The News and farmer. (Louisville, Ga.) 1875-1967, August 05, 1875, Image 2

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Ifrit’s ?nb f inker ROBERTS & BOVD, 2217035 ani PKOP3ISTO3S. AUGUST 1875. A WORD TO DEMOCRATS. - % What we have got to say may not avail much, but it is of the utmost im portance that we should keep fully alive to all that is passing around' us. The third tenn has been declared against by several important holies, in several sections of thy Union. The East and West have done it, and a large portion of the influential spirit and'sound think ers of the North have done it by a voice, if not in conclave, none the less deci sive, or wanting in dcte.rminn.t|nn Looking from the high tower of opposi tion that has risen tip in a little over six months, though the material was a!- reaJy at "hand, —easy of access when Tolitioa! OitCx-oppingj brought it in'o the clear light; we say looking from this massive structure Qver the broad arena of the Political Prospective, we see but little liope for the third term project, that Grant ha3 sq doggedly set head for. When we think of his memorable letter, in which \y so impr - dently speaks of his sacrifices in allow l him self to bcco.a • tlic servant of tile people, and in giving up a life en dowment of an easy and lucrative str i .on we are amazed, p\\t\X fetter is ; roan 1 into the hearts of all men. When the Chief .Ma gist rate of a ■nation talks about its being a sacrifice to accept tin, nigh r petition in the gift of the American people; not only the highest position but, carrying with it its concomitant train of honors an 1 emoluments not known to any other place of public trust an 1 preferment, it is not easy to forget. An i yet sec how lightly ho w ars the laurel wreath that hat been placed with such r. national risk, upon his haughty heal. Hif while he undervalues the impor tance and the dignit y of office, and for gets in his high seat to be mindful that la -is the common servant, of a com man people (which he has not prove 1 himself to be), is fully alive to his inter est—the'interest—the current, if you please, that would bear him to another nomination- another, and a Third Turin. When fully emcon - 1 in the easy chair of the Executive Mansion, he can then syy with impunity : ‘ It is no doing of mine. I never asked for it. Ima lo ;* s i^rijice." We think that the third terra is from political expedients that have been heretofore employed, a failure. Hut we are not to lose sight of the fact that th 're arc other, atri new measures which are intended to ba obnoxious and their responsibility hoisted on the shoulders of the Democratic party. They should act fearlessly. The cur rency question is a matter of considera ble contention and should not lie made a p irty matter at all; but what is plainer titan that it is now, what it choul 1- never have, under atiy circum stances become, a party issue—a polit ical measure. It is true, it is a jfreat national question, that enlists the very best mihds of tins country. And who bit* a studied statesman, or great fi nancial prince can solve it. 10veil with thit solution it is but .an experiment. tVeareof the opinion of Gov. Allen, that anything like an immediate re siunptiAn of specie payment won! I af fect every clement of trade, and every branch of business, to its serious -pjiirv, and if attempts to settle existing con tra its on the specie basis is made, it is patent that what he says is truo “the resumption of specie payment by a ret rospective act, that embraces all exist ing contracts, would be an outrage, an injury, and an absolute impossibility short of a revolution.'’ lint the thing in view by the domi nant party north, is to divide the de mocracy on this question, ami cause a split, in their ranks that will be fatal and snicidal to their political interest, In our immediate State elections, we apprehend but little danger of any evil; tut it is a question that afreets the whole country, and we think it is the duty of the press to warn democrats against allowing any question to creep into their ranks, that will cause anything like a division ; and may God save us from any more new departures. If there ever was a time when the Democratic party should be firm, it is now. \V e are talked to, and read every day* about shaking hands over that abyss. We We don't think that the late war ought to be recurred to any oftener than possible, and never in a apiri' of harbored enmity, and anathe mas nursed info eohstanf expression. We must forget to know each other as enemies, or antagonists, but we must ' not forget that democracy is democra . for if w i- 1;c 3 : hem. iked mon kcy%that-au eccentric Englishman wish ed to palm off on his company as polite attendants, when a nut or some tempt ing fruit is offered, there will be a ; scramble, and an outcropping of undis guised ttait that will ruin the zest of the entertainment. You <can noth ing but democracy out of democracy. DEARTH ~ There is now a calm in the edi torial department, or we are led to sup pose sc, judging from the dearth of po litical and other news in our exchanges. Ihe l’ress Convention gave the edi tors something to write about, and right well did they ply the pen—right hear tily did they come down to their knit ting, and encore the e liters of rlic Con'si tut ion, Herald and the Hotels and tiieir proprietors. We haven't a doubt but that the ears of over a dozen men up that way have incessantly burned ever since* that memorable trip. Even the old rocks of Tallulah, if they had cars, they would have burned under the eulo gistic lash of the editorial pen. Now there is but little ty vfrite about that Will attract public attention. For awhile somebody was nominated for Governor at every fresh arrival of the mail, and even we stepped boldly to the front and spoke of one, that we knew no second rate man could vie with ; the already recipient of the peo pies pride and popular favor—ll. V. Johnson. However we did this inci dentally, and while we haven't anything to take l ack, and if we had, would ( .rrat like to ; still we arc willing to ad mit that we acted a good deal in the qann, spirit we did/ hen a volunteer on our way to Richmond ; we were afraid it would all be over before wo got there. Alas' So we were afraid this time, if we did not bring our man in, the nom ination would bo closed. ’ ’The fact of the business is, it has just c unmoficed. an 1 no doubt will rage at a high figure. It is wejl the tlyennom etor don't mark .he heat of an ever multiplying, prospective, political con i'-s’- If it did, there are times—there arc epochs in our history, when the old thing would bust ; the weather would get on a breeze and we could not tell anything about the mean temperature of our at mospherical surroundings. II W .1. 11. has his man to bring out yet, and we arc waiting in breathless anxiety to hear from him. Why docs he let this mighty silence, this weight of painful stillness hroo 1 over us like a hideous ghostly nightmare. We are satisfied lie lie will bring cut sejne man wiio takes the Tftipper, and who is down, on pull back dresses, but lie should spaa'.. o think we can nr •sunt in a meas ure for the non intro 1 nation of new is sues, and political advisory and sensa tional matter. Business is dull. The big guns are drinking mineral water, lager beer and claret punch all over the State—ail over the Union. Sarato ga. Long Branch, White Sulphur and all the innumerable bubling founts, here and there, arc crowded by the pleasure seekers and, mui who take this time ot year to respite their weari ed minds and lean bodies. The high schools are over an 1 the sound of the numerous addresses from the numerous high school orators has died away in the distance and left, us only an indis tinct memory of something good they said, without knowing exactly what it was. This sort of thing is getting into newspaperdom. Well brush up for the campaign next summer. There's noth ing like pleasing the children. We think we have scattered oj.rselvcs over enough ground for t he present and will shut off our inks flow until another time, when we can find something of more interest about which to write. mm [('OMMI'NK ATED.] OUR COUNTY TAPER. What source of enjoyment is more gratifying to the capital invested than the. perusal of your County paper? We see appeal after appeal from the pub lisher to the patrons who are in arrears. Why is this? Are the citizens of old Jefferson so ar.ccscer.jed about the in terest of their homes' ‘re vc destitute of pride, sufficient to support our county paper? Shall we let, it. go down to obliv ion for the want of a little energy on our part? We are aware that parties living on the line of a daily mail route will excuse themselves by saving, that they get the news from all sections of the c innt.ry Itelo; c the editors ( four pa per gifts it. This is well cncugli, blit we contend not a valid excuse for neg lecting our home paper. Have we no county pride? Shall we he forced to go to some other Journal out of the county to ge'. a small notice published. Shame upon hs. We know that onr journal is inferior to some, in point of interest; the cause of this is very plain. Some have by far superior advantages to ours. They are connected hy electricity ryipli the most remote portions of the earth. We can not expect to compete with such ; but we can make ours, with proper diligence as good a country paper as there is in the State. Wc the mental capac ity in the county ; wc have the means to support it handsomely, but we lack the interest; wc lie quietly still and ex pect the editors to furnish us with rare news every week, and,live on Printer's ink that is probably purchased on a crodit, for the want of the mite we are due them for "their paper. Friends, come square to the front! Patronize i your home paper by subscribing and j paying for it. Assist the editors to get j up matter of interest, a short notice I from each neighborhood, in reference,to 1 crops or any local item would greatly encourage them. No branch of industry can prosper without encouragement. When parties contract, a failure on the part of one, very often seriously affects the interest of the other. This is the case with our I editors ; if we fail to pay them for their | material and labor, we cannot expeet them to furnish it free. lam intimately acquainted with cjur editors and know them to be gentlemen of high moral character and intelligent and fully competent to give us an inter esting paper; but the constant drip will finally wear the hardest rook, and We, the patrons have suffered this drip to prey upon them too long. Let us rally to the rescue by giving them proper encouragement; assist tlieui to get up matters of interest, get them new subscribers and by all means pay them promptly our'subscriptions. Well Wisher. [communicated.] Two weeks ago the young men of ' Ebenezer, proposed to give a picnic, and were about to run it in contact with a grange dinner. Of course they gave wa}- to their elders, but too late prevent confusion and some disappointment. But did they retire? Toil's hall see for yourself: Thursday 2fith was again appointed, and the morning was ushered in by a cool, refreshing breeze. We started, but forgot to observe, if the sky was “deeply, darkly, beautifully blue” or watch the restless, unquiet clouds, “Break and dissolve, then gather in a mass, end float like mighty icebergs through the blue.” If we thought of them at all, they were quietly laid aside as food for some evening meditation. For to-day onr feet and heart was on earth, and naturally turned more fond ly to those objects, “like ourselves, l'rail and mortal.” A short drive soon brought us to the spot chosen. Already were gathered many sprightly sons oi' pleasure, and maidc, whose souls were made of some thing more than, “breath of roses and lovers sighs.” Hearts warm and gen crqus, that could brave despair, and “foil the ingenuity of pain.” Here too we found tiiat the Ebenezer boys had been at work. At a graceful curve of the stream at 11 udson’s ford, under the shade of the many beautiful trees, they had cleared away the tangling vines, set the croquet bounds, arranged rustic seats, whilst deeper in the grateful shade, and nearer the stream was a neat, substantial table. Fa -h did their bc3t to entertain the crowd, and sopn every one felt at home. 'i’he morning soon wore away with one or two games of croquet, “sportful pastime circling round the bounds.” Dinnarwas announced. No doubt you are weary with descriptions of dinners. We saw many things to tempt the taste, but no • ‘johnny cake and venizon,” which city fop ling says, will be the por tion of pretty girls when they marry Pincy Woods boys. After dinner the amusements of the day began in earnest. Some of 113 was sood interested in a game of croquet, others Inspired by mirth, and the strains of a lady minstrel, were as deeply en gaged in, “fishing for love, stealing partners, belter skelter, and Wild Irish man.” Among the circling around of rare repartee was: “The laughing jest, the pranks that never fail.” Looking down upon the whole, shone liie laces oi‘ a few of our newly married friends. “ Each wand sing hope at rest. Gathering bliss in seeing o’hers blest,” Whilst just beyond these, kept cool and sweet by the mo lest stream that— “ Kissed (hose easy curving banks (' bloom", were, what do you suppose? jugs of ci der, and a host of large, fine water-mel ons. You may say what you will of the piney woods boys, but you must admit they have fine fish in their streams. 'l'he day wore on ; wc scarce could see in our cool retreat that file glowing sun was ‘Burning like the sen! nf Go!) upon the close of day,” leaving • Footprints of glory in too cloudy West ’’ The boys insisted c.n all, joining in one more game. The picnic then broke up. Exeunt omnes, not with “dry grins” this time, but with Hushed cheeks and sparkling eves Not One of the Sold. Thomas Gallaher whoso disappear ance from and return to Augusta was chronicled a few pays ago, fell or jump ed from the attice window of his broth er’s residence on Wednesday evening last. He has been deranged for some time past. His injuries are of a serious character and at !a3t accounts but little hope was entertained for his recovery. The democratic statesmen are mak ing some telling sdoechcs in Ohio,and tlic indications now arc that the democ racy will sweep tile State by a majority ranging from 30,000 to 70,000 at. the ensuing ejectioif, on the 12th of October. A Wilkinson county man run his arm into an alligators mouth, whilj seining, the gator refused the morsel, preferring , the dainty bark of a “purp.„ Air. 15. Holt, one qftne proprietors of the sandersville Herald, died at his home, at Tennillc a few days since. A tr ie mm can bear almost anv* iliing in this world ot ii al nn ! irib. j u ! a Un ; but whi n aii zen fl es or moip make nn ,at tick on him at fi o’clock on a hot morning; ho jusi covers his head with hesh ot, drags the other end down over h s iocs, sweat* aid swear* dial his world [ lias no cha m* for him; and menially ] Bckn'iwlodges iliiit liks wile would lie a better a an in Ins place. Es*'Job Work executed with neat ness and dispatch at this office. THIS IMPROVED * ‘ * >* Wimhip’s Cotton Gin. THE IMPROVED Cotton Press, SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS: PRICES GREATLY REDUCED: Gilts SU.IO per Saw J>eliver,e<l Ht l*ur * i * - *' chasers Nearest I>ep®t. PRESS SIOO 00 add upwa'd3 acc 3rding to style delivered on Girsin Atlanta o Send lor an ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE and PRICE LIST. Estimates furnished an 1 Or leis f litlif illy executed for '.MILL GE - R— INC end IRON CASTINGS m general. WINSHIP & BRO., August 3—Aw ATLANTA, GA. New Advertisements. Valuable Plantation FOR SALE. I OFFER for sale my Plan a ion. contain ing 1,000 acres, if I ;*.* iwo mPes of Louisvil'e. in Jefferson county, on the Fenn’s Bridge road. About six hundred u*Tt*s m wood- anti tli • balance in a high state cl''culti vation. 1 hurt is' a r*plutidid dwelling with four largo rooms and all necessary outbui dings. For fur. her particulars and Terms, apply to AIK. •L. OKK, of Sauder< villo, or to my self at Louisville, Ga. WHS F. A. ROBERSON. August 5, 1975. tf ONLY UNfc DOLLAR! The Savannah Weekly Morning Newts W ill b.; sent, to any addre s six month- for One UolUr. This is one of übi* che /pest wtc/i --lies published Jt id not a blanket sheet in which al soils of matter is pr.mise.uous') thrown, Ii is a neatly printed pago pa ]••!■, mado up and.edited wnh gieit car*-. N- thing ol a dull or h uvy cloi'Rcteris .elm tcd into the Weekly Jt is an e.ub -rate y compiled coup iid mil ol the best things I hat appear in H o Daily News Hie te eg opine dtSpaichoY oft week re-edited :;.nn ca t I ally weeded cfcveryr 'ing that i.-; not soictly ol anewsehua te t. it lull re ports ot the Markets; thus, tho.-o who have i. t iHg advantage ol a daily mail, ca i get all i.-ovs, p)i six moiilhsr by sending One Doi lar to lhe pub ihcrs ;or for one >e;;r by send n g T.vo Dollar.-:. 1 1.0 JIA 11. V UOHMNp NI.W is the HR 111'- il ;iblo* organ cf public opinion tiiat it has al* \v.i\s b -eii vig.<rolls. thongliliul oil cansci va*< 11 v : in lie- discussion of tfiiissuoi of dm day, .i:el T.c y. Epa.klmg and •nc.iaiuiig in it preseni.i ion ot the new . In gat In-i.i g and (Mit>;c iug the latest lidorm tii..n and di-ens-- ~g <i'ie! ol pubic pokey, (In .oormxo .\i .is i> in ly abrea-t f the uios entmpi sing journ , *ii-m oi the times. Ft ice, slu un for i iiiouihs; HU lor O uuiitlw 'i'he lit y - t lKi.y News has 1113 warn • fea liues ns the Dauy Mewt. Fr.ue. sjjhi Uu for 1 moidhs; jjj*d lor t> months. Money tor either paper can be sent by P O o irer, icgistered letter or Lxp;ess, at pi b ish ei’s The Morning Nt\vs Printing Office Is lho 1r gesi in tho State. Kvvrv dc urip-* t on . f Printing done at ihe shortest notice Blank Hooka of a l kinds made to order Book Binding and Killing ex'-outed wr.h dispatch. Estimates for woik pr mrnishei- A idress all letters, J. ii KSi JLL, Savannah, Ga, PURE ERED FOWLS-! IVe now have a very larg-o stock of PIJKK BRED FOWLS ofttye following varieties,for ►a!e: Dark Brahmas, Light Brahmas, Buff Co chins, I,’artndgo Cochins, Brown Leghorn*. White Leghorns, Silver Grt-y Dorkings aud llondans Our Fowls are hrsUelam and we guarantee satisfaction to all. Send sump for de.-criptivr- ! cir-ular and price list. Address ISAAC LYNDK. j Aug. 5. 3m Marlboro. Stark co Ohio , | 03771ira M&03INB NEEDLE S ! | have just received •• large sti ck of Sewing ' P Machine Needles suited m an, Machim- and : of all siz 8 They are of the genuine make, I nd uro cheaper than ever l>efo'. T. F. UAKL'JW, L< uisvil r, (. ! May filb, IP7s—3m. ; B. H. RICHARDSON & CO. Publishers’ Agents, 111 15 >Y. Si KEEP, SiV! VWH. Are autuori&td to contract- for a Worthing in our pvper Plantation for Sale In offering my plantation lor Kale, 1 will Mate that it lien on the whlch of Rocky Comfoit ; r reek, and embracing a distance ot Haifa mile on the Koc nd fetreaui. which affoidßa.ti ample watei povv r for a mill or oilier machinery. There is 100 acres of c Ibaid land that, lies w-lj, liana good -uUoil and is now in (ultivatou There is 333 acres in the woods, making in al 43.1 aces in the Tract. Fart of the wood land could he opened tip with but little trouble as it. has been m cu'tivation bel'oio. There are 4 good cabins, ►tab cm ami b to n on the p ace, and a well of water that can not bo excelled. One great advantage about thi-* place, other than its b' iug tirst class land and exiremel* healthy, is the tact that the luildiyg mio is onl owe nule from Louisville, where there is a plendid school Fames are icq nested o rail ami iiminc the place for thcunelves Mr. TANARUS, J.Oir who is living on the place, will lake pleasure io conducting parties over the premises and showing them the many advantages of the place and .surroundings. F-r Terms address W. L. ORK Fau lersville, Washington Cos., Ga July 22, ld?s tf .lUiH HN r M La u LEfi.v JLA GR.t.ratc 6.1 The h'rtynfourth Annual Session opens the 2oih of August, with tli-.* old corps ot thorough teachers I'KN PKE.VI lU.MS for excellence in Music painting and Drawing were awarded pup Is .-it tlii.i coll* gc a - Ua rstate Fair within ‘he laut tour years. Board with uashiog, lights and fuel peranumn. $ ;f. Tuition. S6J.- For Catalogues nddrcfs |. F COX, Pres. AKG-iLST SCH.UU' . • Dr- Ward’s Seminary fory ung Ladie-. Nash vdle, Tenn., is the largest in the Moulh and fi tli in the IJ S. Send tor new catalogue- Fall Session .’ s epfember 21 th p - b ,n w c ) n o T giTeoT •Tli ir mj Manufarlures of Colton Cuts, Cotton (Jins Fred* *l3, 1 01 dyi't os ! Cotton (Jinn x !ater als of cv cry dt it tn. Cur Cins ! a*. 2 prt ni 1 n*-e thirty l/'m.', and h v* un csiaidi-lu-d r -pip'i tion t 1 simplicity lijht running , durability, and l.i quality and quantity ol lint produced. Uur ld'der is e id y all;.died to the Gin. and easily "pirat'd b / any hand ofordinary intelligent*-. a> the siniple-t and cheApest Feeder in I ii.e narkit and feeds itli more regularity than is pos-ib e by hand, incrcising the outturn a.mi U. a clc mer and better sample. At all Fairs a ho Mi exhibited and by Planteis having th-in in use, hey have been Mceirdod Ili big e.-t ei e, •'linns Tar Condensers are icdl made, du ruble and si nyL in construction, and do wn.v is re piirfd nl thorn rai-idiy and well, tia addi t onal power is required to drive the F seder or Comi*n>er, and noGiu House is Complete with out them. We are prepared to warrant, to any 1 eas-matde extent, perfect -ati duct ion to every purchaser, f'ircu ara, prices R/id mil infoi ma tern fni nislied Address as above, or apply to ML P. WIXGFIFLD, Washi gton tja iTiti.ll. HfilLTHIf <LITI.iL. FRESH, RICH LANDS. Stable am < e.iLce.,t (iyvernment. Blouses, Faistcs V<-., € TlE*l,\ .l<mVEiiCMtl< For circulars o: full information, address is. .1. MAT lTifclVV Moi.tice 10, Aak. ALBERTS( I N BEGM ENT SUREW COT a’oi\ ! PBESs Uiiiiv..lied lor simpl city, spied, conveni ence a'id durability Make- aSSJ ib bale with one hone and only IS rounds, hen-vu, 10 inch cs lin meter and 111 feet long. For ci'cuinr witb description, testimonials and names •! agents in the .South, address .J. M. ALBKlti'SwM New Loudon, Ct. ' IT. r. ETJP.NaA^.’S Y l it El * J\*M£ W ATE it WHEEL Wag selected 4 years ago, and put t work in the 11. 8 Patent Offi •*. D. C„ and has prov •o be the best. 1 i’ •* nets lo than any o hoi fist class Wheel* Pimp 1 r.-rs Address N. I 01 Kl' WATERS’ NEW SCALE PIANOS aie ilie lies! made; the tuucn eustic and a hue singing tone, powerful, pure and even. WATERS’ CONCERTO ORGANS canm.t bo oxeelied tu ton • of b aury ; they defy eoiiipctiiiou. The ConcertoSti pii a iiue’lmi tH'l ii of the Human Voice. PKIUFS EXI UISMICLY LOW for cash du ring his month. Monthly inhta'dmeats itceiv • ttd ; Pianos H!id Organs to Let, and Kent. Mon ey allowed if purchased. Second hatm Instru meiitH a i gkeaV Bargains, agent WANT ED. A liberal' discount to T< achers, Ministers, Churches, Schools, Lodges, tc* — .Special iuducemeu ato the trade, lllu trated Lutalogues Mailed. HOUACE WATERS SONS 481 Broadway, Ne<l York. Box 3,567 isJ TO SIO,OOO lias been invested in Stuck Privileges and paid 950 *lHi W to Do It,*' H 800 is till V\ Hii fit , hbll t free TUMBRIDGE Al Cos. Baukers and Uro k‘rs 2 VV'.II St., N Y. U U 0 L YdU . Irt ot * Diusgists Grocer* and Dealers Pure Chinn ami .Japan T.-aa in geale . packaged, dcrew iop ('Him, boxed or half chests—Growers’ prices •-end for circular. Tin: Wei.i s 'IV. Compa- a n Knit,m St.. NI.TO Uo>: 4f>fii) ____A WKbK (juaranied to Male and ffVl’l'imilu Agents, in their locality, a M Hosts NOTHING to try it. Bar. -pa M W ticularsFree. B. (.)• VIUKISKY CO.. Aitifiista. Me. I I *ns'VCH(lM.\>!tV. OU SOUL CIIAIOL I IN(. ” —How either sex may laseihat | nn( j pain the love and affection of any person ! Mm, eliopqe, instantly. Thi. art all can possess lire. mail for2o cents ; togeihci with a Mar* riap'e Guide, Kgytian Oiael.-, Dreams, Hints to l a ,\i na etd 1.000.00(1 sold, A queer book Address T. IIII,LIAM & CO, Bubihshers. I'hiladr Iphia, l’a. Sontliera Shirt Manufactory 1C53 Broiid Street lugi|sts& t Ga. f h'U m Established a Shirt Factory in this city, and am prepared to supply Fine Dress X Shirts, of my own manufacture, at the Lowest Frices. First-class work and a perfect fit guaranteed to every customer. 1 will make to order a better shirt fur $?.75, than barties from the Vortb sell for $3. I am also prepared to ciit'Coa.s, Vests Pantaloons, arid make the same to order. Merchants would do well to get up -special orders” and send, as I can certainly make it totheir advantage; and those who want a s irt to fit tlem Can get it, aud at 10 per cent, less tlyin Aortheru made Shirla. Send on your ordeis. June 3 3m. JOHN KENXY, Agent. PAINT and Oil STORE! 53 Jackson Street ? August'? Ga. The Best of Articles—all Fresh and New ■ . WHITE LEA, ZINC, PAINTS, I BLUSHES, V aRNISH. PUTTY, COLORS. LIN.-f.ED OIL. I WINOOW GLAaS, Machine oil, gin gIl, | kerosene oil, i&c. &c &c, Tuans : CASH-ON DELIVERY; or approved City Acceptance. Geo. D. Coinor, June 3.6 m 51 Jackson Near Bill Tower. THE PENDLETON & EQARDMAN ' Foundry Machine Works, Kdljck ilreef Augusts? Georgia WI rII Increased Lcilitifs and experiencel workmen, is prepared to lurnish Machinery o a>l descilpuuus. IliON AND BRASS CASTINGS of the be t materia and workmanship such, as ST-IELA-IM: EiZCVO-IItTZES (H ull Sizes (or I-laiUaliun Use Q.v H.t.zu WATER £ SAW AAD WHKEi S, gill GRIST MILLS* POWBRS. SSaaP Gl v ORA KIN Of nil sizes and patterns, COTTON PH Li ES for Rand, Horse ;r Water Tower,- Mills t’otlcu Ae. I would call especial attention 10 the LEVEE GEORGIA A cheap, simple, bu po.vt-riu. li.u . uumi or nay F.c*s. n n ■ 3 4 n VMI I’KNDI.CTON, Surviving Port er. LATH ll O P & € O ESTABLISHED 1835.] WHOL E E AND HE TAIL DELJEItS IN & JjOBBi®TO© gQOlis- AGEN IS for Athens Yarns, Stripes, Checks and Shirtings. _j ALSO DEALERS IN Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Upholstery Goods, Cornices, Laces, Wall Paper, &c Wo keep a full stock of the above Goods and do all work in them in the best and latest styles, at very low figures, LATHROP & CO, a- Cornr Congie-8 ai.d Whitaker Stress, Savannah, Ga. i O*- 131, HARRELL MANUFACTURER AND REPAIRER O if Buggies, Wagons and Carriages. o, Something New ii Louisville: A GOOD HOUSE SHOER. ll<&rsc .-shoeing RMliice<l |r jih $1 to ccut Per Pair. iBEU LEAVE to inform my customers and the pnbiio geueraily that I am still at the same place, with a good and sutfioieUi number 01 workmen .0 do any and all* ot ork in liiy line. I will as heretoturu keep an assortment of Iron Bolts, Plows, Buggy and Wagon Materials On band and for sale at reasonable prices. Now Wagons and Huggies put, up or old ones Repaired aud Repainted and made to look at wpII aa ne-v. I make Dorse Shoeing a speciality. A good Shoer has long been needed in Louisville—l can fid the bill. Give rue a trial in this department. I shall keep constantly on band a, good supp'j, from the best Manufacturers, of Fine, Rosewood, Mahogany, and Black Walnut BURIAL CASES, CP ALL SIZES PRE^N,