re ecntlyp.m.vJ the fowling - • That the number.? of cur ere most eiraestly exhorts ,1 t-> separate themselves ii sat v:-;fla£'itulerunei by f'-oo*!roofal3.1 i) h>li| itujrS mar! It'- : Holy Scriptures. Thr.t cur piistor:? are hereby called j upoi. t j juTcieasi^, etifjri • the Alio ; ofour fci jh.y'.r :i • > the ’ *-i'w ‘ of iti*‘ church with respect t : tb: *' s’.e eft ! iatoxicatih f Uquere. The Vlfslsom-s to tjra Scu'ii Tho latHitary companies Loza r.: ecrj a*vl Smith G&roTUa, that atfen 10-i the caieicu/llca, o.’ the eanteuav.! aavi'v.r sa ry trtrtte -. ’ Hunker TT.ll, 'or the 17th n’.L, were w<2. •.r.rl •:> the no.I c.‘ Ma3achinefi 5 / the ’ .Jr. ue.' • ’ Quin *y, -Who e :e* ■.l ,1 .. :••• H isM.v : as follows: Fifty youTH a '•> f r-’brl Lckßlc the ! great Merrcchnset-ts s‘stcr;r,ari when hr .spoke to tbfj TvetiOTi foin ThmVe.r Hill. 1 Wouii that! coal.t reoei: ;l:e tons; in i which ha called us to fcv;>s* all s'—i-iontii feelings, an t <1 •wfe o-::t>olv<> j" to <.-.• country, ottr whole goanfry i-.xl no‘J*iu • baft oar comity? &•;'< p:*>V .. ; k-wa’ 1 to itivo;”..'e on ■ minds with '.- •Oat !jim IS or to 1 • ;fize lit wit!: : •■■ •binijnee. But in Ms familiar iinyue : let m reii‘ .v our ;i.tle.;ienoea to M’-:’. , -.;- tral so v.•.■•.!: gnty which Is 'ou.* hr-p;;: world. S ’lie :a 1 tH&ia.'.n:; of Shu'.'.. : Carolina .Nt-w York aifl M • -srt hafe‘.:.< North, South. o K:h and West, 1: us ■ Imred*v km is Rid repost fc-o*.her t.hp w t!r . shall echo 01 vr:. -a oar children si r j ~r.r ;p to be. 1 ■' s 1 Union, no-a and f-.-cv.- ou-. mid i.r?n • arable.” - -ns)H9l-<-aMu> c'e.'l. V rt. 3. TrU !fj. —•- ITri ! * ! t. ,Ji i v i w from a pror.iaen*. Sourhuv.'- ' {•. * ■ traGkilw spy a, • 'visa. I'. M. B. Young. t.habrave : 'l. Liujciv.iiry *-:8 aw of tIS lo :tc-t t. •. iva-; to-.; i :: >I.UT\ >r b; len'lhi ;X• • • Y k I'.wMbaat-s : iV.-.v •I.V/s ; ... . f.i •; ••.!.••. off • r lli sai '. “While th. Old World tensing fo’ 1 - war, k-‘, us arm for . \\ hile v.- • h tould aw; •* lueann.l pr /-*;;•>t ibr oar cikirt ;;, at lio and abrovl, wv stionlfi f'u.’i:>>.i : :■.< t .V-. the blew! i;s v.'..'. 'e i-. brings. I.- v< : - frown l,vn 3.3 k‘.on .ii ;:n a-. I may-plots, who w ki! 1 k ‘iji • vetlv fir?:- ■ Mb.' I hold bto1) • i 1 r■ ■ vl ; r i .. ; North and ‘Mu it. EaA re; IW*:-;', t ta bor f >;-v. ■uT v: < plr.tgp by <f mr ooimim ff.'int;.'. Lotus gat '.cr. nr:;: year, to th. i a ii:i! in pil. rd its Mji:.::;, and o": • ■; ;v prayer • , after of lib-d+v for h vlf-RIL .>f *he f ;wr pv:ti - ti*o.'. on.; fatii :<t -lie J to necur • • Getural Young' exprewc-d throoin thnent* o till tnw wy*n who d-jsire pxace and harmony tn fin •. ' : Whin th® S ,f ■' it ■tu y t 4•- her rl ,r vi > :i>! t, •• ■ Young w: > abv ;• •! ?.h- :■ .V h laid (.iown Ler . cr-tsities of '.ilo ■••.'• > rur.v. •••'’. ’.••••? h liia cumuli:.; .>.-• i <•■') . ; ; g.;:;. hovorad o\ sr parstnekeak.:r] "A.-, ;r.l of prey, tV.-i™’** r.Vhri st. box. uptltf ! iuiap <) i i't tb.s, h "3 < Congrms, uti 1 wf-er. L- M.ive bri 1 ah of paaos is heul.i* i*- Ms rts.s-!. * 1 u;-iui>- iie is o! 1 > ■ 'r >s‘ sons to gr,ss(i it, ;,\i i if thibo. i’.\ -.’a to ba r..ii ha;- kindly tuna for po-.-i* hotf.n k, u \< !l amotigthe firstt< r< it. R sue m ,!tcu4. Procedures cf Uvirc 3 'J^tn.tiissione;:. Loci*, n.m i G '* •. Ju’y Ab. j Boaril na-**. to *.'j m nil' ml. Present fr 'O. P. Mtrb >rt, Ch*lftan ; : G. Jordan, if. A. Sinti'.iuJyU, X. i. iittr m.un avt i Dr/Ncwi rii Olipbanl Board uppr. •vd m ion of./.'i .I>u ..;■* Sinqueiirfl-l hi \ U. c. chain ga'.; r ,. R'l p *‘,ition of A. Boa?? ! .',<iisniiss.-:l Oca, T i>' ■Arl: f'jiiHp ttal for l to open up obetru.Ra-l road Ms distrith. • Dfi-Ksitn IV-w;: 110 pended Tr-Sm pauper li . CJ-kd, That Uniat*",- o: Mrs. J,Ua Banbury, Elisa."lfetryTTranS"'m'.l Har riet be eaih allowed one dollar p:r month janjl. Carswell, B3 nt - . a - , Or.n, Thai ,vlO'.atm -ft.wirK)-t'otygh be placed pn pauper l-A and atiofv. 1 tour do’.’-: our rnViih. rf, it.' Hunter, asat. OKD. it.> Kujrto t .J'.Olipbr.nt, Uob’t. Mercer, u ?Hr li. Smith be i-mpotfer e'l to < ajuu'ta- Hawari bridge and de .ei liilnu w.vit repaws are ueeeaiary, and further Mia, the/ b autk . \ • those r-iniirj m eleani pr-Jwati’iteu Sid to this B ja.d, - t"*g Or-.->. Th.'. "/ai .T.telwoyfit *an. iMh H nSnhiUrM rff Bi'tfA Nn'i.d •' tied, he pM >' i “3 •'A t mid one dollar pe no -th pew h:e b. m Brasil, r'ti* M** — _ . . . rQechuuts apprcve*! and •red pitld ■fro:C*rtr. K'uss.eU?e-, :> ! TundfSll:^. 211. Renj.-Lawrence “ xT.OO -212. John Rnswl . i/.T --213. Joseph Ajrreij'h;’.’. •• M gt 4 vuj# .■ in. G.W. Qubiny " W %2.90.. 210, ' -njr. 217. •• 2i-H. ,'*c 3.00. gib. #*• 2.19. •;2P. J •• I.CO. ?/:. •# 8.20. 1.. 2*1.00. 22.1 •- L. U. W.Miviie? “ 6.08. 221. R. J. HoyC 15.00. *22;'>. IvL Bkv.yhsp’ n W. II.) 1.83. ■ -I* ’1 ■ ’tiju.' v wU vf.du 227. '■ ■' 22.101 - ■* " l 8.1 tit. .. '! ■ “ “ 10.70. ; 250. •: •• . ... 23,5$ SU. J. •• . • ,28 20. 2yi.' ft “ y f.20.- 2-W. “ '•< y.J.iO. 'Mb *• e. 7 20. ' re’-.e ci ..> or, iLyu- XWg&A to dt> pnijilslithg for the yCjjii.i'y pcnii lencing Ju- M o*n, lc'7D. • 100.00.- Ir 1 - 235. Jlcat fcoag’t fond! 10.00. : ' 2' . i- a •■■!' ' 30.90. f SsIS. A-fan .t r Smith ** 4.00. 219 r yaWer?& Ddjspish • *ls-367? 2th. It. A. (-ar : 1.00. 241. F. A. SliiguatJjl.l “ ' 113.87. • 212. Fi .dir,rd Barnett “ 4.-OS. :Me. F. A. 8inqxsollc!:l •* 30,'05. gCI, Jd.JLi-l.vr-il.l “ 263.0.0. 24J. j. F:. I'oWil! f •“L 14:50. 2.V0. Mrs. ki-.-klrud “ v.>.v. -* -f i .‘,-4- L.h j. 218. JoSifmpn TVHk’.: - " 2.0,'). A 2 to. T...F. C.wlk, . “ 5.00. Tliat the je'tlor shall re ceive f';n or deliver 0) gue-d of chain ! gang, aii convicts whe-n cr.lte i for or da- : livers .1. :,r nap: iojj ha -b:-!l ft '•eive on • *ci-.Ai:fr icr delivering chi .deliver..! # :■$ gra?. In tie c*vnt cf ju tes -jnd iJe’ih .ibe. hi! tin jrfii 'of eith er-:. 4 all“jvi- i-f, he sb tll roacivothc rv ;u!.vr ft. -;■ prescrioad for such sor vl< 0 . ..Oro, That F. A. F'rsv.v:fir'd rack'.- 1 Bifc eittl contract *d: i§e li a at niljoa ; .lecessary the v :,n jcf.s. imd tbat v„>. j other nore-vn, s'aeritf exempted, | vi-all ' :<v : tits right to make any sack i centred 1 . 0r.0., Tint "*urban IStc-eris be fonr.- | .11 / dil from :•!* ohain gang as ! hs f-i ;.-‘ittplie-l with Ills sontomes ia I iitlk '■ >l.; . '!**:■ ' -’a '! IX CVdio ,v-r ! 100 t .:v r vf, oa Stele tax, t be dd pi lof j-,1!0vv.) : 8 Wr eent. for Faupcr Fund. :.’0 *• “ v Jury •• “ Bri t_>e *• j 130 “ “ *•' OJlcci’S “ f1;::'.. 1:. :.*>, Th“ 7 the Troarurcr pay •y S■: P tou of Brid fund. | ■ • •., Tin '.ntc jular < -rati'.-: ihe made 1 a:T iv. ft: >v-igo)i--rs eouft'’"-! in i >:• e.ii gavj. ,/i'r •■ .. i | : ' tor ft al. a.:- ip. tsotvers; sis c tor j m-b eil ••.:• ’ m. ‘.'vi the' vvv s vui he famish!'-1 with- comf* - '.eh.- cinthiA - ;. ! V. .0 !>?J vUd"- *- r> - l !,.-*sd - A -J' • -.t. 1* • h I’-ov-i. CVk. B. R. r-.v j\vrr.;] Uartorv hiti a 3tc, '■Mi-: r- v.-v it, ■ • ' V.'.- have a L-.r.yr:’ ol'O-jod i.; a fill k,::lib:vs t. Whst> wa ti~3t ■•■ v ii :. \ vv ;>a.vth:- public ‘My fi.iv * :• tv ,' >;' 'fh.C pvohtf ike diii ue.'s ;;*i Itlw'lk : i u- SllVi 170'.:. V.l - iny to ;he jv:!i: z bus,!'.; 53 .S.S us e,'..— • s w ■ o.t' thepiih’i!; lug ape-rcher. wif.hoip. t'w d’.naer, au ! t.*a pvoli; •be. u‘jt i: v. in ii-i-en to sprcchc 5. TU:-;) v/j.yor, no poor w j ooidilu gis-e blg'lu:- :i: nor bi' tpaocKe ■cii-. r, ieh sic. Is:; 1 hPI • . >\ •sv.piuT-t ci i i'.-.-s era ' r. par tial for t 10 ;rc.m>o.-3, st’i t thopubia coll et its .-c'dlh 3v“>-toe ; .-y ; . v, - triei -. v •lyt.vv.c 6.111 everyUiuse; fai’ed to sii-tko Irhais ibr tno Lodge.. Tniiif*. * r v ?.ro dcspetiitc wa j. Col. Hi 'lihin,’tf:3 Wl* ill.?, cha ap’.o.i of :-Vv •. etc - .'C "*■ 'Cd !•• .-ini.-l eons ■ tu ' c I .v > it-k. r ;• sit 7 of 4>4i up,->& fioiranrttc.'-.ea*. .... Wt re >~o■ i . 1 .1 lil'.uitsy, if in ". W-.* hliucl ;ot oi ' isii'..'i'ia’ irvuiay. W-r uare ,i, • • in : : > i'Lbu w’orid know Pi:.; vi- . ~i lived. We ware r. wiiliu- . Oil; an -i j-.h ti.ioa'i ho.w J '\; prd-si:;.: if c.'t-n ; C ■.•!.• ffk'k’v. C• L yr'r.T ;a 1 ■ <*iuM]ha 1 v yy'-nd' 1 the ,t t j, 31r. -■ lit''", we e • ,• 1 11st i ire yc. 1 ruvtiiii i vu -i t < Weil, >ine n.i !.•• ml •* • riling Ce'i “ >mo •;’'.- (r. AVI me •. • . C '- - ‘."S" S"i! it, .‘l" ; that; 17v f. ' Ur.-: sa-ijiAii-yainc. Xi wonldu’-t ; .1' °.■ Iv■ j" 11 i5- a't dit -di sv. V a cti ->0 ;; ,u roii-iht. ’ftru ve,; :h . . t: 1;n ■;; r.-, knew iv- •ocidbufyiMi the --•) vtelViUt'.i.O'h hw Gr?>i id :!!•• I .'n 0 1 i. '; 1. )y f■' 'V. \/* li O 'Crt*. Goo-1 roilipiu!*- l-Oui til v milk uuot :>bwidn- *3 “Spellra- lio>,” i how w, late idea tonoi' the Gran e. \Y • held :: meet!up. appointed :t cent ruitts© tom ko arrangeni eats and agreed to have the Bee on July ! Id:. The time arriy? t • * i we wore p onrmt i Usv.j slowl*- and sullenly. S-.r.-.vthc bee 1 hojaa to haw—thc Good TcmpUra 3 jOU got tab: r. ii'.-it of her 1 v,\ ;• i; i ’os' e ltiP-r'eer. i'iieu Uie r-pnr rei V'b a lithic. AAe.r:: v:io<. .hoGr !os. v.od. tiuca m-.-ber: inipri-.i ii ceosidn. Huvah for the Templars! j Tiu chiofoi' the Grange couii not ride a ‘ ynMy::! h;pporotaattv,s,” sob* walk- C J out Words came thick uni fast—-ansy an 1 har i. In O-O.'.i'iitt hour ranks were re flu -l to four aud tour. , By this time tho eu sit.iiueut n-ns in tense. H.yu f he Gooi Templars had two toons.' Me overs sure of victory - and were, pripaeirg to shout, hufrr.h for 'thdGos lTe Another Templar "stops dov.-i ani out’ and lofr 009 and isae. World, stand atilt and hold your lKith! .Words con*:.’.us to come aod . "et no sUr. Tr.e last Gran.per bolus ■ou and will'-not miss. Finally some. ! body tv. se.d—ye t ml: id, and to ] retire. I hate to Bay who it was fc-r it S-WWW- ,* ■- - Goof> Tr.MV7.jL?.. ; 'f -1 vr • ; : E'i,4ka.: j, ? i '.y"---.. | s*•• j YVrtl, w|k: Aid wfeufl? jjhy a piq- I irfc, sSch S woAn*of,wut swi.imu Twas whispered in town some tune since, that there was to be a grand “meeting of the people.” at Ebenezer church, eight miles from Louisville. Some few of this “ fairoet city of t he plains” were favored with an “invity.” , j : l>kt vrego? Of course We did. We* ! would encounter any amount of didlcnl tie*, >Mw>ver-ftrd<MMi, to see-the Piney Woods toys of 'gij-is. I vputd sjy en parenfheso—that, tile visign of a fine din ner, Soating tanipizingiy, before our mental vision, hadalt a little to do with our decision. Wc knew everything woaW h e done up Brown. Wat it soft VrVli leave tiiatibi the-denoumenfc. Well, on tho eventful Yf eduesday, 141, a party of us,.pu the qui vivo for enjoyment, equipped ourselves “exactly eapa-j)ie, M and staited. Oh, what a day ! The sky was as “deeply, darkly, beau tifuliy blue” an a woman's, eye; the breeze which “ilntterei down and blew open the Sowerstlv waging, sobbing cocn.i among the tall, . stately trees whi h give r.aino tq the Pinoy Woods; a’i muhnured suggestively of iove and flcutiniT’it, and jrith “vfeiohs of eon ■ quesfvv 1 dance,” we sped gaily onward. Vf drew ua iu state at the repdez von an 1 found assembled-—throe hu man beings.- fir. liter, did you ever see any one loo’-; charmed ? * f Comparisons are odi ous- it i s said, i'uey areaiso Bat and tr,me alter a view of the faces of these yctsngmen. Qne of .them hr.d traveled lift-.een miles to ca-ieh a “glance and smile from his dalcinea, and his counte- Jiauee.was actually ft,id, with a “green and yellow melaac-hclly.” It was cvuier.t those Pine v Woods coys were cither ignorant of the conrte siec of life, or wilfully disregarded thdn. These stony-hearted young men. like the Fieiiiings of Lang Syne, would cvev ero33 the Jordan, to play- a pfr.ct.i c::.i joke on poor, uasuepe anding . little pitchers. ji it wo enjoyed ourselves hugely for a few minutes. Our hearts echca-i the word.s of vod vra, briiiiant Fro:i-';i.?:,n,”Qce elie est ehnnuantc— la solitude! YYc-:!, nothin * reniainsd to bo Jon*.:.- v. . nd first) act eio3es-4-tJi*i cur- : IT . exciv-. oniuas, with asudd-ed t:.:r. k of tho dry grins. Ox.-; or tiif. Fore. : l ck. of an L xciiifiiury Colored Cif'ZM, Tiathan Davis, who livod mar Bartow us sins county, id. .-; on S.-r 'jr.k v the ‘ hist, lie ;>-?. an'old ani ivssT>eet ed icyr;., and known for a jjamber -of • T r- r.l till‘3 Otiu'iOi'.t iiHil 0 ii-j-* _i VO ' . ir.i'-.t h-cdc'Che l He s- ■ iy a "u. r-'-ay •...• c."- o. ... tea i- ■ h.'ev of -U around Me. - -- ybojy was tkc f-i-d cf '• -"'tu ,rf.' r/' ; yocd sisyu.iyasubn'; ht . srn■•:*:.;.ed prop., ay to tLe atnoiuiC (■' n 5 000 an : ige: lit mui vhti id loco:: ui:.. ; 'oay time, dd. us that Jos .Vk.vwn we s r.o better ilnauvie.r then ho w <\.z. Before the war ha paid A3,0C0 for him ■id lominally the slave of Mr. ;• is raid pas3etl i hi sagh. here, so:-r- o‘’;si3 envious enc-atos —an- •.".sM.'i alike lo him:'.'vi ail aemoiancc of boasst virtue, told them be bad, ;ec rof ca mey laitb y rv ;orto ; to sham 1 ... iujt, -f.0., it was au in vain, for he miry manner. m ha3 always voted the D^nooratic ' J Savings i-a-iic, and was nrver disturbed at any time by thoKu ICJux. I * •.; me. 1-.-.>v. 1; .lii i loit el. h. Twans and J. W. Cav.> of Bnrtow, his Es rd.v ... d,-; ■->.>" r.’ his wife • njjyed his y opevty iiir lify imr, m 1 then ha di vide . among tl-.ose bis children who have ram'i;si i with aim. I I :i I forty-:iix chi: dre ;. 'Tv Li-’ .Mid frsviis oi Or. Liy.' V*> have been shown n copy of the Li. v e'l; a ravels cl L. fe.vr: a Liviug ■.. ' ' ' ft.:?, vc.: iabie nd interest; ng work an l should be V every hea;e. Tais explore., who foryoc. i, bar suiurei unto:; pri rations in cue wiiii of Avion, .n the inter.' t o: dviiizatiob ntid that ,v. , rod, to a .yer.t orou:, unkuowu country, is unlo-’ itrlly i-u-iof grentert . nu n i:.e v?n.r.l ever {.:■:■ in re.i. The book v.r.ii-'ii'.is - : i> >iv ;.-e ertavo p-:>ges, .• • ■.•'-•; 10 ! 1 la: v • ,and spi; •• • f.ius tntions; it is prbite I on fine tinted paper, and contains:. Map in three col ors, and fn.•-similes oi' L v ingstoa’-s last of entri ... The Rev. W. A. If - vlos it the Agent for the work for Jef ferson uni Washington counties, and va are pleased to know' he has already re-, vo 1 .*1 yooimviy orders for the work te be .leilwrol i1 O h-ober. It is I. soli oiiiy i.y . s ;;ee..;'ip.iom I‘. isprin-e --v.i 11.10 paper an" furnished to .-“.ib | scr'bound iu lies? d.vhga*, at from yilfOuto S:.CO per cop/, aeeoriing to .s*yiv o; btiidcvi. - --* P : son v, vu *be ! witeou . a copy of tie Line an l Travel j I of f>.\ t ivi lgsteu, so wueo yo i tve Mr. 'II il s 3 give iidny nr or lee,fee the >verk. [COMMVNT . AVED.j * A talk with our little bays and girls about biiiariorai Chnrca and iiabbath Schools; Mdear fdeuli, have you notbwnaju ohtjreh and an little |>oys aa|^Bls them. Toon their th* ; r at their IrdfGr 1 -tim HjUmr fipas. . Then t,winy their fha? fir hau-lko ’cliiefs, oV.-r 'their seato, and ’ wriggW. s' sy snake: Do yon suppose the ladies or gsutlcmen in that p. ■ : - , or they -v.,ld enjoy the preaching? No, sir 1 They -coulo laiuAjt>Cju>'4(jng.-iut tho iieiv J girl ov liny -'Hoforc them, who' wjs too large fc behave eo meanly. Bat I fear tiieiv.nrc some of our little boys hud girls that, act ju%t tji.-tt w.a}*; I trust not. Surely these children that act badly - are not obeying the E'iblo precepts“ Keep f lay foot when tlioii goesi to the house of •God and be more ready to year than to give the sacrifice ol’ fools.” If your preacher or teacher doss not look around they can see whet is before them and at tbbir sidled and they often ffcel pained by the conduct of children while in the hn?~o of worship. Now, children, what is the lessen for to-day your teajfcer gave you or. last Sabbath. “Behavior at church.” Have you thought of it 1 Then toll us what you have thought We must sit still and listen t 5 tho preacher. And vd;at should you do in prayer?. We must think wo are pray ing to God, as well as the preacher, and we must shut our eyes and bo** our herds, and think of God. What should you uo’in Singing? Think I r.;u praia iag our Hero, euly F#f her who is so good to ns, and if I know the tune; I must sing with the re 4; and I must hold ray book still, hr. She lea’-es and let tin paper nj-tlo, ■ nud I must not look about, must .think sbe ut what I nm sing ing, or else I wb-k be mocking the great God. N'ow ehtldreu, these three kinds of behavior ore very important, and a little boy or girl who is right in these, will no| he hS.fty to pshave ill ir. other ways. Still there are soma thiag3 you might not thinli of, aud without in tending wrong, you might act improp erly. I will tali you a few of these, a ac! hope you will roTuember them always. I ha vo seen little boys and girls walk up Ibe aiola of a church as if they were :-'o ing into a plnv-i oora. In your Bible , you will find, “The Lord 13 in His holy temple, L-t all ;he cartu Icecp silence before him”. This means tisat all ottr conduct, even our'steps, should be rev erent, as feeling that we are in a house consecrated to the worship of the frreat God, and t-hs*, HA presence fclia it everywhere.. IV r.ik ?■=•. lerpfely and g-n- My to your .Tii t, nn.ld.. nb- v stamp up and down the sislu, nor rudely push ' by others to gain. your place. When in you? isOl turn around to gaze at ono'c. stthoac who arc -.vming in—-i* ,; very id bred indeed. .Never whlsncr to. .uootaer unlw-- it-is >.'•-u necescr.- i'.-:' : ourp- -c.; never >T- cyoc. Sc.b!.;V.U Sobocl bo in church, and read. Tras M.'s • s•• ftd- ' r l..ra the minister ; : I-. r-'-e ii the c'rv'iter, it. is very iro.jor to e your Bible n.l fol!"w i . : . f.. v.i;J Qxyonr ritcntiois, ami-iielj. you't i iv. I t u .. Tine should be the v■ -. o-jicm ..r> /■ *l - •• -, do good .arr.i rev.; their illMjc. when the hvlnu is rsa 1 if von non the - ny u'.) booy r.n i loc-k "l rhv ir-ivi;: . . ' r pa st. r .. .. , ch’Fivcn rfyou Jo wt‘ yvve ;■.•• ' Ji the ov- -rherew - lair >• b? t! -. y :s -r cvl' wi ."■ : hums you. can ns; your pa? ;n'.s, rb3 they of-explain r" ; -r- yc. : rifo they 1 ft*id much to vrliftt you -r': Tar; ■ know, tvii.i so you r■ ;■ f ■■ ® ... - God a school, ia v.-n'i ]\ fo feara . • pro iO* llßsVoi. 1 ; iiOv 0!..? ijli'}! •.* tit chir h. It is :c■ y n ro.v/. 1 ' you y ill wear finery en.i !':■ aria ', -vr- ftr' , iowr, do not jat them on to go to clu.ircii. Y’on thhik about your dros-ing whu;; you ought to fes i-'-ilnkiag cheat you: ; s .'r.v, Cid yen vr .re c-iicre . r..-X at yce wheu tltey should u looking :.c their .- minist jr. Beni les it ia - r a:.;eel. Really wealthy xid good people urcs-s neat, but plainly'they tp to wor ship God. Not. do you k you car. unit Gc-1 to forgive you- sluv ;-ud m.xko you holy, when yen go to him with all the flowers and beads and rallies you . ie morning at your c '.vss, trv-iagto sso how i r.eiiy you would look; Some little boya Bn •A them if they were not arc-ss i fin-e. Do you go to church to plenso God or f.‘ p -opl-e : I will *.n?we ,we or. t to go to please God ; no r. e must not mind any but him. Be carcfui every where to do as you would, be done by. f will re peat you r, verse : , “Sec that none i . ncier evil for evil, but 'var follow th-k which is g-eoi.; ab stain'from all apt earruec.-. of evil, and .ri'.v.r.soever thimr. hro lovvlv, those do. j Bolivar. Murri.j ttuc Am s .rsuity, Dttvn Lrdtlcr. k colored citizen of .the oocimonwoslthi-of Mt33h<tppi, who v.; 1 A, Li 1 ":.^O I . .1- l.'.v S'''lt ... V i ; oi, and wax employed in " jewelry stofO. Gov. A: i bile at home in Aias uwhrustßs, employ o.t a' dusky dam scl to s-eoJicvahy cie family to their temporary to- .Ivhoe in Mississippi. Siuftnai vvti a C alebs, but possessed of a tenner ats \ sv.oveptii k ivv-iT, and whoa r,t3 eyes -vßv.l oujtJ* mnitienly a’trao tioas of Gov. Am-jj' serva-v girl, his heart wont out lo ter in ail its gushing tenderness, m I A uske-a her ic be lus'a, and njoapt him fir hern. Tim court-- ahtp was as as it wa3 s.veet’nnd fcii-ssful. Gov. Aacs’ consent having oesn obt o .'.na , -t,.f 1 ..; nuptial 3 were duly i.vlcT Aid'd, ii v Av. r a brief honey-moon Mr. an.l hire, id.inuel Battles wore two ofth-3 i'.upplcsi ’'ifkies in Mtssisisippi. Subsc yu-r:vt evv-nijs. ho.v r, ptarc :s that. ‘-.Cue unfju was a A unfortunate one for hV.iuvl. He in 4 uv. 3 too infivnire .at t’i'.i Canitol with toe practice# of J-.v.’e oflyij, au| tb Aaai was, that he bar giuristd the jowetry store cfhU employ or, wit . Tied and convicted, it was wills at- the Bdwardi House, i.i fackslfc. that v.ele;. nod these facts by Gvei iijßlring a oonversatioa between two prospective Bfcafcesmea of the fashion . ablo.ihaie of compltjkion. They were UjJKig the. matter of/er when one .of dspliringly, "I uidh't ti; inlsvn wit''dat iind of a ha’r pin.” “VfoUp i,0.” said tt .'ftthor, “Sam to be a idsht ’qpeots sic sort of a coon, but I les’Ehowed a■, soon’s c*.-sr ha mar „.t i-a G \;v ' family, h ■'.! </6 to, uteaiin!” / 5 New Advertisements, soauou t f ' t. Jvwvsaf/.-fo.- y’-nsj* L-rtics v Bb, ft.ißf. ir ite 1 invest tho M ( n, amj fi ih hyllie i; St SbuiJ ft'r new Atllotoie rtii tti>Fsic)t) i?rpfe-inter £ J THE Bm y CinoTsTreoT pvf r-av - ' vTi YV' 7^'^ .•vjtw* AaTiiv.r, f','4w m Mamifaeiurwrt f X&tturrtiJtnt V. oiUn o ; ns fVci rrj, .Cczdcnstn *u i Cotton Cws .**c Serkuofn- descriptivn. Our (Jin* hav been in uso >/e-art, iin 1 1; ,v* mi pntn l <-u i r simplicity lij t rv7i.:i*j, dwr&Uity, and lf fttelHg.-faiid quantity i .in- p.udu uii. Our /i’jtffcYi'* east.a ,t, fe tut G'! easily • pcrat’ti fv any iiund ot oidmuv> arr iho and Feeder in the arke< and invos ili r.wrc r tliMj* I st poi.'ihiv by ban •, inert the ouUur*. H i £iv ntf a cleaner u,nX better sajnpic. A\ a i Fairs .• rrxAibitud and by th- in ill use, ;hav* bee i tnx.r.t|ad fh f t*. *i *nii 7</' Cp*dcusiT& arc iseil.injae. da ruble and H x '*pb ia aiJ'tfo wia- is svqu: ed *n iicnv ra iuy h'tj ••vei.. Xo dddi* 1 poaer n:. qisirvd ig dnv th. 4 Vu and r cr Oiitd'-b cr ->u*i tioGin ?.*< CBmpJe e *-vi;h itur them. \\*i re prepared t-• vyaria it. any i>astii!*{<j exie•t, }>oi?*nt,!*nti-tMC<io*i u> ewry j uftha o:. 1 ircu as. jnrce> atid ug * 1;. uiu uisl v i A: :r ,Va ~b re, j f ..pp?v t, I*. WiNGF-if i L>. W.w.iitgfmi Ok — j .UilslA ti ih 1 FiXSH, TJCII LANDS. f-'table and • eaiiiccitt OciTraaieat. leimps, Fa sues &e., <L'Jgi£.*£ 9 £12 nilrlk? .I.V I* BS 'iASCSCJBS J'Ul ii!VG Ald Ol lull 1!! i- , I ill>‘.i;Hl. >. J. ATi‘ii '.vS, i*:edo. Aak. ALBKRT.SON7, >‘.AT SCRKW roT roa PifiES?*. i 'A- ' ' ; c-i). Y-.! etl sinipleity, ooiiVfsm • t i) :c ii’itj liiiiah iir.y- hJake> - A ;"sii ib bale ■vvjih ! cue fibr,ic nUtf valy \?- tqunds. S. r< w. JO filch ; • .true?ci* iiifel i’’-* ic t is>i>g F<.* eii-cntai'< • j ’-vith do<c'iutiui, ics ? sti*U naiucb I i a goals ia ib Mn;ib. jiT’jvsA .1 M J.L-I'-M!, li-- X K„v.‘ 1.e.:"d..h Ft. t -V" ~ f.f 77' ;• .' ; ‘tri WJBBfJi'Jki WAT Eh. WHEEL | V.’.-c <'‘*o,l vj 'ivs n:id pif t- w>;k iu !.: r S ihnt ;>< < ;in I'. ..Ft* Ishjl ; fc.Te j ’ij •})•: ;i*t* b*rf/ I-- 1 iz-.-y n Biicctj lmv-r .1- s-j - ii , if r • ;Mi ißninMet . ’ ■•f Ai’ N F SCI*-N i] .• '.i. V;ii h Bi. : ~e i::-■I :brt t -i;*** . • ~.) a ij u siiG r ii.j* * uni. 'it'S Fine .ind vta-.. I .VA rSR.G ! CONCERTO ORGANS f-im: ' t>o ft! i-t ioa • <:? b r.fU> : u-v ;i?*fy * M t •. ! i.G i U pit ..I liO III:!* 1 5;: ■ . --l* it :!•••: V•siw*. i’iW ::s !‘.X 1 IGBIGST .v/ .r , ;D: r>- • l;; hL'lli'l. >*:: •t\-y i ; SfM.lir.Vr:*-' • ••*o : v * 1 • i’i.i * ‘ii -I'dn j:*;.-. :o L !*.;•* M*n j ' .■ - I: ‘t ! t'i * ■) tV • t-'-l? i-!iu tfSOcd • < V!*>K \;", V. -. i'F.WS vV . i A*' i* y r ; . ®I \Q i:■ 0 ! i v log it ir v :-*"J in St [’: iv. atni ::<! eiia'FjpiaPlf A vu?- ''sjs '■lit S-li <-TiK A <lrr ■H .-.. t.) fj.. It. - ' I!"") i-'i Wri| ■*: , sent r ft ■: .wil LO!-. -St t'. B.tulters atid ISr.-- y. A 1? sys 1 yju * ufe 11. 1 V --. : i'. ■rv. '--. I Turn Ithiim vc. •: 1 .v • ■ -;i.v ■ :\i i. h .inva-.lj "7 : rrcs - :•■! j i cii-alnr. fas '■Via;.*, ih.v l;ij:r.,- P .i..... >• N- . I‘ Oit .x -ir.‘t i • '•* '*■ 'A . : AliM -V --i G f.•>/ Vf.;i j, .• M • t:-!, f’O C r --.. AM .1 '• iHE \ vVK:. i; rnl31 4 i- M.tU* ill t!.r U £ S . ... XuVIU.ViJ t.l li'j u. kill £■ 3: ■ t'l.v .la O- Vll'kttlA T i, . j *-• yi"td-> -i ni'Y s- ipL \i p ! —ivtli- - vs in*V iHM'innt {' -in til'! il*v ** #ll.l . ion .ifftny |i 'ison !• ~v ~..|.n-.*o. tiivr.v:' .'. :i v mlis'i'i pn-.*cs# i r .;, V,. niisil f-.r> iT.: J t.igMho-- with a Ms-- ~., ~i.1.i Kr •' m'> v ■'; . Brw.mi. ttin’s to • s .Co< W i .-. V'.li RO’..!, A quv-r '.l v-i; • IWILLUYI -v O'? Pub h.<h(-v*. P' nedflu'iin. Pa unf i>ifi iff Llllffl 13 SI .Hit . \'ot* the heavy ru?h d-.-ritg tho j. * WiuLer in i.iiiDi, our si -vis ot DBT GOODS' CLOTHI3a f Aiv si ill hopt iu : i uml complete. We aio re** Cel vug* j ; C 2 3W tooas Kv#>rySvcek, ar. oiYcripg superior iutluc-‘* tO a ,a.ssc :b cr x ' bi jel Our stock t! Gr@ceries 'le. also ivnsplo'A, and wi> will toll for CMRH hf-ipohllvi'i )h Witn-fails can lie in Savannah or Siip'iuia Oivt* ns n call and bo oil that it. is !■• j-ciif inti i'oni t.n trail- w.tli us. Piilit- }tid ai'i'-onmiOriatlng clerks alwhy* jciuiy io sliovv goods. . : fiITTF.iI3 & CO. ii'ti - V- )hr, Jy Southern Shirt fi;. tory, tO!S Broad street Ga. I HA VJ) Kat nulls hill r Shirt I-’acta) y is tins oily, and am prepared to supply Finn Dress Sinru, of my on a manufacture, at the Lowest Frices. Firsl-clasa work and a perfect lit guarantood to every customer. I will make to o der a better ahrtt for S '-75, tlian bartiei from !ho 'orth sell for ?3, I am als" prepai eii to cut Coa s, Vesta Pantaloons and make the same to order, lierchmita wul<l oo wc-1,"to get up -special orders'’ and send, as 1 can certainly make it t > the r a-;vantage; and those w!i , we-t u s irt *• fit dent en get it, and at 10 per cent, less than-NoKUeru made sbirts. Seud u.t your ordeis. ' dunn 3 jtn. JOHN KDjVXY, Agreato.. . PA I NT am 01L STOitfi! S 53 J tekson Street, 'i£M&\? 9 G*.o The Best of Artibles-aIJ Brasil and lew WHITE LI3A. ZlN’b, I' vINTS, QRU3IIE3, V\RN*ISU. P 0 I'TY, COLO lib OIL. • WtxoO.V GLA.--A Machine 00., oix ui.,, ii.Eitust.Nii uip, utc, &c &c, . Teens: CASH ON HKLIV’-T.V; or approved City Aooapta&oo. S>. f'o'4f?-S*, Jusc 3,6 tn 6) SrKs&r, Nkaß B lj. I'owF.k. THE PESDLETON & EOAWHHiW' T^ Fonndrv & Machine Works Koil 4K Siffct: I Goorgia m mi Incl osed fuciVitica aud experi. ?.cd v. o;kinu prop&r?tf to furnish Mttcb?act^ r o aii desc:ipliuDß lßON AND BRASS CASTING’S of the be t mrateria, and woikmnnsb.-p. snd< .".s STEAM SX4TC3-XIITSS3. OFail Soi* iMsmtatioa tlso <cc‘. m .'.\ T.xrrs v er.v is.t-va. WAT Eli SAW AND WHEELS, GRIST MILLS* I:TOI!>E •- >f a'l ,I*-. S aim pane, no, ft Q) TQ ;> pR£ - s £ % IwITSiS; 'FToffeTtr.. Wa'er Pow^ E* ivltSlSj b’wUtHl (sltti) &<*-• I wiald call capecial attention to the JL, K! V S To <*s \ Ik |v A ifewfeep N k |4l 11 It fj . mij U!?ij li )K£} A ch*.;.D, tivnple, btii ;’o.wil‘ut li.-uii Cv.Uua of Mi- I'.g.- s v - 9 Jnr..- -i -l*u ‘ V>M. i E.;nIV..v;TGN, ' A ~ LATa IS O F &. € % * y * *E S T A3U3KE D 18 3 5.] W.lOLtihE AND U£.{\UL DiiLEiiS IN AU Hlf< rs for Ailu-ns t r.rc *-aaka stud iiliirliagL ALSO I)EALER<kM i 'HV'.-tinsf, Oil ClntU, V- indo v Snailon, \; Hol .uiy Cornices, Laces, Wall Paper, &a. . W" k-cp a fidl stock of the above Onoco a;u! doaH wo^ n ia t; lu h<isf, and styles, at very 1c 17 Cjrure*. UTHYqp & CO, i Corin' Cotig'C-s und o Stic is, J Savannah, -Ga/ '.t| \ Or: MANXJFACIURER AND REPAIRm OF Buggies, Wagons raid Carriages. Something New ii Louisville tfol •' A GOOD HOUSE SHOER ■ mjk Horse v^feoeisis 4 K©dnc€i Jo <3/ ’. 9 •Fes* Pais-. \ 1 ™ Hfl XRlil'i LIiAVIC co inform my oinf,onio/- and tho public g-u<frally that I am still .•same ulac*. with a guuu mid 6Udi in- ua.ttj#f o. .vannuou *o do any aui H\L woia Ul u)j ilUd. wui o Hoioiwiou*. Uocp aa Ujsot’imcui. ot ! Iron Bolts, Plows, Buggy and Wagon Materials ’ °'V. l * n v,Vr*v” I ' , nd Kupk** l ,ut u l' ,,r "H olio,i kcpninii nud Repainted aad in-idn to well a ne ' ’ t n.nku Uowo Shooiuir n -pociaMtv. A g Stioer has long beeu eetdwl i„ 1, uisvilli- i can tib tho bill. Hive mo a trim m tUU aaparunent. *. I .ball keep con-tanliy on hand a goo 1 nupp’j . f.'o n the best Mannfaetarer*. of Fine, •'' Bosewood,- Mahogany, and Black Walnut BtJBI AL OASES, 0? ALti 012^3