The News and farmer. (Louisville, Ga.) 1875-1967, September 02, 1875, Image 3

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V flttos anti Jfanncr. Vlocal. SEPTEMHER 2, 1875. • *' = Eai>.—We are tolil i in R ev- of the coujh’T are suffering Mor rain. ■■•OROtARY.—Mr. Will. Linclr, living tne Burke lino, vi-i!eil Sunday at Pro3poet church on last Sun day evening. Ilis wife accompanied him, and they left their house locked 0a t! 'oir return they found that come down the chimney and secured all Mr, Lineh's clothes ex cept what he had on his back, and es- through a window. *r>Air.Y Mail. —We are gratified to know that our daily mail has com ■ingneed again and under favorable aus pices as lar as having an efficient car rier is concerned. liy order of the Post Master General it commenced day and the billowing are the regula tions that arc to govern the Post Mas ter at Bartow and Louisville and the ijSCarrier to and from these places : InMve Louisville _ 7. o'clock a. m. -JPiaaiJßaPtow jO:30*“ a. m. Leave Bartow 3:16 “ p. n . Arrive at Louisville 7. “ r. m. Grange Ware House.—This Ware house that is on such a sure footing, and conducted by the Patrons of llus rbandry, deserves special notice. It is incorporated by order of the Superior —Court, of Richmond county, and has a r regular Board of Directors composed of eleven reliable gentlemen, represent ing eleven Counties in the State, find four in South Carolina, representing Edgefield, Beach Island and Barnwell. They will do by you. just what the ad vertisement says, and planters every where will find it to their interest to send their cotton there, and let those •who do not belong to the Grange, un derstand that they are not excluded from the superior advantages of this W arehouse. County Paper.—One of our friends and a reading, intelligent citizen, in writing to us says : “I am very much interested in hav ing a good county .paper."’ lie means just what he says and will work to that o*d? Xo.v, how many more men in the county want to see a good coun ty paper? lie is a man that knows and feCiS i.,iO imooivanea ox sum a tiling. lie kmr.vs tiiat it would cause cverv pulse ia tire body politic of tlie county to heat with a quicker t’.irob. Well, now it is a very easy matter to have such a paper as the comity, and State might even be pro.’. 1 of. Let every citizen take' art' in'vris' i.i his .county paper an i help the i\li:.ors to work to that end, and you will have it. We will do our utmost as well for the pride of the county an and i. j welfare, as our own individual interest. What say ydn men wiio arc identified wiki the .county, ■ ' Louisvillu Acadkmy.—Tiio Tiiirj •Term of this deservedly popular High School at this p!r. k\ will comme.: eon Monday next, Sept. Cth. This School has gradually improved under the direction of the present Tea eh am; audit lias a reputation through them the adaptability of the loca lion, and the thorough Trustees that cannot fail to insure it success. We say with candor that l’rof. Holcombe enjoys a high reputation as an instruct or in all the higher, as well as the lower branches, and it has in'no way abated but all the while increased since he has been laboring in our midst. This term is commencing under very favorable auspices. A number of new 'scholars have already been entered. Three Gleams of Sunshine.—The Other evening we were surprised most pleasantly by a visit from three of the sunniest, sweetest, most lovable little girls imaginable. Their fijees were bright with the promises that young life and innocence gives, and their li quid, laughing eyes, ifili of the joyous impulses of childhood; the rose bum that cluster about their pear! *impres sioned cheeks, were fairer if possible than tlie flowers they gave us, and that we hold as sweet souvenirs,—treasured mementos of the fair trio that beautified and gladdened bur sanctum with their bright presence. Julia, Fannie, Willie, three, - Come like sunbeams stray, Glancing in our office Scattering our cares away. Brooklyn —Has had a serenade. The Brass Band composed of such ex cellent and polite gentlemen felt that they must not leave Brooklyn a'tjgither out in the cold. The first house they called at, there was sev eral young ladies and gentleman there who were absorbed in music, conversa tion and peaches, when rich, swelling strains came from the front gate, and put a quietus to “Maggie Dear,” Within. The music was good—it was excel lent and we lingered, listened and lay low. For the benefit of those of the band who didn't got any -greens in them I will just say that they were complimented in high terms by the young ladies who were the'gratified re cipients of such sweet music. ■ —wrap - -c • . Min COTTON MARKET. The following is our latest Savan nah quotations. The Louisville market Is always Within one cent of the Savan nah prices; Savannah. Aug. SI, 1875. Goqj Middling .... 1d.7- 16. SfidfUing M Low Middling .... ltU Goor Ordinary - • - - - 13" Ordinary - - - 11 Louisville, Sep. 2, 1675. Cotton from - - • 10.j@13.7-lC Go to Little & Co'a. to get your Bag ging and Ties at Augusta' Prices. PENCILINGSi Ain't it hot. September too. Dry and dusty. Fall has arrived. Peace has been declared. Spring chickens played out. Rea l that dissolution notice. Next Tuesday is Public Sale day. Something we are very anxious to see—greenbacks. John Linton has got back looking as “fresh as anew blown'’ Jim Stevens ditto. George W. Stevens will have a hear ing pefore Justice Pannal this morning, under a charge of wife beating. Something that will soon leave us— the leaves. “Grasshopper bump,” is the proper name for the "pinned back skirts. Professor licit was in town the other day giving the Brass Band Some new lessons. Bagging and Ties at Little & C'o's. as cheap as they can be bought in the State. Try thorn. 3t. For only $2 we will send the News & Farmer free for tweve months.— Now is the time to get the paper free. The Loqisvillc Brass Band were out . serenading Tuesday night but they did not find out where wa reside. The first bale of the fleecy staple of the new crop made its. appearance in ■ Louisville on last Thursday evening. “My son always trade with m in who advertise an 1 you will not lose by ii." Benjifin'n Fntoklin. The colored insurrectionist have all been place 1 un lar boa 1 for! heir appear ance at the next Superior Court. We were asked to localize a bug. A young man said it was a humhu >\ y-.'e dissent. It was an hum (b!e) bug. We have such a tiling in town as a soldier's cat. Fish are nibbling by solicitation at small sized catawbas. The Presbyterians in this place are put.dug their jiea Is together to sc- if they cannot organize a church. The Rev. Mr. Burch is conducting an interesting meeting at Oak Grove! " Rev. D. G. Pailium. 1). D.. preached here on last Sabbat a. The 1> lard of School Commissioners will meet on Tuesday next, the 7th of 'September, lake notice, all who are interested. Mr. M. Id. Hopkins and family have orr.i summering :■ onderls’e of Hope f'>rover a month,now. Mr. if. is very fim i of sport, shoaling an i fronting &?, ami we 1 earn that he has Lid * delight, fill tun?. Ms arrived home yesterday evening. ri m L'zne S l ok?s an 1 Mbs Lillie 1 ‘"mb > have been some few and \ys wit:i some frier.!; ii tows. We A ist t Try ha i a pleai:n; tim ; an 1 that we will see them again in the villa -m i soon. JulgaW. 11. Watkins lnm returned from the Fails, looking as fat an i plump .is a li/."n"d. He would haves. 5 1 bmy ■ y but says he wasafiCu i he wo ii 1 jet so i;;, vu tim railroa Is would charge him.double fere. Do you want Five Hundred Dollars in Ha sle Smi s pggaba kif If so, fell you have to do is to catch Joseph Mor ris and deliver him to Si: rif Mulling. The Tax Collector will start around oti th? 13Mf iast to collect taxes See noth; ' in this issue. Mr. J. F. Upion caught elgv.'n rdar geon tl at would average 75* pounds a pie-.*, i.i hi i trap in the Ggc-dme oh Tubs lay morning last, an 1 it was not a goo 1- da/ for fish cither. - * Dr. 11. L. Battle, one of our Repre sentatives in the Legislature," was in town on Mon lay last. He says there has bean more sickness in his neighbor hood up to the first of Juno, than he has known for years. Strang# how it “completely wears out.” some of our young men to stand guard four hours in*oua night, when they can sit up as long every night in the week with their dulcineas and not feci thy least fatigue the next day. The front doors of the Savannah i Cheap Store will lie thrown open this morning, but the big day will be Satur day. Kvarybody arc invited to call and examine and price their goods. Kite-flying is now tuo order of tlie day. All the boys from Judge Diehl clown to Maxey Kaufman aye having their own fun at it. We heard one little fellow ! remark that Rogir Gamble could beat Jim Cain or Nicholas Diehl cither one ; another little fellow said ho would Jiot his kite that Owen McDermott i could outsail any hoy in town. Planters will consult their interest by buying their Bagging snd Ties from J. 11. \\ iikins at Augusta prices. 5,000 yards Bagging. 300 Bundles Ties, just received. Jefferson County Statistics.— The following furnished us by Mr. Fay the Tax Receiver will be of inter est to many of our readers : Number, of acres planted in corn 23, 126 ; cotton 1D,513 ; wheat 678 ; oates 1,006 ; rye 80 ; cow peas 7.100 ; ground peas 75; sweet potatoes 200 ; Number of horses and mules 2,500 ; cattle 4,222 ; hogs 813; fattening hogs 3,070; sheep 4,200; dogs 621. Number of white polls 828; profes sions S3 ; dentist 1 ; billiard tables 1; children between 6 and 18 years of age 560 ; wards 27 ; acres of land 330,7201 ; valued at §1,023,817; city- or town p rope tty 686.215 ; money and solvent depts $385,649 ; merchandise $ 108,020; value of furniture, 52,881; tools, $33,180; value of all other proper ty except growing crops §340,070 • val ue of whole property $2,010,404 ; tax on professions §355. Number of colored polls 1,060 ; acres of laud 3,502 ; value of land $11,526; city property §055 ; money and solvent depts $600; plantation and mechanical tools SI 60; value of all othe- property §64,323 ; value of whole property $77,- f)o 7 I Mrs. Whitaker.—For the benefit of : parties who are interested, and who have heard that Mrs. Whitaker, who was carried some months ago to the asylum, was dead ; we publish the fol lowing letter: R. J. Boyd. Esq.—D-m- Sir:— Mrs. Whitaker is not dead, but slowly im j proving. 1 saw her yes!unlay, sitting at the table, eating with the patients. Yours Very Respect fully, Tlios. F. Green, Sup’t, &e. Little & Cos. are soiling Bagging and Ties at Savannah prices. No Camp Meeting.— Many of our readers will regret to learn that there will not be any Camp Meeting at Par kers camp ground this year, yet Hindi is a fact. The tent: holders and members of that church so decided several days ago. Short crops and old hard times caused them to come to this conclusion. j Big Snake.— Mr. P. 11. Smith has a j terrier ami it is death on rats; and it is j a pastime with him to sonic-! im's go j down with his boys to‘the mill jus- lie ! low his house an i curry lb!-: precocious i little dorg. He did this the other day and commenced looking uu lor an 1 lift ing some boxes in order to giv ? t-iir purp an opportunity to catch t lie rats, when all of a su l len the terrier became very nm u I, iglitg.icd. and ga\oi whioii caused a general panic. After waiting awhile for their nerves to subside, t.liey afi went hack and lift , e.l the box to find a chicken .-make near six feet long, coiled up under it full of ti. it is ao; we hi l it from Mr. ■ lith's own mouth—absolutely full of rats. It didn’t have nary rattle on it. ;„ „ Receiver's Ac inert. rriSAi. Rkfort of Jefferson County.— We would ; call special attention to the report of ! Mr. Win. 11. Fay, our efficient Tax Receiver: i'utside of our local renters, we would like very much for tin Atlanta Ifem'd to read it and compare it with it -. “Glanqe a', Georgia's wealth.” !•: gives Jeff’cfson in that, dance, 11.146 a ires in corn and in cotton 0(1, when in truth she has 23,116 acres in corn an l in cotton 10.513. In sheep it gives us 577, and dogs 632, while Mr. Fay's re port gives the county 4,200 sheep an 1 only 621 dogs. . There is no use in following- these comparisons farther, because they do tally with sk. Fay's report in a sin gle ins:,ruse. and leaves it plain that it lias giv n Jefferson some up coun ties figures, where they don't raise wit ton an ! sheep, hut quantities of tobac co, clover, &?. Now if in this instance that “Glance,' is so tota'i}- twist 1 out of shape, is there any rehtmee to be phrvl in any of it. These r. >.-i<M ! :'iril report go oatii > soli!. ramble, an ic. cn s-mgi. mr irforpisgtio.i, a i 1 if ■ >rrcct, won! 1 tic of great material b.v (< the counties, but if totally ine-v. t, (.vs this mu.A of necessity be. i:.; . , Hil ly shown at lest in ■hi * on \ in v?) ! they are oblige! to do i rusiic.- an 1 pns'iibic injury to tiic.; > conni.h.M. -• pc?:-: 1 yin c, < rtion : that tup.’3 bo ot.'a ■ er way of finding on: our agricnl:n. status only through the re ~ ; and talijes* advertised, the election for saeriif, U> • fill the uaoxpi:-. I term of G-. W. Qnbi ny, resigns i, canio off on Saturday but an 4 resulted in the election of .To -,s? T. Tvlulling. The election pas <?.l olf wry quietly at c\ ry preciart. Ths fallow r>T i* thv o.tbir.l report iV.v.a each pre cinct : LorriVftjiF. J. T. Mulling 1 I John Oar. 45. • R*Jk. Parker 102. |J. 11. Salter 3. Bethany. J. T. Mulling 43. I John Gay 1. I R. J. Parker 12. | R. Salter 28. Bartow. !J. T. Mulling 52. I John Gay 1. I 11. J. Parker 4. | ,!. R. Salter 73. POKE IIILL. IJ. T. Mulling 10. I John Gay 6. |R. ,T. Parker 22. IJ. R. Salter 1. slaplt:iton*s Store. |J. T. Mulling £2. | John Gay 5. I R. J. Parker 0. | J. R. S-liter 1. Hudson i a. ;J. T. Mulling, ' 28. | R. J. Parker 8. Stkllavillk. j 11. J. Parser 4;>. J John Oay <. Total. Mulling R4l. ; Parker 253. Suiter 100. Gay - 05. £5 Gi i * U *2G ih {liit H & TANARUS r lints, fltnnrlaril prrmds. B©lo 4 iirowu*ixjti s * 8 ' “ “ Dull Flour, Knmfly per bbl 7 oO “ Fxr. a Family 8 00 “ Fancy, br.ii made 9 00(n>9 $1). Shot per lb D'(j I*2j Ciifth l , Riu per lb ys'.-8 Sa’t, Liverpool, per sack I 50 >/) ihioun, Shoulders, per lb 11-po ISA ‘ Sides ... Jo 'a- Hi Canvassed Hams lG.j<y 17 Ell Ik Sides I *• Miouiderti • Sugar (alj grades; 10 ‘a> I J Ynil, If Oil*l |.Ju@l . 0 Ir**ii ric’H (who'e liosl r ia) <j-V Jku ging ( xtra heavy) per yd... I ’a lß Nails p*T keg :gi-4 OIK" 4 Pw!a-li [-4 balls to case] .‘I u()m A .>0 tweeds Iron 'Z A(./ J W otd ...... Cotlou will ahvnjrs he bought and c:eOi p aid for it. Prices will be in one cent of Savannah quotations. WAliH liN, EVANS A CO. or 2'i \ —4tt7 <-ni. V air able Plantat ion FOR SALE. I OFt Ell for sale my Plantation, contain* me; IIH)0 tworcs. it lies two mPe* West of Loui'ViUjft, in JeffoCfton county, on the Fonn’s Bridge road. About six hundred uort-H in woods and thtf balance in n I i.*h state of ml U vatiofi. I’herr is a cplendid dwcllthpr with four largo rooms and /rll nrecs.snry out bui.dings. For till” her and Terms, upply t • 'IK. w. L. OKK. of Sander vi’d \ or to my ■ tc‘f at Lou sviilc, '1 1. Mftf ! . A. August %>, 1875, tf Tax Collector**; Pfotice. 1 will be at the following p!a a s a! tii.- time specific 1, to COLNEC'I’ tlie Sta-to and County I'AX for 16 75. P. -5 •- >v;ii p.c.i ■ • wuio up promptly. Tf iiMeT f'ni ’ a.’ r v ■ i'llnbl lid > r 1/, Stellaville. Monday, September in. II: 1 i. I .-i lev. September !■, Pops Ilill, Tuesday, " 11 Loui--, die, Monday, 2d. Stapleton's Store, Wedu'y, " 15. I: w, Tues lay, “ 21, ‘ “ A‘'ad,imy, T:i tsd’y. ' Bk l U m., V. ulnoi.lay 22, SECOND ROUND. Stellaville, Man lay, OckiV’ •. -I. j Hu Isonia. Frll.iy, October 8, Pop? Hill, Tu •: l.iy. ... I I. >ii .vill. Mml.iy. •• 11. Stap'etbl’s Store, Wc Ins V , 6. | Bir. iw, Tmsliy, ■ 12, “ Ac? l.:my, Thursday " 7. | it •h i iy, We .Inn. .day, • 13. TillfO) HOUND. JLojsisviEEii©, ilai'lziE; Cara'i Witck* Stellaville?, 'Lei lay. Nove.nb r. F> ilu Isnnia. Fria ly, November, !b. Pope Hill, 15,?s lay, 16. i Bartow. Tuea lay, 2-h Sinplo'.oah. Store, Wed'y. • 17, j We t.. d?>r 21, “ Aea lm'y Tuesdev la, | Alexander’s, W. S. Tusd'y, “ 25, Planters will please notilv t’i? free Im.ui tlm' it is now tim j to pay Taxes. — Tim books will positively close on the Ist of December. ITEUS JO iD.VN, T.C. .1 C Septemb • 2. 2375. 3m l\ S"’ L, . L iil "IQ '* / i BOltor \ —BV JUIH s -U. S.hl IH, Uov V X : 11 <>T Ol I ‘!C. Wiieiuts, GjUcGiOiit'onmi’i "i lias lit-cii ves ccivc i a* ihii ik-pai• incut tl ai Joseph Morris, j ;i FtJoreU, lias CHiiun.itecl the otV.n. oot | •an attoiiipt t- in mcilrt /uiaruMliotT' m. !i" Cullu. IPS and BillvO, ill, .} ii\‘i'SDH, . L,rt‘iic>. k ‘- Jffhufioti uii.l v\ i ki-isoii in ilii.s >iatc, t .at he h.u 1U ‘ Turn j tsttcc H'ul is r till ut ; ia i cave, t’l Mofi-ve, thought prop**- to i<s'.ic h “N iny p uch* 'ia' Mil. h- i '.y tUo | aar i or i- IV l\ HI -N i .)JpLNU ' for the | approli oisioii an-! and ’h . cry ut Hie s , .1 lu ' iblNl , l ill'! ►iiiOiil* <•* viUil.l' ot ud OOtlli" • i icd. Am I <l*. DiuK-ovor, ch o-r.u aw • tiro nil j cthcors in lies •'Male, vil ami mid ary, to be | via- .t-iif in eiweavw.Utf t lojiea ad t..e j'Oshpii Morris ui oi l r t i -v. U? m i\ he l* til'll tor '•l0 tllcDSe V\uil -.viilCtl no f- Lt tl d.s I cUav^ed. i>ivcn lut'ler Ml- h mlr: 1 t :•* '••• and ca. "! the > .v 1 -' at the c/tt| ltri. id ii-m •, this ; lweni -i ■'i J y “l Ai / . •• ta ■ ; in , LI- 1 ! . . s , Ol 0111 10l II l i ... ... cnly-riv.'. and o- h. 1 ■ a t "' * ut a - mV l au:.-.s *•; A m I'.. I lb * Oil,! 11 ,M dr Ml. J.\Mi: M. SMI : il. By tie G"V‘-nv i : o. i j .\ (j. rA UN i. IT, SdC.r; 1 1 v. t Na:e. Scpt.-mliw Oi• < and • MarkyuMr Oottaa ?. 'O' A- 1 /'j *. ’’n? t 7 it s\‘7T NTT P 1 vdifoiiid v:-a W U ulj PLaoDERS’ , rvui•t 4 .' r fV'V. P. iff •> . I Jsti. R 1 x i 9 co a r:> 5Y i • : Palro > l s cf H u.?b:i n dry,: ,Y,i r, m si' S'. . A 't, Gi At t!)i C.m : th.oas Fir.-P m f WAi4 HOIJ3 and, i'ormerly oycii.i.c i by J -nn Sm.tii A Cos. - * y „ <r* - .it . e l\> u Cominis-O >a t > •' •’• .. i -‘-e 0 N.niHae— U V\ • j >.*;• Bale llv •* Ka !'. . ! ii". i".l Wetl: he Dr iyiy -p ii l • B-c. plwaO uuoid - • i io Uimci ui.rn.ltod on the turn'? ip’un * ■•-' -ia • •'••s iuc ude i | litt-yg'uxg cP TANARUS: - ' J (j Patrons. V: i-iIU-'CJ vsLlp , l 1 3 pti nihei* ‘J Uh Louisville Acj.denay, qy p * *4T*, * O. *9 <v> f*l ’"*l . S ivlnlb * mm 2 *tJ J " JEtl''EßSi),\ CULM i CEURUIA. The Fai.i. Session begins oa ivloail ay. bin 18. a.. Insleih jion:—iuorough. by Erve riai ■\i lea a a'.-. IT'S !!M. i . i.Pirm, yeli mild nrl pa rent:',!. j Ul'iisk <a’ S.ty—Juiiieiou.3, prae and eompret-.-'iiaive. v—tiealt iy. and every way I ilestrani;’ j .SruooE —i" lahlisiied on a perma nent basis. Common my-—T*lor.-,1, iuielliaent, re fined and eoeial. T uITIOlN". I’rimary Class, per session (13 weeks) !? 8:00. Ji’Mon;, .... 12:00. Hen to.. Class. .... 13:00. BOAI3/JD: 5 (lays ty. tne week, per month, :p 8. 7 12. Payable, cash in advance, or. if pre ferred, its equivalent in Corn, Paeon audCountry Troduee generally, also in advance at market pres Q - -.n T’ .-1 | wrrii tiie n;ix< u-al, fuee ok cnAr.or.. These with other advantages must commend this time-honored school to the favorable consideration of parents and guardians. Apply to G. A. iIULCOMPE, A. M. Principal, MRS. C. C. ( iOUt)E, Asssistaut. Or to Die E. 11. W. Hunter, ) Col. .T. G. Cain, |’T. J. It. Poliiill, J-Trustees. .7. iJ. Wilkins, Esq., | A. L. Pai raR ■•>'.. Esq. J PURE ERED FOWLS. Wo new In.vo n very largo n ock of ITJUK r.R Ki> Jf’OW hi oftiie fuliovnng varioiiot-, for aalo: Dark Ikuhinag, L'glit Iha’, P*. fl Co* eliius, Partridge Coeluna, lii’ewn Legho n<. White Loghoiiui, f iivor (iivy and I loud Hi t Our Fowls ar tirsUcl tas and' we gun ran led sali'faei eu to nil. fceud .siai.p for ne. iiriptivo ciriuoar and pi ice iiR. Adcirbas GAA'J FYNDK, Aug. 5,3 m Marlbovo. fotark co. Ohio,, GVLOJ.OIV, ,U:FFERBON COUNTY. * Cu -; c*r <Ji ‘Hj.j, p has applie,j lor ex* .mp ion ef pers -n i,;.y Aul I ivlll pnta iiumi the nXm*i (it my etbee mi Tuesday uu? ifl-l. clay of -dug Ist at 10och)clc u m. K I'i.UltL, Old y. Aup list 10 1 75 2vv I JKFDEUSON COUNTYi \\ iivicH'. ! . A. AU*B • Ut, Administrator i M vd fioheit Me its ido deceased, i as ■'•implied for leave to oib! the lauds belong | 'Mg ? o aid estate. I 1 m; are iimrel -re to cite .and admonish all 1 ci ’iD-'-M> 'te I, t i be an i apper *t uy oftiee i 11 Hie L:i f Monday i.i Ucio ci n, x*, to .-how iMiu-e, ii any th- y c .u, why said letters j su u.d uoL lie giantcd. N. DIEHL, Ord’y. _S< 1 !in IBJS hii j 4 _1 lv>lU J!■ l* FUUSON UOUNFV: jj \ t . ?kiii l J <t rdon, Guardian of j ,Ul pcrßon ali i proji 11 V orTS ir.'ih Mcßride, Ims [ appir and tor iitucis a Dismission lroni said Guardiaufihio. are th-veforo to ,‘itc and sulmonisil all persu! intere-ted to be am appear at my <>t nee- € lit* ’Mi Mi !i':;v !•• (October nexr, to allow ca'-su, :! any they can,, why ?a:d Leiter.s should u.ut be granted. N. DIEIIL, OnPy. • J d 'y 20ch, H 75. :2 y • 1 ' . IA, EFFKItfjON l ' )UN 1i : \ 3 Wh oi . Dav .c! 1. ( 'otter his applied for Lei tei s 01. Admiiasriiiti-'ii v n the estate ol lull F t lai O . o SeJ. I’M 8- ,iv icei !- i\. r , e tc ml almoniih ail -• •• ltobe a pp at u y of h i: mi the Ihi si \ ii l v in Dctoimr Ucxi', to siicc.v cau--- 1 any tl *y o .••. why said LetxOra should i.o; ho g anted. N 1)1 Kill. Ord’v. Sep 2. \?::> Du I -i - i. y ,<? “> 4 f a u>s;<t H JOaiFP i LL I'ani >i- /-r - 1- I ar hereby not fied XA. that tile i i.j! if iir b'o.s v V Chew, c.diig t*• iUnder Ki'.'! l':.i:i riam ? and *y ; e has t, Jin by, inn:mm. t r.- :r, d.-•:*]v-r i copar.** Ft.-! ip. io: iht- ; o o ‘' l 't: ? r cv r: -i: r :i i e 1 : ti -•’—** ’ • . H A. Ufti .*. •, K. A, LTD. W. August 2 >, i IMI A.-Vci, ?! is A i O.fS SAL]']. . V ■ i ider fi om tin Court of O.di., iv ci' jilt -ini county, will be fJ 1 i;* ii- Ui i ,ie- lay a fc>o}t-aiibur next, ;-it {■••• ' .if...: I! .'i-e i.i ilia I' o Louis-- j . W . :i o ' 1 •• li >ul 6 t l sUC, t.l 2 loiio.V • i ine- prop. ' iy to wii - j uiic Pratu of Lind known ns the f'.-l \\\ ' tract, an 1 l/ing o.i the wafers of the Ogcclioo f Liver, iveii improved and ceiifaining Five | liuu .red and Hi rty-threo (53dJ jicvcS more or ii s-.s. p.ue land t.:j u:ng tamf-s uf J G Fordue, Ii ta o ol G 'V B K-h.r, deceased, Miiledjje j nurphy and oth as ! Ai), Dir* Tract cf Ln*t 1, luic vii as iho LUi '• v ti-iid, Or, and llickoiy laud, and : eontnioing i’wo Nun.bod and Filty-fivc (2o"i : a- .-s moie or lers and acjuining i 1 uls North • ami Last of Noah rjin.t i. -o th by tl. i). Tor j "it. West by James At.-. I Als * one X:.vt of Laud, mo.-tiv pine, only j settionn nt mid six tlumired i and Pen (b t'y es mote or If3 . and adjoius ! '-••g' lands ot M s Ferry ilyne A. Brown, 6 G { Jordan, E*ta eof : horn is Jordan and others, j <il-o, on * I Tact' i Land, llicKoty, wi lliin. ; pp*v <), fjood D-vcd i? \T tio 4S>a. Gill House and I all lice. s.saiy • • n .-t bui p* c r well of w,A ?r Ac- :aii ii id co .iai.;.s l a Hui .iicd and : ikijrJi'y acnos, inert* or ic-s, aid adj mi.m l-'.n .s ut Mrs. Ferry Byac, ii L) J'oibir., J. 1 Bhui ,t and otiiois. il.-o F nr (4; Share, otic luiudred dollars f each, Go..rpfia Kail read Stock. | is.dd s tii * piopany ol K'-Üb; n Atw. ll.lato i ol JctforKoit con ,ty d'.ccas.d, tor distribution, j Id ms, ere ii. until Ist N- v k *mber next. No i Poles male u .tii pi:re|ri-f m *;iey i.s paid.— , Fuichni'seis for Pule.- A-?. JamF.S a pvvlll, ). , - J.ilt.N .1. I’DI.IIiEL. > Wlhll H August 5, IT) ids jIIO KG i JLFFERS ).\ COUN I'V. U Wiien-as. Audr. w J Cook, admiai-tritor o.i the Estates of >yivM Chisolm deceased has r.p;>. e l lor bare to sell tiie mud belonging i- said Estate. These Hie therefore to cite r;r,d admonish all j persons nucleated Jo l>o ami appear at my ait I ii.-c on the tii t Morid.iv in •“> pteud) r next, to show cans • if any they can why said leave should Hot be granted. N DF.IIIL, O.d’y. \u guststh 187 f*.—3oJ !/ ' TO lit HA JEfFKUSON CuLNTY. ill Wliereas, Irwin Davia has aj p ied for ' L iters of Adminitciatimi, with the will uii i ncxed, on thciUta- e of Natan iJorea*?). | J imso are therer'oroto cite and admonish a'l j persons intm rst . J 4." I> ? and appoar a> my otlieo mi t if Jirst Moiidoy in ;-epu ml).*r next to show cause )'■ a iy they sail wliy said Lo tcrs should not be granted. NICHOLAS DIEHL, ()r.J*y. August sth, 1575 30d i 1 EOIUiIA .IEKELILSON COILS I V Vjl Vv heiei'3, William S. Alcxai He Ad.niuis truiov on ihe odd oef ,Julm W- Alexander deei as and app'i<'B lor lette.s of disin ss on from said Hduiiiji.Hira'ion. Tlie-c are therefore to cite nod adm mi h nil prisons imeriFted to he an ! appear at my Dice wiihm the tinte jiree.ihfd ly law to sliow" any rimi eau, why said lottem should no t.e granted, ' MCH >L\S DIJHIL, Or and. s SO, is;, CUN WlLt I,\ MS ) vg £ Libel for Divurco. LAUKA WILLIAMS > I P A I’I’EAKING to Dio court fom th* re- Lurua ot dm SpeviiT that iiofoixUnt if not t j be found in the county, and ii further up ,ea.iax said delondaiit is not now in ting Slate. It is t.lionafoctt ordered ihcj. iicftiidaut appear and answer at the next term ol this court, or ai defauli thereof the court will proceoj in s id cage, and it ij further orrlc ed lint this order be published m the Nkw- &. FahMjki onoa a uwtiDi let f niMithg pu vi* ti< to the November itrm Ju.Mj'spu fSu* or oi Cjuit 1 bib. Iruc cxdaot t.o;w m'.uatca. TANARUS?. ,T. hm\\ fork. e r if*?s ( CroeheVa Ivon ip om. I MAKKTUM BEST ANI> CHEAPEST G OT0? O iNf PRESS > Al-o*he BK3T IMV.T.i! fr (iIN.VNGt an! THRESHING. Can sell !Il outfit for GAmi ig : 1 *..%,0r, P.ess, f!:n and Halting ; any hnild-. ing 10 By Ifif'it 1 1 a. tii ;i< uccil-al t. Gin in. I a'a. ra ikv Sugar Mills 2y.*ii?) Ke'..ties Gin Geiring* Saw Mills, Grist Mills, I,on. Railing And aI! oilier work made in a Madame Shop. I Sepcl i>r C ir ail ' i., vo i!> ,v. Addr.-ss IL C ROCKET, August i2, 16.-5 3, n Macon, Ga. I The Old Cotton Gin With a New Name. r _ Findlay Iron Works, Macon, Ga. Having just aide 1 t, uur I on \V. rks a . £ F TOHY;, We aie now JLiiufjeturinu th* X 2§: Xji C3r X XT r I ho ex ict counterpart [wiinout adu>iion or a.teran *u. | <>i tuo g*nuuu3 CEL UKLS> ; CM 4' i M.S iilNi, and true copy ui ih.u ci/iouraied .uavii 4 | ( a a w mdUe. Uur M.-uluuery is Entirely New, uu oi tuo l.noa. auu ino?i appigveu Kind. Uur woik men in ih’.s deparftiieut Hie tl is t* class I'laciicni Gin Maiveifit, uur tUoroil. r hiv 3v;t3wn> ! o*l, every i ui y turned • ud avcu.ato. v bUuoel, aid .he enure G.u -*-s *. ■ -“8 TANARUS" ■? *t*' A U. -V —W —J v -o r - ■ AM) VEIiV LOW I*ll ICED. COT Tim FEE HER, (IJVCE,O"V'JE3I? 1875.) Furui-hcd with our m 'M Xl v * Gin when derire l. Being sold Agents for this FFID caw also supply oiiiur Gin Makers with tlie ;i ae upon re- • mab.c ” €(?1 TOAI RLFASRE3I ii HE..; r 1 , ;)8.518..K MANNER, at viy low rates, Send for I’k J - v : L m, etn. - V.T7. U- FINDLAY’S SONS, \ Findiav lr-m Woiks, Alieon, Oa,\ —i m n ♦* y f i < ;• .* ,; i• •• A \ <* j \ II 'dl l 2 Sj V p . S o A i. l lj\ , Also furnish dto order. Send tor Descriptive C.reul ir ut’ <u,., A j_J IfhpiC t’j.toi LV.nk Preai, Portable Ennises,, Uorse Pnv rs, &?*, Ar. si. Fivstfavs sox Si, | Aug. 12. 1375. 3m MACON, - - - -f -j>7_ j 1 < i icovar*,-.', Cotton i Ihopsc'dd 'JAdEiZO WlmMp's Cotton l*reM amt; UC j - | lout SBPKIIIOIi ro AMi OTB*r a ' o te ; I'll ICES (! 11E AT fi Y \ 510 ■ ' ' -.samioul ' j its aiu cle;bscb*m x\c-arcMt H>eif>ot. . \ >S‘" irofiiv.i PRESS $lO3 00 a*id upwa r ds accjrdi.% i lk'W’L ! aelivered cn Girs in Atlanta. mk —fS on I ii utlia' id l>: Sen I t r in II.LESTR A TED CATAL* Hil’E and PRICE LIS ® acl . >}) HD Eatim t s fur -s'.ek an I < )r.ic:& litlifu ly executed for MILE GEmigii INNr fci.d IRON CASTINGS m general. * cver.i ?OW Oil August -'s -1 w ATLANTA, Q™ j C. tt Sdioiicld’s Ir© :s tVrk** st. Fi ;orda j>< macor, ga . , Cj;' Sslioiield’s Wrught li*on Cotton Scraws, For Horse Power, Hand Power, Water or Steam. ol the lightest dt af! quickest packing nd greatest durability.^ N1 SUET’S WROUGHT IRON COTTON PRESSES. Having turnod over ray patterns to Moss. SchoSeld & Son, I recommend all my friends and pat,oua :vaimu h > Dresses to call on tliora. x. 0 MdßttV. Faughts’ Iron Centre Support Gin Gearing. Supports the (Jin Houho, and unlike all Horae Powers made for Ginning, it ia stgQg,** miA diirauie. v\ c gumautoc sutiaiaction. It is matte Lo do its work' You wou l buvv 1 you ace it. \ >SO, With t Sugar iltillM, aiul Syr/l'^<© < ' l p h ? nldo, L ’ *’ *?. V -Yn head, a Si. at reduced prices. Complexi NT N pd mischievo Iron Railing, S;uv i.nd Grist Machinery ami Castings'ofrVau'o.i'n'i i W ATE R AVII ic els, &c., &c. i.iSc? on' CVRepaiu of Mills and Maoiiiacry promptly nlto-id.d t: t. low do vu ‘^° r . S ' 8 ud for cMVulnrs. r ’©BBloll of a b .1. s. sMwnitiLa.,:, 1 ,;.::