The News and farmer. (Louisville, Ga.) 1875-1967, September 09, 1875, Image 4

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MI IMF! ! lyTotwiibstacding the heavy nub during the A i winter mouth*, our stock of DBY GOODS CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, Are still kapt tu>l aud complete, We are re> ceivng Mew Goods livery week, and offering superior induce iceot) tw CASH BDYEKS • Our stock c-f Groceries !< a'r> compiote, and we will mU for CASH • othper thau the same goods can be bought in Savannah or Augusta Give u a call and be • otivtared that it is t-* your intere>t to trade with ns. Polite Slid accornmodatiug clerks always eady to show goods. rjTTti: & co*. Feb'v .) *75 1 y I'IRMACK HOPKINS, Macufactmer of Tin Ware, AND DEALER IN HARDWARE, S'TOYES, XL’S WARES, AM) feUtSE rcaiisiiiKu goods. Contractor fer Tin looting, and Cornice jg Work, I H-7BPOUHION STREET, ■ SA VANS AH, CA.‘ SR. R. R, ! S READY RELIEF :H2 WORST PAINS n to Twenty Minutes T ONS HO'J Vi* advert! ?o t need anyone Fi ' It WITH PAIK. inv IteLrer rs a tvrp for liVii&V : vvaaUie Hr* and !• Iy Pain > b# mo‘t exerun!a*.!nf pnln*. rUavs and ru r * ‘long--:ions, whether f the .weis or other gland* t-r organs, by AT.TO T3T.VTV MINUTE O ■‘cut or ex rain the rtiidfU, I i'.'itu), Crii-' k'd. Krn ouh, rate 1 with au-a.** vuJer, CS READY Relief F’TiltP IVjtT\VT-PA33. ‘•r r hk Kli>M!Vfj '!> \ M M aTI'JN' C I* THE KI.AnDKR <;I i‘- h AS I-.1.q . ‘ <> -f-STIO.A uF TIIF. I, UN 08. >m ;t ut r.itfiATMTvrj imlfitati'>.%’ or inn ntAr.T. >cp, i>:ptmeri \ t ’ VTARR!!. I.VFLCKN ZA >i HAGUE. NKI RAT.GIA. rheumatism. nri: rmi.i.s. • th* l iilrhO i rtellf'Ft'. the r**rt or •n or o ;t..mi. l v/L-te. w!‘l e.uurd ease half <i • of w > *rr tv!!’ In a ‘>v/ AMTS. . BoU.II STOX At’lf. K it . ' \GffXb DJAK:UKEA. ■ mV AVi>u IN TIIF. HOWKLS. r. rtlN' L.! i.* '- carry n t, *fMe c.f ‘ - ft* ' k few drops in r . , r . % u from rluuvte of { .11 i-'ruj-:h h randy or Filter* ae a Ha and ague. ■■■'T. li t-- r TV- 'O 5h ••%. r ' 1 H||H■. . r > \m. t; -i • , -i . ii i bo'tlft. I BEAUTY!! w tf nroor-iv.'iru.^ BHH * •■ < *m\ ’ ■■ l ■• • '■> : 1 . -i, i • 1/ A Y’ B PJ.ttFIER. rrrr*?. c.* i■!; . fit ii I ii K IMTiI'FSt K I VL MKDICINR, a ia M •TT.TT.ti; o'K , 8s •('. Ti ;ro, ■'Mef 1 rh • • r of y '••lth r.< and •' lOpth'll. hn at. Month, Tu- Ilf*- ■ ' 11m *V: r.'ITl. r tu 1 1..- L ii ' aud !-• n|ttiDtv*. \. \. f t!! 'no I'.r • *1,.-t lat. 'D4, Til ll*.Ji t. <’*lll. .1 I -a mini . I in > : - V J,!>•■ .• il, • i * t choYe t'crrr.fs ■; ' J 1 V the \\-n*U'9 y vro^re.^i’i.. s\: > *iv Li-av 4 . -Ul'.i li'H V.KJH .*. •. curt! >’<} / . , .1... •! f: i .In dir•irdflUt./ -.ln aji.l t ry i! i u\ fo.uii, r.r*.u lu-alj b I'.naotvFf? escrl rr nr ■ , 'br i i' L’.tt .t e :;*■ \ vtnpUtints, i. T>>a' Prop*?, Ci Inc. Ur l , Ufa Dia a wittii; • ere hr* cloudv, unxed .< nr ib * iiko itk. Ktt.oiii appear r.n-i •••leu tir re la f;u. eiii,' tvuiir, and iw£ the Eoiua. 's’ Growth llcaolvcnt. IVY’S • vft *i wee.t e ’n. elMWiftllCtl. Kiui. rr: ot tho ‘itomaoh, • wr io>ia4.-.* v0 At.x Ihdl/r-t: ;.D<l ii!utn:l-n f i cl iby In’cinai '•o C’-re. i'utvlv | | M*i tb* *■* ( ‘ •••■ l j J 'ii i f INDUSTRIAL' EXFItBIITON’' .CO >s2o> Wll.L BUY A FIICST MOttTuAGfc PREMIUM BOND OF TH£ N Y..INUUSTUKL EXHIBITION Cos 1 hese bonds are issued lor the purpose ol ; raising luuos lor ihu eieot on ot uuiwug-iu j ilio Liiy otNew York, to be used for tkrpciuai vvuna'o ran, a permanct h .trie, wnere every muuufacturu, mu exhibit aiiU sell in* goods anU every pat* euiee cud show his auventiuito; cuu<?vi iu dustry which will prove & vast btueltt to the w hole country. lur tins purpose, the Legislature of the tit ito ociUcw ioi k has granted a charter to a our mwt wlieuiiti, unU renpoctalue : irercS. end tueae gentleman tiavejiur* has ; cd ho ies thau cigln OuivKs or ihe uivet vhiu f bio iaud iu tiiecitj ot iNew lorn, ine bund I ing to be erected win be seven stoma high t K>VJ I feet iu height J surmount* and uy a inugit-mtui dome, aaa win cover a space u l acres- It i*l be constructed ol iron nnck and uiiass auU in .ae lirb'pr. ef Ihe bond*, which are an lor eac ,areaectutd b,> a lirot mortgage on the land and butluiug, and lor the purpose ui hi iking them jiopui.*-, the dinclor* have de cided to have quarterly O'awiugo of SIOO,OOO each ; tfna money being the lot real on the aiuouut ol tue wuo.e loan. livery buuutiuiUer niust receive at least $21.00, out he may receive 91 v 0, C 0 Os Or $33,000, 01 tflo.UUn ®s,uuOor 3 000. &e Furti Serie Drawing, April 5, 1875 I'hQre.lira wings hk© p<ace eveiy three MONTHS, i'.lld i.vr.uv bond will participate ill uiem Address, for Bonds and full information ifloryemhau, ttruno fit 00., Financial Agents, 37 Park Hew, New York, Post Oftico Drawer 21#. Remit by Draft on .N. Y, _*ty Banka, Regia tered Letter or l* U. Money uruer. Foblporiemuntis imposMble uuder this p|,.n Applications lor Agencies Received. 1 ec. 1 7th*, Ic74.—.ini. IMFUIi i'ANT TO CONSUMPTIVES. *v UuiUCitiHii ticuu oo iuilUt.a.c uo 10 Cine Uia son ol k o su.option in its wms. at ages, a ter being given up to d.e b> the moat c e* butted puysiciana. ueMiea to made known ihe cure [uiiuli pioVcS successful iu tvtry c- so J to tuoau attiici and With Aathinu, bronchitis Coughs,, Consumption,, and all Art c tiona ot tno i hruat nud Lungs, and will send the Recipe, free ol chat go R an who desire it, it they win lorwaid Lnvu addicaa to HaaILL A Lit L, i • 0 1 ultoU £>t-, Mew York. Lee. l?i.'i, icii—u. A NEW BOOK- Agents wanted t j canvabs iuJctictaju County, aud auj #iwiug couutica lor MoNi.Yt,r'“ ax uibn.ui ill niuvN, vn that every body wants it lays down ihe gicai phnciplu ol money a and allows ho rv io succeed in ail kind* ot Alone, lor working men, money for mechanics, money lor women, unn ey lor boys,money fur everybody ; u.dney ou the larin, in lilt* giaoen, wheat, in coin, m sLoC k, in pouiliy, in tiadc. 1 here is money everyivhei*-. ah over thia land, aiul tins book shov s how t<>get it. How to begin bcsiuesß,liow to buy, hi w sell. Ijow tosucceeu* How poor nan’s sens become rich. c?end for l iicutur, u d tend The table ol couteutc. and you will be convinced *i copy ought bo aolu hi every house- P. vv Z.kOtKR <k Cos. '■> 1 b Aivh b'., i fcjp KIi\RSFORD’B OSWEO-O Pure and Silver Gloss iStarciij For tlieLaundiy .II.I.VtI'JC.VKH, /J j- r. KINGSFJR & SON, I Ht LiLAI blArtch iN I Hu WUricii. GIVES A HEAUI IFUL EINIall lu THE I.INbN, aud the difference in cost between it ami coinmuii ataicli is acaiculy iiall a cunt fur an ordinary washiug. Ask your Grocer Jor ii jsWlGj vUrtm biArtCh i-or Pudin a s,Biance Mange, ce Cream, &j. If the origin id— iu And |jfo surveu iia lepuut'uu aa fukek, stronuwK and MOKE dei icate than any tllier article ol iiiu'Mud uUer and, titlier ol the sainu name cr witli oilier tiUufl. Strvkrtos M vcDam, Ph. 1)., kc., iho higL e*t cDcnucal auiuuiity 01 Luropu, carefully anr .tlyZ'.d till a Com tiuucli. auu .-ays it is a niost exuelK.ut artic e ot diet and in ciioinicai and eeedmg projDTiica is luiiy equal toilio boat ar row root. Directions for making Puddings, Cus arc’s Ac , accompany each one pound jack ago H)U 6ALL in ALL UKOCJERS Aiay ii**, dm. ESTABLISHED im Day. Yannahill k fin. lU.tuiiHiUarciN auu OiuU-rs iu GAIUUAM fclti, WAYS, y > U Vi u i. i . iS , 1 2 & 4 Fiorse Wucs, ut Ac 3 Sjii iug U AgcuiN for ffit? tdt'braled 111 ‘‘f AQ..KSp.rj.t?' PLATNIATION WAGON Harness of onr own Manufacture from beat I niia'ity ►electee Stock. Saddles, l’ridloj, Go'lars 11-unos, Gum Belt ing ii to II inch, Gum Parking, Hemp and •Soap- 1 * one packing Turn <*. Valises ,<nd Trav eling Bags, ' liips, Umbrellas, Buggy Hug-, Lap Gak end Hornlnck o L atb or, best quality. French Calf Ski s. Kip nod Liuings. a very largo Stock am for eaio I: • Send for pricer. DAY TANNAHILL & C nAJ br.;(l Mfpbt, N'o.'ftnbrr Is I 6 ’/ or* Soiitflera SMrt Maaiifaetory 103 Broad Street iugnsia, Oa. T HAVE Established a Shirt Factor y in this city, acd am prepared to supply Fine Dress A Shirts, ot my ovvu manufacture, al the Lowest Ences. work ami a perfect St guaranteed to every customer. 1 will make to O der a better shirt for $ !.75, than bavties from the Vorth sell for $3. 1 mu also prepared to cut Coa s, Vests Paumloons. aud make the same to order. Merchants would oo well to gat up -special orders” and seud, as i can make it to tne.r aovanta^c; aud those who want a s irt to fit t. em Can get it, aud al 10 ~er cent, less than Northern made suirts. Seud ou your orders. June 3 3m. JOHN KEIVXY ? r\ gCIlt. PAINT and OIL KTOKE! 53 J ckson street,, Auguitr? Ga. The Best of Articles—all Fresh and New. WHITE LEA. ZINC, PUNTS, I BltUstlES V .KNiSil PUITY, COLOKS. LIN.->f.ED OIL. Wl\oOA ULiaii, machine oil, gin oil, | kekosene oil, & c , &c &c. Trass : CASH ON DELIVERY; or approved City Acceptance. <*eo. I>. Connor, June 3,6 m Jackson Street, Near 81l Tower THE PENDLETON & EOARDMAN Foundry & Machine Works, Ktiljck -lretl Georgia. IV I I’H Increased facilities and experienced workmen, is prepared fo furnish Michinerv o a,l desctiptions. -v.iuo, , u IKON AND / RASS GACTINGS of the bo t materia. and workmans h;p, such as SI?E3iLJyL EKTCa-I^rEIS Of all Sis lor lMantati'on Use r0.r.% T.uYTrr, i’ *.v WATER SAW AX’D WHUEi.B, GIUSI' MILLS, HOIIdEPoWiiRb.SBS Gln GlAkiN . Of allsizes and patterns, L 0 1 f 011 lor Hand, Horse or Water Power Siisrai* illiUs, Coltoii hius, Ac. I would call especial attention to the L E V E JEh GEORGIA, A cheap, simple, bu powerful liiu . ijottou or ilay ihess Jnn 3 4m i'M PKNDLETON, Sifrvivina Part-mr. JXci> Finn, New Shop, GOOD WORK A'l’ LOW I’K!€ES. undersigned having associated tho elves togo'har for th; purpose o*’ cair JL goneral WOOD WORK & BLACKSMITHING Business, beg* to inform the public that our tiliops are njw om. leto, and w.; are prepared to dti au work eulnitled to us iu a neat and s.ibsiantmt uiiuuer. Having over tweuty years ex peru’itco m some ol ihe largest Carnage er'tab.?.shmo..lH in the ouiii, we teel autbonzed i*. sajing ihui lor NLAlALtiti and l-MjKAiiiLliY our work will del v coiupciiiiuii .Nuith or tiouth, aud at J lower friges Than the asms clast of work can bo put up uv any man who hires his labor. iE^iSIEfefLXiRIIsrCa- Of a'! kiimt done with nearness ami dispatch. OBJ.* FUSrXTTUK.iI Overhauled, repaired and made to look like new, ii a sociality with us Wo invite tho citizens of Jefferson and adjoining cßUUtica to givo us a trial ai.d co - that we mean what we say: KOBEKTB & SiIVZIE. ■**—•“ *■ - ■ GK EL. MANUFACiUUFU AND REPAIRER O F Buggies, Wagons and Carriages. —— o Something' Uew ii Louisville: ; A GOO SI HORSE SIIOER. S3i>i wc ola ou j ng - Ui'itisfifid H* sat so 7*l cento Per Pitar. JBKG LEAVE co iufurra my cu-jtotnerN and tho public gen rally triu, I am etil! at (in* Hilllltl |*l tCO, with H gOU'J till 1 HU til i‘‘D UUillOOi Ol tVOIKtII-Jll cO <Jo llllv aUU UU AuldiJ Oi Work iu my iiuc. 1 wid u Ooiotoiore keep uu a*ottc.'uut ot Iron Bolts, Plows, Buggy and Wagon Materials On hand and for sa'c at reasoiniblo prioos. New w*>pjits and Htijrgies M ut up jr Mil onus Repai cd attl Repainted and made to look as Well a* no*. I make Hnrso Olioumg a'pecialitv. A good 6n our has tong becu necdod 11, LuibViilo—*| can G i tho bill Give u:e a tria. in ihi* uopartmuut. I shall keep cou-lantly on hand a goo J snpp y. from th bist Mahufacttirers. of Fino, .Rosewood, Mahogany, and Black Walaut BTJBI A L CASES, ■ CP /.IS* f3123C 1875. PROSPECTUS 1876 □THE Wews S& Famep Published Evary Thursday X IT ILoixisvllle, Ga. J~3 “!?“ ROBERTS Sxt 80Y33. KIMTOItS AND PROPKITORS. The price of iption is on'y Two Dollars P SI AMMCM I.V ;.DVAA€E. Tie pr [irietors a e det>r iii.i>‘>l to mike the piper rank amonj; g i><s: vve> kis of ihe Suite. Spe< ill atien iort will be publ to PRESS, LOCAL AND COUNTY NI.WS AB¥IftfIBIIS v>ill find iho J%'JE IPS' $ FARMER A i Exc ■ ioLt Medititn through which to fet their w ants he kuoTvn, Our ittes re. ;ts Che ip as any paper in M iidle Georgia. JOB WOBK Ivotteii up in Criiod Style Af Short Notice and at Low Prices. 11. P. BICKFORD J /.V Doors, stashes, Blinds Sash Boors Store Doors White stud Yellow Pine MonUlinss W\LNUT and PINE BALUSTERS SASH WEIGHTS & CORD, HHAD cIDE LIGHTS, BLIND TUIMMI.'GS, NEWEL POSTS, 109 & 171 Bay Streci, Suvannali (jJsi Angr. 13. H 74 f; m — ls Dr. J. Walkers California Vin egar Billers are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the nativ, herbs found on the lower ranges rtf tlfS Sier ra Nevada inonntnins of California, the medicinal properties of which are extract ed therefrom without the use of AlcolibT. The question ia almost daily asked, “What is the cause of the on parr lloled success ot ViNECUB BtTTEita?” Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. They are the' great blood purifier and a life-giving prin ciple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history" of the world has a medicine been com pounded possessing the remarkable qual ities of Vi keg Ait in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They; re a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, reliev ing Congestion c Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, iu Bilious Dis eases. If men will enjoy good health, lot them use Yinegah as a medicine, acd avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants in eve.rv form. No Person van take theso Biilerj Recording to direetjovs. and remain long • unwell, provided tlieir bom s ara not dr I Btroyod by mineral poison pvodier rneHns. ■ and vital organs vested beyond repcK ® jlrsitoflll r lh(i;is:uids proclaim '> •: oak Brrrmta tire JiioM wonderful Tnvie>:v ant that ever sustained the sinking ,sv; DlHoiiv, Remit Ofil, ri M j Gt : Foy-J-is. wliWi arc e "v - it. in the valleys of our great rivers 11-routd, out the United Siab s, rstvci-lly }!•••• < ! the Mississippi, Ohio, Maco n’. ] K. .-i< T-nnoßßee, Cumbeu-land, All snsjut. Red Colorado, Bvazou, Rio Grar,do, Pear!, W banta, Mobile. Savannah, Roanoke. ,T;- aud many others, with their vast tribr. series, throughout our entire co- utrvsh:: mg the tiumnier and Autumn, and rt iaa: i ably so during seasons of unusual heat an : dryness, are invariably -tcc-oia; timed l>v ry tensive derange:'.;ersis of the stoinach’ and liver, and other abdominal viscera. -1 a the,? treatment, a purgative, exerting a ; owerivl influence upon tiiese various organs, ■ eseentially necessary. There ino cat hr tie for tlio purpose equal to I tuJ.W/.ue u VINEG/.At BITTEiIS, tIS they M ’ll spigi y move the dark-colored viscid matter Vi n which the-bowels are loaded, nt the > . ;n true stimulating the secretions of tIV liver, and generally restoring tl,c fucctious of 1.1:0 direetlv'e or—an •. l)ysjK'ssia or Hoai ache,Bam in tLoShoulders,Bought, iig .c --ness of the Chest Dissiness, Sour Ernctu lions of the Stomach, Bad Taste in ti. Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of thr Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Paii in the region of the Kidneys, and a hun dred other painful svm; torus, are the off springs of Dyspepsia, One bottle wiil prove a better guoruuice of its merits than a lengthy ndverUsement. ScraS'iilti, or I*.h:g\ I’vil, VGiite, Swellings, Ulcers, Eryaipel l .?, SvWled’ Veck, Goitre, ticrofnlons liiflammnlions. Indolent Inljuinniaiions, Idcr>. nt-iai AtTec tiena, Old Sores, Eruptions ot the Skin. Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In theio, ml other constitutional Diseases, WAi.KiaV' Vineoak have shown their ; na corative powers ju the most obstinate tin i intractable cases. lor liillnHiHiatory s-ml Clironie Ilht'lUltttf islit, Oout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the' Blood, Liver, Kidneys, end Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. fSueii Di.,eases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechilllirill Dim lit l*s.— Persona en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-boa;era, and Miners, as tWv advance iu life, are ,'tir .cet to paraly sis of the Bum els. 'Jfo gti.-y-.'. this, take a dose of nVaUveh a Vinkgau But, ns occasionally. For Skin Disrascs, Eruptions,Tettei) Salt ltlieum, Blotches, Spot", Pimples' Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, ltinpvi-oitus. Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipeias, i icii, Scurfs, Discolorations of flu S-tn. clamors aud Diseases of the Skin cf wiiut, vi vuaine Or nature, are literally dug up aind carried out of the system in a slio.i time by use of I liesc Bitters. Viii, Tujio, mill oilier lVorms,huk-' ing in the ay stem of so many thousands, in effectually destroyed and removed. 7 system of medicine, no vermifuges, j anthcimiuitics, will free the Sj stem iron worms like these Billtrs l'or F einaie l oiitiilaiiil*, in young or old, imu-ried or single, at tho dawn of Womaniiood or ..iC turn of life, these Tonic liilters display so decided an influence mat improvement is soon perceptible. .lilimdliT. —In all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not aoiug its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the oocreiion of the bilo and lavor its removal. !or this purpose uso Vineoak BiTrEiis. • tieuuse utf Viti itod lllotwl when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, ur Bores; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish iu the veins; cleans* it when it is foul; your loeliugs wid teh you xvlion. Inc ) tJio blood th6 ncidtli of the sy-tem will follow. K. 1. McIMIMU) * CO WRintA Hail oiiiK-ml Agents, ton ftnuemeo. ,;i, au.l coi. Washmat'■ • sua ClwiltuuSt , New Vrk bV aif auU mmalpr^ iT-bCAIiSi fet p W Enys*.7“ *-uk i. f.Kiaen vX n *?t-i OR*L|p Id ?■ ''■ ' r 1 */. ICdLc^ I'jTr.CTKriONJALB FHOM rONVA./HK Vf*AS AXO