The News and farmer. (Louisville, Ga.) 1875-1967, July 22, 1875, Image 4

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. WT * COR MACK HOPKINS, of Tin Ware , AND DEALER IN HARDWARE, STOVES, TIN W,\l;i:.S, AND HOUSE i i; Goops. Contractor for Tin .Roofing, and Cornice Work, 107 EnOUHTPN STREEr, N.l V.iNSAD, GA.‘ ESTABLISHED 1819 3ay Tannahill & f!o. Jluahlacturers and Dealers Id CAiUUACVCS, '/ ■ s, Is, ;ous, ted * GON VouT bo mn Re!t ■>mp amj ml Trf.v 7 lings e L nth’ (),>•' '■ lU jWlity. French Cnlf Skins, Kip and “% viy lnrgu Stock an i fur sale ; pricu. / / ,;2i .Spread Strecl, 1 AUGISTI. !. Novr- her 12 I*7 . n sn> R. R. * RAOWAY’S READY BELIEF cun E3 T.-rr: v.oiyst pains In from Ono to Twenty Minutes K3Y on* noun frr r* • Uis W*dv -tlerim m* r, ! au.y on© ♦■LKFlii: WITH KUY u>'-v vv•s ?m 4v i * a C’.’iik for KVEIiV !’ *.! .Y *' W'.nih !'* i Hild"U ’Hm Only full) ltomody 1 nf hisinnr-v ,! r *rn * cx**-M*:rni imhi*. nllav.i Mf *ti•*-!* u .;>** .tu.* wf.t'ihrr *t ihe •‘•a* ; ".m, r- •; „w pH. o ■;!,’ r * in h*.r . ran, fey u;*n* .• <. in . 40> fiNj; t v:.\.v >!>:i*t!•:.*. li *• i.uV • • •!* n nr H i.•• I Bin th<* . >l, : Men. < Tippled. SVr.uUH, .‘•r m:, ri in .<!*. L Muy tuifor, ft.\DWAY'S READY RELJEF wir i. v ,,; *r*f* i v - r \N*rr\. ;■ IN *’• .il l*’ rilF. kllfStti.* ... ’ :MV.nn\ nil-; HLaODER L\ * * vru*;. i;f r.i•; uhivkf.s 1 ON :|mT!OV H THE LUNGS ;.:E throat, di: : i*T nun vthl'i: .. cun ,!C ' RT ' ■ .u ':e. Twrcr !NT IXH ' Z V V !■•*. UxlA. RHEUM .TI >M >I -1 * r hills, Aon: :<n i.< ■ Isil%■ !S*l)oc‘ti. t’*r parlor > •* >< m•• Iliu Ji'li. uuj )• :•! tilifml t-fl*** • !H.V • R VH r n nf HM*P- V•' 111 n'>TT - . . (Kami* sr\.<y >nn*A r '• ' .it ■ <C il* ••■• I• i \ ‘Rif• >K % • f-j:\t .. n.i ,• wind is tiik ~uiV...i.a i -ii in i :..*N v:. ’.win - olt.xml <i. .*•* (4ri v n limil.* it • aj** I* <*••(.. Keller *• n: \ iuv .in|.* in *<•• V* ■' l•r: • > ;• , hi.n •<■ „f *' r , 1 ; r • i'letiili Kj-.hi'i ••(■ H.tic: *i. a f. iiiuuttii. iEXfSF. /sT-.r> AG’J'2. ‘■RVFa XH TVr, i, • ,'•••.•• 11. • -I 1 :;.'in,r. M.r ' 1 ' 1 •• . . 11 1 ’ • .>.*• r t M l; ut I*H I. • • . t-rcK (1- K\.‘\ .-.v i:lviiiY i;K --• '■. Kl i • • ... in- KrAITH* Si t LB<3 1 i. 3 t rVfvONO .vr, |r ; .J\* VIK \ 7t "■ !T,K.'|| ,'N' Vvinlli •: \>t >p Is’ \ | 11 FI '• < t>:. ... :-C; cui.t ij fi*fc f~ in o ;tf n ?y o i . it B j uv d-u a . i3 S’msalHa'i E?tt rn* c:a; r ; r:rr ir.i VA *n •• . v : • •' I* '•* •• • *R: • * • I\. ,r jit f*v , <. '*N'.i : f. :i irm j I nil?* *J.N • • V. .. Orj Ds? si i ii Fiest ikl febii is Seen t® Felt • o •*-.'!* • ;• • ?*;|mu.;an K:<ur. r r*UlCt> .tin RJ - . t'r.iii r;*' *Jn r '!•.• a?id ; it-c* iof t’.io n n •; .r n' N i.r u iJ** >lip •...t> .M;i; i.. w .n. uiiHfrtHi. •■o-ula. H'filiiii-.' • ~i.~i;iif ir It'.U'tiilll'f *isra<4*. ricl<ll| t ;*• ft* ( V.ii-t, j* u 1 .!•’ •. N.m’p ;• the .urjfi |.irr-. i| , ( ;n • 1 • .N.rtir.: •- .i.-. ;i *rc - an !• tnT>l •' * \!ii *-.i . }Vli*. '' AM i: .4i!. KMtf W. 1,111 . !.Ri. m-1 i. • it, !: t A /..*. k *r>U. V) . •!.(• i ,-.• I",; I • m tin. VTirti.h uiut it-i *.•.. , - ;-.f t *. • j . i M ' i• 4** , Nijflii tlnriiiii, 1.. i;i : a ; i ji-.if, ati f}, I!,f ;-.ri v o t.-l Mn lI.C cu.••*. ! l. !•• !t • • |m •• • : n r* ll *• *i-ijM-j i; 1 r ••nlh c v i. i . in ißiu-hr |.nv a , rto , .• 1 u.iit-vV.i , .!■ min flu.: !l*< i- ci.mltluiTu • ;*r>v.. •!•♦. •< ' ill a-rUKlhflt tilt :' Mil,?:-; 111.'! *";.( .* Hi- f. .I. ■Villi 1. v)n ' 5 ltnu In-aHIIV - i; ; | . . • A•: -■ .\y\ tii• >i.l a:% w|,| ami -ltw-< —n *nr t-* '.•fr.atu; tor rt -u uilm mtu- •> -<■ r “'nf nl - BUi il'n all-Hi. Hinr-rcilstM 'U ■ •' • v if tPK n l|' liP v.-11l 11.- r-iU..i .!. . |-i al. ■ U I .l!jj-.‘n *l. t *•, n.i f r-. 4/n! •v*. r’A hicfitawi.--*. > • ‘•'t r.iii !ia* ll.t- SitiitfiniMlir JSG-iFi- - v *r ►.”( i fcjjv-ui*iiMjiiM .it*in •;*!'*-• - . --r. • <u. iNirvdlMiiUxi.'ii, :ui p’tvln i!i .\i. . l at A >- •. ■.'ill j miiivccur*f*r Kidney <£> iUtuldev Corn yin 'nts, rmury atwl Womb riH.-a *'. tlra' ** •*. . Vnppi-J(ftor Waif r. lijA-mMnti.ceoi I n-- !*'r* iu* .i-Hj, Aibumluurut, mul *n at: i .ui- tvi.r-r:- iltt-rc- ur ' ri' fc-dustUcpuMi ,<r iln v.M'er t tlv a. nu<(>i. h Ii *ul-fanc* 'ikc tbr uhiipoi nb nr tkn-wiU I:k --b!t r.r |. . nnri!ll. liiimua ill ••*. ai> I * him Ijomnuu*! *W nnj vUt n k a jificVtMit, liitrniiii --jHaiMn when uanii.-s iVAter. :>. r.MiU Id (lie I*lll.l it of |l| Hack ;4# - la-im*. Tumor , cf l’i !'.-• ’ fJrowfh Cured bjf-JlHttwag’j llmoloent. QR. RADWAY’S fsfieslPiifcaim&liSKlailßiPßli u- t<ifr!t■<*. ■’..••.rainiv cvftt*-! ivl *t ••w- r rtirr !>•; utfiUtw. ■ttPlv.cuan*** ai*l Unfit. it*.i •..iyvfr.l- for‘.iifmi'iili uuiaci. ! ;vf. Hotyt ,i, K'>(!•!*•, I‘;a nlr. ,4i"ii.viH' ifcuduchr. ■•••. Crwiiv- |)ys pep). SjM'iW'k't*. Hfilniif* K-wr. >n i i< Potr**K rlV*. ami all !• ■ i.j fim !:c’rn VLcf *. Parian'*! I'ti rt rt .1 ,<> ctr** VnjpHhio. c.iii.a..iids' ik uiu’cuo ,• . -eiwter OKI dl UiC' A f**w 4i*c* of R’nr-n “■!■'* ’e jrn r rH- x. mH/I* t u.-f* ltE\u ' l > •f> 't v . r ‘. ••-■•i* ••••*• f'.-irrjp to lUlii' V/ £ '■* • • , I\ r.'t l.i&uuaiimi w mMi .*.* v .. <• INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION •s2o> WILL BUY A FIRST MORTGAGE PREMUM BOND OPIH* , " N. T..IXDUSTRIAL EXUBFTION CO 1 hue bonds are issued 6r the purpose of raising funds for thn erecUn of a building in tbe City of New York, too* used fur Pertpcual “Wbrld’s Fair, ii permanet homo, where every manufacturer cun exhibit and sell h* goods, nud every pat' entee can show bis inventions; cratre ol in dustry which wilt prove a vast benefit to the whole country. Fur this purpose, the Legislature of tbs State of New York bas granted a charter to a number of our most whea’thy and respectable merchants, aad these gentleman havepurchas ed no ies than eight blocks of t{j* most valu, b!e land in tbe City of New York. The build ing to be exec tod Trill be seven stories high 1.150 feet in toigbt ] surmounted by a niHgmhctnt domo, and will cover a space of 22 acres- It will be constructed of Irou 1 trick and Glass and made fire'prDef The bonds, which are all for f2O eacii, are seemed by a first mortgage ou the land nud building, and fur tho purpose ol Unking them popula,, the directors have dc elded to have q-artcrly drawings of § 150,000 each ; this money being the interest ou the amount of the whole loan. Fvcry bondholder must receive at least 521.00, but he may receive $1 0 C , 5 0 w: A: @15,000, or SIO,OOO 5.0u0 or 3,000. &c F urth Serle Drawing, April 5, 1875 I Ueic Drawings lane pmcc eveiy tusks MONTHS, and k.Vxr.v BOND will pariiciprto in them Address, for Bonds and full information Morgenlhau, Rruno & Cos.. Financial Agextr, 37 Park ifew York* Post Office Drawer Remit by Drafesfffi'T}. Y, City Banks, Regis, terod I.eytot-d' P. O. Money Order. Postponements impossible ninler ihis p| a n Applications for Agencies Received, Dec. I~tli, lfc74—3m. American Wash Blue. For Laondry and Household Us°,*'Bifl is v tii Mi American Utraraarine Works, Newark New Jersey. Our Wash Bine is'.lie best in the world. It dues not streak, contains noihing injurious to health or labrick, nud is used by nil the large laundries on recount of its pleasing effectand cheapness. tSupciior for whitewashing. Put in packages convenient for family uso Pi ice 111 cents each. For by grocers everywh Always ask forlhe AMFttICAN WASU CLUB You vvunt the cheapest and best. AMERICAN ULTRAMARINE WORKS Office, 72 William Street, ITow York J’if, 172. llin, IMPORTANT TO C.QSSUMPTIVES. A Gentleman having been so fortunate as to eur his son of Cos. sumption in its worst stages, after Using given up to die by the most ce.e** brated plijsicians. denies to made Jinown the cure [which proves successful iu every <v*ae] to those ailiicted with Asthma, lirondutis. Coughs, Colds, Coiirtiimption,, and all tious of the Throat and Icings, and will sftxid the Kecipe, freo of charge to all who desire it, if they will fnrwmd their address to f)A.NIEL ADfc'K, 17G Fulton St., New York. L*ec. 17 th, 1 b74—tf. A NEW BOOK. Agents wanted t) canvass in Jctleraou County, and adjoining counties for MONEY t"r;: A biok fur llio liitea, one thal every l.ody wanls It lays down llm great priuciple of money making, aid sliows Jjo-.r to succeed iu all kinds of busincaes. Money for working men, money for mechanics, muuey for women,mom ey for boys, money for everybody; money on the farm, iu the gradeu, wheat, in corn, in stock, in poultry, in trade.' There is money everywhere all over ttyis land, and this book shows bow to get it. Howto begin business,how to buy, hew sell. Uovv to sucteou- How poor men’s sons become rich. Send for circular aud rend tho table of contents, and you will b o ' convinced thut a copy ought lo bo sold t every house. blB-Arch S'., lli KINGSFORD’S OSWGO Pure Silver Gloss StarcH^ For the Laundry .ti,i.mvf(.ra£o r T. KINGSFOR & SON, THE BUST STANCH IN THE WORLD. GIVES A BEAUTIFUL FINISH TO THE LINEN, and the difference in cost between it mid common starch is scarcely half a cent for an ordinary washing. Ask your Grocer for it OSWEGO CORN STARCH For Pudings,Blance Mange,'ce Cream,&c. If the original— Established in laid. Aud pre serves its reputation as ruaEa, strokokk and mom: oblicath than any other article of the kind otiered, either of tho saints name or with other titles. Stivksto* MacIUM, l’h U., Sic., the high cut chemical autboiity of Europe, carefully .am alyzed this Corn Starch, ann ay, it is a most excellent article of diet and in chemical and seeding properties is fully equal to the best ar row root. Directions for making Podding,, Custards, 4te , accompany each one pound package, fOR SALE BY ALL FIRST-CLASS GROCERS. May ill', 1y75 —3m. FREE ! FREE !! FREE ! ! ! FREE!! THE ~lTo iYJB E R ! A liav.dsomo illustrated newspaper, contain tnformaiion for everybody. Tolls how and where to secure a home cheap. Mont FIIEK to all parts of the world. It contoins the New Homestead acd Timber Laws, with other in teresting ma.ter found only in this paper. SEND FOR IT AT ONCE. It will only cost you a Postal Lard. Now nua hor for April just out. Address 0. V. DAVIS, Land Commissionrr U. P. R fj OMAHA, NUB. Schofiefd’s Iron Works, MAPPiy, C3A. Schofields Wrught Iron Cotton Screws, For Horse Power, Hand Power, Water or Steam, Guarantee! of i}ie lightest draft quickest packing and greatest durability. NISBET’S WROFGHT IRON COTTON PRESSES. Faughts’ Iron Centre Support Gin Gearing. Supports the Gin Houso, and unlike all Horse Powers made lor Ginning it is stroma yousee'it. V ° ÜBr * utee U u am* ,o do its wor*- buy anTX ff Sugar Mills, anfl Syrup Kettles, at reduced prices- Iron Railing, Saw end Grist Machinery and Castings of all kinds, WATER WHEF:LSs &c., &c of Mills and Machinery promptly attended to at low down prices, i-end for ccrcHlars. r J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! AT CT. X, X 2sT ID S..A. ISO Stroll:;!, t, , „ SI.; Savannah, Ga. I l l^'kNrrnßS' l !? n ?n ml reee * vin S daily one of tho largest and beat selected slocks oi M. I LKmIUKF that has ever beou brought into this State, consisting of BEI> EtiOll AM) PARLOR SETS, W&s>e®aa® DUNG RuOJJ FURNITURE, €lf IBS—ot all kiii)ds. In facy my Stock is complete and I can furnish anything in my line at prices that defy coins petition.. I also keep ou hand a supply of ducks. Looking Glasses, Carpels, Matings, Beds, &c, 4c, Give mo a call when you visit S ivannuh and I guarantee satisfaction in prices and styles. October Ut, 1874. 21 sms J. LINDSAY. LOOK HERE / S IFlu'Ctl.AJli 2sTQXIQS. * ——■** THE UNDERSIGNED, having opened anew business in LOUISVILLE, are now ore pared te do any and all kinds of PAINTING, ] such as ° Pf HOUSE. SIGN, & ORNAMENTAL. * ' ' . *- *•■*■*< •* - * * XSo Graining, Glazing and Pjpgr-Hanging. Old Furniture Repaired aiijd ReTYaruislicd And made io look as well as newf. COTTON GINS REPAIREO. Special attention given to orders from the country, and all work cotrusted to mv care will be executed with neataos vid dispatch, v irusieu to m> Call ca me at my rooms in the -old HOTEL” building, over the News & Fabmkr Office O..r, GRDBRS, * CREW. Guano! W" r- :9 ' i }t of F !- f p rlTu" 9 l ? c! F n tLe Mention of Consumers and. Dealers to out verv attractive ILUEKs which we are prepared to offer at prices and upon terms most favorable “A. -A. PHOSPHO PERUVIAN. AMMONIATEO SUPERFUOSPHATE. CHAPPELL’S CHAMPION. POWHATAN RAW HONE SUEEKPHOSPHATE. WILSON’S AMStrHTATED SUUEUPriOSPHATE. GRANGER’S EXCELSIOR. ZELL’S AMMONIA TED HONE SUPERPHOSPHATE LOGAN’S COMPOUND. , PURE DISSOLVED HONE. PURE LAND PIASIEK. COTTOU. - • We will muko the usual Cash ad vane 33 on COTTON IN STORE. WAUREY, WALLACE & CO* 155 157 Reynolds St., o-A. BOOK AGI-NIS ’.TV People s Common Sense Medical Adviser* It is the cheapest book ever published ; 885 pages over 250 illustrations, SI.SU Thonsauds bu> it rt sight who could not he induced to pur chase the high-priced books treating of Do mestic Mefficihe. Unlike other sold throngh agents this work is thoroughly adver tised throughout North America. This f.o;, together with tho large size, elegant appear ance, and many now features of ihe book, causes it to sett mere rapidly than any work ever published in this country, Those of my agents who have had ‘otperieitce lit" selling books eay that in all their provide canvassing thy novel met whir mkh success'or made so lagtx wages, as since commencing the sale 01 my work For terms aud territory, address [rncosiug two postage stamps aud suiting xpeifeuce] R. V. Pierce, M. D. Worltli ispeuaarr. Bufftlo N. Y. At o(e.— Msk envelope''Fjf t*nll shin? De^B| X_| V , I WKUK guaranted to Mai# . 1 Female Agents, in thetr lOcsitW § M Costa NOTHING to try it. Pa'S 4F ■ • ticularaPrce. P. 0. VICKKRY <n CO„ Augusta, Me, L.OOK HERE. IHE HOME GUIDEia a compile guide to every department 01 the bouaehold, aud a book every family Uee ds. You can actually •*2. ' llU, '“> , b > bav >“e tlis hoik. It i. worth sUO to any family. H fc | l# hoW) wheu , ud where to economise, audia therefore preuiitu. nently a bopk for the tin.u > Over &0o pages, Benly bound, elcgautly iL.trated. Price, by maJ po6i paid. I ble It contents sent free. £k f; jp jIITC 'h.s is the oookfor you. ■ w Oar agents sell from 10 zu a day. Vv a win mail auy one who will work, u canvassing prospectus aud the book lor ifJ, or the prospectus aluue tor S 0 cents. Largo pay aud exelusito territory, if you wautjp .".‘.‘"W oaaine.a. address at H; It<DEV. ; REr CO., Pubhsheii. 17U V; , , u poet paid, lac Bar j , , r bV Mvowev. S4O to I J all, at y our bou.s or rtHHfw; *-'■" I ‘tirely sew. Address .... TV • ~Y CO. 170 Wb*o p' ‘ . J "> ** ■ 1875, PROSPECTUS 1876 TH® News & Farmer JS Published Every Thursday I IT JLoulsvllle, Ga BIT 'l4*> V ROBERTS 6s BOTgTP, EDITORS AND FRQ|*RITORS. 0 The price of sub'p. iptioy j 9 o n'y Two Dollars Pi. B Apilfl IN ADVANCE. TKe proprietors a'C determined to rn tk# ihe paper rank among He best weeklies of ihe Slate, Special aticn will be paid to, LOCAL AND COUNTY NE\YS. •> % 9 ABIFBIITIS BBS Vvill find the JTE ffS $ FARMER An Excelleht Mcilium tbtjoogh which to let their waotiib)i kuown* Omi rates are as any paper in Ge-rgia, JOB WORK Gotten up iu <3oul Style - -At Short Notice And at Low Pjruw, H. P. BICKFORD mmssnm f.r Doors, bashes, Blinds Sash Boors. Store Boors White and Yellow Pine Sfpoljfftiiff*, WALNUT and PIN|C BALUSTERS SASH WEIGHTS ft ppRD, HEAD & SIRE LIGHTS, blind tklmmjngs, NEWEL POSTS, J 69 & 171 Bay Street, Savannah Ga, Aug. 13,1874. 6m—ls. * f||f Dr. J. Walker’* Cal I font In Vii, rgar Bittern at# a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from tho nntivi tier!)* found on the lower range, of tho Hi ok ra Nevada mountains of California, tho medicinal |>ropertios of whioh are extract, ed therefrom without the a*e of Alcohol, The question is almost daily asked, H \Vb I *s is the enuae of the tmparrllokd •neoran ot ViNEOtB lirrmiaT" Our auswer ia, that they the cause of diaease, and th‘> patient hia health. They are the great \slAod punier and a life-giving prin ciple, a perfitt Renovutp.r ami Invigorator of the ayatem. Never bofeoe (n tho history ■ of the world has a medleino been com pounded jtosveaaing the remarkable qual ities of Vixeoab Bitthb* In healing the sick of every diaeaae mania heir to. They ore u geatle Purgative as woll aa a Tonic, reliev ing Congestion jt Inflammation of lira Liver and Visceral Organa, in Bilious Dia cases. r If men cijjoy roq<l HeitHb, let them use Vixkoah RifTEiiq aa a uiedicio*, and avoid tbe use of aleoholie atlinnlunt. in every form.' >o Person ran lake fligjjp UMfrit recording to direction*, #wl irmaill long uuwcU, provided their lame* ar not and.. ny mineral poiaon oroih, r wemi*. Mid vital orfau* wanted l,yond i' p i:, •'Jrnteful Tliousnmlx jWWm Vc. war Hitters the most wcudm’fnl Jtig>r> out that evor sustained theaiuling ~sWxi', Billons, Knnlflnif, ttliil In|rr. mil trill r CTf W," hteh rm* (t> ju’.n.d.o . in the volley* of our greet <n ty through, out the T'uited Ktetc*, I*l* chdlv tl ..., t the SlUimipni, Ohio, MV-mi, J Tennessee, Cumberland. Art suae* JO and, Colorado, Hrszos, UloOnnidu, P ml, Abo Uiroa, Jlobflc, Suvumudf, Roanoke, Jitr. ~ and innny other*, with their ?.i*t till mrics, throughout onr entire country h r inff the Hummer ond Autumn, >, and i ~ .(. ihly *o.luring lt, tr, i I dryness, ere Lv V teualve derangements of the stismi,, h ai.-i liver, end other alidomirud vl ■■ ere Jailer trc-c.ont, a purgative, fmtfr* 4 pov. fit I influence npoa these various iiivna, is essentially necewory. TJwu t tte for tUc purpose e/jwd to 1 h<„l, WaJ.K if.; \ imkovu airmm, a* they wilt •lily r move the dark-colored VMeid oust ■ *uh uldeh the trowel, are hauled, #t tint rout time stimulating the seep-tlnm* of tl a tiver, and gwiereJly mtorinn the te aftby function* of the digo*ftc„ organ--, Dyri|*l>*ftt or Iml lift-d lon, ff- i echo, i'atn t theHhouMera,toutlu.,T,< it, ne* of the Cheat, ft,,,,, % „ r t )t , thma of the Had 'l'mt,. („ ti i Month, Bilious Attacks, lVtpit,it4u of tin* ,i Heert, Inflammation of tlm Bung., it the region of the KiAwyt, nml hm, dred other (siinfuj sywptotus, are the *.f spring* of Cysjmpaiu, <te* bottle will prove a (letter guarani/# of ti, no t tie then * length* odve^iiarinea.^ HrrofnU w' Kind's Kill, White CrystpXa, we(C,| OiMw, Kerofuhme lellateiwotiotia, XtihemitMtlMMt. M*r urbd Aft/ , twne, Old Bores, Eruption* of th/. Wkiu, Here Byes, etc,, ete, f tie>*#, n* hi all other weiatitHttouel Irj******, Wangr*'* VixfMAK Btmns hove *hnwn tfudr gt/wt KXr ** *"*" m aaf JUrfntnlrel \ 4 l Petote m,d wdt <m f Viumf/ere, 'CypeewMer#, f>/,1/t--h#Mer*, *tt Miner*, M the/ndviWMie m HiU' aHztiiTJSSI} fca J r V7"> rr*m r* lIMHP fir TT ♦frWP'ft rT Htr// woeei4r,oei|y, PnrWtlw fJ $ Ju*4*i*f M+tyh i'm <pr MmW fffrmt l ulu** ufjtJjLigA til 61 kLc/nf uro gjjr i.i.jw w '■'rr" rtp ffrVr ' Pty,Titpe.tMH j leg m ytm of *e e/e4r >ho#Mf/ ttfe L&Mully f uiM V ilinikd mtotn * "rr*" rrtw ,T rft.'vraw nr'P'a ' ,e' 7*r mjm through *M! /# e*,-, ,iw, j, Miihm .ftiatwt-, d>*m h'f Wwi 4/uoted iLgfj/ftK mmM' mmfi U u .t4 *£v*mSmam L ■ ty.<} fj* Pffr JMMU/ .*,■ i*4 *.e/r f>. t4htSoj** -••14 ptf #)f fp? f/f I n 4 Iti'i'A, //l $25